Fun games and competitions for Teacher and Preschool Worker Day

Getting the kids together for a walk

This competition will be held in two versions. First option: with the participation of children. Each teacher receives a team with the same number of children, as well as gloves, hats and scarves in accordance with the number of children in the teams. At the “start” command, teachers must gather the children for a walk as quickly as possible - put on gloves, a hat and a scarf for each child in their team. Whoever did the job well first won. Second option: without the presence of children at the holiday. The role of the children can be played by any toys, for example, dolls or soft animals.

Scenario of entertainment for the day of a preschool worker “Teacher’s Day”

Presenter: Hello, dear colleagues and our dear guys! After all, today is not an ordinary autumn day. Today is the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers - a professional holiday. This holiday is celebrated annually on September 27th.

On this day, there is a wonderful occasion to congratulate all the workers of preschool educational institutions and express gratitude to them for their daily painstaking work, for the warmth that they give to children. The children prepared poems for the teachers.

Poems for educators

1. We are happy to congratulate all the kindergarten workers today: Teachers, doctors, nannies and cooks!

2. All of them take care of us with great love, teach us, feed us and play, send us to 1st grade!

3. They caress us and reward us, They celebrate holidays with us. Instead of mother and father, these kind hearts.

4. We will never forget you, We will love you forever, We promise that we will grow up, We will come to work in kindergarten!

5. Happy holiday, dears! You are like mothers' family! All the guys say Happy Holidays, our kindergarten!

6. Early in the morning, the kindergarten welcomes the Kids. There, toys are waiting for the children. They are bored in the corner.

7. Red ball, blue ball Dolls, teddy bears. Kindergarten! Our native garden is loved by all the children.

8. For many, many years in a row, In summer and winter, We come to kindergarten, To our own kindergarten.

9. The children live in the kindergarten, they play and sing here. Here they find friends and go for walks with them.

10. They argue and dream together, growing up imperceptibly. Kindergarten is our second home, How warm and cozy it is!

Song: “Our Educators.”

The game “Who can get dressed faster for a walk?”

Two chairs are placed on which the child sits, and two sets of clothes for a walk are placed next to each other in a hoop. At a signal, the chosen participant is dressed; the one who puts them on faster wins.

Competition "Guess who it is"

Before the start of the competition, leaflets with images of animals are prepared. Then all the leaves are put into a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and, using facial expressions, sounds, and movements, depict the specified animal, and adults try to guess who the participant is portraying.

Song "Childhood"

Riddles about preschool workers

1. So that the people in the kindergarten are well-fed, they will come to work before everyone else. He has a lot of dishes. He cooks delicious dishes in them. We feel great! Thank you for this... (To the cook)

2. Let's go out to the kindergarten for a walk, we are clean again! Not a speck, not a piece of paper, Not a leaf in sight! Why is the yard clean? Who was sweeping here? (Street cleaner)

3. What is this Miracle - House? And how many toys are there! They play and sing there, the children live happily. How many preschoolers are there in the house? This is a house after all... (Kindergarten).

4. Who takes care of our children more caringly than a mother? Does he put porridge on their plates, or pour sweet compote into their cups? (Nanny)


Game “Complete the name of the fairy-tale hero”

  • Winnie the Pooh)
  • Baba (Yaga)
  • Brownie... (Kuzya)
  • Dr. Aibolit)
  • Father Frost)
  • Ivan Tsarevich)
  • Dragon)
  • Little Red Riding Hood)
  • Koschei the Deathless)
  • Cat... (Matroskin, Leopold, in boots)
  • Ivan the Fool)
  • Tiny (Khavroshechka)
  • Fly Tsokotukha)
  • Crocodile Gena)
  • Postman Pechkin)
  • Tom Thumb)
  • Sister... (Alyonushka)

Competition “Shoe for Cinderella”

A large number of shoes are placed in front of the children and they are asked to choose a pair that belongs to the teacher. After this, the teacher tries on the proposed shoe options. The participant whose pair of shoes is the right size wins.

