Extracurricular event “Let's talk about kindness” for elementary school students

Extracurricular activity "Kindness"

"Kindness begins in childhood"


further development of students’ ideas about good and evil; nurturing the desire to do good deeds; develop students' self-esteem.


posters with proverbs: “It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds”, “Hurry to do good”;
cup scales; toys, drawings of fairy-tale characters (good and evil); photo albums; notebook of good deeds; student drawings; planet “Earth”, drawings of the cat Leopold and a recording of his words, a computer for displaying applications, a recording of the song “If You Are Kind”, the sound of a flying rocket, fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga and the Fairy, notebooks. During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.

The song of Leopold the Cat sounds
. Do you remember what words he said all the time when addressing the little mice? (Children answer: “Guys, let’s live together”)

To Kaz


: Is living together good or bad? Is friendship a good thing? I propose to place the cat Leopold in our classroom corner so that we can live together in class, because only in friendship are good deeds born.

In Kaz. language In English

It is very, very difficult to be kind, Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color. Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

2. Introductory conversation.


: today we have an unusual lesson with you - a lesson of kindness.

Our meeting today is dedicated to goodness, kindness (kind words and good deeds), it is called “Hurry to do good.”

Kindness... What does this word mean? (Children's answers).

Sergei Ozhegov gave the following definition to this word: “Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.”

“The ABC of good words.” Today let’s remember good, kind words starting with the letter “D”.

Students. Kind, dear, good-hearted, friendly, sincere, benevolent, virtuous, good-natured, good-natured, respectable, worthy.

Teacher. Give examples of people's kind attitude.

Probably a truly kind person has all these qualities.

— There is one very important rule: “Always act as you would like them to act towards you.”

- Guys, let these golden words determine all your actions in life. Each of us living on earth wants the people around us to love us, take care of us, and treat us with understanding and respect.

Man is born and lives on earth in order to do good to people.

— Only a polite, well-mannered, kind person is always treated kindly by people around him. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone. And only such a person has true, reliable friends.

- Guys, please tell me, is it difficult to be attentive, polite, and kind to each other? (Children's answers). what actions could these be?

- Yes, I think that it is not at all difficult to give up your seat on the bus to an elderly person or a woman with a child, to be the first to say hello, to be polite to parents and friends. People greet each other, help in trouble, express sympathy, congratulate each other on the holiday, give flowers, help the elderly, help animals. . What a joy it will be to reflect in the eyes of your mother and father if you children take on some of the common household chores in a timely manner and on your own initiative.

— Guys, over 7 years, you have become friends with kind, polite words, learned to use them in various situations, learned poems about kind words.

Children's performance:

  1. If you shared your candy with a friend, you did well, everyone will say it.
  2. You found out someone else's secret and spread it right away, It's bad, it's not worse, It's even mean!
  3. If you gave a girl a coat in front of everyone, you are a cultured person, a world boy!
  4. If you, like a wild animal, immediately go to fight, believe me, you are not worthy to be called a Man!
  5. If you warmed up the cat, You feed the birds in the cold, This is simply beautiful, This is the only way you need it!
  6. You blackened the dog's eye, threw the cat into a puddle. Rest assured, You are forty times worse than the animals.
  7. Respect the people around you, elders and younger ones too. And then you, my friend, will be called good.


: And now the cat Leopold invites you to watch a story that happened on the planet Good.

Children show a skit based on the story “Just an Old Lady” by V. Oseeva:

A boy and a girl were walking down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old lady slipped and fell.

-Hold my books! - the boy shouted, handed his bag to the girl and rushed to help the old woman.

When he returned, the girl asked him:

- Is this your grandmother?

“No,” answered the boy.

“Mom?” the friend was surprised.

- No!

- Well, aunt? Or a friend?

- No, no, no! – the boy said smiling. - She's just a sweet old lady!

4. Conversation on the content of the story.


: Could this story happen to any of you? What did this incident teach you? (Children answer).

Don't stand by indifferently when someone is in trouble. You need to rush to the rescue at any moment, always.

And if someone will ever be helped by your kindness, your smile. You are happy that the day was not lived in vain, That you have not lived for years in vain!

You need to be very attentive to your elders

— How do girls feel about their grandmother?


: Read the proverb on the board. “Good deeds make a person beautiful.”

- How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

The game is called “Collect proverbs and sayings.” Explain the meaning.

