Interaction between the teacher and the staff of the preschool educational institution.

Standard list of positions for preschool educational institutions

Based on the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees” under

as amended by the order registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2010 (No. 000)
and the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 23/196
Standard list of positions for preschool educational institutions

Np/p Job title Group Subgroup Pedagogical
category of managers and specialists who manage the educational institution by function - general management, management of structural divisions and services (accounting and personnel records), management of areas of activity (educational, research, methodological, experimental, etc.)
1 Manager Supervisor 1 level No[1]
2 Director Supervisor 1 level No
3 Deputy Head[2] Supervisor 2 levels No
4 Chief Accountant Supervisor 2 levels No
5 Head of structural unit (chef, production manager) Supervisor 3 levels No
6 Senior teacher Supervisor Level 3 Yes
7 Chief accountant's assistant Supervisor Level 3 No
category of workers who have higher and secondary vocational education and are directly engaged in pedagogical (educational, educational-methodological, or psychological-pedagogical) activities in an educational institution.
1 Teacher2 (including senior) Specialist Teaching staff Yes
2 teacher-speech pathologist Specialist Teaching staff Yes
3 teacher speech therapist Specialist Teaching staff Yes
4 educational psychologist Specialist Teaching staff Yes
5 physical education instructor Specialist Teaching staff Yes
6 head of physical education Specialist Teaching staff Yes
7 musical director Specialist Teaching staff Yes
8 accompanist Specialist Teaching staff Yes
9 methodologist (including senior) Specialist Teaching staff Yes
10 additional education teacher Specialist Teaching staff Yes
11 teacher-organizer Specialist Teaching staff Yes
12 trainer-teacher Specialist Teaching staff Yes
13 tutor Specialist Teaching staff Yes
14 social teacher Specialist Teaching staff Yes

categories of employees who have higher and secondary vocational education, who, according to tariff and qualification characteristics, belong to the category “specialists”, who carry out the functions of supporting and servicing the educational activities of the institution, but are not directly engaged in pedagogical activities by the nature of the work.

1 accountant Specialist Other specialists No
2 doctor2 Specialist Other specialists No
3 speech pathologist Specialist Other specialists No
4 documentologist, documentary instructor Specialist Other specialists No
5 physiotherapy instructor Specialist Other specialists No
6 laboratory assistant Specialist Other specialists No
7 speech therapist Specialist Other specialists No
8 nurse2 (including senior[3]) Specialist Other specialists No
9 social work specialist Specialist Other specialists No
10 psychologist Specialist Other specialists No
11 technician Specialist Other specialists No
12 choreographer Specialist Other specialists No
13 choirmaster Specialist Other specialists No
14 artist, artistic director Specialist Other specialists No
15 electronics engineer, programmer Specialist Other specialists No
16 mechanic2 Specialist Other specialists No
17 guide Specialist Other specialists No
18 HR Specialist Specialist Other specialists No
19 analyst Specialist Other specialists No
20 engineer2 Specialist Other specialists No
21 economist Specialist Other specialists No

specialists and other employees of various qualifications who support and serve the educational process and perform the necessary functions in the profile and focus of educational programs implemented by the educational institution.

1 clerk Employee Educational support staff No
2 nutritionist[4] Employee Educational support staff No
3 junior nurse4 Employee Educational support staff No
4 cashier Employee Educational support staff No
5 junior teacher Employee Educational support staff No
6 assistant teacher Employee Educational support staff No
7 caretaker[5] Employee Educational support staff No
8 secretary2 Employee Educational support staff No
IV.WORKERS (service personnel)

a category of workers who are not directly involved in the performance of the main functions of an educational institution, but serve them.

