Current state and prospects for the development of preschool education - Trends in the development of education

Trends in education development

In conditions of individualization of learning, modern education must be continuous. The need for continuing education arises both in connection with the need of people to constantly replenish their knowledge in the process of professional activity, and in connection with the progress of science and technology.

Innovations in education are relevant and systemically self-organizing innovations that are the result of various initiatives and innovations that become promising for the evolution of education and have a positive impact on the development of all forms and methods of education. The concept of innovation, in relation to the development of modern education, can be considered as a purposeful transformation of the content of education and the organizational and technological foundations of the educational process, aimed at improving the quality of educational services, the competitiveness of educational institutions and their graduates, and ensuring the comprehensive personal and professional development of students. Innovations in the Russian education system are natural; their content, forms and methods of implementation depend both on global problems of human development and on socio-economic, legal, spiritual and political processes of reforming Russian society. Social innovation is based on the modernization and informatization of Russian education. The main goal of modernization of education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the educational system, ensuring its compliance with the challenges of the 21st century, the socio-economic needs of the country's development, the requirements of the individual, society and the state. Modernization of Russian education is an innovative process of transforming the entire education system, aimed at maximizing the educational needs of students in a wide range of specialties, levels of education, educational institutions and information and educational resources.

At the same time, education must achieve the expected effect regardless of the location of both the student and the educational resource or service needed by the student, and be carried out using the most modern information and telecommunication technologies. The result of modernization should be the achievement of a new quality of Russian education, determined, first of all, by its compliance with the current and future requirements of modern life in the country. Informatization of education is aimed at implementing the idea of ​​improving the quality of education content, conducting research and development, its implementation, and involves replacing traditional information technologies with more effective ones in all types of activities in the national education system in Russia.

The introduction of innovative technologies in education requires new approaches to learning based on modern educational technologies. Educational technology is the purposeful application in education of a system of means that determines the acquisition of certain characteristics of an educational phenomenon (certain qualities of graduates, content of education, professional development of teachers, etc.). Modern educational technologies should primarily serve creative education and contribute to the creative development of the personality of each student.

Educational technology includes a set of actions related to any educational processes (management of the educational system, development of an educational institution, training of teaching staff, etc.). The structure of educational technology includes such components as goal setting, control and evaluation, and information technology is the basis of the modern educational system. It is important that innovative technologies in education require not only the development of education based on information technology, but also the creation of an appropriate information and educational environment.

Article "Preschool Education Trend"


The ongoing transformations in the preschool education system are due to development. An objective need for adequate social development and development of the educational system, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for significant changes in the previous course of functioning of the institution. The main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system is the search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions (PSE), which is expressed in the transition of institutions to development mode

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or substantive transition of most preschool educational institutions into search mode. This regime is transitional on the path to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative characteristics of this transition: the extent to which the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. Therefore, the issue of identifying current problems in the development of preschool educational institutions becomes the most important.

The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system:

  • humanization

    — determines the primacy of the personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values ​​of human development, the orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, the transfer of the subject to the position of self-managed development in the process of revealing essential forces.
    Humanization of education is a process aimed at developing the individual as a subject of creative activity, which “constitutes the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and students, presupposing the establishment of truly human (humane) relationships between them in the pedagogical process” and is a key component of new pedagogical thinking, focused around the idea of ​​personality development. The leading direction of humanization of education
    is considered to be
    “self-determination of the individual in culture”
    , its introduction to national and cultural traditions, enriched with the human content of humanization - increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest social value of society, an orientation towards the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities;

  • democratization

    associated with the expansion of rights and powers of participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of subjects. This involves creating the prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of students and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education;

  • diversification

    is defined as the necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to satisfy the diverse and diverse needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

The projection of the identified grounds onto the educational process in a preschool educational institution presents all its subsystems in a new way. In this regard, a number of basic principles emerge that ensure the implementation of these directions in the process of development of the preschool educational institution and its participants:

— the principle of human conformity (unity of cultural and natural conformity); — the principle of integrity of the pedagogical process and complexity of goals; — the principle of activity and equal partnership in the pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

Modernization of management of a preschool educational institution is associated with a variety of types and technologies of management, ensuring a comprehensive and comprehensive impact of the management system on the managed system of the preschool educational institution within the framework of motivational and program-target approaches, motivational program-target management, co-management, reflexive management and self-government. Indicators of qualitative transformation of preschool educational institutions management are, first of all, new principles:

— democratization and humanization; — consistency and integrity of management; — centralization/decentralization; tactical and operational levels of management and the corresponding types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-government); — unity of command and collegiality; — objectivity and completeness of information in making management decisions.

At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular, such as:

  • combining innovative programs with existing ones in preschool educational institutions;
  • the split in the teaching community and the coexistence of representatives of different pedagogical concepts;
  • inconsistency of new types of preschool educational institutions with the expectations and requirements of parents;
  • the need for new scientific and methodological support for ongoing educational activities;
  • the need for new teaching staff;
  • adaptation of innovations to new conditions;
  • the problem of change, optimization, replacement of innovations, the ability to get rid of outdated and pedagogically inappropriate things in a timely manner;
  • the problem of reproducing innovativeness and creating conditions conducive to this.

Based on an analysis of existing concepts for the development of preschool education, the leading directions of innovation in preschool educational institutions include the establishment of humane subject-subject relations, the development of creative capabilities and intellectual strength of children; individual creative development of the child’s personality; development of communication between practitioners and researchers in the field of innovation.

