Walking in the middle group. December. Card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Winter

Card index of walks. Middle group. WINTER


: deepen children’s knowledge about the phenomena of winter, teach comparisons with other seasons.

Individual work:

Did. game “Winter is good, winter is bad”


: Develop speech, thinking, memory, learn to draw conclusions.

Stand alone games

with external materials, toys, shovels

Walk 8. Observation in the bird park


: consolidate the idea of ​​the bird world; practice recognizing birds by description.

Progress of observation:

In a free area, place planar images of birds (sparrow, crow, magpie, titmouse, bullfinch) on the branches of trees and bushes.

Before going out for a walk, the teacher announces that today they will go to the park. There are a lot of birds in the park that stay with us for the winter.

Draw children's attention that the birds are not alive, but cut out of cardboard and painted like real ones. Therefore, we do not hear the voices of birds, but you yourself will imitate the voices when you recognize them.

The teacher asks the children riddles.

**I'm sitting on the bitch, Kar-kar! - I shout. (Crow.)

**Chick-chirp! Jump off the branch!

Peck, don't be shy. Who is this? (Sparrow.)

What song does the sparrow sing? Find a flat image of a sparrow on a tree or bush branch and name which tree it was sitting on.

**This predator is talkative, thieving, fussy,

The chirping white-sided bird, and its name is... (magpie).

**Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch.)

Children find these birds after solving riddles. That's how attentive you are: you know all the birds and correctly named the trees and bushes on which they sat.

Labor activity

: Construction of a dining room for birds.
learn to help the teacher in placing the feeder, cultivate friendly relationships.

Outdoor game:

"Two frosts."
to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements according to the text.

"White Snowflakes" Target:

learn to move smoothly.

Didactic game

"Who lives where?"
: continue to develop children's knowledge about animals living in the apartment and on the farm.

Individual work:

"Snake" movement.
learn to move like a snake one after another.

Stand alone games

with natural material (cones, sticks, leaves, sand)

Walk 9. Observing bird tracks in the snow


expand knowledge about wintering birds, find out from the track which bird it belongs to; cultivate observation and attention.

Progress of observation:

We have come to the bird's dining room again. Today we will be trackers: we will determine which of the birds belongs to which tracks. Please note that there are many footprints in the snow: small, medium and large. Who do you think left the smallest footprints in the snow? Of course, they belong to the smallest birds - the sparrow or titmouse. And these are bigger. Who do you think could have left such traces? Well, of course, they belong to the white-sided magpie. And these ones are big. A large bird must have walked here, because the snow fell a little under it. And who do they belong to? That's right, crow. Here, guys, without seeing the birds, you can determine by their tracks who flew into the bird canteen.

Walking in the middle group. December. Card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Winter

Card index of winter walks with preschoolers in December. Middle group of preschool educational institutions

