Card file of a preschool educational psychologist. Corrective, developmental and preventive games

Types of didactic games

Types of gamesDescription
Games with objects (toys)This type of game is based on the interaction of children with objects. In this way, children learn to compare objects, establish similarities and differences between them, and become familiar with the properties of objects, size, and color.
Board-printed gamesWith the help of these games, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, the world of animals and plants, the emotional world, etc. Printed board games can be presented in the form of: “lotto”, “dominoes”, “paired pictures”. With their help, you can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life patterns and make decisions, and develop self-control skills.
Word gamesWord games are an effective method of fostering independent thinking and speech development in children. They are built on the words and actions of the players; children independently solve various mental problems: they describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them from the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena.

Next, I invite you to get acquainted with the printed board games that I have developed for working with preschool children.


Nowadays, many preschool children cannot independently talk coherently and in sufficient detail about what they have drawn. Constructing a dialogue also causes difficulties. The children limit themselves to simple one-syllable sentences: “House, sunshine, I’m going with my mother...” In such a situation, “Droodles” turn out to be very valuable assistants in the work of a teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten. At the first stages of the game, of course, small difficulties arise: the children, out of habit, saw only “stripes, circles, triangles...” in the droodle drawings. But we didn’t give up, we played with these “doodles” again and again. We looked at the same pictures several times in a row. And every time the children see more and more options, they talk more and more about what they saw. Many began to suggest expanding the picture to get a completely different image. Gradually I began to introduce new droodles. And the children were already actively involved in the game.

The next stage of our game with the children was drawing pictures from the proposed doodles. I handed out the droodles I drew, and the kids drew something of their own. The result was very interesting pictures, about which we talked for a long time (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Options for preschoolers to work on Doodle No. 2

Everyone wanted to talk about their work, what they saw, what they decided to depict. Over time, we moved to a new level of games and the guys began to draw doodles themselves.


  • development of imaginative and logical thinking in children,
  • expanding consciousness, reducing the fear of taking initiative,
  • increasing intellectual level,
  • development of imagination,
  • development of communication skills and speech in general, since while drawing I talk about what I am drawing. When working with a child in pairs, you cannot do without communication.

After several lessons using doodles, a preschool child overcomes stiffness and shyness, and gradually develops logic of thinking, speech and general initiative.

This technique has no age restrictions, helps adults and children communicate, and provides an opportunity to dream and laugh together.

Let's learn together to see the unusual in the ordinary!

Didactic game "Locomotive"

The game is aimed at developing visual-figurative thinking, elements of logical thinking, the ability to group objects according to their functional purpose, select generalizing words, develop visual memory, and develop attention.

The kit includes:

  • 8 trains;
  • a set of trailers with wild animals, pets, fruits, vegetables, clothes, dishes, toys, furniture.

From 1 to 8 children can take part in the game. The game is aimed at children aged 4 to 7 years.

Rules of the game: The trailers are laid out in front of the child, upside down. Then the teacher suggests taking one trailer at a time and attaching them to a specific train. It is discussed in advance with the child that carriages, for example, with domestic animals, will be attached to the blue train, and to the orange train, with wild animals (instead of animals, you can use another option for classification, for example, fruits and vegetables). Next, the teacher can ask the child to close his eyes, and at this time turn over some trailers and invite the child to remember what was in these trailers, or he can swap the trailers and ask what has changed.

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Progress of the game. An adult brings Parsley and examines it with the children.

Parsley rattles the rattle, then distributes the rattles to the children. Together with Petrushka, they shake the rattles and rejoice.

"Hide the bear"

Material. Large toy (bear)

Progress of the game. An adult hides a large toy familiar to children (for example, a bear)

so that it is slightly visible. Saying:
“Where is the bear?”
, looking for him with the children. When the kids find the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find.


Progress of the game. An adult offers to play “train”

“I am a locomotive, and you are the carriages
Children stand in a column one after another, holding onto the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go
,” says the adult, and everyone begins to move, saying:
An adult drives the train in one direction, then in another, then slows down, stops and says:
. After some time, the train sets off again.

