Master class for kindergarten teachers “Let’s play with music”

Master class for kindergarten teachers “Let’s play with music”

Master class “Playing with Music”
M.R.: Hello, dear colleagues!
The theme of our master class is “Playing with Music.” I. Theoretical part

Modern approaches to preschool education require teachers not only to organize new forms of activity aimed at the musical education of preschool children, but also to change its content. Parents are full participants in the pedagogical process. The success of a child’s development depends, first of all, on the close cooperation of the teacher with the family. Today I would like to address the parents of preschoolers. In the modern world, much attention is paid to cognitive activity and the physical development of the child, but not enough attention is paid to the development of the emotional sphere. The emotional sphere of a preschooler needs to be formed, and it is music that has the greatest power of influence on the child, occupies a special, unique place in education and reflects his attitude to the world. Everyone knows that the leading form of learning and development of preschool children is play, but it is also clear that modern children need new interesting games that meet both the needs of children and the trends of the times. And we are all in search and development of such games. I bring to your attention games and exercises that teachers can use in activities with children and parents in children’s everyday lives to develop the child’s emotional sphere and his creative abilities.

II. Practical part

Today I invite you to go to the land of musical educational games.
During our journey, I hope you can learn something, discover something new for yourself and then put it into practice with your children at home or at work. Organizational and psychological moment. Communicative dance – game “Hello, friend!” Goal: Movement to music has a positive effect on the psyche. Psychotherapeutic effects are based on creating a special atmosphere of emotional warmth, empathy, and trust in the process of work. Intro and bridge: Children perform turns, standing scattered Verse 1: The legs walked straight along the path. They walk randomly along We had fun walking and met a friend. Find a mate - a friend Chorus: Hello, hello, dear friend! (They shake hands with each other)
Look around.
(Spread their arms to the sides)
Just smile at me!
(Smile at each other)
Hug tight!
(They hug)
(they spin in pairs, holding hands)
M.R.: I suggest you get on the bus and take your seats.
We are going to a COUNTRY called CHILDHOOD. Ri (German song, arr. by E. Zheleznova)
1 We are all sitting on the bus -
(slaps with each hand on the knee in turn)
And we sit, and we sit.
And we look out of the window, - (we look left and right)
We all look.
Yes. 2 We look back, - (turn the body back)
We look forward, -
(turn the body forward)
Like this, like this -
(movements are repeated)
Well, the bus is no luck, -
(they raise their shoulders in surprise)
No luck.
Yes. 3 The wheels started spinning, - (“winder”)
Just like that, like that.
We rolled forward (winder tilting back and forth)
Just like that.
4 And the brushes rustle on the glass, - (“clock”)
Whip-whip-whip – 2 rubles.
They want to sweep away all the droplets, whack-whack-whack. 5 And we’re not just sitting there Beep-beep-beep – 2p. – we touch our nose with the index finger of our right hand. We hum loudly, loudly, Beep-beep-beep. In such games, sounding gestures are used (claps, clicks, slaps, stamps)
, while children develop speed of reaction, attention, the ability to act collectively, and develop coordination of movements. - On the way.
Art salon "Perception" . Perception is the leading type of musical activity. Through the perception of music, a child learns to respond emotionally to his environment. Game “Find Friends” Goal: You and I ended up at an exhibition of paintings. We need to select an appropriate poem and painting for the music we listened to (4 paintings of different content, 2-3 poems and one piece of music are offered)
Game “Colors of Music” Goal: - Now you will listen to music and complete the task. You must use paint color to indicate the music and its dynamic shades. Multi-colored notes will help you with this. Take them in your hands. Show a blue note when you hear very quiet music, yellow when the music is not very quiet, and red when the music is very loud! (Music by A. Vivaldi “Winter” sounds) Game “Footprints in the Snow” Goal: In front of you is a white snowy clearing (white sheet of paper)
When the music starts, traces of the character you imagined when listening to the piece of music should appear on it. Can be depicted using color, shape. The technique in which children will have to convey musical impressions should not be labor-intensive or time-consuming. Even switching attention from a graphic task to a color task. can distract from the music, destroying the holistic artistic and aesthetic impression. Game “Draw and voice a picture” Goal: - There are colored envelopes on your tables. They contain different objects - models. Lay out an autumn picture on a flannelgraph: clouds, wind, rain (large and small drops corresponding to long and short sounds)
, fallen leaves
(large and small)
Using body sounds
(claps, rustling, voice)
we will voice our pictures.
Everyone claps as many times as there are raindrops (with short and long sounds)
, and sings the song of the wind long or short.
Everyone got their own picture - And here is the Concert Hall . Game “Guess the song from pictures” Purpose: the exercise develops the child’s thinking, sense of rhythm and hearing. Pictures appear on the screen depicting the objects that are sung about in the hidden song. As soon as the children guess the name of the song, it begins to sound. The children sing it expressively. (Slide for the song “Smile” and “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)
To lose, you can tap the rhythm with magic wands.
Game “Sing a Song” Goal: to develop song creativity and imagination Now I invite you to sing a song of your own composition, to the words of a poem by Agnia Barto. The pictogram will tell you what intonation it will have. Game “Merry Orchestra” Purpose: Improves the sense of rhythm, mastery of tempo, dynamics, and develops a sense of ensemble. M.R.: You all once dreamed of being musicians. Well, your dream will come true. Choose a musical instrument. Be careful. Now musical instruments will appear on the screen. Whoever has this instrument plays it. Several tools may appear at once. We observe rhythmic pulsation. But maybe you don't have musical instruments. Then everything that can make sounds will be used. (Sounds of our body and any objects) “Paper Orchestra” (sheets of parchment paper)
III. Final part

A world without art We will all be cramped, you are all convinced, friends.
And music is the main miracle in the world, And since childhood it has been our guiding star. Flash mob “Lighting up the stars” (repetition of rhythmic movements after the leader)

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Masterclass summary for music directors of preschool educational institutions “Unusual in the ordinary”

Master class for music directors and preschool teachers. "Unusual in the ordinary"

Goal: Development of creative methods and techniques in the development of musical abilities in preschoolers.

