Methodological development on the topic “The use of gaming technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”

Seminar “Modern gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Game technology consistently includes games and exercises that form one of the integrative qualities or knowledge from the educational field. But at the same time, gaming material should intensify the educational process and increase the efficiency of mastering educational material.

The main goal of gaming technology

— creation of a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities of activity, depending on the operating conditions of the preschool institution and the level of development of children.

Objectives of gaming technology
To achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need to acquire knowledge and skills through the child’s own activity.

Select means that activate children’s activities and increase their effectiveness.

But like any educational technology, gaming technology must also meet the following requirements:

Technological diagram is a description of a technological process divided into logically interconnected functional elements.

Scientific base - reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals.

Systematicity - technology must have logic, interconnection of all parts, integrity.

Controllability - the possibility of goal setting, planning the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is assumed.

Efficiency - must guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training, be effective in terms of results and optimal in costs.

Reproducibility - application to other educational settings.

Gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the educational work of a kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

Gaming technologies give the child: the opportunity to “try on” the most important social roles; be personally involved in the phenomenon being studied (motivation is focused on satisfying cognitive interests and the joy of creativity)

; live for some time in “real life conditions”.

The Importance of Gaming Technology

not that it is entertainment and relaxation, but that with proper guidance it becomes: a way of learning; activities for the realization of creativity; method of therapy; the first step in the socialization of a child in society.

The educational and educational value of the game depends on:

knowledge of gaming activity methods;

professional skills of the teacher in organizing and managing various types of games;

taking into account age and individual capabilities.

At the present stage, gaming activity as an independent technology can be used:

to master the topic or content of the material being studied;
as a lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, reinforcement, exercise, control)
; as part of the educational program formed by the preschool educational institution team.

Methodological recommendations "Organization of children's play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"

Ershova Elena Viktorovna

teacher of the highest category

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 45 of general developmental type" in Syktyvkar

Komi Republic, Syktyvkar


"Organization of children's play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"


Methodological recommendations are devoted to the issues of effective organization of play activities for preschool children, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Properly organized play activities for children in the form of role-playing games contribute to the development of their social and moral qualities, initiative, independence of the child, and the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

Methodological recommendations are addressed to specialists of preschool institutions: educators, senior educators.

Organization of children's play activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

The life of a child in the 21st century has changed very much and is closely related to the capabilities and interests of parents. He manages to master a mobile phone and computer, TV and tape recorder faster than an adult. He listens to and watches the same songs, movies and TV shows with his parents; goes with his family to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels; knowledgeable about car brands and advertising. He is interested in many things and talks about many things. At the same time, the child is still focused on self-valued, childish activities. He loves to compose, reason, fantasize, be happy and always play.

With the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard, play truly becomes the content and form of organizing children’s lives. And today, game moments, situations and techniques throughout the entire educational process in the daily routine are included in all types of children's activities and communication between the teacher and preschoolers.

It is the game that becomes a cross-cutting mechanism for the development of a child (clause 2.7. Federal State Educational Standard for Education), through which the content of five educational areas is implemented: “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Artistic and aesthetic development”; "Physical development".

Modern requirements and the introduction of the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education invite us to consciously rethink approaches to organizing the educational process and determine the features of the formation of children’s play activities during the day.

“To implement the educational program of a preschool educational institution, which is built as a whole on play, children must be willing and able to play. In order to fulfill its leading role and truly become a means of developing valuable personal qualities in children, the game itself must have a certain level of development appropriate to age.”

The standard necessarily requires the teacher to provide conditions “... to create a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age”, “... to support children’s initiative and independence in various types of activities” (clause 3.2.5 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education), which implies “ supporting children’s spontaneous play, enriching it, providing play time and space.”

Childhood and play are two halves of a single whole. The problem of organizing creative games for preschool children has always worried educators, but today it worries us in a special way. This is the most important part of the work of teachers, the implementation of which determines the successful development of the child, which will allow the teacher to achieve the formation of target guidelines outlined in the Standard. According to E.O. Smirnova, the level of development of play in modern children is low - only 5% of preschoolers have a high level of development of play activity. A direct consequence of the insufficient development of play activity is a number of problems that are recorded as specific characteristics of modern children: - insufficient social competence of children - inability to establish relationships with peers, inability to self-organize children; — communication difficulties: meaningless communication, children are not interested in communicating with each other; - decrease in children’s energy and desire to act actively; — the need to play has not been formed, children do not show initiative in play activities; — undeveloped imagination, children find it difficult to perceive information by ear, and there is a decrease in curiosity; - underdevelopment of will and arbitrariness, situational behavior; - unformed mental processes. Taking into account all of the above, we will try to build an algorithm for integrating the game into a holistic educational process. First of all, you need to correctly determine the place of the game in the daily routine and structure of the educational program. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, educational activities can continue throughout the entire period of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution. Educational activities within the framework of classes necessarily include the organization of didactic games (moving, musical, mathematical, various plays on the proposed material, etc.) in accordance with the content of work in educational areas.