Walk #1.
Observation of seasonal changes Objectives: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night increases and the day decreases)
learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, recognize their signs in poems. Progress of observation: What is outside the window? The house immediately brightened up! This snow lies like a carpet, the very first, the whitest! This is what the wind was whistling outside my window all night! He wanted to say about the snow and about welcoming winter. The mountain ash has also dressed up in a white festive outfit, Only the clusters on the top are burning brighter than before. The teacher asks the children riddles and talks about signs. • It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)
• Without arms, without legs, but he climbs into the hut.
• December ends the year - winter begins.
• Warm winter to cold summer. • The sun is warm in summer and freezing in winter. White, cold winter has come to earth. The forest drowned in the snow. With the onset of winter it became even colder than in autumn. The sky is almost always covered with clouds. It's not raining, but snowing. Snow covered the ground, roofs of houses, tree branches. Streams, wild rivers, lakes were frozen in ice. The more snow falls on the ground, the better the plants will grow. Snow protects them from frost. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer. The teacher asks the children questions. • How has the general appearance of the site changed compared to autumn? • Why do they cover tree roots with snow? • How do people dress in winter and autumn? Labor: Clearing the area of ​​snow - cultivate a desire to collectively improve your area. Outdoor games: “We are funny guys” - increase motor activity, quickly act on the teacher’s signal. "Pair running" Goal: continue to teach running in pairs. Independent activity: games with external material. Individual work: Sliding exercises - learn to slide along ice paths from a running start.
Walk No. 2.
Observation of trees and shrubs under the snow Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about trees and their various parts; teach to distinguish types of trees; continue to learn to describe plants, noting their differences and similarities with each other, their characteristic features. Progress of observation: Pay attention to the plants. On frosty days, the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile and break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a shovel, and not run over with a sled. Poem “Trees in Winter” Trees in winter, trees in winter, Permeated by the wind and the cold itself. Both old pines and sharp spruce trees stand up like soldiers to meet the blizzard. In a blizzard they bend up to their knees in blizzards, they wave their peaks... do they give up? Don't give up! Didactic game: “What is the name of this tree” - teach children to identify a tree by appearance and description. Signs: frost on the trees means frost, snow sticks to the trees - it will be warm. Labor: Covering tree roots with snow - to cultivate a desire to provide assistance to living objects. Outdoor games: “Homeless Hare” - teach children to act on a signal, practice running. Orientation of space. “We are funny guys” - increase physical activity, quickly act on the teacher’s signal. Independent activity: games with external material. Individual work: hit the target, knock down the pin - developing the eye in children.
Walk #3.
Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder Purpose: Continue to introduce the diversity of wintering birds, clarify their names; teach to distinguish them by 2-3 characteristic features (sparrows are small, gray or gray-brown, fly in a flock; crows are large, gray-black, fly alone; pigeons are large, larger than a sparrow, gray-blue, feed in a flock)
Progress of observation: Draw the attention of children to the fact that not all birds land on the feeder. It is important to help birds during the coldest month. Offer to look through the eyes of other birds that fly around, watching the feeder and its visitors. Ask where the crows are making their observations. (From the fence, from trees, from the roofs of neighboring houses)
Birds choose different places for themselves: crows - on thick tree branches, sparrows - on the branches of bushes, pigeons on the eaves of houses. - Watch the crow and sparrows. Compare them by size, external features (eyes, beak, legs, wings)
Signs: Guys, they say that if crows sit on the tops of trees, cawing intensely and preening, then in winter it means snow; and if the birds descend and sit on the ground, then there will be a thaw. Labor: Replenish the feeders - involve children in feeding the birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. Outdoor games: “Birds and Cat” - learn to move according to a signal and develop dexterity. “Birds and a car” - develop auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem. Independent activities: games with shovels and buckets, playing hockey. Individual work: Development of movements - practice jumping on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m.
Walk 4. Observation of the wind
Purpose: to arouse interest in the world around us; learn to determine the presence and direction of wind; expand your horizons. Progress of observation: Riddle: Snorts, growls, breaks branches, lifts snow, knocks people off their feet, you hear him, but don’t see him. (Wind.)
