How to make a lapbook for speech development with your own hands in a preschool educational institution

What is a lapbook for speech development for preschoolers

A laptop for speech development in a preparatory group is a modern teaching aid for children in the form of an interactive folder. With its help, you can conduct both individual work and subgroup classes. A modern approach to organizing work on speech development makes it possible to interest children who attend kindergarten aged 3 to 6 years. Thus, the teacher’s work becomes more productive.

Description of the term lapbook

Note! Creating a lapbook helps consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder allows you to refresh your memory of the material covered. As a rule, lapbook can be used both individually and in a group lesson.

The “Rechevichok” laptop consists of the following sections:

  • “Syllabic daisy” for learning to compose syllables;
  • plot pictures for composing stories;
  • puzzles;
  • shading to prepare the hand for writing;
  • card index of antonyms;
  • puzzles;
  • pure talk;
  • game "Sound Tracks" for the development of sound pronunciation;
  • Tongue Twisters;
  • poems about letters;
  • game “Make a letter from sticks”;
  • game “Make syllables and words”;
  • game for developing air flow “Blow a butterfly off a flower.”

How does a laptop affect speech development?

According to experts, the laptop has a beneficial effect on the development of speech for children in preschool age. Children in the older and younger groups begin to pronounce words correctly. Sound differentiation occurs. Next, the teacher suggests looking at various illustrations and plot pictures that serve to compose stories.

What effect does lapbook have on speech development?

Important! While completing assignments, the teacher does gymnastics with the children. Proper breathing plays an important role in speech development. Light movements contribute to the development of visual perception, attention, memory, and self-control.

Ready-made templates for printing

Anyone can download ready-made templates completely free of charge by following this link. For example, you can download educational tasks on the theme “Spring”. They present the following topics:

  • “What fruits grow in spring”? — cards for studying seasonal plants.
  • A pocket with riddles on the theme of spring.
  • “Growing a plant” - we observe the growth of the plant, entering the results into a table.
  • “Weather calendar” - children keep a weather diary.
  • Template “Spring Flower Garden” - children study spring flowers.
  • “Who from what?” — cards with animals are provided.
  • “Spring Primer” is an accordion book for creativity.
  • Notebook “Signs of Spring” - kids study spring phenomena.
  • Mini-book “Poets about Spring” - learn by heart poems on the theme of spring.
  • Fairy tale based on the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.”

How to give speech therapy massage to a child at home

Spinning circles

Plain paper will not work; you must use hard cardboard. Ideal for learning time or interactive calendar. To do this, cut out the base (3-4 circles), then place a button in the middle, which is glued on the other side with a piece of clay or simply bent. You can also use a piece of a match or a toothpick, the main thing is that the sharp base is not accessible.

How to make a lapbook with your own hands in kindergarten for speech development

You can make a laptop with your own hands using appropriate items.

How to make your own lapbook

Didactic game “Make a story from a picture”

Goal: expand and activate children's vocabulary; develop the ability to use adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions when communicating; encourage word creation.

“Tell a story” (using a mnemonic table)

Goal: to develop interest in the literary genre - the fairy tale, the ability to tell a fairy tale, sometimes using symbols, to develop memory, thinking, attention, creative activity, and speech skills.

Didactic game “Find the sound”

Goal: to develop auditory perception, articulatory apparatus, phonemic hearing.

Note! To develop the ability to distinguish by ear and name words that have a certain sound in the word.

Didactic game “Make a letter” (like “Cut pictures”).

Goal: to develop fine motor skills, attention, memory.

Finger gymnastics (complexes).

Goal: develop communication skills; form correct sound pronunciation; ability to speak clearly; develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, memory, attention; the ability to coordinate movements with speech.

Didactic game “Come up with a word.”

Goal: to develop the ability to come up with words with letters at the beginning, middle, end of a word, phonemic awareness, auditory perception.

Didactic game “From letter to syllable.”

Goal: to develop the ability to compose syllables. As an option, invite children to add letters to form a word (ХО - chorus).

Pure talk

Goal: to cultivate the sound culture of speech, to develop correct sound pronunciation.