Changing the paradigmatic attitudes of modern education allows us to consider the development of a child as a process of his self-development, where education acts as a form of mental development of a preschooler, and development standards are transformed into an understanding of development as a norm.

Accordingly, the main trends in the development of preschool education are associated with the goal of creating a full-fledged space for the development of the child and organizing comprehensive support for the individual development of preschool children. A rich and safe life experience, eventfulness, connection between an adult and a child in the educational process, the priority of developmental and educational tasks in preschool educational institutions contribute to the favorable socialization of children and lay the basic competencies of a preschooler in mastering the world and appropriating culture.

In order to coordinate actions for the development of the preschool education system in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2005 No. Pr-2065, a Set of measures for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation for 2007-2012 was developed.

The set of measures provides for the implementation of measures for the development of preschool education at all levels - federal, regional and municipal - in two main areas: ensuring the accessibility of preschool education and ensuring its quality. Currently, as part of the implementation of the Set of Measures, work is underway to expand the diversity of preschool educational institutions in order to most fully satisfy the needs of the population of the Russian Federation in preschool education services. It is planned to regulate the activities of new types of preschool educational institutions: a kindergarten for young children, a kindergarten for pre-school preparation. In addition, in terms of the normative consolidation of free preschool education, a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation has been developed and submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation, approving a list of types of preschool services educational institutions, implemented free of charge. In order to improve the financial status of workers in the preschool education system, preparatory work was carried out to introduce new wage systems (NSTS) into preschool educational institutions in 2009–20012, the principles of which were tested in 2007–2008 as part of comprehensive education modernization projects. Methodological recommendations on the introduction of NSOT have been sent to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As part of the Set of Measures, work is currently underway, together with the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, to review and amend urban planning standards, taking into account the provision of integrated residential development areas with developed infrastructure, primarily preschool education institutions. Also, among the activities of the Set of Measures, the following will be consistently implemented: development of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education; development of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education. Further prospects for the development of the preschool education system are also provided within the framework of the implementation of the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. The most significant event is the development of regional programs for the development of the preschool education system as an integral part of the educational system of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has developed and sent to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation methodological recommendations for the development of regional preschool education systems. It should be noted that in order to more fully meet the needs of the population for preschool education services, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation currently have sufficient regulatory powers to introduce new organizational forms of preschool education. So-called “family kindergartens”, home-based or tutor groups, family clubs, social playrooms can currently be organized as structural divisions of municipal or state preschool educational institutions, which will have to provide these forms with qualified personnel, provide psychological and pedagogical support for their activities and control behind it in order to ensure a sufficiently high quality of services provided. A special direction in the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation in the near future will be the creation of a system of early development of children aged from birth to 3 years. The importance of this particular direction of development of preschool education is due to several reasons.

Firstly, at present, the majority of children in need of places in preschool educational institutions are children under the age of 3. Secondly, investing in the early development of children (especially children from disadvantaged and low-income children), on the one hand, serves the goals of ensuring social justice and equal opportunities for all, on the other hand, it contributes to increasing productivity and efficiency in the economy and in society as a whole. First of all, this work on the early development of children should be carried out in preschool educational institutions, in which there are mothers under the supervision, as well as short-stay groups, in which qualified teachers work together with children to regulate various models of advisory qualified staff of teachers. The greatest demand now exists for groups for children from 1.5 years old. However, parents are interested in the child gradually getting used to kindergarten so that adaptation is less painful. In this regard, there is a need for more active development of adaptation groups based on short-term stays, where the mother could bring the baby for 2-2.5 hours 2-3 times a week. Experience in organizing club forms of work, where children play in the presence or assistance of parents in raising preschool-aged children and their parents. At the same time, it is necessary to develop normative relationships and divisions of strategic

Information and educational environment

Within the framework of a unified educational information environment, the formation and development of an innovative education system equipped with organizational, pedagogical and information technologies is taking place. In this environment, architectural and structural solutions provide open standards for interfaces, formats and communication protocols to ensure mobility, stability, efficiency and other positive characteristics achieved by creating open systems.

The purpose and principles of modern education are aimed at preparing students for full and effective participation in the social and professional spheres in market conditions. Giving the education system the qualities of an open system means a radical change in its characteristics towards greater freedom in educational planning, choice of place, time and pace, in the transition from the principle of “education for life” to the principle of “education for life”. In practice, this system is implemented using network technologies. Initially, online learning technologies were widely used by those age and social groups who were forced to give preference to learning in the workplace.

Today, open and distance learning provides various segments of the population with the opportunity to improve their level of education using the Internet. Many Russian universities actively use information and network technologies in the full-time education system. As a result, the more effective use of modern educational technologies in the traditional education system is gradually erasing the differences between full-time, correspondence and distance learning, which is a characteristic feature of the innovative education system.

At the present stage, global changes in the goals and content of education are focused on the development of a qualitatively new model that prepares a person for life and activity in a post-industrial society and equips him with completely new personal qualities and skills necessary for these conditions. All this places new demands on specialists.

The modernization of the Russian education system and the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process raise the question of the quality of education in a new way. And today, many countries pay great attention to the problems of the quality and effectiveness of education and combine their efforts in developing methodology, technologies and tools for comparative studies of the quality of education, creating a system for monitoring the quality of education in the world.

