Summary of a leisure activity with parents “We will say “Yes” to health!”

Summary of a leisure activity with parents “We will say “Yes” to health!”

The parents surprised everyone with their resourcefulness and ingenuity, and at the same time talked about the benefits of salads and vegetable drinks.


We have accumulated a lot of such recipes - recipes about tasty and healthy food. And if any of you are interested in our information, you can easily use it by picking up the wonderful “Family Book”. Appendix 2.doc (392.5 KB)

The teacher advertises a binder of recipes (homework for parents)


And now Carlson will introduce you, dear parents, to some exercises that help preserve your health!

a) Game self-massage

necessary for a good mood, a conscious desire to be healthy and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections
(the teacher shows acupressure exercises together with the children, and the parents repeat)
b) Finger gymnastics

- This is the basis for the development of manual skills, fine motor skills of the fingers, and coordination of movements.
Finger gymnastics has a positive effect on cognitive mental processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, etc. (the teacher shows finger gymnastics with the children, and the parents repeat)
c) Breathing gymnastics

restores impaired nasal breathing, cleanses the lungs and improves their oxygen supply.
These exercises are very useful for the prevention of acute respiratory infections (show by children, and parents repeat)
d) Music therapy

, which we actively use in our work: appropriate music is played when putting children to bed;
during classes (especially during classes in drawing, modeling, appliqué); in summary activities). Let's take a little rest now by listening to a beautiful melody; maybe someone will even imagine themselves somewhere... Sit back, close your eyes and... enjoy (a melody sounds).
I think that everyone had a pleasant rest, imagined themselves: some at sea, some flying into outer space, some simply basking on the sandy shore of the most beautiful lake...

e) Health-prophylactic exercises for foot correction: children demonstrate walking barefoot: on a ribbed board and along tracks on self-woven paths; exercises are shown on simulators - individual homemade mats made of various materials (rocking from toe to heel, walking in place, jumping, running alternating with walking)

Art. teacher:

Now we’ll see how your families improve their health by watching the short films our parents made.

Parents of 3 families showed videos (via KP)


Having completed all the tasks, you and I collected
a flower of health.
Dear mothers, fathers and children, you are true connoisseurs of health!
We wish you to always play sports, eat only healthy foods and improve the health of the whole family. To you, dear parents, as a souvenir of our meeting, I would like to give you a “Memo on creating a healthy lifestyle” ( each family is given a memo). Appendix 3.doc (480.5 KB)
and together with Carlson and Freken Bock, we invite you to relax in our Lakomka cafe, taste healthy salads and spend quality time.

“Parent-child activities as a joint activity in interaction with parents”

“Parent-child activities as a joint activity in interaction with parents”

Teachers and parents have the same goals and objectives to do everything so that children grow up happy, healthy, active, life-loving, sociable, so that in the future they study successfully at school and are able to realize themselves as individuals.

One of the main objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of educational development, protection and promotion of children's health. These tasks redefine the work of preschool educational institutions with families: from traditional assistance to the family in the process of raising children - to the formation of a competent parent and conscious parenthood, as one of the components of the successful socialization of a child.

The first school of a growing person is family. The family is the primary source and model for the formation of a child’s interpersonal relationships, and mom and dad are role models. However, in conditions when the majority of families are concerned with solving problems of an economic nature and the excessive “busyness” of parents, the tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of raising and developing the child has increased. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, sometimes carry out upbringing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring the desired result. The second and no less important point: parents are not in demand for the forms of work with parents used in preschool educational institutions (attendance at parent meetings in the form of lectures and consultations has noticeably decreased!) All this could not but lead to innovations. It is the teacher who takes on the responsible and leading role in establishing trusting relationships between all participants in the educational process, involving parents in active creative participation in the lives of children in kindergarten, and pedagogical education of parents in an interesting and unobtrusive form. Teachers and parents should become partners in education on the basis of equality of parties and mutual respect.