This game helps to practice basic movements - running and walking.

"Let's collect toys"

Progress of the game. An adult offers to help the children collect the scattered toys they were playing with. While you are putting away the toys, the adult sings “We collect toys, we collect toys!” Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we’re putting them back in place.”

"Ball in a Circle"

Material. Ball.

Progress of the game. Children sit on the floor in a circle and roll the ball to each other. An adult shows how to push the ball with both hands so that it rolls in the desired direction.

"Round dance"

Progress of the game. An adult and children form a circle, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying:

Around the rose bushes

Among the grass and flowers,

We circle and circle the round dance.

Before we were dizzy

That they fell to the ground.


When pronouncing the last phrase “fall”

to the ground.

"Round dance with a doll"

Material. Medium size doll.

Progress of the game. An adult brings a new doll. She says hello

with children,
each one on the head.
The adult asks the children to take turns holding the doll's hand. The doll “offers”
to dance.
An adult puts the children in a circle , takes the doll by one hand, gives the other to the child, and together with the children moves in a circle to the right and left, singing a simple children's song.
"Collecting "treasures"

Material. Basket.

Progress of the game. During a walk, the adult and the children collect “treasures”
(pebbles, pods, twigs, leaves)
and put them in a basket.
Finds out which “treasures”
the greatest interest among children . Then he names some “treasure”
and asks to take it out of the basket.


Didactic game “Hide the toy”

The game is aimed at developing attention, memory, and developing the ability to correlate colors.

The kit includes:

  • 6 houses depicting toys;
  • 6 windows.

The game is intended for individual use and is aimed at children aged 3 years and older.

Rules of the game: Houses are laid out in front of the child in any order and they are asked to first name the toys shown in the window, and then cover these windows with a card of the corresponding color. Then the adult asks the child to remember in which house the ball, doll, etc. is hidden.

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Methodological development “Game in the practice of a teacher-psychologist”



What is "Game"?

Games according to the rules.

The use of games in the practice of an educational psychologist.

We don't think about the importance of the games we played at a young age in our lives. Why do we associate our childhood with the sandbox, dolls and blind man's buff? It turns out that this is the best way to our mental stability, development of thinking, getting rid of fears and the ability to communicate.

Psychology gives people the ability to study and understand the mind, but like any science, it takes time, hard work and dedication, and it also uses technical terminology that is simply intimidating to many non-experts.

Through the game of psychology, you have the opportunity to observe the work of your mind, reflect on what others think, trying to predict what kind of person you might one day become. The game has its own unique cheerful and light mood, which allows anyone to feel and enjoy the world of consciousness.

Games make the process of self-discovery and development interesting and fun.

Through the game, misunderstandings between friends are overcome, participants become closer and understand each other better.

What is "Game"?

Today we will talk about “game” in the classical sense of the word.

A game -

a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of carrying out objective actions, in the subjects of science and culture.

In the game, as a special historically emerged form of social practice, the norms of human life and activity are reproduced, subordination to which ensures the knowledge and assimilation of objective and social reality, the intellectual, emotional and moral development of the individual.

The first to attempt a systematic study of the game was at the end of the 19th century. German scientist K. Gross. The German psychologist K. Bühler defined play as an activity performed for the sake of obtaining “functional pleasure.” Freudians see play as an expression of deep-seated instincts or drives (see Freudianism). The theory of the game, based on its social nature, was developed by E. A. Arkin, L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev. Linking play with indicative activity, D. B. Elkonin defines play as an activity in which behavior control is developed and improved. The unit of the game and at the same time the central point that unites all its aspects is the role.

In the game, the child’s voluntary behavior is formed and his socialization takes place. A characteristic feature of the game is its two-dimensionality, which is also inherent in dramatic art, the elements of which are preserved in any collective game. On the one hand, the player performs a real activity, the implementation of which requires actions related to the solution of very specific, often non-standard tasks, on the other hand, a number of moments of this activity are conditional in nature, allowing one to escape from the real situation with its responsibility and numerous incidental circumstances. The two-dimensionality determines the developmental effect of the game.