On walks. or in the afternoon, with individual children or small subgroups, the teacher can organize leisure, active, folk, theatrical games, games with rules, etc. In addition, acting as a bearer of gaming experience, the teacher passes it on to children during joint story games, which are also better organize not “frontally” with the whole group, but with those children who themselves express a desire to play. Such activities represent the organization of the diverse cultural practices addressed in the standard.

In the daily routine, special time is allocated for children’s free independent activity (in the morning before classes and in the afternoon), valuable time for creativity, when children have the opportunity to develop that same free amateur (“spontaneous”) play (role-playing, director’s, games -experimentation, etc.), the need for which is stated in the standard. The teacher observes the children’s games in order to assess their level of development, think about what points should be included subsequently in the stories played out together in order to enrich the children’s gaming experience and help in the development of storylines. Encourages the manifestation of a variety of play activities, creativity, initiative, and independence; provides the opportunity to freely choose topics, partners, methods and means of implementing one’s own activities. It is important to use various forms of organizing play activities during the day: “Game Day”, “Game Hour”, “Creativity Hour”, “Theater Day”, “Let’s Play a Fairy Tale”, etc. This creates conditions for the formation and development of age-related new formations and target guidelines expected from pupils by the end of preschool age.

Secondly, it is necessary to understand the specific tasks of developing play activity at each age stage of children's development. In early preschool age, imitation plays an important role. When developing the game, the teacher places special emphasis on play action with toys and substitute objects. Children's actions acquire a plot character and are combined into a chain of two or three repeatedly repeated actions. As children accumulate impressions and play experience, play actions are formed and developed, they begin to use words to indicate their role, and understand the conventions of the play situation. The plot of the children's game is simple: in it, children mainly reflect the life of the family, kindergarten. All this contributes to the development of a role-playing game. Guiding the games of middle-aged children is manifested in enriching the content of emerging games, in developing the ability to play in an organized manner in small groups, and to come to an agreement about the game; Forms in children the ability to accept a role, develop role interaction, and move from one role to another in the game. New topics arise related to the knowledge acquired by the child from fiction, from adult stories, from animated films, etc. One game includes several interrelated games (“Travel with Doctor Aibolit”, “Mini Market”, “Sea Voyage”, “Children's Cafe”, “Circus”), which helps to expand the thematic focus of story games and serves to form a high level of children’s play activity. Children of older preschool age have an enriched gaming experience and more complex games appear. Their content develops and becomes more complex as children acquire new knowledge about the life around them. In games, children reflect the specifics of the activities of adults, their interactions at work, their attitudes towards work and each other in the process of work (“Beauty Salon”, “Veterinary Hospital”, “Fashion Studio”, “Photography Studio”, “Olympics”, “Researchers” , “Airport”, “Traffic Police”, “Rescue Service”, “Time Travel”, etc.),. Free play activity of children is accompanied by the organization of pedagogical support for the transition to dialogue games, fantasy games, and games in an amateur subject environment. At this stage, children must master the ability to come up with new and varied game plots, coordinate game plans with each other, and organize their own play space.

Thirdly, competent methods of pedagogical support for gaming activities should be used. We teachers use traditional methods in our work: the method of step-by-step formation of playing methods (N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova), the method of comprehensive support for amateur games (S.P. Novoselova, E.V. Zvorygina)

The complex method includes four components:

enriching the experience and knowledge of children, expanding their understanding of the environment;

enriching the gaming experience (formation of gaming actions, ways of playing the game);

creation of a developing subject environment;

activating communication between adults and children.

If we want children to play, we must ask: what will they play with? It is necessary to enrich in every possible way the direct and indirect experience of children, their ideas about the objective world and about social relationships in various areas of reality. Moreover, this knowledge should not be so much “encyclopedic” as practical, effective in nature; it should be “living” knowledge, the kind of experience that a child could put into practice.

