Master class on fairy tale therapy with elements of training for educators

Master class on fairy tale therapy with elements of training for educators

Ksenia Mikhaleva

Master class on fairy tale therapy with elements of training for educators

Theoretical part.

Fairy tale therapy or fairy tale

is a new young movement in applied psychology, which is widely used by doctors, psychologists and teachers.
The advantage of fairy tale therapy is educators this method independently. After all, children love to listen to fairy tales .
It is especially important to use fairy tale therapy for preschoolers . After all, it is suitable for all children and can help overcome various problems in a child’s life.

What are the benefits of fairytale therapy for preschoolers ?

Fairytale therapy is great for both younger and older preschoolers. Depending on the tasks, different forms of fairy tale therapy . Its benefits are as follows:

• helps to find a way out of a problematic situation (difficulties in relationships with parents, peers, etc.)


• expands the child’s knowledge about himself and the world around him;

• enriches inner world with spiritual and moral values;

• corrects behavior and speech development;

• stimulates psychophysical and emotional development.

The essence of fairy tale therapy is that a child or an adult composes a fairy tale that reflects the difficulties that the child has encountered, and then finds ways to solve them.

Types of fairy tales for preschoolers that are used in fairy tale therapy

• folk or artistic fairy tale – provides spiritual and moral education , creates feelings of mutual assistance, empathy, duty, sympathy, etc.;

• educational or educational fairy tale – expands the child’s knowledge about the surrounding space, rules of behavior in various life situations;

• diagnostic fairy tale – helps to determine the child’s character and reveals his attitude to the world;

• psychological fairy tale – together with the hero, the child learns to overcome his fears, failures and gain confidence in his abilities.

There are many ready-made examples of fairy tales for preschoolers used in fairy tale therapy . But the most effective will be a fairy tale composed by parents.

Scheme of a therapeutic tale

• selection of a hero (similar to a child)


• description of the hero's life;

• placing the hero in a problematic situation (by analogy with a child’s problem)


• the hero searches and finds a way out.

with the fairy tale after reading it. There can be a lot of methods for exciting joint work in fairy tale therapy

Options for working with a fairy tale

• draw, sculpt or express a fairy tale in the form of an application ;

• make your own doll based on the fairy tale ;

• stage a fairy tale in the form of a tabletop theater.

Tips for organizing children's fairy tale therapy

• simply reading a fairy tale is not therapy ; you should act out the fairy tale , draw conclusions, etc.;

• you should not interpret the moral of the fairy tale ;

• more humor;

• the content of the fairy tale should be understandable to the child.

So, if the baby is capricious a lot, to achieve his goal, you should tell him a fairy tale , where there is a hero who does not cry, does not scream, but achieves his goal in positive ways, with the help of requests, polite words, etc.

But just telling a fairy tale is not enough . It is imperative to discuss it with the child, play with it, analyze the advantages of the new behavioral model and draw conclusions. of a fairy tale for a while , reincarnate into him in his imagination. Then the new style of behavior will be learned. Fairytale therapy unobtrusively , in a gentle way, affects the psyche of children, cultivating in them character traits with a plus sign: will, optimism, determination, perseverance, etc.

Each group of fairy tales has its own age audience. Children 3-5 years old most understand and relate to fairy tales about animals and fairy tales about the interaction between people and animals. At this age, children often identify themselves with animals and easily transform into them, copying their behavior.

Starting from the age of 5, the child identifies himself mainly with human characters: Princes, Princesses, Soldiers, etc. The older the child gets, the more pleasure he reads stories and fairy tales about people , because these stories contain a story about how a person knows the world. From about 5-6 years old, the child prefers fairy tales .

For example, a fairy tale about a clock .

“Once upon a time, in a distant country, there lived a watchmaker . He made many watches during his life. But he kept the ones he liked most for himself. And so a whole family of clocks settled in his house: the Pendulum, the Cuckoo Clock and the small one (s).

Alarm clock
(s) (list your family members)
the watchmaker himself checked the time using it .
The pendulum was always in a hurry to get to work; it had to count seconds, minutes, hours. The cuckoo clock was also often busy - after all, the cuckoo urgently needed to convey all the latest news to other cuckoos, from other houses, and also to monitor the house. And by the way, no one freed her from work - counting the time. And little Alarm Clock was sometimes bored and even sad. Why do you think little Alarm Clock was sometimes even sad? One day."

What kind of fairy tale ? Did the Alarm Clock do something destructive to distract the Pendulum and the Cuckoo Clock from their affairs and worries? Did the plot take a different direction? Well, good, that means the baby doesn’t have any special problems with lack of attention.

The main practical part.

Presenter: Today I want to start our meeting with each participant in a circle saying his name, and then some fairy-tale hero starting with the first letter of his name.

There is probably no person who does not love fairy tales .

And who else, if not us, by the nature of our profession, should live next to a fairy tale ! Now I invite you to remember that fairy tale that you really liked as a child, and take turns presenting your fairy tale . Why did you love her (or why did you love her, what do you remember most about her?

(Participants in a circle for 2-3 minutes each present their favorite fairy tales .)

Before reading a fairy tale a recording of calm music is turned on.