Play by the rules.

Having undergone various changes, every role-playing game turns into a game according to the rules. This game gives the child two necessary abilities.

Firstly, following the rules in a game is always associated with their comprehension and reproduction of an imaginary situation. Imagination is also connected with meaning and, moreover, for its development it requires special tasks for comprehension.

Secondly, playing with rules teaches you to communicate. After all, most games with rules are collective games. There are two kinds of relationships in them. These are relationships of a competitive type - between teams, between partners who have exactly the opposite goal (if one wins, then the other will lose), and relationships of true cooperation - between members of the same team. Such cooperation and participation in collective activities helps the child to “get out” of the situation and analyze it as if from the outside.

Games with rules are usually divided into didactic and active.

Outdoor games are especially important nowadays, when all children “get sick” of video games, computer games, and board games. Much has been written about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, but it is also important that it is active games with rules that help children strengthen social connections, again develop imagination, the ability to strive, and cooperate.

These games are based on various movements: walking, running, jumping, racing, climbing, throwing, etc. Outdoor games satisfy the growing body's need for movement, have a beneficial effect on its emotional sphere, and contribute to the accumulation of motor experience. Children learn to work together, trust each other, be even, and disciplined. Attention develops, reaction speed, intelligence, and resourcefulness increase. Following the rules contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits and organization. Most outdoor games are designed for the participation of a large number of children. Children learn to interact, negotiate, take into account the opinions of others, and resolve conflicts. Here the leadership qualities of individual children are demonstrated; the whole team strives to help those lagging behind in order to achieve victory. For an adult, this is an excellent opportunity to observe the level of interaction and highlight some warning signs.

Children of primary and middle preschool age are most interested in playing story-based outdoor games, while older children like games where they can show courage, resourcefulness, etc.

Among educational games

a distinction is made between games in the proper sense of the word and games-activities, games-exercises. The first ones are built on the basis of autodidactism and self-organization of children. The latter are organized and carried out by adults and do not exist without their participation. A didactic game, like any other game with rules, is characterized by the presence of a game plan. Game tasks can be very different. Game actions are also varied: selecting objects or pictures, stringing, folding, moving, imitation of movements. An essential element of a didactic game are the rules. Compliance with the rules ensures the implementation of game content. The rules of the game are different: some of them determine the nature of game actions and their sequence, others regulate the relationships between the players. There are rules that restrict or prohibit certain behaviors and actions, or provide “punishments” for violating other rules and completely different actions. There is a close relationship between game design, game actions and rules. The game plan determines the nature of the game actions. The presence of rules helps to carry out game actions and solve the game problem. Thus, the child learns unintentionally through play. This property of the game is to teach and develop the child through the game concept, actions and rules - autodidacticism.

Didactic games help children practice applying knowledge and assimilate it more deeply. There are a large number of games aimed at systematizing knowledge.

In the process of didactic play, the child’s cognitive processes are improved. In games with folk didactic toys, the sensory culture of children is improved: the perception of color, size, and shape of an object develops. In some word games, thinking operations are improved: comparison, generalization, classification. A number of games develop intelligence and mental activity. Each didactic game requires long-term concentration; there are special games that develop attention.

In a didactic game, the ability to obey the rules is formed, since the outcome of the game depends on the accuracy of their observance. As a result, the game influences volitional behavior and voluntary concentration of attention. Didactic games are a means of all-round development of a child. Moreover, given that play is always an exciting activity, it evokes involuntary attention, which greatly facilitates the perception of new skills and does not overload the child. It turns out that instead of forcing the child to engage in activities that are uninteresting to him, you can try to present this activity in the form of an exciting game.

