Summary of lessons on designing Teremok nursery

Abstract of GCD for the design of “Teremok”


: developing children’s ability to create simple buildings in joint activities.


educational activities:

continue to teach children to create a building from ready-made geometric shapes (bricks, cubes, roofs), analyze the object, see the main parts and details that make up the structure;

teach how to build a house according to conditions and models;

exercise the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: cube, roof, brick;

expand and enrich children’s vocabulary, strengthen dialogic speech skills;

develop design skills, spatial thinking;

cultivate independence;

develop coordination of hand movements, attention, thinking;

learn to differentiate the concepts of “big and small”;

cultivate a love for animals, develop cognitive interest;

create a joyful mood, an emotional mood.

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Work”, “Music”, “Reading fiction”.

Preliminary work:

reading Teremok fiction, looking at illustrations, constructing outside classes in subgroups and individually, looking at photographs of houses of different sizes, designs and purposes, consultations for parents.


wooden floor construction set, Lego construction set, plastic construction set, soft modules, diagrams, counting sticks.

Activating the dictionary:

brick, cube, door, walls, roof, window.

Progress of educational activities:

Surprise moment:

There is a knock on the door, a bear from the Russian folk tale “Teremok” comes in and cries.

Pedagogical technologies used:

• gaming

• information and communication

• personality-oriented

• health-saving

Artistic and aesthetic development:

• strengthen children’s ability to construct buildings according to a model and support the desire to build something on their own

• consolidate children’s knowledge of the names of construction kit parts

Speech development:

• develop dialogical speech

• cultivate interest in communicating with adults and peers

• activate nouns in the children’s dictionary (teremok, builder, little mouse, frog-frog, runaway bunny, top-gray barrel, little fox-sister, clumsy bear, verbs (lounged, galloped, roared, squeaked)

Cognitive development:

• maintain children's interest and active actions with objects and geometric bodies

• develop attention, thinking, sensory perception

Social and communicative development:

• cultivate friendly relationships during joint activities

Presentation “Designing with young children”

#Educational and methodological materials #Presentation #Educator #Preschool education

Construction as a means of developing the creative abilities of children of early preschool age in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard Natalya Yulionasovna Kursova, teacher of the highest category of preschool educational institution No. 100, Kola

Construction Construction is the most important type of productive activity for a preschooler in modeling both real-life objects and objects invented by the children themselves. Construction, like building games, is a type of children's activity, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in various buildings.

MAIN TASKS To introduce children to the simplest plastic construction sets. Teach children to build elementary buildings according to a model. Learn to use additional story toys commensurate with the scale of the buildings. Promote the development of spatial relationships. In games with tabletop and floor building materials, introduce children to the details (cube, brick, triangular prism, plate, cylinder). Together with an adult, design turrets, houses, cars.

Construction from building materials as the BASIC TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IN EARLY AGE GROUP In early age groups, children are introduced to play building materials: first with cubes and bricks, then with geometric shapes (cylinders, prisms, arches, cones, blocks).

The meaning of construction 1. The development of children's sensory and thinking abilities is carried out. 2. Promotes practical knowledge of the properties of geometric bodies and spatial relationships. 3. It is a means of developing hard work, independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving goals. 4. Developing initial teamwork skills.

Types of construction We build from figures (large cubes). We build from soft modules. We build from cubes. We build with Legos. We build from geometric shapes. Teamwork.

We build from figures (large cubes)

We build from soft modules

We build from cubes

We build with Legos

We build from geometric shapes


Conclusions In the process of design work, children of early preschool age 1) learned to construct various buildings, 2) distinguish the basic shapes of parts of building material, 3) unfold the game around their own building, 4) at the end of the game, put the toys and building material back in place.

Abstract of OOD on design in the first junior group topic “Let's build a bus”

Author: Marina Valerievna Vasilenko, teacher of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 16 of a general developmental type”, Ukhta

Description of the material: I offer a summary of organized educational activities for children of the first junior group (2-3 years old).

Abstract of OOD on design in the first junior group

theme "Let's build a bus"

Objectives: to train children in elementary methods of construction: placing parts and placing them on top of each other. Teach to distinguish details and name them. To develop children’s desire to design and promote speech activity. Teach how to disassemble buildings and put parts in the middle of the table.

Material: a set of cubes, bricks and plates for each child. Large toys: bus and car. Small toys: cars, animals, nesting dolls, etc.


Guys, I suggest you go on a trip today, take chairs and build a “bus” (children take chairs and sit on the “Bus”).

Here we are on the bus, sitting and sitting and sitting (slapping our knees)

From the window we look, we look, we look everything

We look back, we look forward (turn their heads left and right)

That's it, that's it, that's it, well, the bus doesn't carry you

The wheels are spinning (circular movements of the shoulders)

Just like that, just like that, we rolled forward (imitation steering wheel)

Like this, like this, and the brushes rustle on the glass

Whip, whack, whack (movements with palms, waving)

We're going, we're going (imitation steering wheel)

Everything forward, everything forward, everything forward, where is the bus taking us, taking us, taking us.


:- Look, the toys and dolls are sitting very sad, they probably also want to go on an excursion or some kind of trip. Let's guys build a bus for them.

The teacher shows and analyzes a sample of a bus built in advance.


:- The bus is long - many passengers can travel on it. The bus has many windows and seats. The bus also has wheels.


:- Guys, is there a new one among the parts you are familiar with? (The children discover that the wheels are built from new parts)


:- This part is called a cylinder. You can put it on, you can roll it around. What does a cylinder look like? (Children's answers: on a post, on a log, on a mug)

Then the teacher tells how to build a bus, one of the children follows his instructions.


:- You need to put two cylinders so that they roll, and a plate on them. Place four cubes on the plate at equal distances from each other, and place the same long plate on top.

After the explanation, the children begin to build. To prevent the cylinders from rolling out, you can offer children napkins made of soft fabrics. When the buses are ready, the children take small toys and place them in the passenger seats. The teacher, on behalf of the toys, thanks the children and asks where they will go on an excursion.

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