No good deeds no good name
Life is given for good deeds
The evil one doesn't believe that there are good people

Teacher. A proverb is a short folk saying, folk wisdom, and a fable is a short allegorical, moralizing story or poem.

Children's statements.

Teacher. Listen to another fable.

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell straight onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

- Let me in.

Wolf said:

“Okay, I’ll let you go, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful.” I’m always bored, but I look at you, you’re all playing and jumping up there.

Belka said:

“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”

The wolf let go, and the squirrel went up a tree and said from there:

- Is that why you're bored? Why are you angry? Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

Teacher. Which of the fairy tale characters evokes your sympathies and who doesn’t?

— What advice would you like to give to the wolf?

Children's statements.

Teacher. What is the moralizing meaning of the fable? What does the fable teach?

Children's statements.

Conclusion. Don't do evil, be kind.


: Is it difficult to be kind? (Children's answers)


: For this you need to have a kind heart, a kind soul; may your soul be kind, like our heroes

Watching cartoons or pictures

what are the secrets of a smile? Generalization.

- So what are the secrets of a smile, let’s try to unravel them. (Children's statements)

— Secret 1. When people smile, they become beautiful. (Renat)

— Secret 2. Scientists have calculated that 80% of success in life depends on the ability to communicate with a smile. (Julia F.)

— Secret 3. A smile itself is a way of communication. (Danil)

— Secret 4. It is important to be able to smile, because... this helps to treat each other kindly, to achieve the favor of the interlocutor, and helps to make friends. (Varya)

— Secret 5. With the help of a smile you can improve your mood and the mood of those around you. When a person smiles, special substances - hormones - are released into the blood, which are responsible for a good mood. (Daniel)

Dasha - Secret 6. They say that 5 minutes of laughter extends a person’s life by 1 year. And negative emotions (resentment, anger, discontent) cause illness. Let me give you one piece of advice:


_ Our boys will try to do so. To make everyone smile. Thus, he extended his life.

— How can we make all people become fabulously kind and polite?

— Give good advice to a fairy-tale hero

6. Continuation of the topic.


: What is more on earth: good or evil? What about our class? Maybe scales can help us find out? On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies). To defeat evil, we must try to tip the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, and put them drop by drop on the scale with “good” (children name a good deed and put their “drop” (small toys prepared in advance) on the scale).


: You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark.

-What good deeds have we accomplished as a class?

View the presentation “Our school affairs”

Questionnaire. You answer “yes” or “no” to my questions.

  1. Can a person be forced to be kind?
  2. Is it possible to become kind for a while?
  3. Should you be kind to everyone?
  4. Is it easy to be kind?
  5. Do you have a desire to do good deeds?

Teacher. You got more “yes” answers and I see that you are striving for good. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, responsive, polite, kind. Love work, which brings great pleasure. And the time will come when you can say: “I’m doing the right thing, bringing benefit to people.”

Each of you has a ray of sunshine in your hands.


I want everyone to laugh, so that dreams always come true. So that children have joyful dreams, So that the morning is good, So that mother does not be sad, So that there is never war in the world

- I want everything to come true, for everyone to feel good

And so that the sun can smile on the children of the whole earth.

So that birds sing in the field and a bear roars in the forest.

And so that our generation can save all this.

8. Lesson summary.


: Our lesson is coming to an end. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, responsive, polite, kind. Hurry up to do good! (The teacher refers to the poster on the board). From today we will write down all good deeds in the “Notebook of Good Deeds”. Gradually it will turn into the “Book of Good Deeds.” After all, doing good is great! For today's lesson you have prepared drawings in which you have drawn your good deeds. They will be the first pages in our notebook.


: Guys, did you like the lesson? (Children's answers) What should we do to keep our notebook replenished? (Children's answers) Well, now I invite you to sing the song of Leopold the cat “If you are kind.” (Song performance by children)

Before we part and everyone goes home, I would like to say goodbye, wishing you that you would be kind, that you would not forget the magic words, that you would speak with kind words to your friends. Leading.

Our program continues with the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby.”

1 child.

She loves children, she's kind. Buys something tasty: whatever you want. She is caring and never scolds. She has a loved one - her grandfather. Who is she? (Grandmother)

2nd child.

It can be big and small. When taking pictures, it is also needed. She appears when they tell jokes or something funny, and then disappears. What is this? (Smile)

3 child.

It's very good and sweet. When it gets warm it goes from big to small. It comes in different shapes, but most often looks like a carrot. Hangs upside down. When spring comes, it drips. What is this? (Icicle)

4 child.

