Traffic crafts - themed crafts for kindergarten and school with your own hands (95 photos and videos)

Craft material

A lot of experience has been accumulated in such games. If you look at the photos of traffic crafts, you can see that making them is not difficult.

Parents will help children at home, and teachers will help children in child care institutions. Anything is suitable as a raw material: colored and white paper, cardboard, boxes, plastic bottles and their caps, old CDs, plasticine, toothpicks, tape. You will also need pencils, markers, paints, brushes, glue, and scissors.


One of the main tasks of traffic rules is to teach a child to cross the roadway correctly. In this direction, crafts on the theme “Transition” play an important role. They include a pedestrian zebra crossing, a traffic light, and a corresponding road sign.

In a private home, country house, kindergarten or school, such a craft for children can be made in the yard. It is necessary to highlight the place where the child most often crosses the main, concrete or asphalt path. Here, markings in the form of white stripes (“zebra”) are applied directly to its surface with acrylic paint.

Traffic lights are installed on both sides of the crossing. They can be made in different ways. A simple option is to use plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters. You should choose a darker container (brown or black). The transparent bottle will have to be coated with black paint (varnish). 2 or 3 circles are cut out in the eggplant. In a pedestrian traffic light, 2 holes are enough, and in a car - 3. Opposite each hole, a light bulb from a flashlight is fixed, connected to a battery and equipped with a separate button to turn it on. The holes are covered with colored glass or other transparent material of the desired shade (for pedestrian traffic lights, red and green are chosen, and for automobile traffic lights, yellow is added). Using a button, the child lights the desired light bulb, allowing or prohibiting passage. The craft is decorated from the neck side and installed on the pipe. It can be dug into the ground or made portable.

Where to start

It is important to create a scenario that involves you in the creative process, and then working together will become useful and educational. Gradually, the child will remember the norms and realize that:

  • At the “Pedestrian crossing” arrow, you must not let your guard down;
  • First you need to make sure that all transport has stopped;
  • when walking, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right;
  • It is forbidden to play near the road, even if it is in the yard.

A game

To test your knowledge of traffic rules, you can create a portable game.

  1. We create a playing field with houses, signs and pedestrian crossings.
  2. We are thinking through interesting tasks that a pedestrian who finds himself at one point or another in the game will need to do.
  3. We select pedestrian characters of the game.
  4. Cut and glue the cube for the game. If you still have the old one, even better.

Now let's go!

At what age to start

Even a small child can make DIY traffic crafts from paper or cardboard. This process not only develops hand motor skills and spatial imagination, but also brings new information.

For example, by drawing or gluing together a traffic light, a child will remember the colors of the lanterns, and with the help of an adult’s explanations, he will learn that red signals danger and one must stand, yellow means readiness, and one can go only when the light turns green.

How to make a traffic light

There are many options for manufacturing. It can be made in the form of a paper or plasticine applique on a landscape sheet or on a tube from a toilet paper roll, or on a box, for example, from a juice box.

Any available or junk means will do. A little imagination is enough to arouse the interest of a child. And then the vital rules will be remembered quickly.

Idea No. 1. Traffic light

The first thing every child should know is traffic signals. Making such a craft is not difficult at all and quite quickly.

We will use environmentally friendly materials that are accessible to everyone.

So, to make a traffic light with your own hands we will need:

  • colored paper in red, yellow and green;
  • A4 sheet;
  • PVA glue (we used a glue stick, it is more convenient for gluing paper);
  • scissors;
  • an empty rectangular box (in our case, toothpaste);
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • an awl or other tool to pierce a hole in the box;
  • a compass or round object for drawing circles (we took a cream lid;
  • balloon leg (optional).

Next, on a sheet of paper with a simple pencil, mark lines in accordance with the dimensions of the box.

We used a white sheet, but in the end we thought that gray paper would work well - it would make the traffic light more realistic. For young children who find it difficult to draw, you can prepare templates in advance.

Using scissors, we cut out the future “wrapper” of the traffic light, which we will later cover the box with.

Carefully bend the workpiece along the lines so that the corners of the craft are smooth and beautiful.

Lubricate the paper with glue and connect it to the box.

At the base of the body of the future traffic light, mark with a pencil the location of the hole for the leg and pierce it with an awl.

This is necessary if you want to be able to install a traffic light. If you intend for the toy to only hang on the tree, then attach a loop at the top instead.

Next you need to make red, yellow and green circles.

Glue them in the correct sequence onto the body.

We install a leg with a round base into the hole made. We had a balloon leg on hand.

