Spring holiday for children in the middle group of kindergarten

Spring holiday for children in the middle group of kindergarten

Scenario for the spring holiday “Come Spring, we are waiting for you!”
Compiled by: Tatyana Vasilievna Mishina, music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 59", Nizhny Novgorod Description: This scenario will be of interest to teachers and music directors of preschool institutions when preparing and holding a spring holiday with children in the middle group of kindergarten. The following equipment is used during the holiday: - magnetic board with spring pictures; - laser pointer; — multimedia installation with a projector and screen (for showing slides); - music Center. Goal: To bring children joy and pleasure, to promote emotional responsiveness and enthusiasm. Objectives: - To consolidate ideas about spring signs and phenomena in nature; — Develop the perception of a fairy-tale musical plot, interest in the characters; — To evoke a vivid emotional response in the process of musical activity. Progress of the holiday: The phonogram of the song “Merry Drops” by T. Morozova sounds, the children behind the Leader enter the hall, walk like a “snake” and stand in a semicircle near the central wall. Presenter Look, look at these miracles! What did you see, what did you like, it’s time to tell! Children talk in short phrases about the festive decoration of the music hall - the sun is shining brightly, there are leaves on the trees, birds are flying, there is a birdhouse on the tree, winter is over, snowdrops have appeared). Presenter Correct! Winter is over and Spring is coming. Our children smiled at the sun, we will tell you about how we are waiting for the Red Spring! 1 child Spring is coming - beautiful, with streams and drops, As if winter had never happened at all, with its snowstorms! 2 child And the cheerful sun, its rays bathe in puddles, And the pigeons coo and circle in the blue sky! 3 child The first thawed patches are appearing everywhere, And the snowdrop is reaching for the sun, a delicate, small one! 4 child Birds hover in the heights, We will sing a sonorous song about Spring! Song “Spring” by G. Vikhareva. To lose, after the 1st verse, a subgroup of children (5 children) plays bird whistles, after the 2nd verse, the second subgroup plays bells, after the 3rd verse, the child soloist plays the metallophone. Presenter Our children sang loudly, like spring drops. The orchestra played together. And then the applause began for you. (Guests clap). Children put the instruments on the tables for attributes and sit on the chairs Presenter We are expecting guests for the spring holiday The phonogram of the song “A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass” by V. Shainsky is playing Presenter Do you hear who it is? We'll find out now! Dunno enters, singing along to the song. Dunno Hello, kids, girls and boys! Children Hello! Dunno Well, who am I? Guess what my name is? Children Dunno! Dunno Of course, Dunno! Have you read a book about me? Children Read! Dunno I was walking on the street, I heard your song, I liked it so much that I came here. Where did I end up? Children For the holiday, we are waiting for Spring - Krasna, For her we learned poems, songs Dunno And who is Spring - Krasna? I don't know that! Presenter Don't be upset, Dunno. We are waiting for Spring. If you want, stay with us. Dunno Of course I want to see Spring, dance and sing with her. Presenter The guys and I will not only tell you about Spring, but we will also show a “Spring picture”, And this bright sun will help us, The presenter draws the attention of the children and Dunno to the easel with a magnetic board. It depicts a Tree and the Sun Presenter That's how the Sun shines, And the sunbeams play merrily! (Parents raise, lower, and wave their little Suns to the soundtrack). Presenter Have you played enough? Beauty! It's time to show us a spring picture! (Parents read questions on Sunshine). 1. What runs, murmurs, sings in the spring? Children (Rucheyok) (the child lays out the Brooklet on the board, Dunno helps). 2. What hides in the buds of trees in spring? Children (Leaves) 3. What grows from under the snow, the sun looks and blooms? (Snowdrop) 4. What birds fly from the south in Spring? (Rook, Starling, Swallow) 5. What is the name of the house for the Starling? Children (Birdhouse) After each answer, leaves, snowdrops, birds, and a birdhouse appear on the board. Dunno That's how interesting! It turned out to be an amazing picture! How much do your guys know about Spring! Presenter We also know poetry! For you Dunno, and for the guests we will read it with expression! Dima and Katya will read about how drops are ringing in the yard! Reading the poem “April” by S. Marshak Presenter Now we are waiting for Spring, loudly and joyfully calling! 5 child Come, Red Spring, there will be wonderful days! 6 child Come, Red Spring, there will be a clear sun! 7 child Come, beautiful Spring, we are really, really waiting for you! The phonogram “Waltz” by I. Strauss sounds, Spring enters with flowers Spring Hello, guys! Children Hello, Spring is Red! Spring Hello, our guests, Dunno! The guests and Dunno say hello to Spring. Spring I am the sorceress Spring! I awakened the meadows and forests and grasses from sleep! I am very pleased that you were waiting for me, inviting me in a friendly manner. Dunno We were all waiting for you, especially me, To see you, Spring! Spring I say thank you and invite the children to the round dance! Round dance “Spring is Red” by A. Filippenko For the loss after the 2nd chorus, Spring takes a tambourine Spring They sang loudly, danced together, I want to play with you! Here he is, a mischievous tambourine, dancing merrily with you (he gives the tambourine to the child who will be the leader and start the game) “Game with a tambourine” by M. Kraseva Vesna How glad I am to dance and play with you! I ask you to read the poems. Children sit on chairs Spring A magic ray will help me (moves a laser pointer across the screen) Quickly light up and the picture will appear! The picture “Snowdrop” appears on the screen Presenter I invite Sergei and his mother (Name, Patronymic of mother) to read the poem “Snowdrop” Spring is wonderful! Now, listen - the phonogram “Birds Chirping” is playing. Spring Birds are singing songs and Vika is invited to read a poem. Poem “New Home” Dunno Wow! What a sorceress you are Spring! Do you know what I want? Spring Now I’ll try to find out (moves a laser pointer across the screen) The magic beam lights up and a picture appears! On the screen is Dunno with freckles. Spring Magic peas - you need freckles While the children are dancing, they will appear on your face! The soundtrack of the song “Colored Peas” plays (3 pairs). While the children are dancing behind the screen, the assistant teacher draws freckles for Dunno. Dunno comes out, looks in the mirror, admires. Dunno That's how beautiful I am! Thank you sorceress Spring! Can you surprise the guys? Spring Of course! Let the sun shine on us, Let our earth warm, Let amazing flowers grow. unprecedented beauty! Guys, please close your eyes, magical music is playing, It helps me to do miracles. The phonogram “Waltz” by J. Strauss is playing, Spring takes out a basket. Spring Look kids! You have a surprise from me! Shows a basket of flowers (the flower is made like this: a flower cut out of colored paper is put on a stick of Chupa Chups candy, and the middle of the flower is the candy itself). Shows it to the children. Spring I present you with flowers, congratulations on the holiday! Presenter with children Thank you, Vesna! Spring Go out for a walk, the sun will be waiting for you! The phonogram “Waltz” by I. Strauss is playing. Spring is leaving. Presenter Come again Dunno to us, we are very glad to have guests! Dunno Okay! Thank you for telling and showing us about Spring. Now I’ll go tell all the shorties from the Flower City about Spring. Goodbye! Host We are finishing our holiday, I invite the guys for a walk! The phonogram of the song “Merry Drops” by T. Morozova sounds, the children and the Presenter leave the hall.