The teacher asks the children questions.
Guys, is there any wind today? How can you determine the wind? (along the swaying tree branches)
You can determine the strength of the wind by looking at the tree branches: in a weak wind, only thin branches sway; in a strong wind, the thicker branches sway; in a strong wind, the thickest branches sway. Determine its strength by the swaying tree branches. Where does the wind blow from? Experiment to determine wind direction (using turntables)
Labor: Construction of a slide for dolls, slamming the snow with a shovel. Goal: to teach to work together, to receive joy from the work performed and its result. Outdoor games: “Birds and Cat” - learn to move according to a signal and develop dexterity. “Homeless hare” - run quickly, navigate in space. Independent activities: sliding downhill, games with external materials. Individual work: “Don’t run into me” - teach how to ski by going around cubes.
Walk No. 5.
Monitoring cars Goal: expand knowledge about ground transport (their classification, purpose)
Progress of observation: The teacher asks the children a riddle. He starts digging - Replaces a hundred shovels. I'll swing my long neck - I'll grab a heavy load. (Excavator.)
Not alive - but walking, motionless - but leading.
The monster’s Emerald Eye began to glow.
So, you can cross the street now. (Traffic light.)
Observe the machines, note their classification, purpose, application.
Pay attention to the fact that it is icy outside. What it is? Why is it difficult for cars to drive, do they slow down? Monitoring the movement of cars and people at an intersection during icy conditions. Review the basic rules for crossing a street without a traffic light. Ice, ice - Upside down flight. Where there is a stream of cars - There is not a square, but a skating rink. Those who do not ride, but slide - Because they slow down. Ice, ice - This means bare ice. Don’t go out anywhere - It’s better to stay at home and look out the window! Labor: Clearing snow from paths, benches - cultivate a desire to help adults in clearing the area of ​​snow. Outdoor games: “Homeless Hare” - run fast, navigate in space. “Hunters and deer” - coordinate movements with each other. “Hit the target” - develop your eye. Independent activities: sliding downhill, playing with snow. Individual work: Throwing at a target - strengthen the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing.
Walk No. 6.
Observation of snow Purpose: To introduce children to the properties of snow. To develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature. Progress of observation: Draw the children’s attention to the area and show how much snow there is around, lying on the ground, on the trees, on the bench, on the fence, on the roofs of houses. Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks. - Touch the snow. What is he like? (Cruly, white, sparkling, cold, fluffy)
White fluffy snow swirls in the wind and quietly falls to the ground to lie down. Take off your mittens and catch the snowflakes in your palm, what are they? Experiment “Establishing the dependence of snow properties on temperature.” Bring snow indoors and try making snowballs. Why did the snow become sticky? Didactic game: “Name the winter months” - teach children to name the winter months using signs. Labor: Clearing the area of ​​snow - provide shovels and take turns removing the snow, cultivate hard work, a desire to work, teach children to protect their work and the work of their comrades. Outdoor games: “Frost - Red Nose” - learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. "Counter dashes." Goal: continue to teach how to run and jump without bumping into a friend. “Catch up with the sled” - exercise children in running. Independent activities: games with shovels and buckets, playing hockey. Individual work: “White Snowflakes” - teach how to move smoothly.
Walk No. 7.
Observation of trees and shrubs Purpose: Continue teaching to describe plants, noting their differences and similarities, characteristic features. Progress of observation: - Pay attention to plants that stand without foliage. In winter, all the differences between trees and shrubs are especially clearly visible. Find differences and similarities between plants. Go to them, say hello, touch the bark with your hands, stroke the plants. Riddles: 1. Many arms, but one leg. (Tree.)
2. It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter.
(Tree.) Poem: Like a bird in icy plumage, An evil wind rages in the forest land. The fingers and needles of the pine tree and the Christmas tree are freezing... A daring snowball rushed in, Knitted mittens for all of them, Have you guys seen these furry mittens? Didactic game: “Find an old tree and a young one” - teach children to identify a tree by its appearance. Labor: Clearing the path to the tree, decorating it, insulating the trunk at the roots with snow cover - teaching how to take care of plants. Outdoor games: “Frost - Red Nose” - learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. “We are funny guys” - increase physical activity, quickly act on the teacher’s signal. Independent activity: playing with snow buildings, games according to plan. Individual work: Walking between lines (10-15 cm)
- develop and improve motor activity.

