DIY poster and wall newspaper for Mother’s Day 2022 for school and kindergarten - templates for printing, pictures, photos

Mother's Day is a bright and kind holiday that is celebrated in every country every year. Educational institutions celebrate this event with special trepidation - they prepare festive themed concert programs and creative evenings, hold classes, events, quizzes and organize unforgettable congratulations for mothers.

In this article, the News portal “” has prepared for you several ideas on how to make a bright holiday poster for Mother’s Day with your own hands.

What should a wall newspaper look like for Mother's Day?

So, preparations for my mother’s holiday have begun: handmade gifts, drawings, flowers, etc., etc. There are no problems with these details. Working collectively to decorate a group, classroom, and hallways is a completely different matter.

What should a homemade wall newspaper be like for Mother's Day, capable of conveying the depth of children's love and cheering up mothers for the whole day? There are several options: a humorous poster on a specific topic

  • bright congratulatory poster with wishes
  • college of scrapbooks and family photos
  • a huge drawing with handprints, 3D elements, etc.

There are other, traditional and more extraordinary variations of a wall newspaper made with your own hands for Mother’s Day:

  • classic greeting posters
  • voluminous posters
  • photo collages on whatman paper
  • sweet posters

Read more about how to create bright posters and greeting wall newspapers in the next section.

Fire safety

The do-it-yourself information and educational wall newspaper about fire safety stands out. It is issued in order to convey fire safety rules to children of preschool and school age.

Illustrated rules with bright design are remembered better. Children can also be involved in creating such a poster, which will make learning even more effective.

Frequently used elements here are the slogan “In case of fire, call 01”, a red telephone, a fire extinguisher, a fireman in a helmet, an image of fire, etc.

These are just some of the options for using wall newspapers. You can take them as a basis and come up with something of your own, unique, inimitable.

How to create a wall newspaper for Mother's Day

If you know how to draw well and do not suffer from a lack of imagination and sense of beauty, then most likely making a poster for Mother’s Day will not be difficult.

1. Main image

You can depict on your poster a woman's silhouette holding a child in her arms or a young woman holding a child's hand.

2. Decorations: flowers, patterns

Multi-colored beautiful flowers and patterns will also be relevant, which will give the poster a special tenderness and elegance.

3. Volume applications

The poster can be decorated with appliqué elements. For example, voluminous flowers, a bouquet of children's hands, multi-colored garlands and even balloons. It all depends on your abilities and imagination.

4. Congratulations and poems

Be sure to add a themed “Mother’s Day” inscription to the poster or, alternatively, a “Happy Mother’s Day” greeting. Short wishes and congratulations not only in prose, but also in poetry will look great on the poster.

How to decorate a hall with voluminous garlands

The point is this: you need to make three-dimensional figures from paper, which are then strung at some distance from each other on threads, fishing lines or thin ribbons. Such garlands hanging from the ceiling will greatly decorate a music or assembly hall.

Here is my example - pigeons in the clouds: I print out a diagram of a paper dove (by the way, you can print 20 more diagrams of different animals from here). For one garland we need two such birds. Cut out and fold along the folds, looking at the drawing in the right corner.

We will alternate pigeons with paper clouds like these. I don’t give you a diagram - we randomly cut out identical parts from 2 sheets of A4 format, bend them and fasten them in the center with a stapler. In a large figure, I cut out a small detail inside. This will also be a small cloud.

Master class on making a poster for Mother's Day

Simple and clear instructions for creating a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in kindergarten or school.

  1. Invite boys and girls to put their pens on sheets of colored paper, trace them with a pencil, and then carefully cut them out. Each palm will be individual and the entire product will acquire a more personal touch.
  2. At the top of the sheet of whatman paper in the middle, make a welcoming inscription: “Mom is our sun” or any other inscription corresponding to the theme of the holiday. Letters can be drawn using a stencil or cut out of bright colored paper and glued with glue.
  3. In the center, under the inscription, paste an element cut out of yellow colored paper, symbolizing the sun. Just below, write or paste a poem dedicated to mothers.
  4. Glue colorful children's hands on the sides of the poster, and glue photographs of children on top of them.
  5. Place a photo of the child (portrait or full-length) on each hand. Children must bring photographs from home in advance.

Place the finished poster under a load so that all the elements stick to the right places, and then attach the product to the wall or any other flat, solid base.

Large voluminous flowers and pompoms

Pompoms of different colors and sizes can be bought in online stores. They will be delivered folded, all you have to do is fluff them up.

If you have time and free hands, you can do it yourself.

I won’t repeat myself, I’ll just point you to my article, which contains three examples of fairly large paper products. Just be careful, some flowers are made from crepe paper, while hanging balls and floor flowers are made from tissue paper.