In principle, any stick is suitable for this function, and a stable base can be fashioned from plasticine.

You don’t have to stop there and glue one circle in the color of the traffic light on each side of the traffic light. This addition will be especially relevant if the toy hangs on the Christmas tree. When you turn a traffic light, a certain light will seem to “turn on”, and the child will explain what it means.

How to make a road with a barrier

To do this, you will need to cut a strip of black paper of the required width and glue it onto a piece of cardboard with PVA glue. Cut out barriers from the boxes, wrap them in white paper and paint them with red stripes.

We recommend reading:

  • Craft bullfinch: detailed description of how to make a bird with your own hands (115 photos)

  • Crafts from vegetables: 100 photos of the best crafts for children and a review of recipes for adults
  • Craft ship: 120 photos, templates, drawings and step-by-step instructions on how to make a boat

Attach to the sides. Make markings depending on the type of traffic: single-lane or two-lane. Draw and display signs. Toy cars will complement the picture.

Interest turns into knowledge

Crafts for little ones are easy to make. They are made in the form of a three-dimensional object or a flat figure.

Drawing road crossing strips together with children and placing special signs on “paper streets” will help to convey to children the law about moving across roads in strictly designated areas.

When drawing sidewalks, you should explain that they are for people only, and that you should walk on them keeping to the right. During the game, learning occurs naturally and naturally.

Wall newspaper

This is an incomparable visual aid. It is issued together with children at school by the teacher who supervises work on traffic rules. To keep information up to date, it is recommended to release it once every two weeks. Here you can create various sections, reflecting information about traffic rules competitions and the work of the team of Young Traffic Inspectors. You can place a certain historical educational program on traffic rules.

The history of flicker, traffic lights and road signs will certainly attract the attention of many. Young intellectuals may be interested in a crossword puzzle or a chain word on traffic rules. Photos of non-standard road signs from other countries will inspire you to become more familiar with your own. The main thing is to involve children in learning and observing the Rules of the Road. And for this, all means are good!

Master class on making wall newspapers. It can be stationary with changing sections or completely changing. Let's consider the stationary option.

The format A 1-Whatman paper is best used for wall newspapers. 1. We measure its dimensions. 2. A sheet of plywood is taken and processed in such a way as to create a stand with the specified parameters. 3. Take whatman paper and mark the place for the main heading and headings. 4. We design the wall newspaper according to the developed plan. 5. Using a screwdriver, attach the brackets on which the stand will hang to the plywood. 6. Take the buttons and attach the wall newspaper to the stand. All is ready!

Such a wall newspaper can always be easily updated. And if it is published on a schedule by a changing editorial board, then readers will never get tired of it with its sameness. And if you hold a competition of similar wall newspapers between classes at school, then the work on studying traffic rules will be in full swing all year, which will affect the reduction in accident rates. After all, where traffic rules are taught in this way, children get into fewer accidents! Making traffic lights, signs, and wall newspapers can be combined with learning poems, songs, reading stories, and watching cartoons on traffic rules. This way information is remembered much faster and better.

Road signs

For older children, road safety crafts are used to introduce road symbols. They are easy to prepare. After drawing on paper, cut out, glue on cardboard and make a base for them from tubes and circles.

We recommend reading:
  • Crafts weapons - step-by-step instructions for making dummies of weapons with your own hands (105 photos + video)
  • Crafts of the symbol of 2022: New Year's crafts and tips for choosing a holiday theme (90 photos)

  • Crafts: the second life of things: ideas for creating beautiful crafts from old things (95 photos)

Such material will help classify signs. The first ones carry information, the second ones make warnings, and the third ones issue a ban.

Layout for introducing children to traffic rules in the middle group

Svetlana Agafonova

Layout for introducing children to traffic rules in the middle group

I present to your attention a model for introducing middle school children to the rules of the road. As always, there are a lot of layouts Next week we will have a themed week on traffic rules. In our group we have games based on traffic rules , but there is no layout . The idea came to make a model to familiarize children with traffic rules .

I used cardboard measuring 135x45 cm as a basis.

I marked the road on cardboard and painted it with black gouache. After the gouache has dried, you can varnish it so that children do not get dirty later when playing with the model . To make a border you will need to glue a second layer of cardboard from pieces, as in the photo. Cover the edges of the cardboard with paper.

I painted the borders alternating white and black. I decorated the borders near the house in yellow and green. I planted shrubs along the border near the house (I used artificial grass)

and trees will be planted later.
Now all that remains is to mark the road. The dividing solid stripe, zebra, is made of white adhesive tape. The yellow rectangles (approaches)
at the zebra are designed for people with disabilities
. On the right, at the end of the road, I made an underground passage.