Walk No. 8.
Bird watching in winter Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter; cultivate a desire to take care of birds, highlighting signs of living things. Progress of observation: No paths are visible in the forest, Bushes stand in sheepskin coats. The sleeping beetles and larvae were covered under the bark by the snowfall. Fly, birdie, to people and quickly hide outside the window, and we will feed you with crumbs of bread and millet. The teacher asks the children questions. • What birds do you see near your house in winter? • Why do they fly to human habitation? • Why do people set up bird feeders in winter? • Why do wintering birds need to be fed? • Do many birds come to our feeders? • What kind of food do they eat more readily? Different birds eat different foods. Sparrows prefer bread crumbs, seeds, leftover cookies, all kinds of cereals, grains; Crows are omnivores, tits feed on grains, but are very fond of lard. • Is there a feeder near your house? Didactic game: “Name the wintering birds” - learn to name 2-3 species of birds. Labor: Cleaning feeders from snow and replenishing them with a variety of food - cultivate a desire to take care of birds. Outdoor games: “Sparrows” - activation of the sound “h” in onomatopoeia; development of dexterity. "Counter dashes." Goal: continue to teach how to run and jump without bumping into a friend. Independent activity: games with external material. Individual work: Skiing - learn to make turns on the spot and in motion, climb a hill using a ladder and descend from it in a low stance.
Walk No. 9.
Observing the winter sky Purpose: To draw attention to the beauty of the winter sky; cultivate a love of nature; develop curiosity and creative imagination. Progress of observation: Riddle: Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet is spread. It is always, always spread out over you and over me, Sometimes it is gray, sometimes it is blue, sometimes it is soft blue (Sky)
— Pay attention to the beauty of the winter sky. When there is no precipitation and the sky is not covered with snow clouds, it has a beautiful blue hue, with laces of white clouds floating across the sky. The sky seems high due to the purity of the frosty air. The snow, falling, took with it particles of dust and dirt from the air, and the air became clean, you want to breathe it in again and again. Sayings and proverbs: Winter is not summer, dressed in a fur coat; winter is the keeper of the fields. Didactic game: “Seasons” - what happens in winter (snow, wind, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, frost)
Labor: Clearing paths of ice and snow - strengthen skills in working with a shovel; cultivate perseverance and independence. Outdoor games: “Sparrows” - activation of the sound “h” in onomatopoeia; development of dexterity. “Run quietly” - teach how to move silently. Independent activities: sliding downhill, playing with snow. Individual work: Consolidating skiing skills - learning to go down a hill.
Walk No. 10.
Observing the work of the janitor Objectives: continue to monitor the work of the janitor; improve vocabulary; develop a desire for order and cleanliness; instill a love of nature, a thrifty and caring attitude towards the environment. Progress of observation: The teacher asks the children questions. • What does a janitor do in the kindergarten area in winter? • What tools does a janitor need at this time of year? • How can a street sweeper help trees in winter? The first snowball of winter lies like white fluff. The first light frost is cheerful and invigorating. Experience “Protective properties of snow” - introduce the properties of snow. Place jars with the same amount of water: on the surface of a snowdrift, bury shallowly in the snow, bury deep in the snow. Observe the condition of the water in the jars. Draw conclusions about why snow protects plant roots from freezing. Conclusion: the deeper the jar is, the warmer the water will be; the roots are warm under the snow and soil; the more snow, the warmer the plant. Labor: Collecting snow to build a slide for a doll - learn to work together, achieving the task through joint efforts. Outdoor games: “Two Frosts” - teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. “Mousetrap” - develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly after a signal. Individual work in physical education: “Funny threes - exercise children in running, turning right and left. Independent activities: skiing, games at the request of children. Individual work: “Snake” movement - learn to move “snake” one after another.
Walk No. 11.