The objectives of the social partnership between teachers of our preschool educational institution and parents are:

— involving parents in active participation in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, through the use of new active forms of interaction;

- increasing the authority of parents in the eyes of children, the authority of the teacher in the eyes of parents;

— implementation of a unified approach to the upbringing and education of children in families and kindergartens based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;

— studying and promoting the best family experience.

The interaction of teachers and parents is carried out mainly through the involvement of parents in the pedagogical process, expanding the scope of parental participation in organizing the life of an educational institution, the presence of parents during the educational process at a time convenient for them, and the creation of conditions for the creative self-realization of teachers, parents, and children. When planning this or that form of work, we always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents as modern people ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. Taking this into account, we select forms of interaction, focusing on the following requirements: accessibility, relevance, interactivity.

In our preschool educational institution, various forms of cooperation with the family have developed, both traditional, such as open days, parent meetings, consultations, surveys, seminars, joint holidays, design of information stands, and non-traditional: competitions, contests, exhibitions, projects, quest games etc. We pay great attention to joint child-parent forms of work, which constitute the direction - joint activity of all participants in the educational process.

One of these events is joint holidays, which create emotional comfort for both children and parents, help unite and establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, parents and children. Evenings of creative groups of parents and older preschoolers to prepare for the holidays have become traditional in order to update the costumes of children and adults, try them on, prepare paraphernalia, discuss the progress of the holiday script, the image of roles, etc. The main holidays with the participation of parents are Mother's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, New Year's holidays, and holidays dedicated to March 8. Sports events deserve special attention - sports festivals and physical education leisure activities, in which the parents of our students take an active part. The most interesting and memorable sports events were “Family Starts”, “Hike for Health”, “Heroic Strength”; entertainment “Lessons of Moidodyr”, “The Adventures of Vraka the Bully”.

Competitions are one of the most interesting, creative, and productive forms of interaction. Nothing unites children and adults more than a common passion, a common cause. We try to diversify the competitions held at preschool educational institutions, and share the experience of the best with others. The topics of the most productive of them: Competition for the best essay “How I spent my summer”; competition “Family portfolios” (“Family and family traditions of the family”, “We are tourists”, “Let’s get acquainted”, etc.), competition of crafts from natural materials “Create together”, competition “Do-it-yourself theater”, competition of fairy tales written by children and parents, for the best New Year's toy "Santa Claus's Workshop", for the best group design for the New Year's holiday, a competition of joint creative works "New Year's Tale of Balloons", for the best organization of work on the implementation of the "Talk about Proper Nutrition" program in the "Art" categories on a plate”, “Family photo poster” competition “Health is great”, family photo competition “I cook for my family”, family photo competition “Culinary journey through time”, etc.; creative work competition “Family Tree of My Family”, regional family creativity competition “Easter Miracle” and many others.

Another form of interaction – competition – has similar goals. Sports competitions are an active and fun way to organize children and parents. Particularly often, competitions are organized jointly with parents in the summer: “All ready to go!”, “Faster, stronger.” Parents and pupils of our preschool educational institution are active participants in the regional competitions “Father, Mother, I am a sports family”; cycling race "Olympic hopes".

Many parents are interested in how their children behave in a group, how they communicate with peers and teachers, complete assignments, and answer questions. Parents attending a group is extremely beneficial for both parents and children, as well as for teachers. Being present in the group, parents feel personally involved in the pedagogical process and take part of the responsibility for its success. They learn more about their child and his friends, get a real sense of the teacher's work, and begin to have more respect for him. The teacher, with the support of parents in the group, in turn, gets more opportunities to work with individual children or subgroups, learns better how parents communicate with their child, how skillfully they help him in his development. Therefore, the position of our teachers is to encourage the active participation of parents not only in leisure activities, but also in direct educational activities (classes). The experience of the participation of parents of our pupils in NCD has already had good results. Here are some of these activities: “Colored eggs” - drawing with colored sand with young children, “Folk spinning doll” - manual labor (as part of the implementation of work on spiritual and moral education); “Bouquet as a gift” - design from paper using the quilling technique; literary quiz “Reading Family”, dedicated to the works of K.I. Chukovsky and others.