Today, a new model of specialist training is being formed in the Russian education system, which takes into account not only the qualification model of a specialist, but also the competency model. The competence of a specialist includes knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the method of their implementation in activities and communication. In the competency-based model of a specialist, the goals of education are related to interdisciplinary integrated requirements for the result of the educational process. In the first place are the qualitative characteristics of the individual, formed by modern educational technologies. This is not so much about control of knowledge, skills and abilities, but about the quality of the education system.

Training and retraining of teachers is an important area of ​​improving the quality of education. The quality of professional education largely depends on teachers. Universities have a system of advanced training for teachers, which fully meets the requirements of our time and pays great attention to new technologies in education. For example, at the Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin at the Institute of Additional Professional Education, advanced training of the academy's teaching staff is carried out within the framework of the following short-term advanced training programs “Transition to two-level higher legal education based on a competency-based approach”, “Improving the information competence of university teachers” based on innovative educational technologies.

Directions for the development of preschool educational organizations in modern educational conditions

 The socio-economic transformations that have occurred in Russian society have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in the preschool level in particular. Currently, the problems of preschool education have become particularly relevant. There is increasing interest in preschool educational organizations as a social institution.

A preschool educational organization is an educational organization that carries out educational activities according to educational programs of preschool education, as well as supervision and care of children as its main goal [5].

A preschool educational organization is one of the types of educational institutions that implements general educational programs for preschool education, and also provides education, training, supervision, and care for children aged from 2 months to 7 years. The main goal of a preschool educational organization is to realize the right of every child to high-quality and accessible education, providing equal starting conditions for the full physical and mental development of children as the basis for their successful education at school.

The main objectives of a preschool institution in the Russian Federation are, in accordance with the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution:

– protecting the lives and promoting the health of children;

– ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of preschool children;

– implementation of the necessary correction of deviations in the development of children;

– introducing preschool children to universal human values;

– interaction with the families of pupils to ensure their full development.

Changes in legislation, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the Professional Standard “Teacher”, as well as increased requirements of society demonstrate the need to develop the system of preschool organizations.

The State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” and the National Project “Demography” for 2019–2024 sets a number of activities related to the development of preschool educational organizations, which include [1]:

  1. Conclusion of agreements with the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the provision of funds for financial support of measures to create additional places for children aged from zero to three years and from one and a half to three years. This can be carried out through the construction of buildings (extensions to the building), acquisition (purchase) of buildings (extensions to the building) and premises of preschool organizations;
  2. Development of Methodological Recommendations for the development and implementation of advanced training programs for specialists (teaching and management staff of preschool educational institutions) organizing and ensuring the implementation of educational programs for preschool education and supervision and care of preschool children;
  3. Approval of the list of teaching and educational means necessary for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education that meet modern conditions;
  4. Creation of additional places, including providing the necessary conditions for the stay of children with disabilities and children with disabilities, in organizations carrying out educational activities in educational programs of preschool education, for children under the age of three years.

State policy in the field of preschool education considers ensuring accessibility of preschool education for children under three years of age as development vectors; the priority measure for creating additional places is the construction of buildings (extensions to the building), acquisition (purchase) of buildings (extensions to the building) and premises of preschool organizations.

The National Project “Education” for 2019–2024 indicates the need to provide comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and informational and educational support to parents, the creation of conditions for the early development of children aged zero to three years, the implementation of programs of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and advisory assistance parents of children who receive preschool education in the family. One of the institutions providing this type of support may also be a preschool educational organization [2].

Sinitsa A.L. points out that there is a clear need to develop a system of preschool educational organizations, since currently the population’s satisfaction with the level of development of the kindergarten network is low. It defines development vectors with such characteristics as [4]:

– the presence of a developed network of preschool educational organizations, which has a sufficient number of places for everyone who wants to attend kindergartens;

– efficiency of placement of preschool educational organizations;

– the level of quality of services provided by a preschool educational organization (do parents have the opportunity to choose the institution whose level of services seems acceptable to them: work schedule, amount of payment, staff qualifications, etc.);

– age factor (the ability to send a child to a preschool institution at an age that suits or is necessary for parents).

Thus, at the moment, the priority directions for the development of a preschool educational organization are: the creation of additional places in kindergartens at the ages of zero to three years and from one and a half to three years; improving the quality of educational services (expanding the range of tools that facilitate the implementation of preschool education programs, training personnel in the field of preschool education, implementing advanced training and professional training programs for workers in the field of preschool education); providing places in preschool educational organizations for children with disabilities and disabled children.


  1. National project "Demography". URL: (date of access: 09/10/2019).
  2. National project "Education". URL: (access date: 09/10/2019).
  3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013 N 30384)
  4. Sinitsa Arseniy Leonidovich Problems and prospects for the development of the system of preschool educational organizations in the Russian Federation // Vestn. Volume. state un-ta. Economy. 2022. No. 40. URL: (date of access: 09/05/2019).
  5. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on March 2, 2016) “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

State and prospects of electronic book publishing

Electronic publications are a dynamically developing class of products. Their number is growing rapidly, and their quality is constantly improving.

Integrating printed materials with electronic documents brings purely practical benefits. For example, digitalization makes it possible to preserve many unique products, such as ancient manuscripts. Even ordinary photographs and paintings lose their quality over time. Storing their electronic copies allows us to convey unique cultural masterpieces to future generations. Finally, storing documents and publications in electronic form allows you to organize electronic databases with a clear structure and developed search and navigation tools that facilitate the process of finding the necessary materials and their fragments. An example is the American specialized publishing house of medical literature Mosby-Year Book, where the advent of an electronic graphic library made it possible to find the necessary illustrations in a matter of seconds and place them in books, which led to significant savings in time and material resources.