It happens and it doesn't happen. This happens when you are not allowed to go out when you have homework to do. It can be funny and sad, good and bad. What is this? (Mood)

5 child.

This is uncle. He is strong, he can cook, he can drive a car, he is never afraid, he never cries. He loves women, he has a son and a daughter. He is good, kind, caring. He promised to carry his mother in his arms all his life. Who is this? (Husband)

A piece of music plays.

Teacher. And just as spring replaces winter, so feelings and thoughts replace each other inside us, and our internal state changes. And having gained inner strength and calmness, you can bring this strength into your real today. You are getting stronger. And you may be surprised how easy it is to be free, strong and confident, how easy it is to know that you are capable of this.

If you shared your candy with a friend, you did well, everyone will say it.

You found out someone else's secret and spread it right away, It's bad, it's not worse, It's even mean!

If you gave a girl a coat in front of everyone, you are a cultured person, a world boy!

If you, like a wild animal, immediately go to fight, believe me, you are not worthy to be called a Man!

If you warmed up the cat, You feed the birds in the cold, This is simply beautiful, This is the only way you need it!

You blackened the dog's eye, threw the cat into a puddle. Rest assured, You are forty times worse than the animals.

Respect the people around you, elders and younger ones too. And then you, my friend, will be called good.

It is very, very difficult to be kind, Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color. Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

Don't stand by indifferently when someone is in trouble. You need to rush to the rescue at any moment, always.

And if someone, someone is helped by your kindness, your smile. You are happy that the day was not lived in vain, That you have not lived for years in vain!

I want everyone to laugh, so that dreams always come true. So that children have joyful dreams, So that the morning is good, So that mother does not be sad, So that there is never war in the world.

Extracurricular event in primary school on the topic: “Practice on kindness and politeness. A journey along the route of good feelings, actions, deeds and relationships"

Voronova Lidiya Arkadyevna, primary school teacher

The article belongs to the section:

Extracurricular activities


  • Continue the formation of such moral concepts as kindness and politeness. Learn how to complete tasks independently.
  • Develop adequate assessment activities aimed at analyzing one’s own behavior and the actions of others.


  • Posters: / Sun with rays and inscriptions /.


- this is a person’s desire to give happiness to all people, all of humanity.


- this is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

Rules of politeness:

  1. Politeness manifests itself in relationships with people.
  2. A polite person will not cause trouble or offense to another.
  3. Be polite to your comrades, do not give nicknames or nicknames.
  4. In conversation and play, always help the weak, stand up for him, and do not offend the younger ones.
  5. Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness.
  6. Train yourself to constantly remember about those around you.

During the classes.
I. Org. moment. I. Stopping “Good Smiles”.

Picture 1

Today we will take a journey along the route of good feelings, actions, deeds and relationships. We will make stops at stations

  • “Good smiles.”
  • “Fairy-tale heroes.”
  • "Good Fairy"
  • “Magic words.”
  • “Attentive guys.”
  • “Dreamers.”

And they must get to the “Kindness” stop.

- What will we travel on so that we can hear everything and see everything properly?

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other, sing along, and go on a journey.

(The song sounds by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky “Smile”).

Many glorious deeds await you in the future, but first of all, you must grow up to be real people: kind, brave, sympathetic, polite. This needs to be learned from childhood. Politeness, honesty and kindness make them resilient and cheerful.

- What kind of people do you think are called kind? Polite?

(Reading from posters: Kindness is.... Politeness is...).

II. Stop “Fairytale Heroes”

Malvina: Hello, children!

Pinocchio: (mutters under his breath, stands half-turned to the poster) Hello!

Malvina: Why are you so sad, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: Not happy and that's all. What do you want from me?

Malvina: (touched) Why are you answering me like that? Because I want to know what happened to you. Maybe you need help?

Pinocchio: What did I tell you?

Malvina: You didn’t tell me anything special, but you talk to me in such a way that it’s unpleasant even to listen and answer.

Pinocchio: Here’s another thing: whoever doesn’t want to, don’t talk to me!

Malvina: Pinocchio, what is your tone?

Pinocchio: Ordinary. After all, I don’t scold anyone.

Malvina: I noticed that you often speak in this tone not only with the guys, but even with Papa Carlo.