Observing snowfall Purpose: Continue to introduce natural phenomena; to develop cognitive interest and the ability to observe the world around them. Progress of observation: Riddle: He is fluffy, silver, but don’t touch him with your hand. It will become a drop of pure if you catch it in the palm of your hand (Snow)
Watch the snow fall. Admire the beauty of this phenomenon! What is he like? (choose definitions)
When it snows, this phenomenon is called snowfall. What happened after the snowfall? Look at how big the snowdrifts are. — How does the snow fall? If there is no wind, snowflakes fall to the ground slowly; if there is wind, then by the fall of the snowflakes you can determine its direction. Signs: if the snow comes in large flakes - a thaw; If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day. experiment is to show the dependence of the state of water on air temperature. Pour the same amount of water into two jars. One jar is taken outside on a cold day, the other remains in the group. Together with the children, measure the air temperature outside, in a group. It is observed what happened to the water: in one jar the water froze, in the one in the group the water remained the same. Conclusion: in the cold, water freezes and turns into ice; the liquid turns into a solid. Labor: Clearing the area of ​​snow - teach how to collect snow on a stretcher, pour it into a certain place. Outdoor games: “Mousetrap” - develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly after a signal. “Snow Carousel” is an exercise in agility, running, and jumping. Individual physical exercise: jumping around a sled. Independent activities: slide riding, games at the request of the children. Individual work: “Hockey” - learn to roll the puck to each other in pairs.
Walk No. 12.
Observation of birch trees Objectives: To develop knowledge about plant life in winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Progress of observation: The teacher organizes a conversation with the children, paying attention to the trees standing on the site • Name what trees and shrubs grow on our site? • What do trees do in winter? • By what characteristic features can you recognize a birch? • How do trees feel in winter? • Is it good or bad for them in winter? • How can we help survive the cold winter? • What condition are the trees in in winter? Poem: The trees are sleeping. Here is the frost - autumn is forgotten... The cheerful forest has fallen silent and frozen. Under the low roof of heaven, the trees sleep, having thrown off their clothes. And neither the whistling of the wind nor the howling of the blizzard disturbs them much: Winter wrapped them headlong in its snow, like in a blanket. Now only in the spring, with the desired rain, thunder will wake them up... The trees sleep, just like people. And day after day they grow in their sleep. It turns out that the cold season is a dry period for the plant: the roots receive very little water. The leaves continue to evaporate it. Autumn leaf fall helps the plant survive. Shedding their leaves, the trees fall into deep winter sleep. Leaf fall is the aging and falling of leaves on the eve of winter. Labor: Clearing paths of snow - to cultivate hard work. Outdoor games: “Snow Carousel” - an exercise in agility, running, jumping. “Snow Woman” - development of motor activity. “Knock down the pin” - to achieve improved coordination of movements, the ability to give force to the throw. Independent activity: games with external material. Individual work: Development of movements - strengthen the skills of good repulsion and soft landing.
Walk No. 13.
Observation of a crow Purpose: Continue to introduce the diversity of wintering birds; deepen knowledge about the crow, its habitat, appearance, nutrition; cultivate humane feelings towards birds, a desire to take care of them. Progress of observation: The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions. Like a fox among animals, this bird is the most cunning. Hiding in the green crowns, And her name is... (crow)
— Consider a crow when it sits on a fence or in a tree. What kind of beak, tail, wings does a crow have? (The crow is a two-color bird: the body is ash-gray, and the beak, legs, head, front of the throat, wings and tail are black)
Is this bird flying to warmer climes or not? What does it eat? (They spend all day looking for food in yards, inspecting trash cans, garbage dumps, landfills. They fly to the feeder if they notice food on it or see that other birds are near it. They are very strong and can even crush bones with their beak.)
Where does he live?