To answer the question about the relative value of electronic publications and the prospects for expanding their production, it is necessary to conduct research in the following main areas (in other words, get answers to the questions listed):

does the value of a book increase in electronic form, and if so, in what cases and due to what? what factors influence the quality characteristics of an electronic publication from the reader’s point of view; is the level of development of technical and software tools sufficient to create an e-book; how widespread are individual and group reading tools for electronic publications; to what extent the e-book distribution market has developed; what changes in the traditional publishing business are necessary for successful marketing and management of e-books. Undoubtedly, the consumer value of children's and educational electronic publications is higher, since this increases interest in the material being studied and makes it possible to use new, more effective technologies not only for teaching, but also for gradually involving children in the learning process in a playful way. These methods have already been tested in many countries and have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Reference and scientific publications allow you to obtain the necessary information (or brief information that allows the user to assess its need and order, including in printed form) in simpler ways and in a shorter time. Naturally, the value of such publications compared to printed publications increases significantly. The extent to which such publications add value and the role of certain factors can be determined through appropriate research.

The relevance of the problems of modern preschoolers

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Korolev urban district, Moscow region

“General developmental kindergarten No. 38 “Rainbow”

141080, Moscow region, city Korolev, Makarenko proezd, building 4, telephone

141076, Moscow region, city. Korolev, Michurina street, building 21G, phone:8(495)519-13-23

“the relevance of the problems of modern preschoolers”


Tambova S.V.

Korolev 2022

  1. Modern trends in preschool education 7 pp.
  2. Prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia 10 pages
  3. Conclusion 12 pages
  4. Bibliography 13 pages



The relevance of preschool education in Russia has, and will continue to have, popularity, since for modern society the strategy of forming a system that would ensure the comprehensive education and development of children from birth to 7 years is important. The socio-economic transformations that have occurred in Russian society have led to serious changes in the education system in general and in its preschool level in particular. These changes affected both the organizational and content aspects of preschool education. The preschool education system has become a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions), focused on the needs of society and providing a diverse range of educational services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development. The education of a preschool child should be aimed at enrichment, and not at artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development.

The purpose of this work is to identify trends and substantiate the prospects for the development of preschool education, taking into account modern realities.


reveal the concepts and characterize the essence and structure of preschool education;

analyze the state of preschool education;

analyze and justify the prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia.

The object of this study is preschool education.

The subject of the study is the trends and prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia

Concept, essence and principles of preschool education

Preschool education in Russia is ensuring the intellectual, personal and physical development of a preschool child from 2 to 7 years old.

Preschool education is intended to ensure the mental, physical, and personal development of a child aged from 2 months to 7 years. An institution for raising children can be a municipal or private kindergarten, a preschool education center, an early development center, etc. The task of preschool education is to convey to the child the basic principles of culture and rules of behavior in society, as well as intellectual and aesthetic education. Kindergarten is the first social institution that teaches children to live in society. It is in kindergarten that the child’s first independent contacts with the people around him take place; here he learns to communicate and interact. Communication with peers allows a child to quickly master new skills and acquire new knowledge, since the effect of imitation at an early age is very strong. Successful adaptation in a kindergarten or preschool education center is facilitated by educators whose goal is to help the child in any difficult situation. For a long time, children who have not attended children's educational institutions often experience difficulties adapting to the school community. It is more difficult for them to start school than for kindergarten graduates, since they do not have sufficient communication skills. In addition, preschool education in kindergarten teaches the child strong-willed behavior and the ability to find compromises between their own desires and the desires of others. The child learns to protect his own interests without harming the interests of others. Also in kindergarten, children learn the basics of self-regulation. That is, the child learns to independently choose his own activity and devote a certain amount of time to the chosen activity. It is this skill that becomes the basis for a child’s organization at home and (in the future) at school.

The state of preschool education in Russia

Preschool education, as the first stage of education, at which the foundations of a social personality and the most important institution of family support are laid, over the past 10 years has gone through a difficult path of fitting into new realities. The initial sharp decline in preschool enrollment had stabilized by 1995. Currently, about 55% of children attend kindergartens (for example, in Scandinavian countries, such children are about 90%). The main reasons for refusing to attend kindergarten are the insolvency of the parents and, less commonly, the state of health of the child. At the same time, children, even in wealthy families, who do not attend kindergartens, as a rule, do not receive proper education; educational functions are transferred to the TV and computer. The network of departmental kindergartens has practically disappeared, although in large cities, for example, in Moscow, many of them were transferred to municipal ownership and preserved for children. In general, across Russia there is a trend of repurposing former departmental kindergartens and selling their buildings. As many years of research show, the full development of a child occurs subject to the presence of two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the intimate and personal relationships necessary for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs support, which the kindergarten is designed to provide to it - parents can work and study, improve professionally and personally, without feeling guilty that the child is abandoned at this time, they can be sure that the child is in comfortable conditions, eats normally, and teachers work with him. In addition, the preschool education system traditionally had a differentiated approach to parental fees; low-income families received benefits, i.e. targeted support was provided; today, unfortunately, this happens only in certain regions. It is obvious that in modern conditions the tradition of differentiated parental pay must be preserved. What does kindergarten give to the child himself? The main advantage of a kindergarten is the presence of a children's community, thanks to which a space of social experience for the child is created. Only in the conditions of a children's community does a child get to know himself in comparison with others, adopt methods of communication and interaction that are adequate to various situations, and overcome his inherent egocentrism (focus on himself, perceiving the environment exclusively from his own position). No one, even a very smart adult, can make up for this. Integrating oneself into the children's community is an important qualitative change in the development of a child, without which his further smooth progress on the path of learning and social contacts is impossible. It is important that kindergarten acts as a measure to prevent “pedagogical neglect,” which is now often observed in children who do not attend preschool institutions. A “pedagogically neglected child” actually has no prospect of receiving a good school education. Due to these circumstances, efforts by the state and society are necessary aimed at ensuring full coverage of children from at least 4-5 years of age with various forms of preschool education in order to ensure their full development, and not “ coaching” to school. Currently, the system of preschool education itself has changed. A differentiation of preschool educational institutions by types and categories has been introduced. To the previously existing only type - “kindergarten”, new ones were added - a kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual or artistic-aesthetic, or physical development of pupils, a kindergarten for children with disabilities in physical and mental development, supervision and health improvement, a child development center, etc. On the one hand, this allows parents to choose an educational institution that meets their needs, on the other hand, most of these types (with the exception of correctional ones for children with serious health problems) do not meet the laws of child development. In preschool age, physical and mental functions are in the formative stage, primary spiritual values, the child’s intelligence, his creativity, a wide sphere of interests, etc. are being formed, and in this regard, it is unlawful to single out one or another priority line of development; specialization is absurd in relation to a preschooler and violates the child’s right to versatility and integrity of development. It is much more important to take into account the needs of the modern family in various forms of organizing the functioning of preschool institutions.