Pinocchio: Just think - tone! Maybe sometimes I speak a little loudly and capriciously, but I am a good friend, cheerful, I help everyone, I like to make everyone laugh. Only some people don't understand jokes. For example, yesterday I was walking and saw: Pierrot slipped and flopped to the ground. I, of course, laughed and asked him: “Well, how did the landing go?” But he got offended and left. And what bad did I say?

Malvina: (addressing the guys) Guys, explain to Pinocchio why Pierrot was offended. Why is Buratino’s “joke” unpleasant for him?

Pinocchio: Am I the only one who talks and jokes like this? I'm learning from the guys. That's what they say themselves. There are those who even call each other rude words and tease each other. Let's not think about who behaves worse, we will simply become better. Okay, did I come up with this?

Malvina: Very good, Buratino. We must always remember that a kind word makes people’s hearts warm, but an evil word can destroy a friendship.


A friend can always help me out If something happens suddenly To be needed by someone in difficult times This is what a true, faithful friend means. To be needed by someone in difficult times This is what a true, faithful friend means.

Teacher: Guys, when you really want to do good, it always comes true. Such is the magical power of good.

III. Stop of the “Good Fairy”.

(The Fairy enters with a box with a cross and a magic wand)

- Guys, hello. I am the Good Fairy. I heard what you were talking about here. Listen to my words and remember:

It is not at all, not at all easy to be kind, Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color. Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

Teacher: Tell me, guys, is it easy to be kind and polite? Why?

This needs to be learned.

Fairy: Each of us has a little sun. This sun is kindness. Like the sun, kindness illuminates with its rays and gives people warmth, caring and attention. A kind person always uses magic words. Do you know the magic words? I will touch you with a ray of sunshine, and you will tell me magic words.

IV. Stopping “Magic Words”.

Teacher: Now let's play.

Game “Don’t make a mistake, please”

I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete them only when I call the “magic word”.

Stand up please! Hands up! Please clap your hands! Stomp. Jump please. Hands forward. Please add lines with magic words:

If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.

  • Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... /thank you/.
  • The old stump will turn green when it hears... /good afternoon/.
  • If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... /thank you/.
  • The boy is polite and developed and says when meeting... /hello/.
  • When we are scolded for pranks, we say... /sorry, please/.


: Do you know who is the most important on this planet? Leopold the cat. Do you remember what words he said all the time when addressing the little mice? (Children answer: “Guys, let’s live together”)


: Is living together good or bad? Is friendship a good thing? I propose to place the cat Leopold in our classroom corner so that we can live together in class, because only in friendship are good deeds born.


: And now the cat Leopold invites you to watch a story that happened on the planet Good.

Children show a skit based on the story “Just an Old Lady” by V. Oseeva:

A boy and a girl were walking down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old lady slipped and fell.

-Hold my books! - the boy shouted, handed his bag to the girl and rushed to help the old woman.

When he returned, the girl asked him:

- Is this your grandmother?

“No,” answered the boy.

“Mom?” the friend was surprised.

- No!

- Well, aunt? Or a friend?

- No, no, no! – the boy said smiling. - It's just an old lady!

4. Conversation on the content of the story.


: Could this story happen to any of you? What did this incident teach you? (Children answer). And now let's return to our home planet to do good deeds.


: Now read the proverb on the board. “A kind word to a man is like rain in a drought.”

How do you understand its meaning? What kind words do you know? (Children answer)


: But not only words, but also deeds should be good, because as the proverb says, “It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.” (Proverb on the board)


: Is it difficult to be kind? (Children's answers)


: For this you need to have a kind heart, a kind soul; may your soul be kind, like the hero of A. Barto’s poem “Vovka is a kind soul”

A student reads an excerpt from a poem:

It is very, very difficult to be kind, Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color. Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

Fairy-tale heroes Baba Yaga and Fairy appear.


: What I see? Everyone has gathered, talking, why didn’t anyone invite me? Well, I'll arrange it for you! You will dance with me! Now I will cast magic, and all good deeds will evaporate. Ha-ha-ha! I start.


: Grandma Yagusya, no need to do magic! We invite you to join us.


: Well, okay, we persuaded you. But then help me. Fairy and I have photo albums. But along the way, the photographs all fell out and got mixed up.


: We will show you photographs. If there is a good hero on it, you joyfully clap your hands; if there is an evil one, you cover your face with your palms.

Kids are playing.


: Oh, thanks! And now goodbye, I’m hurrying into the forest, I have a lot of things to do there.

Baba Yaga leaves.


: Well, I wish you to be kind, polite, and in memory of our meeting I want to give you notebooks that will serve you for good deeds.