Competition "Draw a Portrait"

Before the competition, students are blindfolded and given drawing supplies: paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. Children blindly try to draw a portrait of their teacher. The participant whose drawing is most similar to the original wins.

Competition "Beads for the teacher"

To conduct the competition you need to prepare beads and two boxes. Participants are divided into two teams and asked to take turns giving compliments to the teacher: kind, affectionate, caring, etc. The team whose box contains the most beads wins.

Competition "Guess the riddle"

  1. “The fat guy lives on the roof, but he flies higher than everyone else.” (Carlson)
  2. “Near the forest on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds and pillows.” (Three Bears)
  3. “On the sour cream it’s mixed, on the window it’s cold, round side, ruddy side, who is it?” (Kolobok)
  4. “They ran away from the dirty pans and pots, she calls for them, and sheds tears along the way.” (Fedora)
  5. “He goes, rides on the stove, eats big rolls.” (Emelya)
  6. “He’s kinder than all the doctors, he treats birds and animals, he looks through his glasses, who is it?” (Aibolit)
  7. “I went to visit my grandmother, brought her some pies, the gray wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her.” (Little Red Riding Hood)
  8. “He goes to visit with Piglet, he loves honey, he asks for jam, who is this, say it out loud, a bear cub...” (Winnie the Pooh)

Host: Guys, our holiday is over, let's return to our groups. Thank you everyone for participating, you are great!

Children's breakfast

During breakfast, all, well, almost all the children are spinning around the table, barely eating the prepared porridge. In this competition, all teachers will feel like children who have recently been woken up and forced to eat porridge. So, each participant-educator is blindfolded, a plate with the same amount of porridge is placed in front of each participant, preferably semolina (semolina porridge can be replaced with another porridge or jelly, for example). All teachers are given a teaspoon, or better yet, a smaller spoon, for example, a mustard spoon. At the “start” command, the participants begin to eat the delicious porridge. Whoever completed it first received a prize.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day: parents, don't be lazy!

When kindergartens celebrate Parents' Day or March 8, as well as any other holiday, teachers and preschool workers, as they say, “bend themselves out of their way”, trying to please parents and organize a wonderful event. The task of parents who want to prepare full-fledged and pleasant congratulations on Teacher’s Day for preschool employees is not to shift the worries of organizing at least this holiday onto their shoulders. Believe me, for any preschool employee, sincere and adequate help and assistance in organizational matters from enthusiastic parents is much more pleasant and important than any gifts!

Do something nice for your teachers: organize a Preschool Worker's Day holiday in your institution with minimal participation from them in the preparation process . September 27 is the beginning of the school year, and the work day of a preschool teacher is full of all sorts of worries (however, teachers always have professional things to do, even during vacation).

If at the beginning of the year you immediately take the initiative and offer your teacher your help in organizing the holiday, he will be very happy to help you. Therefore, if you have free time and you want to really please your favorite kindergarten workers, don’t hesitate, start preparing.

Of course, it will be difficult for one parent to take on all the work of organizing the Teacher’s Day holiday in kindergarten. Be sure to contact other parents, tell them about your idea - other enthusiasts will be happy to join you. Even if you don’t know anyone yet, joint organization and congratulations on Teacher’s Day is a great opportunity to meet other parents, form a parent committee, find out who is really ready, able and wants to help, and who prefers to stay in the shadows.

A beautiful dish for children's appetite

As you know, children eat with greater pleasure those dishes that have a fabulous and beautiful appearance. So, each teacher receives the same set: a plate, a knife, bread, a piece of sausage, a tomato, a cucumber, a piece of cheese. All participants are given about 5 minutes to be creative: the teachers must create a real culinary masterpiece and the dish must look so that the child immediately wants to eat it. Based on the results of a general vote, the most creative and fun dish is chosen, and its author is given a prize.

Pedagogical project "Preschool Worker's Day"

(preparatory group)

Stage I

Project name: “Preschool Worker's Day.”

Project duration: 1 week.

Age of children: preparatory group.

Execution period:

The goal of the project: the formation of primary ideas and a positive attitude towards the profession of a teacher, other professions of preschool workers, and kindergarten as a nearby society.