Modern trends in preschool education

The main task of Russian educational policy in recent years has been to ensure the modern quality of education while maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state. To solve this problem, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education developed the “Concept for the modernization of Russian education.” The implementation of preschool education programs and the adoption of measures to improve the health of the younger generation are the priorities in the educational policy of the first stage of modernization. Speaking about the current state of preschool education, it should be noted that, despite the difficulties that it experiences, it has managed to preserve the best Russian traditions. The pedagogical process covers all the main areas of child development (physical education, familiarization with the outside world, artistic and aesthetic, etc.), a system of measures is provided to protect and strengthen the health of children, the principle of complexity is observed, partial programs are used that combine various aspects of the pedagogical process. There are also new, non-traditional types of content for the work of a preschool educational institution: choreography and rhythm, teaching a foreign language, new technologies of visual creativity, computer training, familiarization with the national culture, more emphasis is placed on creating conditions for independent experimentation and search activity of the children themselves. There is a transition to a different style of communication and play with the child, taking into account personality-oriented interaction. In today's educational space, a wide range of domestic programs are offered that implement different approaches to organizing the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions. Each of them puts forward one or another priority of education: cognitive development, aesthetic, environmental. It is important to take into account that the activation of some areas of a child’s development at the expense of others leads to impoverishment of personal development and a deterioration in the physical and mental state of the preschooler. Despite this, among the trends in the educational process in preschool educational institutions at the present stage, there is a significant increase in the volume and intensity of cognitive activity. Additional classes for the child are introduced, for example foreign languages, computer training, ecology, life safety, etc. At the same time, there is no clear control and dosing of the educational load; many preschool institutions do not have adequate pedagogical conditions and organizational and methodological approaches have not been developed that would compensate for the negative impact of increased intellectual load. Innovations of this kind reduce the already insufficient level of physical activity, according to experts, and have a negative impact on the health of children. It is known that children’s need for physical activity is satisfied during their stay in a preschool educational institution by only 45-50%, even with physical education classes carried out three times a day, and now in many preschool educational institutions their number has decreased to two, and sometimes once a week. In modern programs for preschool educational institutions, physical education is not a priority section. It has been established that the greatest effectiveness of the preschool education process is achieved if the daily volume of organized motor activity of the child is from 30 to 40% of waking time. Many programs do not pay due attention to the development of physical qualities of preschool children, while a significant number of preschool children (28-40%) have a low and below average level of physical fitness, and as a result, indicators of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems indicate a decrease in reserve capabilities children's bodies. The implementation of the concept of preserving child health is presented in the domestic educational programs “Health” and “Fundamentals of the Safety of Preschool Children”. Aesthetic development is embodied in the programs “Development”, “Origins”, “Childhood”, ideas about the need to develop creativity are contained in “TRIZ”. Some programs are highly specialized, for example: “Young Ecologist”, “Preschooler and Economics”, “Little One”, “Planet of Childhood”, “Synthesis”, “Harmony”, “Baby”, “Children’s Giftedness”, “Start”, etc. .P. Continuing the conversation about the problems of educational programs for preschool educational institutions, one cannot help but say that all of them are intended mainly for healthy children, the number of which, according to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center of Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is only about 10%. When planning the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions, the state of mental health, adaptive resources and capabilities of children are practically not taken into account. The trend of deterioration in the health of preschool children necessitates physical education and health work directly in the preschool setting, where the child is present almost every day and where, therefore, it is possible to ensure the timeliness and regularity of influences.