The fairy leaves.

5. Physical exercise

In the dark forest there is a hut, it stands backwards, in that hut there is an old woman, Grandma Yaga lives. The nose is hooked, the eyes are big, like coals are burning. Wow, how angry! Your hair is standing on end!

6. Continuation of the topic.


: What is more on earth: good or evil?
Maybe they can help us identify an ancient cup clock? On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies). To defeat evil, we must try to tip the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, and put them drop by drop on the scale with “good” (children name a good deed and put their “drop” (small toys prepared in advance) on the scale). 7. Collective preparation of the application.

: You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark. One wise man remarked: “A man has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child.” Let us now also do one common good deed.

On a blank sheet of whatman paper, each child glues applique details prepared in advance from colored paper: a house, trees, figures of children, clouds, the sun, flowers, figures of birds and animals.


: What should we call our picture? How did you feel when you did good? (Children answer).


: And now the guys will tell us once again what “good” is and what “bad” is.

Children's performance:

  1. If you shared your candy with a friend, you did well, everyone will say it.
  2. You found out someone else's secret and spread it right away, It's bad, it's not worse, It's even mean!
  3. If you gave a girl a coat in front of everyone, you are a cultured person, a world boy!
  4. If you, like a wild animal, immediately go to fight, believe me, you are not worthy to be called a Man!
  5. If you warmed up the cat, You feed the birds in the cold, This is simply beautiful, This is the only way you need it!
  6. You blackened the dog's eye, threw the cat into a puddle. Rest assured, you are forty times worse than dogs.
  7. Respect the people around you, elders and younger ones too. And then you, my friend, will be called good.

8. Lesson summary.

: Our lesson is coming to an end. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first, you must grow up to be real people. And this means that you must be brave, responsive, polite, kind. Hurry up to do good! (The teacher refers to the poster on the board). From today we will write down all good deeds in the “Notebook of Good Deeds”. Gradually it will turn into the “Book of Good Deeds.” After all, doing good is great! For today's lesson you have prepared drawings in which you have drawn your good deeds. They will be the first pages in our notebook.


: Guys, did you like the lesson?
(Children's answers) What should we do to keep our notebook replenished? (Children's answers) Well, now I invite you to sing the song of Leopold the cat “If you are kind.” (Song performance by children) Class hour developed on the basis of neuro-linguistic programming.
Lesson topic: “Kindness begins in childhood” Objectives:

  • To form in students a value orientation and the ability to formulate moral judgments.
  • Develop the ability to distinguish bad from good.

During the classes

Marking the start of the lesson.

A piece of music plays. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”.

Teacher. Metaphor “Everything is in your hands.”

This story happened a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around his hometown. But there was a man in the city who was jealous of his fame. And so he decided to come up with a question so that the sage would not be able to answer it. And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “Let me ask the sage: tell me, oh wisest one, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive, I will close my palms and the butterfly will die, and if he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter.”

That's how it all happened. The envious man caught a butterfly, planted it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked him: “Which butterfly is in my hands, oh wise one: alive or dead? And then the sage, who really was a very smart man, said: “Everything is in your hands.”

Showing the poster: “Good deeds make a person beautiful.”

Teacher. Guys, today we will talk about kindness. We create a good mood. Smile.

Say kind words to each other. We continue to create our “ABC of Good Words”. Today let’s remember good, kind words starting with the letter “D”.

Students. Kind, dear, good-hearted, friendly, sincere, benevolent, virtuous, good-natured, good-natured, respectable, worthy.

Teacher. We will talk about respectful and caring attitude towards others, about a very important and necessary quality for a person - kindness.

How do you understand this word?

Students. Kindness manifests itself in actions.

Teacher. Give examples of people's kind attitude.

Children's statements.

Students. People greet each other, help in trouble, express sympathy, congratulate each other on the holiday, give flowers, help the elderly, help animals.

Teacher. What good deeds have you done?

Students. Helped to carry a load, went to get bread for a neighbor, helped a little friend cross the road, collected waste paper, collected things for the shelter, fixed a desk, took care of flowers.

Teacher. Who is the kindest and most caring person in your family?

Students. MOTHER.

Teacher . How does she take care of you?

Children's statements.

Teacher. Why do they say: “Near the sun there is warmth, near the mother there is kindness”?

Children's statements.

Teacher. How do you take care of your mother? How do you help her with household chores?

Children's statements.