Parents also become familiar with the lives of their children during open days, which are held 1-2 times a year. On designated days, parents can visit the preschool institution without special agreement. The program of such a day can include a wide variety of forms, including open educational activities, visits to special events, exhibitions of children’s creative works, joint creative works of parents and children, and more.

One of the modern and effective forms of “teacher-parent-child” interaction can be project activities, which involve active cooperation between adults and children, uniting them with one common idea, goal, activity. It is project activity that allows one to cultivate an independent and responsible personality, develops creativity and mental abilities, promotes the development of determination, perseverance, teaches one to overcome emerging difficulties, and communicate with adults and peers. So the parents of our preschool educational institution were involved in project activities of various directions. However, the most effective projects were educational projects with children of senior preschool age: “Defenders in our families”, “Animals of the North”, “Who are microbes?”, “The ABC of Health”, “Transport in our lives”. The projects resulted in organized exhibitions (photo exhibition “They Fought for the Motherland”, exhibition of children’s creative works “Animals of the North”); creation of albums and photo presentations (“Defenders in our families”, “Helpful and harmful microbes”, “In the world of dinosaurs”...). As part of the implementation of the project method in the preschool educational institution, as well as the intensification of safety work, the social project “Traffic Light” (Rodionov family) was implemented. The result was the production of a model of a traffic light with a working mechanism, and a set of traffic signs.

Exhibitions of creative works by children and their parents, both separately organized thematic ones (“Flowers are different,” “Here comes winter,” “Palette of herbs,” etc.) and the result of project activities (“Animals of the North,” “Flowers grow for beauty ”, “Rules of the road - everyone should know”), as part of the organization of competitions of a productive and practical nature (“Theater doll with your own hands”, “Family tree of my family”, “Santa Claus’s workshop”, “Creative Christmas tree”, etc.) regularly are organized in preschool educational institutions. Such exhibitions increase the authority of parents in the eyes of children and teachers, help enrich the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions and allow them to reveal the most creative abilities of children and parents. The inexhaustible imagination of parents and children, the variety and uniqueness of crafts is amazing. And even though the main work in making such crafts often falls on older family members, with each subsequent craft children contribute more of their personal labor participation and are very proud of the result of joint creativity with their parents. I am glad that the guys respect the work done by other families.

Family living rooms, as one of the forms of close and informal communication, which allows parents to get to know each other, unite parents into one parent team. For such evenings, teachers try to prepare photo and video materials from the life of children in kindergarten, materials from the participation of children and adults in various competitions, competitions, and events (photo presentations). Which both children and adults enjoy watching. In a casual conversation, parents share their experiences of raising children. And the evening ends with a traditional tea party.

The next form of interaction with parents used in our preschool educational institution is promotions - this is one of the interactive forms of working with parents. The actions are aimed at family cooperation in solving problems of education and upbringing of children, increasing the role and responsibility of parents in the matter of civic education and raising a child. The main objectives of the ongoing actions are: the formation of a system of pedagogical interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the interests of the development of the child’s personality, the involvement of parents in active practical activities and the cooperation of the family with the kindergarten. The promotion covers all parents of the group. Despite the fact that the action is a group method of work, it has a purely individual focus. The events directly affect every person: child, parent and teacher. The promotion is time-saving (lasts up to 2 weeks). Original techniques and practical activities lift the spirits of children, parents and teachers, unite the team, unite the family and the kindergarten. Environmental campaigns such as “Tree of Memory” (planting fruit bushes and trees), “Feed the birds in winter” (making and placing bird feeders, organizing duties in the “bird canteen”), “Clean kindergarten yard” (cleaning) have become traditional in our preschool educational institution. territories of preschool educational institutions from garbage); social and moral direction: “Let’s make the site more beautiful” (painting equipment, designing play centers in walking areas); “With care and understanding” (events for interaction with families with disabled children), “Tree of Memory”, “Good Deeds” (events for interaction with elderly people with disabilities), “My family is a part of the state” (creation of a family coat of arms) . The participation of parents and children in actions is carried out not only at the preschool level, but also at the municipal and regional levels. In confirmation of the above: the participation of children and parents at the municipal stage of the All-Russian action “I choose sports as an alternative to addictions” in the “Creative Work” nomination.