Well, now you need to do it at home. Houses are made from boxes of different sizes.

In order to give the boxes the appearance of a residential building, we find on the Internet and print out windows of whatever shape and size you want, doors, house cladding (stone, brick, etc.)

You can also find something for the roof. We glue the boxes.

We paint houses and make a roof out of cardboard. We make different roof shapes. You can also select roofing materials on the Internet.

The houses are ready, the road is ready, road signs need to be made. I printed out the signs on the Internet and glued them onto colored cardboard. Then I glued the signs onto toothpicks (legs)

.The base was made from plasticine.

Almost everything is ready, all that remains is to put everything in its place.

Well, everything is arranged!

The layout is ready to familiarize children with traffic rules.

We have a middle group , so we will talk with the children about the traffic light, its purpose, the pedestrian crossing, the underground passage, the sidewalk, and we will get acquainted with traffic signs. We'll ask riddles, watch Aunt Owl's traffic lessons, and play with the model .

traffic rules in your group, Of course, you will spend time making a model , but you will see how children will be drawn to this model , they will play, and while playing, they will remember the traffic rules.

I wish you success!

Behavior in transport

It is important to teach how to behave correctly in and out of transport. The behavior model is formed during the game with a layout made up of streets, cars, buses, and stops. The little people are molded from plasticine or salt dough.

The child will get a fun idea of ​​how to get on and off the bus correctly, so that in practice the information will be consolidated and gradually become a habit.

Consultation for educators “Using a model to study traffic rules in preschool educational institutions”

Chernysheva Lyudmila

Consultation for educators “Using a model to study traffic rules in preschool educational institutions”

The purpose of the layout: to form the basis for safe behavior of children on the road; prevention of child road traffic injuries.

This model was made by hand. It is a game visual aid for studying traffic rules and road safety for preschoolers.

The layout includes movable elements: figures of different types of transport, traffic lights, road signs, figures of people to play out various scenes.

The layout can be used for individual work with children, as well as for independent children's activities. The layout is stable, easily moved from place to place, serves for a long time and can be available to preschoolers for play at any time.

A layout is an element that organizes an object environment for playing with small toys. It acts as a “trigger” that promotes the development of imagination and children’s creativity, where the teacher, without directly participating in the game, acts as a creator of problem-game situations and an assistant in the implementation of game plans.

Basic concepts and terms for traffic rules:

(we study on the model)

• Street is a part of a city or town with a road, road signs, pedestrian crossings, houses and institutions, schools, kindergartens, etc.

• Road is the part of the street along which cars move, as well as sidewalks, curbs, and median strips.

• The carriageway is the part of the road intended for traffic. The roadway can be one-way (cars move only in one direction) or two-way (cars move in different directions, the boundaries of which are marked by dividing stripes.

• One-way traffic - traffic moves in one direction.

• Two-way traffic - traffic moves in two opposite directions.

• Sidewalk is a part of the road intended for pedestrian traffic, adjacent to the roadway.

• Vehicle - a vehicle designed to transport people and cargo.

• Driver is the person driving the vehicle.

• Pedestrian is a person walking on the sidewalk, side of the road, or crossing the street.

• Road participant - an adult or child who is directly involved in traffic as a pedestrian or driver of a vehicle.

• Pedestrian crossing - a place designated for crossing the street.

• Traffic light - a device for regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians across the road.

• Road signs - signs regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roadway.

• An intersection is a place where two roads intersect, regulated by a traffic light.

To play with the layout we use didactic games:


Goal: To introduce children to the rules of the road for drivers.

Brief description: The teacher tells in a playful way where and how the cars should move. And then he asks to show on a model how drivers behave on the road while driving cars?


Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the road and the rules of behavior on it.

Brief description: The teacher asks you to show on a model how pedestrians behave on the road? Children pick up human figures. They are pedestrians. Pedestrians cross the road at a zebra crossing or move along the sidewalk. The teacher monitors the correctness of answers and appropriate actions.

"Fulfill the assignment"

Goal: complete the assignment while following safety rules.

Short description: The game is like going to the hospital, visiting or shopping. At the same time, the child tells how he will move. The teacher monitors the correctness of answers and appropriate actions.

"Traffic light"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about transport and pedestrian traffic lights and their signals.

Preliminary conversation: What types of traffic lights do you know? What do traffic lights mean? What do pedestrian traffic lights mean?