Teacher. Before your parents come home from work, you can do a lot of household chores: tidy up the apartment, wash the dishes, buy groceries at the store, wash a shirt or blouse, iron a school uniform, shine your shoes, go to kindergarten to pick up your younger brother or sister. What a joy it will be to reflect in the eyes of your mother and father if you children take on some of the common household chores in a timely manner and on your own initiative.

You must remember that you must respond to everything good that people do for you with kindness, show attention and sensitivity to adults and peers, younger ones, and also be kind to animals.

Now let's play. The game is called “Collect proverbs and sayings.” Explain the meaning.

Good deeds paint a person
To do good hurry up
No good deeds no good name
Life is given for good deeds
The evil one doesn't believe that there are good people
Modesty to everyone to your face
Modesty adorns person
For good with good and pay

Teacher. And if you haven’t paid, then what should you do?

Children's statements.

Teacher. A proverb is a short folk saying, folk wisdom, and a fable is a short allegorical, moralizing story or poem.

A dramatization of the fable.

Author. Lightning asked the sun:

Lightning. Tell me why people love you more than me, because I’m also very bright?

Sun. They love warmth and affection.

Lightning. There is a lot of heat from my fires raging on Earth, but this does not suit them!

Sun. The thing is that the goodness in your soul is only enough for a short flash, which brings a lot of trouble.

Teacher. Which of the participants in this conversation do you sympathize with more: Lightning or the Sun? Why?

Children's statements.

Teacher. Listen to another fable. It was recorded on tape.

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell straight onto the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:

- Let me in.

Wolf said:

“Okay, I’ll let you go, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful.” I’m always bored, but I look at you, you’re all playing and jumping up there.

Belka said:

“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”

The wolf let go, and the squirrel went up a tree and said from there:

- Is that why you're bored? Why are you angry? Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

Teacher. Which of the fairy tale characters evokes your sympathies and who doesn’t?

Children's statements.

Teacher. What is the moralizing meaning of the fairy tale? What does a fairy tale teach?

Children's statements.

Conclusion. Don't do evil, be kind.

Questionnaire. You answer “yes” or “no” to my questions.

  1. Can a person be forced to be kind?
  2. Is it possible to become kind for a while?
  3. Should you be kind to everyone?
  4. Is it easy to be kind?
  5. Do you have a desire to do good deeds?

Teacher. You got more “yes” answers and I see that you strive for goodness, and there is no need to be ashamed of kindness. Kindness always brings joy to the people around you. She, like a magic medicine, cures many ailments. People strive for good and hate evil. We must learn to be kind to everything around us. Everything good that people do for us must be answered with goodness.

Student. A. Barto. How Vovka became an adult.

The boys are growing before our eyes! Vovka, a kind soul, once lived in my poems. (That’s what the baby was called!) He pulled the cats by the tails, And after waiting for darkness, He asked everyone for forgiveness. For mistreatment.

And now he is a grown-up fellow, about twelve years old in appearance, and readers, perhaps, will be surprised by the Grown-up Vovka.

Vovka finished with kindness, He decided that he was embarrassed At such a mature age To be some kind of kind person!

He blushed at this word, He began to feel ashamed of kindness, He pulled the cats by the tails in order to look stern.

Know everyone that he is unkind, angrier than a wolf! Angrier than a cobra! - Be careful, or I’ll kill you! - He threatened the sparrow.

I walked around with a slingshot for a whole hour, but then I got upset, I buried it on the sly, in the garden under a bush.

He is now sitting on the roof, hiding without breathing. If only not to hear “Vovka is a kind soul”

If you grew up kind, don’t try to be evil. Don’t be ashamed of kindness, but be ashamed of anger.

Teacher. Hurry up to do good! I found this expression in the phraseological dictionary. The dictionary says “Try to be useful to people every day.” These words belong to the doctor F. Gaz (1780-1853). On the pedestal of the monument to Doctor Gaz, installed in Moscow, there is an appeal “Hurry up to do a good deed.”

Guys! Be kind and generous, and it will reward you handsomely. Love work that brings great pleasure. And the time will come when you can say: “I’m doing the right thing, bringing benefit to people.”


A piece of music plays.

Teacher. And just as spring replaces winter, so feelings and thoughts replace each other inside us, and our internal state changes. And having gained inner strength and calmness, you can bring this strength into your real today. You are getting stronger. And you may be surprised how easy it is to be free, strong and confident, how easy it is to know that you are capable of this.

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