1 wardrobemaid Worker No
2 storekeeper Worker No
3 gardener Worker No
4 watchman (watchman) Worker No
5 worker[6] Worker No
6 cook (including chef) Worker No
7 office cleaner Worker No
10 grounds cleaner Worker No
11 electrician Worker No

[1] Legally depends on how the employment contract is concluded

. In terms of wages and the number of vacation days, the head is classified as a teacher by order of the KO SPb dated December 2, 2005 N 916-r, but according to Russian legislation, teaching experience (for the period of work in this position) stops if the head does not conduct additional teaching activities

[2] Specialization is specified in the work book or in the employment contract (in Paragraph-3 you can specify the clarification in the Position directory, in the field “Name of position within the educational institution

» in accordance with the staffing schedule of the preschool educational institution)

[3] A senior nurse can be a 3rd level manager in a medical institution or, when a medical service is organized in a preschool educational institution in the absence of a service agreement (attachment) with health care institutions

[4] Junior medical staff according to the ESC are employees

[5] I quote the order of Rosstat “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of wages of workers by profession and position”: “Household manager (supply manager). If an employee holding this position performs the function of a manager and has other employees subordinate to him, then he belongs to the “Managers” category and is assigned the OKDPTR code 22181 “Household Manager” (this is noted in the work book and in the employment contract, and from from the job list, select Deputy Head - Manager

). If the functions of the caretaker include accounting for material and technical assets and providing them to other employees (clients) and he does not have employees under his command, then he belongs to the category “employees” and is given the OKPDTR code 23468

[6] The position Worker includes working specialties: KORZ worker, loader, janitor, stoker, fireman, dishwasher, sister-housewife, plumber, etc., as well as machinists and operators (boiler rooms, washing machines) machines, etc.) - this is all described in the employment contract and in the work book (in Paragraph-3 you can specify clarification in the Position directory, in the field “Name of position within the educational institution”)

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Interaction between teachers in preschool educational institutions: a long-term plan for the 1st junior group


Musical director:

  • Perception of musical works: “Rain” by G. Lobachev, “Horse” by M. Rauchverger, “Dance, bye-bye”, “Palms, palms” by M. Iordansky
  • Singing: “Autumn” N. Metlov

Educator (cognitive activity):

  • Examination of illustrations to poems by A. Barto: “Toys”, “Horse”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly”, “They dropped the bear on the floor”
  • Reading nursery rhymes: “Ladushki”, “Rain”, “Bai-bai”
  • Outdoor games: “Walk-run”, “Day-night”
  • Didactic game “Where are my kids?” »

Educator (productive activity):

  • Co-creation in drawing “Leaves are falling”, “Rain-rain”, “Horse - tsk-tsk”
  • Modeling “Autumn Gifts”


Musical director:

  • Perception of musical works: “Winter has come” by M. Rauchwerger, “Bunny” by G. Fried, “Dance of the Snowflakes” by A. Zhilin, “Winter Song” by T. Potapenko
  • Singing: “Christmas tree” by T. Popatenko, “Father Frost” by A. Filippenko

Educator (cognitive activity):

  • Looking at the illustrations “On a walk in winter”, “Playing with a doll”
  • Reading nursery rhymes: “Like our cat”, “Little Christmas tree”, “Bunny” L. Slavin
  • Didactic game “Wonderful bag”
  • Outdoor game “Run, walk”

Educator (productive activity):

  • Co-creation in drawing “Let's draw needles for the Christmas tree”, “Hide the bunnies from the fox”, “Hang toys on the Christmas tree”, “Little Bunny”, “Fox”
  • Modeling: “Christmas tree toys”, “Carrot for the bunny”


Musical director:

  • Perception of musical works: “Ball” by G. Fried, “Car” by M. Rauchwerger
  • Singing: “Beetle” by V. Karasev, “Machine” by V. Volkov, “Clap” by M. Rauchwerger
  • Games: “Mice and Cats” by T. Babajan, “Birds” by G. Fried

Educator (cognitive activity):

  • Looking at the illustrations: “Roll the balls”, “Save the ball”
  • Didactic game “Hide the mouse from the cat”
  • Outdoor games "Clap and top", "Sparrows and car"

Educator (productive activity):

  • Co-creation in drawing: “Strings for the balls”, “Let’s help the car get home”, “Let’s draw balls for the clown”, “Let’s draw legs for the beetle”, “Let’s pour grains for the birds”
  • Modeling: “Balls for a cat”
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