It should be noted that the difficulty of the game should increase as children grow older. As soon as the child masters this version of the game, you need to show him a new version and complicate the task. Preschoolers themselves are not able to use all the possibilities of toys.

Finally, we will outline the main types of didactic games.

Subject games

- these are games with folk educational toys, mosaics, spillikins, and various natural materials. Folk didactic toys include: cones made of single-color and multi-colored rings, barrels, balls, nesting dolls, etc. The main play actions with them are: stringing, inserting, rolling, assembling a whole from parts. These games develop children's perception of color, size, and shape.

Board-printed games

aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, systematizing knowledge, developing thought processes and operations. The simplest example is folding pictures from cubes or cut pieces of cardboard, paired pictures - find identical pictures, differences in almost identical pictures.

Word games.

This group includes a large number of folk games such as “Colors”, “Silence”, “Black and White” and other games that develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, and coherent speech. Note also that games according to the rules sometimes include musical games. Such games develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, etc.

A game according to the rules is often competitive in nature, which distinguishes it from a role-playing game. This is where losers and winners emerge. But a well-staged game can help even the most timid to take part in a universal activity.

3.Game in the practice of a teacher-psychologist

In our practice, we recently decided to start using games that are produced for fun companies and parties. In the process of such classes, we noticed that while being an exciting activity for students, the game is at the same time the most important means of their development.

Such activities are characterized by the following qualities: educational and cognitive value of the content, completeness and correctness of the reflected ideas; expediency, activity, organization and creative nature of game actions; obedience to the rules and the ability to be guided by them in the game, taking into account the interests of individual children and all players; targeted use of gaming materials; goodwill of relationships and joyful mood of children.

In such classes, we influence all aspects of the child’s personality: his consciousness, feelings, will, behavior, and use play for the purposes of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical development.

During the game, children's knowledge and ideas are clarified and deepened. Sometimes knowledge and ideas are insufficient, and there is a need to replenish them. Consequently, the game not only consolidates the knowledge and ideas that children already have, but is also a unique form of active cognitive activity, in the process of which they acquire new knowledge. In and through play, we develop in students such qualities as courage, initiative, and endurance.

Our games create a joyful, cheerful mood in children, and a positive emotional state is the key to a child’s full physical and neuropsychic development.

Thus, play is a means of all-round development of the child. As an example, we invite all of us to take part in such games and experience the positive effects of this event.

Card index of games.

Game "Dixit"

Hold your breath... and lo and behold, the illustrations are revealed! They are unique, but they are all connected by one mysterious phrase spoken by the leading player. What association came to his mind when he looked at THAT SAME MAP? And what thoughts did other players have when choosing their cards? All the drawings are so multidimensional and deep, and so beautifully crazy! Just awaken your imagination and enjoy the game process!

Each round, one of the players becomes a storyteller who comes up with an association for one of his cards... He says a phrase that gives some hint to the other players. It could be one word, or a whole sentence, a line from a song, a pantomime, a melody... The rest of the participants choose one of their cards that matches what was said. The cards of all players are shuffled and laid out in random order on the table with illustrations facing up. Now the players have to guess which of the cards laid out was the storyteller's wish and vote for it. Points for each round in the Dixit board game are awarded in a very interesting way. The storyteller only gets points if only a few people

players (but not all). Therefore, each time the leading player has to balance between too obvious an association and too vague hints.

The board game Dixit is an unexpected, inspiring and very emotional game. Develops imagination, abstract thinking, makes you think creatively.

Wild jungle

The players are dealt a stack of cards, they take turns opening the top one, and if someone has the same one, a duel occurs. The one who grabs the wooden totem faster wins the duel! The game perfectly develops attentiveness, speed of reaction, and promotes self-regulation of behavior.


The idea is this: when discarding the penultimate card, you must shout “Uno!” (meaning: “One!!! I only have one card in my hands!! I’m about to win, try to stop me!”). The rules are simple, the game is dynamic, exciting and intelligent, suitable for both a couple and a large company; here, if you forget to shout “Uno!” in time, there will be someone to grab your hand. Teaches you to make tactical decisions and at the same time develops reaction.

