A teacher’s personal website as one of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence

Recommendations for teachers on website management

Contained in sections:

  • Internet safety for preschoolers 233
  • Working with parents. Interaction with families 11991

Showing publications 1-10 of 38. All sections | Website for educator, teacher, kindergarten



The best

Personal website as a means of self-improvement for a teacher as a professional and an individual. The modern world cannot be imagined without the Internet. A huge number of people are its active users. And everyone finds in it something they need for themselves. The Internet also plays an invaluable role in the work of a teacher . This is primarily due to the search for sites on which...

Consultation for teachers “What is “Fake” on websites and on the Internet” For many of us, teachers , the new foreign expressions and words used by advanced youth are incomprehensible. Among them is the word “Fake”. Recently I wondered what it is and I want to share this information with you. What is fake on social networks. A fake account is...

The target audience

Jimdo is suitable for inexperienced users to create their first website. The main visual editor is easy to use and moderately functional, although its ergonomics are a bit strange - the elements are not placed as you would expect. Some of them are too large, others, on the contrary, are small. The simplified version of the editor looks and feels better, but has much less functionality.

Jimdo's audience is entrepreneurs who want to create a business card to support their business. Photographers who need a portfolio, musicians, makeup artists and others. Jimdo is simple, but, as strange as it may sound, not a very convenient site builder. The interface is bright and colorful, but the logic and structure of the options is sometimes strange and not obvious. It’s not difficult to get used to, as long as you like it initially. For pros, the service is of no interest.

Beginners will enjoy the semi-automatic mode of building sites with the required number of pages, themes and functionality. Previously, the developers pompously called it “Dolphin”, artificial intelligence, but subsequently they simplified the positioning and improved the algorithm to a level that is not a sin to use. A good tool for building simple websites that do not require a variety of design and functionality.

Some webmasters create not only their own sites, but also client sites using Jimdo. Honestly, this is a bad idea, especially when it comes to projects for the Runet. There is no point in using a German designer that is overpriced for our market, has average functionality, and has a bunch of successful alternatives. At the same time, the system does not have any preferences or useful features for creating websites for a foreign audience. In general, this is an average designer with a visual editor, devoid of Russian in the interface. This is something to consider when considering it.

About Me

I am Tatyana Vladislavovna Karpova. I am a teacher. And I say this with pride. I always loved working with children and from the fifth grade I knew for sure that I would become a teacher. And after the eighth grade of school I entered a pedagogical school. And now I have been working as a teacher for more than 36 years. And now this is my home, where little people are waiting for me, loving me, to whom I rush every day. Waking up in the morning, I understand that I want to go to work and see my children. I like to study with them, play, enjoy their successes, and discover new things. I have a wonderful mission - to give my love to children! I am a teacher, and this is my destiny, my way of life, I cannot imagine my life without my favorite profession. During these 36 years of working as an educator, I have had many graduations. My very first graduates are already 39 years old. I am very pleased when, when we meet, they say hello and ask about their health and work. I really love my job! I enjoy it! I have been entrusted with the most important thing in this world - children. And I am responsible for them. Over the years, I have never regretted choosing this profession. True, it wasn’t long before I had to, by the will of fate, change my favorite profession twice. The first time in the dashing nineties I was laid off, and I got a job at a pharmacy at the cash desk, worked there for 3 months, found a job as a teacher and worked in a railway kindergarten for 20 years. While working there, she entered and received a diploma from Smolensk State University. My diploma position is organizer - methodologist, but I continue to work as a teacher, although I had the opportunity to work under my diploma. The second time I changed my favorite profession was when, because of my youngest son, who was about to go to first grade, I went to work near my home in a kindergarten as a psychologist. I worked in this position for 1 year and realized that this was not mine, my calling was to be a teacher. This profession makes me forget all problems and sorrows, always feel healthy, energetic, young and always be in the world of a unique, fairy-tale childhood. I love my profession and found my calling in it, established myself in it, and this means that I am a happy person.

To keep up with the times and improve in my favorite profession, I constantly take advanced training courses.

1. Certificate of short-term professional development from April 10, 2012 to April 17, 2012, she underwent short-term training at the State Institution DPOS "Smolensk Regional Institute for Educational Development" according to the seminar program for teachers of preschool educational institutions "Analytical and prognostic activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions in accordance with FGT" in the amount 14 hours.

2. Certificate of short-term professional development From October 8, 2012 to October 23, 2012, I completed short-term training at the State Institution DPOS “Smolensk Regional Institute for Educational Development” according to the program of the seminar for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions” in the amount of 14 hours.

3. Certificate of short-term advanced training from May 13, 2013 to May 29, 2013, she completed short-term training at the State Institution DPOS “Smolensk Regional Institute for Educational Development” under the program of targeted advanced training courses “Modern information technologies in teaching activities within the framework of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard” ( basic course, level 1) in the amount of 76 hours.

4. Certificate of advanced training from February 3, 2014 to March 21, 2014, she underwent advanced training at the State Institution DPOS “Smolensk Regional Institute for Educational Development” under the additional professional program “Professional competence of a preschool teacher in the conditions of standardization of preschool education” in the amount of 156 hours.

5. Certificate of advanced training from February 6, 2022 to March 03, 2022, advanced training at the State Institution of Further Professional Education SOIRO “Preschool education in the context of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard” in the amount of 108 hours.