Prospects for the development of preschool education in Russia

The purpose of coordinating actions to develop the preschool education system in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2005 No. Pr-2065 and the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2005 No. MF-P44-6344, as well as in pursuance of the decision of the meeting of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of priority national projects and demographic policy (minutes of August 4, 2006, No. 9), a Set of measures for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation for 2007-2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Set of measures) was developed. In June 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation sent instructions to the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement the Set of Measures. The set of measures provides for the implementation of measures for the development of preschool education at all levels - federal, regional and municipal - in two main areas: ensuring the accessibility of preschool education and ensuring its quality. Currently, as part of the implementation of the Set of Measures, work is underway to expand the diversity of preschool educational institutions in order to most fully satisfy the needs of the population of the Russian Federation in preschool education services. It is planned to regulate the activities of new types of preschool educational institutions: a kindergarten for young children, a kindergarten for pre-school preparation. In addition, in terms of the normative consolidation of free preschool education, a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation has been developed and submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation, approving a list of types of preschool services educational institutions, implemented free of charge. It should be noted that in order to more fully meet the needs of the population for preschool education services, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation currently have sufficient regulatory powers to introduce new organizational forms of preschool education. So-called “family kindergartens”, home-based or tutor groups, family clubs, social playrooms can currently be organized as structural divisions of municipal or state preschool educational institutions, which will have to provide these forms with qualified personnel, provide psychological and pedagogical support for their activities and control behind it in order to ensure a sufficiently high quality of services provided. A special direction in the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation in the near future will be the creation of a system of early development of children aged from birth to 3 years. The importance of this particular direction of development of preschool education is due to several reasons.


As part of this work, the specifics of modern preschool education were investigated. The main trends and development prospects were also considered, on the basis of which the following conclusions can be drawn. The social demand for preschool education is evidenced by the presence of a waiting list for placing children in kindergartens. And with the current increase in the birth rate, this problem is getting worse. The growing waiting list for placing children in kindergartens and the insufficient capacity of the existing network of preschool institutions are becoming the main problem in the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to receive public preschool education. The provision of places in kindergartens for the population with preschool children is one of the indicators characterizing the state of the preschool education system. The problem of universal accessibility of preschool education for all categories of citizens is being solved today through the development of various forms of preschool education. Short-term groups for preschool children are being actively introduced into the practice of educational institutions, and playrooms are being equipped. Work with children is carried out according to preschool education programs. The problem of universal accessibility of preschool education is also being solved today through the construction of new preschool educational institutions, the reconstruction of existing buildings for preschool educational institutions, and the opening of additional groups in existing preschool educational institutions. The use of a program-targeted approach will help solve the problem of maintaining and developing a network of educational institutions and meeting the demand for preschool services, taking into account the rising birth rate.

Thus, the main task is to create a system that optimally meets the interests of the child and family, ensuring the greatest coverage of children with high-quality preschool education.

List of sources used

1.Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / L.S. Vygotsky. - M.: Education, 1991. - 570 p. — ISBN — 7-65123-41-8.

2. Golovina O.V., Aizmana R.I. The influence of standardized physical activity on the psychophysical development of a preschooler // Valeology. 1999. No. 1. pp. 47-52.

3. Quality of preschool education: state, problems, prospects / Ministry of Education of Russia. Federation. – M.: GNOM and D, 2004. – 239 p.

4.Preschool pedagogy / G.A.Aidasheva, N.O.Pichugina, S.V.Assaulova. – Phoenix Publishing House, 2004.


Pedagogical sciences / 4. Strategic directions for reforming the education system.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Kulikovskaya Irina Eduardovna

Southern Federal University, Russia

Preschool education: modern development trends

Trends in modern preschool education represent the leading directions of its development, determined by sociocultural and legislative changes in the Russian Federation. Adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council, the Law “On Education” fixed the mission of preschool education: “Preschool education is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children "(Federal Law “On Education” (2012), Article 64). This formulation reflects those areas of development of preschool education that are traditional (development of the child’s physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic qualities, preservation and strengthening of his health), as well as innovative ideas (formation of a common culture, development of personal qualities). New goals and objectives of education arise under the influence of trends characteristic of the information society, the globalizing world, and the contradictory processes of human development. The main trends in the development of preschool education in these conditions are the following.

1. Awareness of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood in the information space.

The intrinsic value of preschool childhood lies in the uniqueness of this age period, when the basis of personal culture, first ideas (about the world, culture, society, nature, oneself), ways of knowing (experimentation, play, physical activity, reflection), experience of interaction with natural and social environment (personal, social, activity). In the future they will develop, deepen, and become more precise, but the most important thing happens at the beginning of life’s journey.

The understanding of the importance of preschool childhood for a person’s future life is increasingly heard in the speeches of senior leaders of the Russian Federation. Issues of material support for families with children and the construction of new preschool institutions that meet modern requirements are being considered. Demands are being put forward to improve the quality of preschool education in a situation of its variability and accessibility.

A modern preschooler is constantly exposed to various streams of information and strives to experimentally test what he learns from television programs, cartoons, and books. He learns to use a computer, mobile phone, tablet and other technical devices, and is ready to master new ways of learning and transforming the world. Rapidly changing technologies, products and products, an avalanche-like growth of information - this is the world that is familiar and understandable to a child. Informatization of society makes it necessary to take into account the fact of transformation of consciousness, i.e. how modern children comprehend problems, how they receive, use, generalize information and how they relate to it. In this new reality, they may spontaneously form a mosaic, unsystematic, incoherent picture of the world, in which all knowledge exists in isolation, and images in the mind are replaced like pictures in a kaleidoscope, so it becomes increasingly difficult for him to maintain attention on any one task for a long time. The child is constantly looking for new sources of information, new gadgets and new sensations. A preponderance towards digital technologies and entertainment can lead to a violation of the harmony of his inner world and value disorientation. The time for play, which is the leading activity of preschoolers and a condition for the effectiveness of their socialization, is reduced.