- to form differentiated ideas about the specifics of relationships in kindergarten, about the relationship between adults working in it.

— to cultivate respect for kindergarten employees, a desire to help them, to bring joy;

— clarify knowledge about professions: teacher, assistant teacher, nurse, cook, musician. manager, physical education instructor, speech therapist, janitor, laundress.

- develop skills to conduct a conversation, ask and answer questions.

- develop cognitive activity, curiosity, communication skills.

— develop the artistic and creative abilities of children.

Stage II

Preparation for project implementation.

1. Select methodological, fiction, children's literature; illustrative materials. Didactic games, manuals, conduct an excursion to other kindergarten groups, look at an album with photographs of the group.

2. Set up a corner for parents about the project: “September 27 is Preschool Worker’s Day.”

3. Compose a questionnaire for parents on the topic.

4. Conduct a survey of parents.

5. Draw up a long-term action plan.

Stage III

Project implementation.

Play activity Didactic games “Find out the place in kindergarten from the photo”, “Professions”, “Who needs what for work”, Role-playing games: “At the doctor”, “Cook”; Communication game: “I’ll start, and you finish,” “Good or bad.”



Observations of work: caretaker, laundress, driver, carpenter; excursions to other groups; for the weather, pay attention to the sun, wind, precipitation.
Speech development Creative storytelling: “What would happen if there were no adults in the kindergarten” “My favorite activity in kindergarten.” Conversation: “My best day in kindergarten.”
Reading fiction T. Ladonshchikov “About myself and about the guys”, O. Krieger “For a walk”, N. Naydenova “Our towels”.
Artistic and aesthetic department An evening of riddles about people working in kindergarten. Dramatization of R.N.S., literary works; Sketches for the development of imagination: “Miracle Tree.” Dramatization game: “Educator.”
Physical development Outdoor games: “Mousetrap”, “Hunter and Hares”, “Owl”, “Migration of Birds”. Games exercise: “Heron”, “Climb over the log”, “Throw it up and catch it”. Sport. games: “Boat Crossing”, “Funny Car”.
Developmental environment Board games, role-playing games, an album with photographs of a kindergarten, diagrams, children's stories, equipment, illustrations, materials for the game, a photo album of kindergarten groups, materials for manual labor, an exhibition of children's works.
Productive Drawing: “What we love to do in kindergarten.” Application: “Favorite toy.”
Working with parents Conducting a survey, setting up a corner for parents on the topic: “Preschool Worker’s Day.”

Stage IV


1. Compose a story on the topic: “My best day in kindergarten.”

2. Photo exhibition of the preparatory group.

3. Creative evening: reading poems to d/s employees.

How to spend Teacher's Day in kindergarten?

The ideal option is to prepare a festive concert, matinee or performance.

Other options:

  • at least brief congratulations on Teacher’s Day on behalf of the parents;
  • presentation of gifts to teachers (flowers, letters of gratitude);
  • organizing a fun evening for teachers in a cafe or restaurant.

Which of the above options is right for you, you must decide together with other parents.

Of course, you must understand that the main thing is not material costs, but sincerity and the desire to wholeheartedly thank and please the employees of the preschool educational institution.

If you don’t really know any of the teachers yet and most parents are against any special congratulations, limit yourself to the least possible measures, but don’t forget about this holiday. And even if you don’t like your preschool workers for some reason, think about the work of a teacher in general.

Pedagogical work is the most difficult, the most honorable, the most necessary and, unfortunately, not appreciated in our society. Respect for the teaching profession is established from childhood, and by preparing bright, colorful, unusual and sincere congratulations on Teacher’s Day on your own, you set a good example for children and instill in them respect for the hard work of a teacher.

On the Internet you can find a lot of heartfelt poems and texts of holiday speeches dedicated to such a holiday as Preschool Worker's Day. You can also find excellent scripts and scenes from the work process of a kindergarten. All you have to do is not be lazy and apply imagination and diligence - and you will definitely be able to organize an event that will be remembered by the grateful employees of the preschool educational institution for a long time.

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