Lapbook for activities with preschool children “Trees of our forests”

Lapbook “Trees of our region”

Elena Voinova

Lapbook “Trees of our region”

Dear Colleagues!

Every kindergarten teacher is now in search of new forms of organizing educational activities. The result of such a search in my case was a thematic folder or laptop .

I am working on the environmental topic of our region and am faced with the problem that children and even some parents do not know their region , in particular what trees , animals, insects live in our area . A laptop , in my opinion, will help solve this problem.

My first trial lapbook is called Trees of our region


The children enthusiastically accepted this new product, the parents also really liked the innovation and further lapbooks were created with their participation.

A lapbook , or as it is also called a thematic folder, is a homemade interactive folder with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic.

At the same time, a lapbook is not just a craft. This is a visual and practical teaching method, the final stage of independent research work that the child has done while studying this topic. To fill out this folder, the child will need to complete certain tasks, make observations, and study the material presented. Creating a laptop will help consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered.

The laptop is well suited for activities both with a subgroup of children and individually.

The child simply opens the folder and happily repeats the material he has covered, and can independently choose tasks as he wishes.

Results of using a laptop :

-quick memorization of poems, finger gymnastics;

-showing increased interest in the content;

-showing independence when working with a laptop;

-showing interest on the part of parents.

There are 9 developmental tasks in the thematic folder:

1. In this lapbook, children look at the structure of a tree , why a tree needs each part of a tree the tree grows and feeds , and also who the tree is home to ).

2. Children establish types of trees : coniferous and deciduous, their names, differences.

3. Poems and riddles about trees help to reveal the beauty and characteristics of trees .

4. Coloring pages will help the child to consolidate the names of trees , highlight the characteristic features of each type of , etc. d.

5. Game “Who needs trees "

will help children remember how
a tree helps animals in the forest.

6. Game “What is made from wood

shows what benefits
a tree brings to a person .

7. Game “Match the leaves to the trees

tree names in children and match the shape of leaves to trees .

8. Game “Rules of conduct in the forest”

allows children to be reminded of behavior in the forest.

9. Game “Rules of conduct in the forest for adults”

will help children tell their parents how to behave in the forest and attract parents to topics such as ecology.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Educational and methodological manual Lapbook “Trees of our region”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 21, Tuymazy municipal district Tuymazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Developed by: teacher Davletshina Natalya Vladimirovna Tuymazy – 2017

What is a lapbook?

Lapbook is a relatively new tool from America and is one of the varieties of the project method. Tatyana Pirozhenko adapted it to our mentality. She developed this technology for activities with her child and suggested using it in research work with children.

Literally translated from English, a lapbook means “a book on your lap ,” or as it is also called a thematic folder or a collection of small books with pockets and windows that make it possible to place information in the form of drawings, small texts, diagrams and graphs in any form and on any topic. This is a book that the teacher collects, glues its individual parts into a single whole, and creatively designs using all kinds of colors and shapes. Most often, the basis for a lapbook is hard paper or cardboard, the main thing is that the lapbook is sized to fit on your lap.

Thus, we can say that a lapbook is a collective image of a poster, book and handouts, which is aimed at developing creative potential within a given topic, expanding not only one’s horizons, but also developing skills and abilities.

A laptop is a great way to reinforce a certain topic with children, comprehend the contents of a book, and conduct research work, during which the child participates in searching, analyzing and sorting information.

Lapbook “Trees of our region”


  • develop an idea of ​​trees
  • develop cognitive and creative abilities
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


  • expand knowledge about trees growing in their native land
  • consolidate knowledge about the external differences of trees
  • enrich vocabulary, develop connected speech
  • cultivate aesthetic perception.

In the center of the lapbook there are pictures of trees at different times of the year.

On the right side there is a ring book telling about the life of trees.

The flip of the lapbook shows the detailed structure of the tree.

What is made of wood?

Cards with images of dishes, furniture, toys and other items made of wood.

What tree is the leaf from?

“Which tree is the leaf from?” – educational game for children from 4 years old.


  • reinforce with children the names of trees, the appearance of leaves and fruits
  • develop attention, observation, memory
  • cultivate cognitive interest.

Who lives in a tree?

A book with photographs of insects living and feeding on trees.

Didactically games

Who needs trees?

Cards with images and descriptions of the role of trees in the lives of various creatures.

Rules of behavior in the forest

Quatrains for children telling about the rules of behavior in the forest.

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