Photo of homemade lapbook

The Internet contains thematic interactive folders on environmental topics related to nature. For example, how to clean the planet from garbage or bodies of water. By downloading a lapbook on the topic “Take care of nature,” it will indicate what you can and cannot do in nature.

Note! Children can learn environmental proverbs.

Lapbook for the middle group for speech development

Lapbook for the middle group on speech development is an excellent assistant for educators. With the help of this material, children will learn to pronounce words correctly, speak slowly and clearly, carefully look at illustrations, compose complex sentences and enrich their vocabulary. In addition, fantasy and imagination are formed.

Typically, a lapbook includes the following sections:

  • Poems that help you process sounds.
  • Puzzles.

The main goal is to develop the ability to solve riddles.

Important! Thanks to tongue twisters, the child develops correct pronunciation and improves diction. This way, you can pronounce difficult words quickly and clearly.

The main signs of speech underdevelopment in a preschooler

Pure tongues form and improve phonemic hearing and lexical and grammatical categories.

The game “What for what” (Find a pair) is being considered. During the activities, the guys compare individual objects. The basic things are highlighted. This game is aimed at developing attention, thinking, and memory.

Lapbook on speech development for senior and preparatory groups

Lapbook for speech development for senior/preparatory groups

Lapbook “Streamlet - little speech”

This lapbook is used for speech development in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standards method, prepared by educators.

Note! The main task is the formation of speech activity and improvement of auditory perception.

Application: in the lesson “Speech development”, “Teaching literacy” in individual work with a child and a subgroup of children.

Contents: 7 didactic games for speech development.

“Make sentences based on the picture”

Goal: to activate the dictionary, teach children to determine the number and order of words in a sentence.

"Tell me a story"

Goal: development of coherent speech, ability to compose a story according to a diagram (mnemonic tables).

"One, many"

Goal: Agreement of nouns with numerals (1,2,5, etc.).

“Name the words by their first letters”

Goal: improve phonemic hearing, sound perception.

“Find words starting with the given letter”

Goal: to develop children’s ability to determine the sequence and place of sounds in words, perform sound analysis of words, and develop phonemic hearing.

"Stories with Pictures"

Goal: to improve children’s ability to read stories based on pictures with sequentially developing events.


Goal: to teach children to look at drawings with interest, to complete tasks independently, to develop children’s imagination and creative abilities.

Creative tasks, cut material, stickers, riddles in a folder

Each preschooler can design his own folder. To do this, you need to use scissors, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, and multi-colored pens. Children's boundless imagination will also come in handy in this matter.

Note! The idea behind making a lapbook is that you can play with it for a long time.

Children like this approach to education much more.

What materials are used to complete creative tasks?

Initially, you need to cut out the pockets and stick them on the markings. They can be colored using stickers. Next, you will have to stick the achievement scale on the side of the folder. Cards should be laid out with tasks in pockets glued to the base, while coloring the lapbook, and then decorating it with stickers.

From the box

Another simple option is to make a laptop from a large box. In the process, a middle part for the base and two side parts with a margin of width are cut out of it. These allowances are then applied to the central part when gluing. The resulting base is covered with colored paper of the artist’s choice.

Next is required:

  1. Strengthen the base to create the main middle part and two closing flaps on the sides.
  2. Use flowers to highlight 3 vertical or 6 horizontal sections for decoration.
  3. Decide on the outside of the product and glue a wide ribbon on it so that the craft can eventually be tied.
  4. Place games and decorations on the main parts. For example, pockets, pictures, moving parts, laces, buttons, cards with text.
  5. Decorate the finished product to your liking.

The resulting lapbook should not be used immediately. It is worth giving it time to dry well.

Speech therapy tongue twisters on colored cards

The speech therapist conducts a master class and offers to study developing cards with tongue twisters. During the study of tongue twisters, pictures are colored with colored pencils. By pronouncing tongue twisters, the child learns to pronounce difficult sounds and words correctly.

Note! This challenging lesson can be turned into a fun game. This is why speech therapists recommend that parents and educators buy a developmental set of game cards.

Creating a lapbook will help consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered.

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