Mister X or Scotland Yard

The playing field of this game is a stylized map of London - from this moment you can already start loving it. The kit also includes a baseball cap - the visor should hide the direction of Mr. X's gaze - he will be able to examine the map and choose a route so as not to give himself away. The fact that the game comes with a baseball cap for some reason makes everyone wildly delighted; everyone wants to be Mr. X - to cover their eyes with a visor, get a bunch of cards for the right to travel by different modes of transport and hide from detectives. Scotland Yard detectives also have transport cards, but they do not, for example, have double tickets allowing them to make two trips in one turn, and they cannot sail on the Thames. But there are as many as five detectives, you can arrange raids and traps... It’s strange, but in some companies Mr. X is always caught, but in others - never. The game is unlike any other - corporate (one against all), asymmetrical, detective, luxurious.


In the board game Tower, you have to build a tower from wooden blocks, removing blocks from the lower “floors” and bringing them to the top. It all starts with a 12-level tower, but over the course of the game the tower can grow twice as big. It all depends on your accuracy. But sooner or later, the tower will become too unstable, and one of the players, trying to get the “wrong” block from the middle of the tower, will collapse the entire structure with a roar! This careless player lost, but the rest won - you can start building the tower again. The game is great for developing cooperation, establishing a psychological climate in a group, patience and accuracy in decision making.


The goal of the game is not only to explain words, but also to compose stories, depict emotions, and also parody show business stars, actors, musicians, politicians, athletes and simply famous people.

You need to try to get your comrades to guess the word (person, emotion) that fell to you. But, most importantly, do not say this word! Explained the word - excellent. A card on the table and the next one in your hand. Time is running out!

A very fun and useful game. It helps you learn to think associatively and expand your familiar vocabulary to a new range.

Tick ​​tock! Boom!

Think fast! It's ticking and about to boom! The fact is that it is impossible to predict when the bomb will explode, since the timer fires randomly each time. Of course, I want to quickly transfer it to the next player. But to do this, you need to quickly remember and name the word with the syllable that appeared on the task card. In which part of the word (beginning, middle or end) this syllable can be found is determined by the roll of the dice. The bomb passes from hand to hand, and the one from whom it “exploded” takes the card for himself. The fastest and most focused player with strong nerves wins the board game Tik Tak Bumm. During this game, players are tested on their ability to act and think as quickly as possible. Development of thinking, imagination, attention, reaction speed.


The players' task is the same as in the game Alias ​​- quickly explain a word or phrase to their partner. Only now you have 3 different methods in your arsenal: speech, drawing and pantomime. An excellent cheerful game for developing creativity, creativity and imagination.

Cow 006

An elegant abstract game in which mathematical calculation, developed intuition and luck are equally important. The rules of the game are simple, and the original illustrations are immensely charming.


Board game “Overboard” Game from 12 years old, for 4-6 players, for 40-60 minutes An exciting, psychological game about survival on the high seas, excellent for developing communication and teamwork skills.

Thunderous Jungle
The board game "Thunderous Jungle" is fast with simple rules. Background…. A nest of rattlesnakes was accidentally found, and there were 12 eggs. Task: get rid of this “expensive gift” using all your dexterity and resourcefulness. Develops strategic thinking and agility.

I'm a Celebrity

This game consists of 54 cards on which various famous personalities are written. These are both real characters and fictional ones (from movies, cartoons, book heroes).

Each player is given one card. The card owner should not look at it. But everyone around you sees what kind of hero you have got. Thus, everyone around them sees the cards of their neighbors, but does not know who is written on their own forehead.

You need to guess “yourself”, i.e. who is written on your forehead.

In turn, each player asks questions about himself (his character). Questions should be ones that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” For example, “Am I a man?”, “Am I a fictional character?”, “Am I a politician?”, “Am I an actor?” and so on.

