Organization of cognitive and research activities Cognitive and research activities in the junior group, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, should be directed towards
For many centuries, man behaved in relation to nature as a consumer: he cut down
Summary of lessons on designing Teremok nursery Summary of GCD on designing “Teremok” Purpose: formation
WHY DO YOU NEED TO DEVELOP MOTOR SKILLS Finger control is the most important skill for a person. He
What is the essence of the Montessori method? Montessori training is held under the motto: “Help me do
Teaching numeracy, systematized and methodologically justified by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), is included in the system
The use of mnemonic techniques in the development of children's speech Batagovskaya Natalya NikolaevnaMalyavina Natalya NikolaevnaeducatorsMBDOU DS No. 27
Experimental activities in kindergarten: tasks, methods and techniques Oksana Shelkoplyas Experimental activities in
Walks in January in the preparatory group. Card file with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard Winter walks in
Teaching preschoolers to read online in a playful way Hello, here are online trainings on teaching