Equipment: Black box, plates, spoons, brushes, thick paper napkins, two pot lids, cardboard cups, glove puppets, cards with the words of the song, 5 ropes, cards with a graphic image of the melody, synthesizer.

1 Beginning.

Music director

Good afternoon, my friends! I suggest you now leave all your sorrows and hardships at the door and plunge into the magical world of musical art. They say that you need to start any business with a good mood and then success is guaranteed! Do you agree with me?

Then, put your palms together, cover your face with them, close your eyes... And imagine how all illnesses, sorrows and sorrows turn into a thin gray film... take the film with your hands, squeeze it tightly and pull it off yourself. You feel joy and lightness. We crumple the mask as much as possible, then rub it in our palms. The film turns into fine dust...we fill it with the kindness and warmth of our hot hearts: we draw as much air as possible into the lungs through the nose and quietly so that the grains of sand do not scatter when we blow on them. Well, now it’s time to share the goodness with others - open your palms, raise your hands up and throw up the sand. Welcome to the world of creativity and improvisation!

2 black box

Music director

Every fairy story has mystery, intrigue or magic. So today we cannot do without magical attributes. ( A black box is taken out


What do you need for the box to work?.. Of course, magic words! What magic words do you know? Repeat the words after me, clapping your palms on your knees:

ene-bene-raba, misli-masli-kumpa - teli, hokkeri-dockeri ( it is suggested to come up with continuation of phrases, try to accompany the speech by patting other parts of the body, listening to the change in sound. Examples: Ene-bene-rama - mom bought a doll / cooked porridge mother; misli-masli- kumpateli – the birds flew away to the south / they sang a song / we ate porridge with butter, etc.)

We did a great job with the words! And what has the box prepared for us?! ...

No. 3 Creak ( The box opens, the hand goes inside

the question hangs in the air)
No. 4 Game

Do you like to play? ( What? On what?)


They say we are young as long as the desire to play lives in us! And it doesn’t matter what or with what, be it musical instruments, board games or the nerves of the people around us. And now I invite you to play the game “Pig in a Bag” with me.

Rules of the game. On the floor there are ropes symbolizing the lines on the staff (How many should there be, who can tell me? Exactly five, according to the number of fingers on the hand.)

I ask the most responsible of my colleagues to check if everything is correct. (
An error is detected - extra or missing lines)
I have cards in my hands with the image of a melody (
the cards are shown
Instead of notes, the cards show animals. Players take turns putting their hand into the bag and pulling out a toy. (You can give the opportunity to describe the object that you came across or guess what animal it is without looking)..
I ask you to put the toys on your hand.
Each animal has its own name, which is written on it. Shall we meet? (The music director plays each note, the players each sing their name, bowing with the toy)
I ask the person in charge to take the cards in hand. The animals dance to the music, repeating the movements of the musical hand; at the end of the music, the person in charge shows the card for reading. Players must take their places on the staff according to the location on the card as soon as possible. (Cards can be of several types: with images of animals instead of notes, with images of notes of the same color, different colors)
. The game begins!

No. 5 Dance (pause, play three times)

Music director We played, danced, sang, we learned the notes and got a little tired. Time to take a deep breath, put your hands on your chest, turn right, left and quietly..... (fall asleep) Rest! While we are resting, I suggest you take another look at the black box.

No. 6 Creak

(Get a plate, spoon, glass, napkin). Apparently, our magic is a little expired... Why do we need these objects in the world of music? What are they for? What else can you do with them? Can they be used as musical instruments? (Yes)

Want to try? We are creating an ensemble called…. (teachers suggest names). Ensemble artists selected:

— Who has heard the song “Antoshka” and likes to hum it? You will be soloists. ( Soloists are given hint cards with words)

-Who can draw a circle? You will draw circles on the table with plates.

-Who can reach everyone? You will be knocking spoon against spoon.

— Who is always happy to come to the aid of his partner, the assistant teacher? – You will clean with brushes, and you will wash the napkin by hand.

— Who likes to relax a little during their lunch break and drink a glass of coffee? Your task is to beat out the rhythm using cups.

- Who likes to finish what they start? You are given the most responsible position - to put an end to the end of the performance with a blow of the lids.

And I ask everyone else to help me set the rhythm of the entire composition by clapping my hands.

(A short rehearsal takes place)

Attention attention! For the first time in the hall of the Zhuravsky kindergarten, the combined instrumental ensemble “______” with its sensational composition “Bring a spoon to dinner” Ensemble performance

Many thanks to the artists for a great performance! You are real musicians and creators! No. 7 Final

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