Good children's fiction has been and remains unsurpassed in its developmental effect and influence on enriching the plots of children's games, which creates in the imagination of children a variety of “worlds” with amazing characters and plots.

Literary texts, as well as cartoons, interest children and help them decide on the selection of characters and the theme of the game. So, the game room can temporarily turn into the Flower City of Dunno and his friends; to the edge of the forest where Winnie the Pooh or Baba Yaga lives. The demands of modern life force us to constantly reconsider the range of children's reading, supplementing it with new works.

But knowledge and impressions alone will not be enough for the game to appear. Children need to learn ways to realize and embody this experience in a playful form. This problem is solved by the second component of the method.

The stages of development of children's gaming skills are described in detail in the works of N.Ya. Mikhailenko and N.A. Korotkova: at 2-3 years - the formation of conditioned play action in children, at 3-5 years - the formation of role behavior; at 5-7 years old - formation of creative plotting methods.

The enrichment of children's gaming experience is realized during joint games with carriers of gaming culture (older children or “playing” adults). When introducing children to different games, you should not force things by offering more and more new options every day. The principle “Let children play enough” applies not only to preschool age, but also to each specific game separately. This principle brings the adult’s learning initiative into line with the possibilities of child development: the individual pace of assimilation of certain contents, the experience of significant events. mastery of certain skills in a wide variety of games.

To implement a particular gaming experience, an appropriate gaming subject environment is required. The organization of an object-based play environment in a group involves not only taking into account the age characteristics of children, but also the skillful transformation of this environment depending on the play interests of the children. In younger groups, some toys can be temporarily removed, some can be offered in time; Show children how to use substitute objects in the game. For older children, give up standard play corners, giving children the opportunity to designate or create their own play environment, using modular options, traditional toys, and homemade toys.

Parents involved in the educational process through project activities can provide great assistance in replenishing the subject-based play environment.

But even in the most wonderful play environment, children sometimes need timely help, a suggested idea, a proposed plot, a new character or a new turn of events. Activating communication with an adult allows you to solve these problems.

To enrich the content of children's games, it is better to help younger children by asking questions that help them set and solve new game problems, and in older groups with a good strategy, which was noted by E.E. Kravtsova, L.V. Loginova and others, will “interfere with the game,” i.e. create critical situations, destroy familiar gaming patterns, provoke the search for new gaming tasks.

In general, as a rule, it is not worth interfering with the amateur games of older preschoolers. The exception is when they themselves invite an adult to their game or the game “falls apart” before their eyes. Children will transfer everything they need into their game themselves.

Role-playing play is the most attractive activity where the child feels freedom in actions, relationships, and judgments. Taking into account our children, we, teachers, are required to have a different combination of methods and techniques in our daily routine. Project technology most effectively allows you to combine a set of conditions aimed at creating role-playing games. In the Federal State Educational Standard, among the “psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for the successful implementation of an educational program in kindergarten, support for the initiative and independence of children in activities specific to them and the opportunity for children to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication” are highlighted. This is a mandatory component of children’s project activities.

It is project technology that will make it possible to actively involve children in the game process throughout the day, where educational didactic games, problem situations, and activating communication are truly associated with the formation of role-playing games at each age stage. Any project includes a set of forms, methods and techniques aimed at increasing the role of games.

The main stages of the project method include:

1. Goal setting: the teacher helps the child choose the most relevant and feasible task for him for a certain period of time.

2. Project development - action plan to achieve the goal:

- who to turn to for help (an adult, a teacher);

- what sources can you find information in?

— what items to use (accessories, equipment);

— what objects to learn to work with to achieve the goal.

3. Implementation of the project - the practical part.

4. Summing up - identifying tasks for new projects.

Parents, participating in the implementation of the project, are not only sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the achievements of the child . Since such projects are based on a role-playing game (“Boys are playing. Girls are playing,” “Our role-playing games,” etc.), children are willing to participate in project activities, easily master their roles, and actively participate in the development of the plot, interested in collecting information and performing actions necessary to fit the role and achieve set goals. Understanding the importance of play activities in the development of children, our parents are active participants in the educational process and the formation of role-playing games.

To involve parents in the educational process, various forms of work should be used: joint physical education events, “Parent-Educator” day, “Group Guest” parent day. family talent competition “Minute of Fame for Moms and Dads”, “Mother’s Day”, “TV SHOW Happy Moment”, “In the Artist’s Studio”, days of good deeds, etc. Carrying out joint events helps to develop sincere interest in them, raises the authority of the family, unites children, parents, teachers. This helps parents develop skills to play with their children.