The player asks questions about himself while he is “guessing”, i.e. so far the answer to his questions is “yes.” As soon as he is answered “no”, the turn passes to the next player.

The game ends as soon as there is one player left who has not guessed “himself”. The game perfectly develops memory, imagination, and abstract thinking.

Forbidden Island

In the game Forbidden Island, your team of daring adventurers will have to recover powerful artifacts of a lost civilization on a distant island, which before your eyes is rapidly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

The game is unique in many ways.

First of all, this is a cooperative game. Joint actions are what is needed to unite the team.

Secondly, this is a very beautiful game. The graphics of the game are beyond praise and immediately immerse players in the atmosphere of the mysterious island.

But most importantly: Forbidden Island is an interesting and exciting game that involves players in the process from the very beginning and holds their attention until the last minute. After all, with every move, the Forbidden Island plunges into the depths of the sea under the feet of the adventurers, and in order to get artifacts and leave the Island safe and sound, they need to think through each step and make the best use of the unique characteristics of the characters.

Train to Tokyo

The entire gameplay is based on body language.

If you have ever been abroad, you will probably remember situations when you had to find a common language with foreigners using gestures and sounds.

The work life of a Japanese guide is very busy. The influx of foreign tourists is unusually high, and only a few of them know Japanese. How can passengers be seated under such conditions? So you have to explain yourself to tourists using the simplest (Japanese) words and international hand waves.

Seven words and three hand waves. Yes, yes, with the help of such simple tools, the conductor will have to correctly seat tourists in the compartment. And it’s good if the coupe is six-seater (the main version of the game), but what can you say about the nine-seater coupe (complicated version)?

Attention – makes it easier to understand. The secret to a successful game of Train in Tokyo lies in the interaction between the Conductor and the Tourist. If the first one must quickly and clearly explain in what order the tourist cards should be placed on the table, then the second one must exactly follow the conductor's instructions and move the cards accordingly.

Tokyo Train is a team game. Participants need to split into several teams, each of which includes one guide and one tourist. Don't worry, as the action progresses, the players will change roles, so you will have time to experience all the charm of the game. The game is dynamic in nature, develops reaction speed, memory, abstract thinking, attention and the ability to interact in a team.

Games with clothespins “Find a pair”

The game is aimed at developing observation, attention, accuracy of visual perception, and the ability to select paired pictures according to their meaning.

Before starting the game, the circles must be cut out and attached to clothespins; the game discs are also cut out.

The kit includes:

  • 4 game discs;
  • 32 circles from images pictures.

Rules of the game: The player is offered a disk to which he must attach clothespins with corresponding pictures according to their meaning. The following tasks are offered for the game: “Find the shadow”, “Mom and baby”, “Tops and roots”, “Find a pair”.

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Progress of the game: An adult offers the children a game of bunnies.

- Let's play funny bunnies. I will read a poem, and you repeat the movements after me!

Along the forest lawn

The bunnies ran away. (easy jogging)

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are runners. (raise your palms to your head - show your “ears”


The bunnies sat in a circle, (sat down)

Digging a root with a paw (hand movement)

These are the bunnies

Bunnies are runners (we raise our palms to our heads - we show our “ears”


"Petrushka has come"

Material. Parsley, rattles.

Progress of the game.

Here is a big river -

Wide, deep,

And here is a small stream -

Not wide, not deep.

a “river” in the sand together with the children.

With a small, narrower scoop - a “stream”
You can pour water into them. While playing with sand and water, you gradually introduce the kids to such concepts as “high-low”


Progress of the game.

It's night outside,

Mouse in a hole.

Mink in the sand

The door is locked.

The night is over.

Mouse, come out!

"It's night outside, the mouse is in the hole"

— the kids stick
their palms deeper into the sand . “Mink in the sand, the door is locked”
- little by little the kids take
their palms out of the sand . “The night is over.
Mouse, come out!” - The children shake sand from their palms.
- “Here he is, little mouse!”

Material. Sand shovels, molds.

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