We follow the picture, there is a description:

How to decorate a hall with such flowers?

Ready-made templates for posters and wall newspapers for Mother's Day

A poster and wall newspaper for Mother's Day are mandatory attributes of this good and touching holiday. Children do them in advance in kindergarten under the guidance of teachers and at school together with teachers.

To make your wall newspapers bright and unusual, create a poster using a ready-made template that we prepared especially for these holidays. The poster contains touching phrases and aphorisms about your mother, which will convey the depth of your feelings for your beloved mother.

Ready-made posters will be a worthy decoration for any room - be it a school hall, a school classroom, a room in a kindergarten or corridors.

Poster “Mom, Happy Holidays!”

Wall newspaper for mom “Mom is my sunshine!”

Create a wall newspaper online

Poster for mom “The most beautiful flower is my mom”

Add photos to the poster

Wall newspaper “Happy Holidays, Mom”

Poster ideas and templates with photos (can be downloaded)

In the wonderful service Canva I found many layouts dedicated to Mother's Day. All of them are quite laconic and restrained in a European way. I added inscriptions in Russian to them and inserted other photos. It turns out to be a very decent design.

You can use the proposed color schemes and location of photos and text as a basis. And also print it out and give it as a postcard.

By the way, if you use your imagination, you can prepare a similar poster. Just try to find a photo where mom looks beautiful.

It’s not a shame to put this design on a shelf. A wonderful collage with the right message. Take note.

You can make this type of congratulations with black and white photographs.

This idea can be supplemented with various poems and wishes.

Another option in soft pastel colors.

Bright and bright memories are associated with my mother.

You might also like this poster format. Each child can print this picture. And in place of the photo he will paste his own.

Idea for a collage.

Photo placement option.

Humorous poster. A very worthy gift for mom. You can draw it by hand by simply repeating the idea. Just add your favorite face.

I collected ideas with photographs. Below are options with pictures. They are much easier to repeat.

Poems and congratulations for the wall newspaper for Mother's Day

It is important to know how to make a wall newspaper with your own hands for a kindergarten matinee for Mother’s Day. But it is equally important to choose suitable illustrative material, beautiful poems, interesting riddles, and the right congratulatory words. After all, a holiday poster should not only be bright and colorful visually, but also literate in its text elements.

Such poems and congratulations will become a real decoration for a poster dedicated to Mother’s Day.

Beautiful phrases and aphorisms about mom

Mom’s love is a garden in which the sun shines and it’s always spring!

Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny.

A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

Who said angels don't exist? They're just called mom on earth.

Only mom has the kindest hands, the most tender smile and the most loving heart...

If you don't believe in angels... Look into your mother's eyes...

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness.

“Mom” is a synonym for the word “love.”

Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children.

Mom is the most beautiful word spoken by a person.

Mom – one word, four letters, eternal meaning...

Moms always come to the rescue. Even when they are not around.

Mothers are like buttons - everything hangs on them.

Mom’s love is a cozy courtyard, which is always warm and sunny.

Beautiful drawing for mom from kindergarten children

Of course, every year kindergartens put on an exhibition of pictures drawn by children. Sometimes it's funny to look at them. But don't put them aside. After all, you can understand a lot from them.

Children love to draw their mothers. Often, based on their drawings, psychologists can even tell whether the child is doing well. Does he have any injuries? The finished image can explain a lot about whether he is drawing himself next to her. Or it stands far away and to the side.

I just wanted to collect many different images in one place. They are all bright and kind. YOU can use them as the basis for a poster. Or write congratulations against the background of the finished picture.

My daughter gave me this masterpiece. She's doing great. The main thing is that mom has a mouse at her feet! And the sun is shining all around and flowers are growing.

Another present from her.

Bouquet of flower children. Each child makes an applique in the shape of a flower. A photograph is pasted inside. This idea can be used not only in kindergarten, but also for school.

Another great idea.

Look how interesting the phrase was played out in different languages. It turned out very unusual.

You can make such a collage of photographs together with your elders, for example with your dad or sister. And decorate mom's room. She will definitely be inspired by your ideas and thank you from the bottom of her heart.

The angel mother was depicted very beautifully. She is our best amulet.

I also found a wonderful selection of posters that are all collected in one place. Everything is glued to the glass. There are many of them you may like.

For kindergarten kids, you can use ideas with palms. It's quite easy and the kids themselves like it. Below I will devote an entire chapter to such options.

They also made a frame of palms around the edges. They are colorful and perfectly decorated the poster.

And here we got creative. And they created an unusual composition where children support their mothers. Each child is depicted as a ray of sunshine. This is a great idea!

A voluminous poster always looks decent and interesting.

We used red hearts and homemade daisies as a basis. You can print the background you like. And based on it, create an application.

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