Does she have any enemies? Labor: Clearing snow and debris from paths on the site - to cultivate hard work, communication skills, and teach how to work together. Outdoor games: “Crows” - learn to jump on two legs, run in different directions, pronounce the text clearly and correctly. “Birds of Migratory” - teach to run across the entire playground, not to stand against the wall; climb into an empty seat, giving way to each other; climb down to the end without jumping off. Winter fun “Hit the hoop” - development of accuracy. Independent activities: playing hockey, sliding downhill. Individual work: Development of movements - practice running “snake”, running around objects placed in a row.
Walk No. 14.
Observing the sun Purpose: to give children knowledge about changing daylight hours depending on the time of year; to form an understanding of the role of the sun in the life of animals and plants; develop observation skills. Progress of observation: Describe the weather. In winter, the sun does not warm, it rises low, its path becomes shorter, it does not have time to warm up the air, so it becomes colder. The sun rarely shows, December is the darkest month of the year. Mark the weather on the group calendar and compare it with the weather tomorrow, notice changes in the weather, teach children to plan what they will do depending on the weather. Proverbs and sayings: In winter, the sun smiles through tears; The winter sun does not warm well. Didactic game: “Seasons” - what happens in winter (snow, wind, blizzard, blizzard, snowfall, frost)
Labor: Shoveling snow in the area for trees - to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Outdoor games: “We are funny guys” - teach children to run, dodge, and not get caught. “Snow Woman” - development of motor activity. Individual work on PHYSIO: walking with long strides. Independent activity: playing with snow buildings. Individual work: Jumping on one leg - learn to push off energetically and land correctly.
Walk 15. Observing bird tracks in the snow
Objectives: Expand knowledge about wintering birds, find out from the track which bird it belongs to; cultivate observation and attention. Progress of observation: We have come to the bird's dining room again. Today we will be trackers: we will determine which bird tracks belong to which. Please note that there are many footprints in the snow: small, medium and large. Who do you think left the smallest footprints in the snow? Of course, they belong to the smallest birds - the sparrow or titmouse. And these are bigger. Who do you think could have left such traces? Well, of course, they belong to the white-sided magpie. And these are big. A large bird must have walked here, because the snow fell a little under it. And who do they belong to? That's right, crow. Here, guys, without seeing the birds, you can determine by their tracks who flew into the bird canteen. Didactic game: “Guess by description” - guess the wintering birds by description. Labor: Replenish the feeders - involve children in feeding the birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. Outdoor games: “Birds and Cat” - learn to move according to a signal and develop dexterity. “Crow - Sparrow” - listen carefully to the teacher and perform actions on command; practice navigating in space. Individual work on PHYS: climbing over snowdrifts. Independent activities: skiing, playing with snow. Individual work: “Hit a ball of snow at the target” - develop your eye and throwing power.
Walk 16. Observing the weather
Purpose: To exercise in determining the state of the weather; form generalized ideas about the characteristics of natural objects and phenomena; establish simple connections between them. Progress of observation: Poem: Now the silvery winter has come, Covering the clean field with white snow. During the day he skates with the children, at night he scatters in the snowy lights... He paints a pattern in the windows with ice and a needle and knocks on our yard with a fresh Christmas tree. — What time of year did I tell you the poem about? Now look around, what is happening on the street? (it’s snowing, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining, etc.)
Tell me, what’s the weather like today?
Think about how winter weather differs from summer weather? Remember how you were dressed in the summer and how you are now? Experiment with snow: Remove the mitten from one hand, leave it on the other and catch snowflakes. See where they melt most quickly. Labor: Together with children, build snow banks and pour water on them - cultivate a desire to help an adult; develop the ability to work in a team. Outdoor games: “Two Frosts” - teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. “Snow Woman” - development of motor activity. Individual PHYS work: lateral gallop with change of direction. Independent activity: games with external material. Individual work: Walking between lines (10-15 cm)
- develop and improve motor activity.

