Sports and entertainment activities dedicated to the city day “Happy Birthday, Moscow!”

Summary of entertainment “My City”

Entertainment "My City"

Bavli 2018

Program content:

Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about their native

the city and its attractions. Systematize knowledge about the symbols of the city.

To form the concept of “small homeland”.

Develop cognitive interests and a sense of patriotism.

Preliminary work.

Conversation about your hometown, looking at albums about your hometown, reading books, memorizing poetry.


slides depicting monuments of the city of Bavly,

didactic game “Collect a coat of arms”, “Choose words-decorations: what is our city?”

Progress of the lesson:


Good afternoon, dear guests!


In the morning the sun rises, calling us outside. I leave the house: “Hello, my street!”


I sing and in silence the birds sing along with me. The grass whispers to me on the way: “Grow quickly, my friend!”


I answer the herbs, I answer the wind, I answer the sun: - Hello, my Motherland!


Each of us has a homeland. What is the name of our homeland?




Yes, our homeland is a big country, Russia. Guys, there is also our small homeland, that corner of the earth where we were born, where our home is, where our friends and family live. This is our small homeland - the city in which we live.

— What is the name of our city?


Our city Bavly


Guys, do you want to know how our city came into being?

Teacher's story.

“Many years ago, on the site of our city there was a dense forest, and then strong and brave people - geologists - came to these lands. They studied minerals. And they took water from a nearby river, and noticed that the water in the river was sweet. Large trees grew along the banks, in the hollows of which bees lived and honey flowed into the river. And they named our river “Bally Elga”, translated as “Honey River”. And when a settlement arose near the river, they gave it the name Bavly.


There are a lot of cities in our country. Is there any distinctive sign, symbolism of our city?


Coat of arms


Well done boys. That's right, it's a coat of arms.

(Opens a slide with an image of the coat of arms of the city of Bavla).

Who will tell you about the coat of arms of our city?


The silver belt is similar to a kokoshnik - a Russian headdress for women, signifying the Slavic peoples living in Bavly, together with a tulip flower - this is an ornament of the Tatar people symbolizing the unity of Tatarstan and Russia.

The sprout of a plant on a tulip symbolizes life and youth. Golden ears of wheat indicate that it is grown in our area, and a black fountain of oil indicates its production. The sun rising from behind the mountains indicates that the Bavlinians are the first in Tatarstan to greet the dawn.

Didactic game “Collect a coat of arms”


has attractions, these are beautiful places and monuments where people like to come to relax, admire, they are shown to guests.

Guys, let's take a tour of our city.

(The second slide opens with a picture of a kindergarten)


Did you find out what kind of building this is?


This is our kindergarten.


Yes guys, this is our kindergarten. What do we do in kindergarten?


We play, walk, read.


And this is also our homeland, here you spend a lot of time.

Guys, do you love your city? What is he like?

Game choose decoration words: what is our city?


What other sights of our city do you know?


Park, lovers' square, fountain, monument to Fanis Yarullin, etc.


(A slide opens with an image of a monument to the soldier-liberator)

Here you see a monument to the soldiers who defended their Motherland from enemies during

during the Great Patriotic War. This monument is dedicated to your great-grandparents who defended our country from invaders.


May the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the menacing guns be silent

And the machine guns don’t fire.

So that people and cities can live...

Peace is always needed on earth!”


Who wants to add? Who else knows about this monument?



(A slide opens with an image of the eternal flame and steles to the heroes of the Soviet Union)


Look. Here there are lists of dead soldiers who defended our Motherland from the Nazis. People come here and thank you for your feat, bringing flowers to the eternal flame. This is Victory Square.


Now I will introduce you to the monument to the oil workers of our city.

(A slide opens with an image of oil workers and an oil gusher)

Look what you see here?


Fountain of oil. Oil workers.


. Glory to the oil workers

And glory to the builders forever!

The city is being built, the city is expanding, -

Our man serves the Motherland!


I also want to talk about the park that the oil workers built. Our city is very decorated with this beautiful corner, which is located next to our kindergarten.

Teacher's story.


What would you like to see our city like, what would you like to wish it?


. Answers.

Game "Build a house"


With this I would like to conclude the tour of our beloved city.

Wherever a person lives, he always remembers his small homeland!

And for us this is the city of Bavly!

Are we happy living here?


. Yes

To the cheerful melody of “If Life Is Fun,” the children stand in a circle.

Thematic club hour “Novorossiysk is my city”

Elena Lysenkova

Thematic club hour “Novorossiysk is my city”

Educator: Lysenkova E.V.

Thematic club hour Novorossiysk is my city


• Clarify ideas about Novorossiysk as a hometown , systematize knowledge about city squares , streets, parks

• Continue to introduce the history of your hometown , the city’s , attractions,

• To form an understanding of the expression “small Motherland”

; cultivate civic-patriotic feelings

• Introduce famous compatriots - scientists, artists, athletes who have glorified their hometown with their activities ; foster respect and pride for the achievements of their fellow countrymen

• Form an image of a port city ; expand ideas about city ; based on the extraction of minerals located in the bowels of the city .

• Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different nationalities living in the city , develop communication skills.

Equipment: yellow lock, chest with chocolate coins (each group according to the number of its children, pictures of Keys - outline and colored on self-adhesive, video screensaver Sudzhuk Fortress. Did. Games: - “Dress the doll”
(national costume of the nations living in
the city ) ;
“Industry of
the city " by cut pictures;
of the city " by the type of couple. Material for application: yellow cardboard, wavy black strip of paper, coat of arms of
Novorossiysk . In the gym - soccer balls, goals.

Before the start of the club hour, children are gathered in the music room.

“Guys, as you know, in ancient times, on the territory of our city of Novorossiysk there was a Turkish fortress of Sudzhuk and archaeologists discovered an ancient chest during excavations. To open it we need a key. They found it too, but the trouble is, the key is so old that it crumbled into small fragments. And our strong wind Nord-Ost blew them away. If you want to open the chest and find out what kind of treasures lie there, you guys need to each work hard and complete some task. Upon successful completion of the tasks, everyone will receive a fragment from the key. And when all the pieces are collected, we can open the chest. We wish you success!”

Children receive a group token, which they can exchange for another within an hour. Children run in groups to complete tasks.

1) average No. 9

History of the Novorossiysk flag – Application – city

2) senior No. 7

Slideshow City

D. And
“Collect a picture”

3) senior No. 8

Dolls in the national costumes of the peoples living in the city . Did. Game "Dress the doll"

4) preparatory No. 6

Memorable places city D. And “Paired Pictures”

city ​​monuments .
5) gym.

"The stadium "Trud"

- school match, pass into the goal.

After completing the task, each child receives a puzzle piece that must be assembled in the hall. At the end of the game, the children gather in the hall again, see that the key has been collected, open the chest, there are chocolate coins. Each child receives a coin and returns to the groups.

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