That is why the attention of scientists, teachers, parents and officials of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is drawn to the preservation of the subculture of childhood, the creation of conditions for the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the unity and interconnection of ideas about nature, society, objects, art, as well as for acquiring the experience of tolerant relationships, a value-based attitude towards reality and oneself, compliance with rules and norms of behavior. The formation of a child’s general culture, the formation of his individual trajectory of knowledge of the world around him occurs in the process of developing the physical, motivational-need, spiritual-moral, aesthetic spheres, preserving and strengthening the health of children, forming in them a sense of belonging to a clan, family, generation, country.

2. Priority of the value-semantic orientation of preschool education.

The instability and instability of the modern world determine the need to acquire those values ​​and meanings in life that will allow a child to be healthy, successful and creatively thinking. Training and upbringing are focused on the child’s appropriation of knowledge about the real world, its signs, symbols, values ​​and meanings. A picture of this world is formed in his mind, presented in the unity of emotional, sensory and rational elements. It is the content of meanings and values ​​that creates the uniqueness of each person’s worldview: formalized knowledge in different people’s worldviews may have absolutely identical content, but their value for each person will be different.

In preschool childhood, the child acquires individual ways of discovering values ​​and meanings, reconstructing existing knowledge that is part of direct experience and the experience of research activities. He develops the ability to comprehend and argue the necessity of his decision on ways to achieve a result and apply it in life. The development of the value-semantic sphere of a preschool child is associated with the ability to understand the world on the basis of sensory experience and emerging logical thinking. By the older preschool age, there is an awareness of the essential, necessary properties, qualities, phenomena of the surrounding world, the formation of a holistic worldview of the child, outlining the general sociocultural content of cognition.

The axiological approach to understanding the value potential and meaning of knowledge determines that children acquire the meaning of life with intention (conscious aspiration) towards absolute values ​​(Good, Beauty and Truth), expressing the infinity of human existence. Training and upbringing are focused on the child’s appropriation of knowledge about the real world, its signs, symbols, values ​​and meanings. A picture of this world is formed in his mind, presented in the unity of emotional, sensory and rational elements. It is the content of meanings and values ​​that creates the uniqueness of each person’s worldview: formalized knowledge in different people’s worldviews may have absolutely identical content, but their value for each person will be different. Ultimately, the result of the child’s value-semantic development is the formation of his personal qualities, his understanding of the meaning of life in general and his life in particular, as well as the meaning of activity (“Why did you do that?”), the meaning of communication (“Why do you need to communicate with another person?”), etc.

3. Event-oriented preschool education.

The development of children's subculture and the child's value-semantic sphere occurs in the interaction of adults and children in a single event space, where the interchange of the world of adults and the world of children occurs. Here, a dialogue of cultures and personalities is formed, allowing each participant to gain experience in sociocultural communications, agreements, compliance with the rules and norms of interaction, a tolerant and respectful attitude towards other people’s opinions, and positive resolution of problem situations. Those events that are organized and unfold in preschool educational institutions allow the child to diversify the world around him, acquire corporate skills, and focus on general laws and rules of interaction in the social space. The eventfulness of the education of preschoolers corresponds to their age-related needs, as they learn to live on the territory of another (person, knowledge, sign, symbol). Moments of co-existence are “key moments” in the development of a child’s personal culture, since in co-existence there arises joy, readiness for support, freedom of creativity and self-expression.

It is in coexistence that the sincerity of mutual experience and the joy of finding new meanings in life arise. The interaction of teachers, parents and children in the process of preparing for the event, its holding and comprehension determines the establishment of subject-subject, partnership relations in which values, signs and symbols of culture are revealed, existing knowledge about the world around us, about the history of the native land, country and the universe is updated in general, there is a process of transferring existing knowledge to new situations, rethinking it and using it in productive creative activities. Education without education and teaching without edification become an essential characteristic of preschool education, focused on supporting the aspirations and developing key competencies of all subjects of the pedagogical process.

4. Competency-oriented preschool education.

In modern life, those human abilities are in demand that allow him to find a way of behavior that is adequate to the situation, discover new ways of self-realization, carry out various types of cognitive activities and solve various problems. This entire set of abilities represents competencies that are formed even before the child enters school - in preschool education. The competency orientation of preschool education corresponds to the main trends in the development of the world. The Council of Europe has put forward key competencies (social, multicultural, communicative, technological, cognitive), focusing not only on knowledge, abilities, skills, but also on individual personal characteristics, needs, and interests of the individual. The basis of such competencies is formed in preschool childhood, if the child turns from an object of pedagogical influence into a subject of his own development, possessing unique abilities and personal qualities. The child’s competencies are the educational results of the pedagogical process of a preschool institution. Success, as an individual achievement, is based on competencies, social skills, volitional efforts, and the need to transform goals as intentions into real results.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of key competencies for human life in a world that today is distinguished by openness, richness of information processes, and aggressive affirmation of negative behavior patterns presented as models. This situation gives rise to trends in raising a child who not only knows a lot, but also knows how to freely and independently choose the paths and means of self-realization in the world. Changing value systems and ways of life create a need for such cognitive competencies that, being an intellectual version of initiative, will allow the child to receive information about the world and transform it into ideas, knowledge, beliefs, and create in the mind a holistic picture of the world that determines guidelines for activity and behavior.

Consideration of basic competencies in the context of the characteristics of a preschool child allowed us to create a portrait of a child at the beginning of the 21st century. Competencies are considered as a result of a child’s education at the preschool level. Let's try to imagine a child mastering a world characterized by a high speed of change and information saturation.