The involvement of parents in teaching activities, interested participation in various types of children's activities is necessary for the development of their own child in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

So, one of the main conditions for the formation and development of play is the ability and love of adults for gaming activities. If adults know how and love to play, and they will play with the child, they have every chance of building a program that ensures that preschool education standards are met.


1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.”

2. Smirnova E.O. Play in modern preschool education // Electronic journal “Psychological Science and Education”. 2013. No. 3.

3. Trifonova E.V. How to organize children’s play activities in accordance with the requirements of the preschool education standard // Kindergarten from A to Z. 2015. No. 5. C.4.

Conceptual foundations of gaming technologies

The conceptual foundations of gaming technologies in the preschool period are:

  1. The psychological mechanisms of gaming technologies are the foundation of the child’s personality needs for self-expression, self-determination, self-regulation, self-affirmation and self-realization.
  2. Gaming technologies allow each child to project their own psychogenic behavior onto specific life situations.
  3. Play is one of the unique methods of child socialization. It allows you to learn rules of behavior and generally accepted norms from early childhood.
  4. The game promotes the development of personal freedom in the imagination. Serves as the first school of a child’s life.
  5. The ability to engage in a game is not related to age, but at each age the game has its own characteristics.
  6. The content of children's games develops and becomes more complex in accordance with the age of the child. The games don't just become more complex, they meet the age-related needs of children.
  7. The leading activity of each age period is important in gaming technology. This is due to the fact that for each age the game must have specific content, in accordance with the mental development of the child.

Work experience on the topic: “Game methods and techniques in teaching children”

The game is a mechanism of child development (FSES DO), through which the content of five educational areas is implemented: “Social and communicative development”; "Cognitive development"; “Speech development”; “Artistic and aesthetic development”; "Physical development". Play is the main activity of children, as well as a form of organizing children's activities. The specific content of play activities depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the tasks and goals of the Program, this is reflected in the Standard of Preschool Education.

A child needs games through which he can learn. The first skills in drawing, singing, dancing, reading, counting and writing will enter the child's world of knowledge through the gates of children's play and other age-appropriate activities. Through play, cooperation, and dialogue, children get to know the world around them.

A special role in teaching and raising children is given to didactic games. They help to achieve the desired result in children’s education, acting as a unique form of educational activity.

In my work, I use didactic games that contain questions, tasks, and a call to action, for example: “Who is faster?”, “Don’t yawn!”, “Answer immediately,” “Who is more correct?” etc.

In kindergarten, much attention is paid to literacy. It is very difficult for children to master such concepts as “speech”, “sentence”, “word”, “syllable”, “letter”, “sound”. To develop the practical skill of dividing words into syllables, I conduct didactic games with children: “Finish the word”, “Tape recorder”, “Who is bigger?” I pronounce the first syllable, and the children pronounce the second (SHI-NA, MI-NA, SHUT-KA, PE-NA, SUM-KA).

In the game "Echo" children repeat the second half of the word (NEZA-BUDKA, children - BUDKA, BUDKA; BALA-LAIKA, children - LAIKA, LAIKA, etc.) or pronounce the word, cutting off the first sound (LAUGHTER - FUR, SCREEN - CRANE, DEER - LAZY, TICK - BREAM, SPIT - WASP).

When establishing the sound being studied in words, I use games: “Where is the sound hidden?”, “Which sound got lost?”, “Whose voice?”, “Living letters”, “Who is bigger?”, developing phonemic hearing, memory, attention, observation, forming the ability to consciously perform sound analysis of a word.

To help children remember letters better, I invite them to imagine what it looks like, lay it out of counting sticks, sculpt it out of plasticine, draw it, pluck it out of paper, cut it out of a double-folded piece of paper, transforming already known letters (for example, zh (beetle) is made from k , f from p, t - g), find the letter in the box of letters, and then among the others scattered or turned over on the magnetic board.

Thus, the use of games and various tasks in the educational process, the creation of a gaming situation in the classroom leads to the fact that children, unnoticed by themselves and without much stress, acquire certain knowledge, skills, and abilities. Mathematics plays a major role in mental education and the development of intelligence, which contains enormous opportunities for the development of children’s thinking. To make the process of acquiring knowledge easier, I conduct the following didactic games; “Count, don’t be mistaken”; “Who will become an astronaut”, “Mathematical fishing”, “Name the neighbors”, “What number is missing”, “Confusion”. To consolidate the composition of the number, games are played: “Settle the house”, “Fastest postman”, “Number, what is your name?”, “Make up the number”.