Presenter: Now close your eyes. Imagine that you are going on a trip. You have traveled to many countries and met different people.

And then one day you were driving through a field. Butterflies and dragonflies flew around. The bees were buzzing - they were collecting honey. The birds were singing - they were happy that you were driving through their field. It smelled of flowers and fresh strawberries. And then on the hill you saw the Beautiful Palace. Something inside told you that it was very important for you to go there. And you headed along the road leading to the Palace.

When you entered the Palace, you were amazed by its beauty. Everything here was comfortable and beautiful. It’s as if someone built this Palace especially for you. And you realized that in this Palace you will find something very important for yourself. You walked around the Palace with your easy and confident gait.

Imagine walking along it and finding what you want.

Everything that you have found for yourself in this Beautiful Palace remains with you, and you will take it with you when you return. Now you take a deep breath and exhale. Take with you all the good things that happened to you. And slowly opening your eyes, come back to us.

a Fairytale Land (collage)
Presenter: Now I suggest you take all the good things that you acquired during your trip and create our common Fairytale Land . All the magical materials you need can be found here on the table.”

The group is invited to use magazine clippings, colored paper, plasticine, paints, markers , pencils and other materials to create a collage Fairytale Land

. Participants are given 30 minutes to create a collage.

Presenter: What a wonderful country you have created! Each of you contributed a piece of your warmth, your soul to its creation. Now let's come up with a name for our Fairytale Land . To do this, add the initial letters of your names and create one new name. This will be the name of our Fairytale Land .

Participants can write the initial letter of their name on the card themselves, or these cards are given ready-made. In the first case, you can create greater variability in the image of letters. If the total number of initial letters is dominated by consonants (vowels), you can invite participants to choose a different version of their name and thereby take a different letter.

Presenter: Well, now we have our own Fairytale Land , in the name of which is a piece of every name of those present here.

A discussion is held. The following questions can be asked:

• What feelings did you experience during the creation of Fairytale Land ?

• Was it difficult to get involved in general activities? If so, why?

• Are you satisfied with your job?

• Does anyone want to change anything about the resulting composition?


Listening to a story or fairy tale , a child, on the one hand, identifies himself with the hero, on the other hand, does not forget that the hero of a fairy tale is a fictional character. Stories allow the child to feel that he is not alone in his experiences, that other children experience the same emotions when they find themselves in similar situations. This has a calming effect.

Fairytale therapy is a wonderful , exciting way that will help your children solve age-related problems. Good luck on your fairytale journey !

Fairytale therapy consultation for teachers.

One day Pavlik and his mother went to a toy store to buy blocks with letters. There were all sorts of cars there that Pavlik liked. He began asking to buy a typewriter. But mom didn’t buy it! Pavlik didn’t want to leave the store without the machine, he cried, screamed and rested his feet, clutching the counter with his hands.

But mom still didn’t buy the car. She was very angry with Pavlik, and in the evening she complained to dad that Pavlik was being capricious. Dad got upset and didn’t play with the boy after dinner. Pavlik was bored all evening. After watching the program “Good night, kids!”, he lay down in his crib. Pavlik closed his eyes for a minute, and when he opened them, he saw that a large toy hare was sitting on the rug in the middle of the room and smiling at him. The boy was surprised and asked:

- Who are you?

- I am the Good Magic Hare! — the bunny answered importantly. - And you?

- I'm Pavlik.

- Pavlik, why are you so sad?

— My mother didn’t buy me a car in the store. I cried throughout the store, but she still didn’t buy it.

- Poor Pavlik! You don't have a single toy car! - the Hare said with pity in his voice. Pavlik felt funny because he had a lot of them.

- Well, what are you talking about! Look how many cars I have!

- Then why did you yell at the whole store?

- I wanted a new one.

- New? Are these all old already? — the Hare was surprised.

- Of course not. I just want a new one! And when I want something, my mother says that I’m being capricious! - said Pavlik.

- Do you want to be capricious? - asked the Hare.

“No, of course,” Pavlik answered.

- I am a very wise Hare! I'll teach you what to do! - And he taught. Only they spoke in a whisper, and no one but them heard this conversation.

The next time Mom and Pavlik went to the toy store to buy a gift for the neighbor’s girl Natasha’s birthday, Pavlik again wanted a new car. He asked his mother:

- Mom, please buy me a car!

- No, Pavlik! - Mom answered. - You have a lot of cars. We'll buy it next time.

Pavlik was just about to cry, but remembered what the Hare had said. The Good Magic Hare said that before you cry, you need to think. Pavlik began to think. And he thought like this: “I want a new car. Mom doesn't want to buy it. What should I do? To cry or not to cry? No! I won't cry. I actually have a lot of cars. Mom said she'll buy it next time! I'll wait!" Then Pavlik asked: “Mom, will you definitely buy it next time?” "Yes!" - Mom answered. Pavlik did not cry or get upset! Why be upset? They will soon come to the store again, and mom will definitely buy him a car! He will play with old cars too! While mom was looking for a gift for Natasha, Pavlik was choosing the car that they would buy him next time. He was in a great mood, he was very pleased and proud of himself: “What a big and capricious boy he is already! He knows how to endure and wait!”

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