Progress of the game: Turn on the traffic light on the model. Cars and pedestrians move according to the signals of their traffic lights. The teacher monitors the correct actions of pedestrians and drivers.

"Types of transport"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about types of urban transport (passenger, cargo, special purpose)

Preliminary conversation: Recall the characteristic differences between different types of transport (land, water, air, underground); What type of transport is urban transport? Why?

Brief description: The teacher invites the children to arrange the car figures into groups according to some characteristic (What does it transport? What does it move on? What does it work on? By the presence of special sound signals and beacons).

"Guess the transport"

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about transport, the ability to recognize objects by description; develop ingenuity, quick thinking and speech activity.

Material: transport figures.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks the children riddles about types of transport. The first child to guess what kind of transport is being discussed in the riddle gets a figurine. Whoever has the most vehicles at the end of the game is the winner.

"Our street"

Goal: To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the constituent elements of the street (road, houses, trees, roadway, sidewalk, etc.) Developing children’s attention.

Progress of the game: Children examine the layout and list the constituent elements of our street. Children accompany their answers by showing them on a model.

"Find a Safe Path"

Goal: to consolidate the rules of the road and behavior on the road; develop thinking, memory, attention, expand vocabulary.

Preparing for the game: The teacher asks the children: - Is it possible to cross the street everywhere? — What signs indicate that it is allowed to cross the street in this place? — Where and why should you look at the beginning of a street crossing? — Where and why should you look in the middle of a street along which cars are driving in both directions? — What does a pedestrian crossing sign look like and what does it warn about? — Why was a zebra drawn on the road?

Progress of the game: Children look for signs on the model that allow or prohibit crossing the street. They role-play various situations on the model.

"Put up a road sign"

Goal: To learn to distinguish road signs and designate the corresponding places with them (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Transmission prohibited”, “Gas station”, etc.) To develop attention and spatial orientation skills.

Brief description: Children are invited to look at the layout and place the necessary road signs, explaining their meaning.

"Peak hour"

Purpose: to check how children remember the rules of the road. Develop intelligence, thinking, attention. Cultivate friendly understanding and the ability to get along with each other.

Brief description: Children-drivers and children-pedestrians play at the same time, all the figures of the layout participate in the game. A tense situation is created - traffic jams on the road, more pedestrians. The task is not to break the rules and not quarrel with each other.

"What happens if…"

Goal: find out why traffic rules are needed, why it is important for both drivers and pedestrians to follow them; learn to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and develop logical thinking.

Brief description: Various traffic situations suggested by children or the teacher are played out:

-What will happen if all the road signs are removed from the road?

-What will happen if pedestrians start crossing the street wherever they want?

-What will happen if the driver does not know what awaits him ahead?

At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Use of cartoon and fairy-tale characters.

Children are invited to role-play a situation involving characters from their favorite cartoons and fairy tales:

For example: Crocodile Gena took Cheburashka to school, and then he wanted to find out the train schedule, go to the bank and return again for Cheburashka. Guide him and tell him a safe route.

For example: Masha (“Masha and the Bear”) forgot how to cross the roadway if there is no traffic light. She asks for your help.

Bottom line: by studying the rules of the road and playing out various problematic situations on the model, children learn caution and proper safe behavior on the road.

Crafts for kindergarten

Original crafts for kindergarten, made by children together with their parents and brought from home, form collections of visual aids. When making them, it is useful to build models of safe routes from home to kindergarten and back, as well as group walks on excursions.

You can come up with various stories with cartoon characters. The main thing is to try to ensure that the child understands what non-compliance with the canons can lead to and how to avoid dangerous situations.

Project: “Equipment of a room according to traffic rules in a preschool educational institution”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Kolosok" Zernogradsky district


“Equipping a room according to traffic rules in a preschool educational institution from scrap materials.”

Compiled by the teacher:

Laricheva Natalya Sergeevna


Project: “Equipment of a room according to traffic rules in a preschool educational institution from scrap materials.”


The number of road accidents in our country, as well as throughout the world, is increasing. According to statistics, every tenth traffic accident victim is a child. This is due to non-compliance with traffic rules and ignorance of them. Children pay little attention to real dangers on the road, because they underestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves dexterous and fast. They have not yet developed the ability to foresee the occurrence of danger in a rapidly changing road situation, so it is important to teach children road literacy and rules of behavior on the street.