As a result of the events, a favorable environment is created to increase the number of contacts between parents and teachers, positive attitudes of parents towards the institution are formed, and the need for communication between parents and teachers increases.

Another effective form of interaction is play. The game is one of the unique forms that makes it possible to make the interaction between teachers, parents and children interesting and exciting. The oversaturation of verbal, rational methods and teaching aids often gets boring and becomes uninteresting for parents. And the game combines emotional and rational types of cognitive activity. Games like “What? Where? When", "KVN" provide pedagogical information on a wide variety of issues, which are often debatable in nature, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The value of such games is that they take place freely, equally among parents and teachers, with the feasible participation of older preschoolers.

One of the popular games in our preschool educational institution has become a quest game. This is one of the innovative interactive forms of cooperation between teachers, parents and children in solving educational problems and is aimed at improving the interaction of the team with the families of students and improving the quality of education. This form was tested here in the summer of 2022 and has already become traditional. The quest is attractive to both children and adults because it is fun for all participants. This is an adventure game, emotionally rich, filled with fun tasks. So, in the summer, teachers organized a quest game “Dunno in the Land of PDDeyka”, in the style of geocaching (treasure search); and during the school year there were quests: “Journey to the Land of Health”, “Musical Path”.

Walks and hikes with children and parents in nature (excursions) are another joint and no less exciting activity than those mentioned above. In our kindergarten, such walks with older preschoolers and parents are organized during the warm season. Hiking helps not only to get a boost of energy, but also solves many problems of physical, cognitive and social-communicative development. And most importantly, they also allow us to unite everyone into one team: children, parents, teachers! Preparation for such a trip begins in advance. Depending on the goal of the hike, a route is developed, a walk plan is drawn up, materials and equipment are selected, and responsibilities are distributed between teachers and parents. A preliminary inspection of the excursion site is mandatory. In the summer, environmental walks and trips to a meadow, to a pond, and to a park were organized with older preschoolers and their parents. Walks and hikes leave unforgettable impressions not only for children, but also for parents. Joint games, observing insects, birds, plants, collecting herbariums, natural materials, making joint creative works during walks and hikes unite, unite the child-adult team, help establish mutual understanding and mutual respect between teachers, children and parents.

In September 2022, the Stork club resumed its work, the purpose of which is to provide diagnostic, methodological and advisory assistance to families raising young children. The main objectives of the club: providing assistance to the families of future kindergarten students during the pre-adaptation period; increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents of young children, promoting the positive experience of family education, popularizing the activities of the kindergarten among the population of the village. The club's activities come in different forms, but the most popular is practical classes with parents and children. Such meetings remain unforgettable and bring a lot of positive things to both parents and teachers. During such meetings, children have the opportunity to make first contacts with peers, get acquainted with the environment, and the play space of the kindergarten.

Organizing interaction with the family is difficult work, without ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of teachers. We can already say that work in this direction is being carried out successfully in our educational institution.

The use of various interactive forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and partners of the teacher, and an atmosphere of mutual respect was established.

More and more parents are showing sincere interest in the life of the kindergarten, they have learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and to emotionally support their child.

Joint activities brought teachers and parents, parents and children closer together, and families became friends. The atmosphere of goodwill becomes more characteristic. Many parents discovered hidden talents that they did not even suspect until they had to participate in joint projects, competitions, and exhibitions.

Everyone benefits from parental participation in the work of a preschool institution: parents themselves, teachers and, above all, children. They look with respect, love and gratitude at their family members, who, it turns out, can and are able to do so much, and who have such golden hands. Teachers, in turn, have the opportunity to get to know the families of their students better, understand the strengths and weaknesses of home education, determine the nature and extent of their help, and sometimes simply learn.

Thus, we can talk about the mutual complementarity of family and public education, during which the child’s personality, his individuality, and creative potential based on cooperation and co-creation are revealed.

We do not rest on our laurels and continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one common goal - to achieve successful results in the comprehensive development and education of our children.

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