Walk 17. Observing the spruce on the site
Purpose: to clarify knowledge about the differences between a natural spruce and a toy spruce, to cultivate a love of nature. Progress of observation: The teacher asks the children questions. • Why is spruce classified as a conifer? • What is the main characteristic of coniferous trees? • Compare the trees, what are their differences? • Which tree is artificial? • How did you know which tree was alive? A living spruce grows on the site, in addition to the trunk, branches, needles, it has large roots, with the help of which the tree receives moisture and nutrients from the ground and is firmly held in one place. The toy Christmas tree is small, inanimate, made of artificial material (plastic)
, it has no roots, it does not grow.
Guys, New Year is coming! It is celebrated near a decorated Christmas tree. And it would be very good if on this holiday you had an artificial Christmas tree at home, and not a live one. After all, if a Christmas tree is cut down, it will wither, die, and there will be no Christmas tree in the forest. And the artificial Christmas tree is also very beautiful, and if you decorate it, it will bring no less joy to the New Year. New Year's days, Frosty and stinging snow. The lights came on on the fluffy Christmas tree. The painted ball swayed, the beads rang. Didactic game: “Find an old tree and a young one” - teach children to identify a tree by appearance. Labor: Clearing paths from snow - cultivate diligence, the desire to work together. Outdoor games: “Homeless Hare” - run fast, navigate in space. “Hunters and deer” - coordinate movements with each other. Individual work on PHYS: “Hit the target” - develop your eye. Independent activity: games according to children’s plans with external material. Individual work: “Bring the bag” - exercise balance.
Walk 18. Observing domestic animals in winter
Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about the life of domestic animals in the winter season; to form the idea that a person takes care of domestic animals (prepares food, prepares food, cleans the home)
Progress of observation: I love pets very much: I feed them, take care of them and caress them. I consider a dog and a cat, a goat and a pig to be my friends. Our helpers are a cow, a ram and a dark-maned black horse. They live next to us, attached to us, trusting, peace-loving. The teacher asks the children questions. • What kind of domestic animals do you know? • How has the life of pets changed with the onset of winter? • Why did they stop turning animals out to pasture? • How do people care for their pets? • Tell us about your observations of the life of pets in winter. • Compare how domestic and wild animals live in winter. • How does the life of domestic animals differ from wild animals in winter? • Why do people raise pets and treat them with care? Labor: Clearing the path to the feeder - improve the ability to use a shovel to clear snow. Outdoor games: “Hare hunting” - development of dexterity and reaction speed. “Owl” - teach how to perform movements on a signal. Individual work on PHYSIO: walking with long strides. Independent activity: games at the request of children. Individual work: Performing exercises to maintain balance. Goal: to develop coordination of movements.
Walk 19. Observing the state of nature
Purpose: To teach to see beauty, to distinguish the characteristic signs of winter, to recognize them in literary texts, poems; strengthen the ability to perceive descriptions of patterns on the window. Progress of observation: Riddle: An amazing artist visited the window, An amazing artist painted the window for us: Palm trees, ferns, maples - there is a dense forest on the window. Only white, not green, all shiny, not plain. There are flowers and leaves on the glass - everything sparkles, everything is white. But the glass was painted without paints and without a brush. A wonderful artist visited the window. Guess, guys, who painted the window? (Frost.)
It got very cold overnight.
It was a frosty morning. Some amazing drawings appeared on the glass overnight. The snow pattern on the windows is beautiful both on a sunny day and on a cloudy one. Why do snow patterns appear on the window? How does frost depict them? Transparent water vapor that is always in the air. It is also present between the frames. Warm water vapor settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, connecting with each other. Ice floes cluster on uneven surfaces, on barely noticeable scratches in the glass, and an ice garden with unusual flowers gradually grows on the window. Didactic game: “Run to the named object” - teach how to navigate in space. Labor: Filling buildings on the site with colored water - to develop teamwork skills. Outdoor games: “Hare hunting” - development of dexterity and reaction speed. “Counter dashes” - continue to teach how to run and jump without bumping into a friend. Independent activities: sliding downhill, games with external materials. Individual work: Skiing - learn to make turns on the spot and in motion, climb a hill using a ladder and descend from it in a low stance.
Walk 20. Observation of ice
Purpose: to form generalized ideas about the characteristics of natural objects and phenomena; establish simple connections between them; cultivate interest in inanimate nature; continue to introduce the properties of ice. Progress of observation: New Year is coming and you need to decorate your plot and trees. Making ice toys to decorate trees and gazebos on the site. Fill the sand molds with water tinted with watercolor paint, and then freeze it and see what happens. Let's decorate the birch trees near the main entrance with ice decorations. Admire how they sparkle and shimmer in the sun, and how they ring in the wind. And the ice candies ring like bells. Ding-ding-ding. — Please note that the ice decorations do not melt because it is freezing outside. What can happen to a toy if you bring it into a warm room? Check your answers: Bring one toy indoors and watch what happens. Sayings and proverbs: The year ends and winter begins; December the old year ends; December lays a path for the new year with new happiness. Didactic game: “Name the winter months” - teach children to name the winter months using signs. Labor: Replenish the feeders - involve children in feeding the birds, cultivate a caring attitude towards birds. Outdoor games: “Two Frosts” - teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. “Hare hunting” - development of dexterity and reaction speed. Individual physical training: jumping from a low snowdrift. Independent activities: sliding downhill, games with external materials. Individual work: “Don’t run into me” - teach how to ski by going around cubes.