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Welcoming Spring – Annunciation

Vasilenko Svetlana Viktorovna music director MBDOU “Kindergarten for general developmental type “Ryabinushka” p. Gostishchevo, Yakovlevsky district, Belgorod region"


Children enter the hall to folk music, holding hands, forming a circle.

Host: Hello, dear guests! Today is the feast of the Annunciation, we welcome spring. Winter is over, spring has come to visit us! The sun is getting warmer and the days are getting longer. Drops are ringing in the yard, the holiday will be more fun! - Guys, tell me, how did they celebrate spring in Russia in the old days?

Children: They sang songs about spring, danced in circles, shouted chants, and played fun games.

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Host: Let's start a round dance. Let's help the sun melt the snow. After all, our circle is like the sun, it is also round, and you and I are its rays.

Round dance "The name of spring"

Children go to the middle and begin to read poetry.

1st. Where are you, sunshine, wake up! Where are you, little bird, come back! Winter is tired of pouring snow, drip-drip-drip! Spring has come!

2nd. Mother Spring is coming, open the gates! March came first, the white snow has melted! And April followed him - he opened the window and the door! And when May comes, invite the sun into your home!

3rd. The sky is brightening, the snow is melting, We will tell you about spring! What a sorceress Spring is! Where does she have so much strength? As soon as she woke up from sleep, She awakened nature.

4th. Waving her magic wand, She melted the snowdrifts, And without immediately resting, she made a path for the streams.

5th. Then, as if a conductor, She taught me to sing drops. And their cheerful ringing choir sings for weeks.

6th. The willow is all fluffy, spread out all around: Again the fragrant spring blows its wings.