6.Certificate of advanced training from July 29, 2022 to August 2, 2022, advanced training at the Autonomous non-profit organization of vocational education “Technological College of Smolensk Humanitarian University” under the additional professional program “Organization of providing first medical aid to victims” in the amount of 16 hours.

7. Certificate of advanced training from March 12, 2022 to March 13, 2022 advanced training in a basic professional educational organization that provides support for the regional system of inclusive vocational education for people with disabilities in the Smolensk region under the program “Current tasks of supporting persons with disabilities and (or) disabilities in the context of the competitive movement “Abilimpix”: volunteer, organizational, expert aspects” in the amount of 16 hours.

8. Certificate of advanced training from December 16, 2022 to December 19, 2022, advanced training in a basic professional educational organization that provides support for the regional system of inclusive vocational education for people with disabilities in the Smolensk region under the program “Creating a didactic game for preschool children using ICT” in the amount 16 hours

Jimdo pricing policy (prices for tariffs)

Let us immediately note that the free plan is not suitable for creating a promoted website. There is only one reason for this - it is impossible to connect a third-party domain. The rest are no longer important. It was also disappointing that the system does not have a trial period to test the full functionality - the so-called freemium. Many features are not available on Free. You will get 500 MB of space, 2 GB of site bandwidth, a level 3 domain, system advertising in the footer, no ability to work with SEO and statistics, and some limitations in the editor. This is enough to get acquainted with the engine interface, but to create a normal website you need to build on the capabilities of paid plans, of which there are only two:

  1. Jimdo Pro – 4800 RUR/year. You will receive 1 domain as a gift, email, technical support, visit statistics, no advertising, access to the mobile version of the site, SEO settings and the ability to create a store for 15 products;
  2. Jimdo Business – 9600 RUR/year. Added a full-fledged store with all options and an unlimited number of products, advanced SEO settings and 1 more domain as a gift.

Important: all prices are indicated without VAT, which will be charged additionally when paying for the tariff plan.

The difference in the cost of tariffs is large, and the price level of the engine is above average. The first one is suitable for business cards, the second one makes sense to pay if you decide to create a store. The free version can be used to try out the builder to see if you are willing to pay for Jimdo or not.

Alternatives and competitors

Jimdo is far from ideal, especially considering the above-average cost. You can easily replace it, easily finding even more interesting goodies in alternatives for less money. The only more or less clear “Pro” is Dolphin. Even though this is not a full-fledged AI, it can still do something. Not everyone has an analogue.

The visual editor here is quite ordinary, the ergonomics are average, the templates are too... Competitors are always trying to figure it out))

Best Jimdo Alternatives

uKit is a much more affordable and convenient business website builder. Specialized, with hundreds of templates, also assembled from ready-made sections. The settings structure is more clear, the SEO wizard is immediately available, and there are many profile widgets. It makes it easier and more enjoyable to create portfolios and business cards. And most importantly - 2 times cheaper.

Wix is ​​a much more powerful builder in the same category. More templates, higher quality, more depth of design customization. Many applications allow you to create and promote websites with specialized functionality (file trading, order table, reservations, restaurant menu, etc.). SEO Wizard is much more convenient, the interface is more pleasant, and the sites look richer.

uCoz is an alternative for those who want to create large websites, including stores and thematic blogs. It is head and shoulders above Jimdo in everything: the quality of premium templates, store and blog modules, flexibility in customizing layouts (visual editor, full access to the code) and an excellent SEO module. If you need a powerful website, come here.

Jimdo, despite its friendly interface and good detail in the settings of individual areas of the site, is not worth the money. Knowing about the existence of competitors and their capabilities, few people will choose this service here on the RuNet.

You can get acquainted for the sake of curiosity to ensure the objectivity of the assessment. It’s not even a matter of cost, it just doesn’t compare, as they say, compared to the others.

Advantages and disadvantages

Jimdo demonstrates a typical Western approach to product sales. This leaves an imprint on it, entailing both advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Jimdo:

  • Pleasant for beginners mode of automated site assembly;
  • A good built-in blog module;
  • More or less high-quality templates with convenient customization of their appearance;
  • Two visual editors and, accordingly, two different approaches to creating websites in the system - simpler and more functional;
  • A solid set of elements in the advanced version of the editor;
  • Availability of a free period, which is enough to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the service.

Cons of Jimdo:

  • There are few templates, all hope is for their deep customization or creating your own from scratch;
  • The store is inconvenient to manage and not worth the money;
  • There is no Russian language in the interface;
  • SEO optimization in full is possible only on tariff plan 2;
  • The free plan is seriously limited in terms of features;
  • The design of the control panel, although simple, is not particularly convenient and takes some getting used to;
  • Tariffs are overpriced.

Jimdo is a typically commercial project. Developers in some places too clearly want money from the user, which is frightening given the complete lack of functional optimization of the engine for sites intended for RuNet. It’s not entirely clear why you should buy at an inflated price something that is poorly suited to solving the problems of the domestic audience.

My achievements

Teacher of the highest qualification category

https://ok.ru/video/1255577555255 - this is a link to a video from the ABILYMPIX championship (qualifying round), which took place on April 25-26, 2022, in which I participated as a specialist in the “Preschool Education” category and took first place .

From November 18 to November 22, 2022, the final 5 of the ABILYMPIX national championship was held in Moscow, in which I took part in the “Preschool Education” category and took first place.

She gave an interview to the Smolensk News newspaper No. 6 on February 8, 2020, where she talked about her work and dream.

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