We recommend watching:

Consultation for parents in kindergarten. Walks in winter Walks in January in the middle group. Card file with goals for the Federal State Educational Standard Walking in the middle group. February. Card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Winter Walks in December in the senior group. Card file with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard

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1. On the territory of the site. Goal: to teach children to be attentive and careful in their area.

2. To the garden. Goal: to give children knowledge about the time of year, winter preparations, and vegetables.

3. To the sports area. Purpose: to consider sports equipment.

4. To the orchard. Goal: consolidate the names of trees and fruits.


1. To the sports area. Goal: find out the purpose of sports equipment.

2. To the sports area. Purpose: to examine the equipment and determine its purpose.

3. Around the kindergarten. Goal: to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street.

4. To the junior group section. Goal: introduce children to the play area of ​​another group. Form an idea of ​​the activities of other children, show interest in other relationships.


1. To the garden. Goal: to develop cognitive interest in the world around us.

2. To the play area of ​​the senior group. Goal: introduce children to the play area of ​​another group. Form an idea of ​​the activities of other children, show interest in other relationships.

3. Around the kindergarten. Goal: to develop endurance. Examine the buildings around the kindergarten and find out their purpose.

4. To the sports area. Goal: look at the trees, are there any leaves on the trees yet? P.i. “Find identical leaves.”


1. To the playing area of ​​the middle group. Goal: introduce children to the play area of ​​another group. Form an idea of ​​the activities of other children.

2. To the sports area. Goal: to consolidate the purpose and name of sports equipment.

3. Around the kindergarten. Goal: to develop the ability to quickly find one’s place during formation and walk with stops.

4. To the sports area. Goal: talk about behavior in nature. Teach to take care of your health, not to suck icicles, not to walk under roofs. Ice is not a place for games.


1. To the sports area. Goal: teach children to play with snow.

2. To the orchard. Goal: continue monitoring the snow.

3. To the park area on the territory of the kindergarten. Goal: to develop the ability to overcome two crossings of 10 minutes at a natural pace for children. Each, with outdoor activities in between. During the transition, walk in pairs without stopping, keeping to a child's walking pace.

4. To the park area on the territory of the kindergarten. Goal: to develop the ability to overcome a pedestrian crossing at a natural pace for children.


1. To the garden. Goal: teach children to throw snow under tree trunks. To consolidate children's knowledge of why this needs to be done (so that the roots do not freeze and are enriched with water when the snow melts.

2. To the senior group section. Purpose: to examine trees and shrubs. Compare them by height.

3. To the speech therapy group site. Goal: watch the snow melt.

4. To the territory of the sports area. Purpose: to examine the equipment and determine its purpose.


1. To the spring garden. Goal: observe changes in the garden in spring.

2. Around the kindergarten. Goal: to develop the ability to overcome two crossings of 10 minutes at a natural pace for children. Each, with outdoor activities in between. During the transition, walk in pairs without stopping, keeping to a child's walking pace. Cultivate attention, develop intelligence.

3. To section 2 of the junior group. Goal: introduce children to the play area of ​​another group. Form an idea of ​​the activities of other children, show interest in other relationships.

4. To the territory of the sports area. Purpose: review the equipment; tell about its purpose. Continue to observe the spring changes in nature.


1. To the sports area. Goal: remember the names of equipment and their purpose. Continue observing changes in nature.

2. To the garden. Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​spring, spring phenomena. To form an idea of ​​human labor activity in the spring season. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment.

3. To the senior group section. Goal: continue to introduce children to the play area of ​​another group. Cultivate friendships while walking.

4. To the sports area. Purpose: review the equipment; tell about its purpose. Continue to observe the spring changes in nature.


1. To the orchard. Goal: watch the spring puddles. Di. "What I see?"

2. To the sports area. Goal: to teach how to obey the rules of behavior on the street.

3. To the senior group section. Goal: continue to introduce sites to other groups.

4. On the territory of the kindergarten. Purpose: to examine the buildings on the territory of the kindergarten, to consolidate their purposes.

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