7th. Spring, red spring! Come, Spring, with joy! With joy, with joy, and with great mercy! With tall flax, with deep roots, and with abundant bread!

Leading. In Rus', Spring was celebrated on April 7, on the Annunciation. On this day, bells rang and people were invited to churches to worship the Mother of God.

Recorded bells ringing. Spring is coming.

Spring. Hello, good people (bows) In Rus', I was greeted with Spring on April 7, on the Annunciation. In the morning, bells rang early, calling people to churches to worship the Mother of God. On this day, an angel brought her the good news that she would have a son of God, Jesus Christ. Hence the name of the holiday, Annunciation, good news.

Children read poetry.

8th. “There is a special holiday” Good news has come to us all - There is such a special holiday, Which is called the Annunciation, May luck smile on you. We congratulate you on this day, May everything be wonderful in it, good luck and kindness to you, and in a life of eternal beauty

9th. “May the Annunciation come” May the Annunciation come and bring you health, may the Lord bless you, may you reward you for everything. Always live cheerfully, So that trouble does not come to your house, So that boredom is alien to you, And joy can find you!

10th. The sun's rays play with the clouds, forest and river. It's a holiday today. I congratulate you on this sky, on peace, on kindness! May good news from everywhere rush to your home without delay, And luck and warmth together will not allow you to move back!


Do you want to know the traditions of this holiday? On the eve of the holiday, people stored birds. Some caught them in the forest, others bought them at the bird market in order to release them into the wild on the holiday. It was believed that the birds would ask God for mercy for their liberators. This tradition has been preserved to this day. In some churches, doves are released into the sky on Annunciation.

Pigeons are daredevils! You fly in freedom, you live in freedom. Bring spring to us soon!

11th. Birds, little birds! It’s sad for you to live in a cramped cage, Like prisoners in a dungeon. This golden morning Joy is pouring from the sky, I will open the door of the cage - I will set you free! Fly into the forest and field, Fly into the blue skies.

Leading. In the old days, stoneflies sang - songs that called for spring - and played games so that the birds would return from the south as quickly as possible, so that the snow in the fields would melt, so that the grain would sprout.

And now it’s time for us to play, kids!

The game “Burn, Burn Clear”

Spring : A large bonfire was lit for the Annunciation. They danced around the fire. They shouted calls: they were calling migratory birds.

Children read the chant

The larks flew in (waving their arms) The red spring was unlocked (rotational movements with a pinch of the right hand on the palm of the left) The gray snows began to roll. (wave-like movements with hands in front of you) Water has appeared in the rivers (spread hands to the sides) Don’t touch the sand (they shake a finger) Don’t dull your toes. Your sock will come in handy (tap your palm with your index finger) on a spike of oatmeal.

Leading. Skvorushka, come and choose a house for yourself. Whistle louder, and chirp more often.

Leading. They also sang songs about spring around the fire, calling for warmth and blossoms.

Children of senior group No. 1 sing the song “Spring”

Spring. Do you know how to play games?

The musical game “SEARCH” is being played

Host: People called the sun to help spring.

Leading. Sunshine, sunshine, Red bucket. Rise high, shine far... On the river, on the fields, on the blue seas... On the green garden and on all the people.

Spring: After songs and chants, when the fire burned out and became smaller, people jumped over the fire, believing in the cleansing power of fire, that it would burn out everything bad, evil that had accumulated in us. Guys, what shortcomings do you know that prevent us from living joyfully?

Children: anger, greed, envy, laziness.

Spring. Now you will be happy, healthy and strong all year long. And now I will tell you about the last tradition of the Annunciation holiday. On the eve of the holiday, buns with the secret “larks” were baked for each family member. Whoever gets it will come true.

A “lark” with a coin means wealth, with cereal - fortunately, with a button - to joy. These buns were raised to the sky and called to the larks:

Lark, lark, fly, fly. Bring the red summer, bring it. We are tired of winter, it has eaten bread and salt.

Host: Stand in a circle, we will call them to bring us warmth.

Children sing the song “Sun of the Annunciation”

Annunciation sun Bread for people, and grain for birds. You fly, larks, to your dear side, bring the news of salvation: Resurrection is coming soon! Leave the dark cage, Choose freedom. You are flying, larks, to your dear side. Bring the news of salvation: The Resurrection is coming soon!

Spring. Congratulations on the holiday! Happiness will be a mountain for you, There will be a big harvest, There will always be a pie on the table, Easy roads for you always! Spring says goodbye and leaves.

Ved. Guys, here we are, welcoming spring. Happy holiday!

The children leave the hall to the music.

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