Competition games are very popular among children. They are very simple, but they allow you to repeat counting skills in a playful way and introduce an element of competition into classes, which further promotes the activation of mental activity and makes children be clearer, more collected, and faster. For example, I give children independent work in the form of the game “Who will reach the finish line first?” And since this is a game, the children feel free, so they begin to work with confidence and interest.

When introducing children to time, I conduct didactic games: “Alive Week”, “Name It Quickly”, “All Year Round”, “Twelve Months”, “When It Happens”.

However, the game should not be an end in itself, but should serve as a means of developing interest in the subject, therefore, when organizing it, I adhere to the following requirements:

— simplicity and precise formulation of the rules of the game;

— ease of production and use of didactic material;

- participation of all children in the game;

— fair and clear summary of its results.

In early preschool age I actively use finger games.

Physiological scientists have proven that training fingers through certain zones in the cerebral cortex has a positive effect on the mobility of the articulation organs, which makes the child’s pronunciation clearer and more correct.

In addition, finger gymnastics undoubtedly helps the child with drawing, writing, modeling, and any play and household activities.

Consequently, work on training fine movements of the fingers is stimulating for the overall development of the child, and also contributes to the prevention and overcoming of speech disorders.

I work on fine hand movements in all age groups, with gradually increasing complexity of tasks. I carry out the exercises for 1-3 minutes. in frontal classes in the form of physical education minutes, as well as during walks, games, and other routine moments.

I start finger motor skills classes with simple exercises that are accessible to most children in the group. Anyone who finds it difficult to perform the movements on their own performs the movements with their fingers together with me. Later, as a result of training, finger movements improve, and the children no longer need my help.

If there are difficulties, I help you take the necessary position, allowing you to support and guide the position of the other with your free hand. At the same time, I constantly approve and encourage the children’s actions.

In classes and in everyday activities in junior and senior preschool age, I use cooperation games.

Collaboration games are, on the one hand, a fun, methodologically simple, entertaining form of working with children, and on the other, a kaleidoscope of games that outlines a very specific pedagogical position.

In cooperative games, everyone wins and no one loses. Children play with each other rather than compete. These games eliminate the fear of failure and defeat and strengthen the child’s self-confidence.

Games without competition are intended both for working with children who do not have problems, and for those children who, due to their personal characteristics, have difficulty communicating with peers and adults.

With the help of cooperation games, I teach children to participate and help others, to care about the feelings of others.

I always remember that children play for fun. In the absence of a feeling of cheerfulness, the child will face a joyless game. Cooperative games introduce an element of fun, but eliminate the elements of defeat and rejection.

In my work I use cooperation games for children from 3 to 7 years old:

musical hugs, musical cooperation hoops, balance with inflatable balls.

In older preschool age I use games with squares.

I prepare a set of square nets for each child. I start working with children by completing tasks in a square grid of four cells. We practice the concepts: top-bottom, left-right, up-down, left-right.

Gradually, the tasks become more complicated and square grids with a large number of cells are used.

In the pre-school group, we fill in the cells with letters and form words vertically and horizontally. Children complete tasks in the “square” with great interest.

According to my observations, by the end of training, preschoolers are well oriented on a piece of paper and master spatial concepts. In addition, the children's visual memory and attention have expanded, visual analysis and synthesis have developed, which in the future will undoubtedly help them in mastering school reading and writing skills.

Role-playing game in the mathematical development of preschool children:

  • A means of deepening interest and need for mathematical knowledge.
  • Child's zone of proximal development tool.
  • Performing actions in an imaginary situation.
  • A way to encourage creativity and independence.
  • Comparison of objects according to various characteristics; comparison of groups of objects; counting skills, comparison of adjacent numbers.
  • A means of forming the simplest geometric ideas about geometric figures; the relative arrangement of objects in space, the meaning of ordinal numbers.

Game activity “Build a house”

Game activity “Butterflies”

Game activity “Clapping”

Game activity “Compare and remember”

Conclusion: For children of preschool and primary school age; the game is of the utmost importance: for them it is study, work, a serious form of education. By playing, children better assimilate program material and correctly complete complex tasks, which increases the efficiency of the pedagogical process. The teacher’s task is to make a smooth, adequate transition for children from play activities to learning activities, so that the joy of play turns into the joy of learning.

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