Social competence

A modern child is actively exploring the world of social relationships; it is important for him to understand another person (parents, peers, cartoon and story characters). He strives to understand the characteristics of other children and adults - their facial expressions, gestures, postures. Easily involved in communication, he learns to use means of communication to achieve mutual understanding. A child’s sociocultural experience includes ideas, emotional and value relationships, and ways of reflecting the world in children’s creativity.

The child exhibits behavior patterns characteristic of people of one gender or another. It highlights, first of all, what separates male and female roles, and not what brings them together. Elements of sexual subjectivity also begin to appear: a girl is more likely to say that boys are hooligans, and boys are more likely to say that they protect girls. Sex-role value orientations continue to develop, which perform evaluative-orientative and regulatory functions in situations requiring the manifestation of sex-role dispositions.

He is already able to distinguish between good and evil, beautiful and ugly, he has especially developed emotionality, gullibility, openness, and responsiveness. Quickly enters into the proposed game roles, which are a kind of form of restoring internal harmony, a “test” of various forms of behavior leading to a certain result. The conventional, symbolic world of a role-playing game is a space in which a child learns love, understanding, overcoming difficulties, demonstrating dignity, responsibility, etc. Moreover, this teaching in the game has a real focus, forming personality traits that are in demand in both gaming and life. situations.

Social values ​​(trust, freedom, etc.) are less significant for a child, which is due to the fact that during preschool childhood he only just masters the rules of life in society, and an adult is a relay of the culture of interaction, constantly reminding people of the norms of relationships between people. Giving a peer the freedom to express his opinion in controversial situations arises only as a result of stimulation from the teacher.

The lack of life experience leads to the fact that he often makes mistakes in interpreting the words of his interlocutors; his repertoire of role behavior is not very wide. He can be shy, as he has difficulty understanding the emotional state of adults and other children. It is difficult for him to predict how this or that communication situation will develop, so he often finds himself in the center of a conflict, takes offense at misunderstandings, or distances himself from communication. Sometimes it is difficult for him to communicate and enter into stable friendships, and participate in joint games.

Multicultural competence

A child at the beginning of the 21st century learns a foreign language (English, German), knows Russian and his native languages. He travels abroad with his parents and knows that people of different countries live differently - they have different not only languages, but also relationships with each other, cuisine, music and dances. He is interested in games, fairy tales and proverbs of different nations, and he can name them - Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Chechen, Dagestan, Tatar, English, German.

His sociocultural experience is manifested in behavior, since he already has fairly clearly formed ideas about the rules of life in society, the values ​​of different cultures and ways of interacting with representatives of other countries.

But his ideas about the diversity of cultures are fragmentary and mosaic. Sometimes he is critical of representatives of any nation or race. It is difficult for him to engage in communication with representatives of other countries due to the language barrier and lack of understanding of traditions. The emotional and sensual attitude towards the culture of different countries dominates over the rational and logical one.

Communicative competence

A modern child can take the initiative in dialogues with an adult about real events, cartoons, computer games. It is important for him to understand the value of the actions of both real people who are shown in news programs on TV, and characters in fairy tales, short stories, and cartoons.

He unmistakably determines the mood, emotional state, feelings reflected in any work of art, but finds it difficult to select exact words, epithets and figurative expressions, as well as to substantiate his judgment, highlight the means of expression that allowed the artist, poet, musician to express this state .

The lack of interest in communication with peers causes a change in its form and content - it has become more formal and superficial.

Technological competence

The greatest interest is caused by the computer with its entertainment, horror stories, horror films, advertising, which deform the psyche of the personality of a growing person. The television screen replaces play, communication with peers and adults, and active productive activity for a small child.

The child belongs to the defenseless generation of “on-screen children” who do not have clear cultural guidelines and easily mistake false ideals for true ones.

Cognitive competence

The system-forming beginning of a child’s picture of the world is spirituality, and the elements of the picture of the world (images, ideas, signs, symbols, knowledge) are in constant development and refinement. Cognitive interest is characterized by situationality. Ideas about connections in the world are largely concrete and fragmentary.

He already knows how to identify the essential features of objects, compare them, and classify them, but he often answers questions in monosyllables, has difficulty selecting adjectives, and makes mistakes in constructing complex sentences. However, he is able to concentrate attention on the problem posed, understand it, and solve it both independently and with the help of a teacher, depending on the complexity of the task. With the help of an adult, a child can transfer any knowledge into artistic and creative activities.

Quite often one can find difficulties in formulating questions about the world around him, since he is often required to reproduce what he was told at home and in kindergarten. His cognitive activity is not sufficiently formed, since the intensive information space constantly provides answers to questions that have not yet been asked.

It is characterized by a lack of ability to concentrate on any activity, lack of interest in the task, hyperactivity, situational behavior, and increased absent-mindedness. His imagination and creative activity are reduced, he lacks the ability and desire to occupy himself with something. He makes no effort to invent new games, to write fairy tales, to create his own imaginary world; he has become bored with drawing, designing, and inventing new stories.

Thus, we have identified the following trends in the development of preschool education: awareness of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood in the information space, the priority of the value-semantic orientation of preschool education, its event orientation and competence orientation. In the context of these areas of development of preschool education, a portrait of a modern child is presented in the unity of social, multicultural, communicative, technological and cognitive competencies.


1. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” https://Ministry of Education and Science.rf/documents/2974/file/1543/12.12.29-FZ_On_education_in_the_Russian_Federation.pdf

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