Project Description:

I offer you a project for creating a room for preschoolers to study traffic rules. This project is aimed at familiarizing children with the rules of the road, developing personal safety skills, attentiveness, caution on the roads, and developing their independence, which is especially important for older preschoolers who will soon be going to school. This project will be useful for kindergarten teachers in rural areas where there are no markings on the roads, insufficient number of road signs, lack of road crossings and traffic lights.

And since our kindergarten is located in a rural area, we encountered a problem in organizing work to teach children traffic rules and the prevention of road traffic injuries.

Based on this situation, it became necessary to create a room for studying traffic rules in the preschool educational institution.

Project type:

Practice-oriented, informational, long-term within the framework of the MBDOU d/s "Kolosok" of the Zernograd district.

Main goal of the project:

Creation of a room in a preschool educational institution for studying traffic rules to develop safe behavior skills on the road.


Laricheva Natalya Sergeevna, teacher of the MBDOU d/s “Kolosok”, Zernograd district.

Project stages:

Stage 1 (problem formulation)

— Put the problem before the teaching staff - creating a traffic rules room for practical classes with preschool students.

— Define the project product:

a) creating a model of a city street;

b) creation of special models. cars;

c) making traffic signs from scrap materials;

d) road markings.

Stage 2 (discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks)

— Discuss the importance of this problem: “Ignorance of traffic rules can lead to trouble!”

— Prepare visually illustrated material on the topic of the project, select fiction.

— Making handicrafts (traffic lights, house models, drawings) by preschool students.

— Diversify the subject-development environment (toys, cars, strollers, special uniforms).

— Involve parents in this work.

Stage 3 (work on the project)

— Organize work to solve project problems through:

a) collecting material for the implementation of the project;

b) practical activities for making visual material from the collected material.

Stage 4 (presentation)

— conduct game activities with pupils of older groups.

— demonstration for parents and colleagues of direct educational activities “Road rules for children!”

— presentation of this project at the teachers’ council. (Present the project product (street layout, signs, car models).

Project location:

MBDOU d/s "Kolosok" Zernogradsky district.

Project participants:

Teaching staff, pre-school children, parents.

Project implementation.

1. Work of pupils.

Making crafts (traffic lights, house models, drawings) by preschool students.

2.The work of educators and parents.

Creation of a subject-development environment:

— equipment with toys, cars, strollers, special equipment. form)

— design of visually illustrated material on the topic of the project, selection of fiction.

4. The work of a teacher.

Practical activities on making visual material from collected material.

The result of our joint work.

All visual material was created by the hands of the teaching staff, students and their parents.

Activities in the garden

The result of joint creations of children and teachers in a group are collective compositions.
At the same time, different techniques and techniques are combined, original stories are invented. Thematic corners are designed to consolidate knowledge. Children not only learn traffic rules and remember road signs. They become familiar with new terms: inspector, intersection, roadway.

Mini city

A mini model of the city can be made by parents with a child. Or it can be used as project work in the elementary grades of school or the senior group of kindergarten. Take the lid from the box. The larger and wider it is, the better.

Master class on creating a microdistrict

  1. On a piece of paper equal to the area of ​​the box, we create a sketch diagram. Don't forget about houses, traffic lights and signs.
  2. We create houses. You can create the layout of the house yourself or take it from a design book.
  3. Two wide strips are cut out of black paper. This is our roadway. We glue it. From the gray we cut out four narrower stripes. This is the sidewalk. Carefully glue it too.
  4. A thin white dividing strip is cut out of the white one.
  5. Then the road marking “pedestrian crossing” is cut out. One by one, a dividing strip and a zebra stripe are glued onto the layout.
  6. A three-dimensional traffic light (so that it can be seen from all four sides) is made from a black scanner, onto which multi-colored circles are already glued in advance.
  7. The road signs we need are cut out mirror to each other.
  8. Now it's the turn of the houses. We glue them, creating a street and neighborhoods.
  9. If the boys in the class share small cars for the future city, it will be just wonderful.

Schoolchildren's crafts

Crafts for school are done by older children. Both simple materials are used in various combinations, as well as more complex ones, such as wood. And here you can’t do without the help of adults.

The products have a voluminous appearance. Techniques such as collage, modeling, and design are used. The design of an object plot in the yard is a space for the implementation of new ideas and a source of joy for everyone taking part in its creation.


In addition, information about the rules and the work of the traffic police can be placed in a wall newspaper or on a poster. Invented poems and colorful pictures will clearly tell you about traffic rules.

In children's institutions, the range of methods used should have a wide range of forms that develop independence, organization, and self-discipline. The goal of which is to prevent trouble.

Photos of traffic crafts

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