Card index of finger games on lexical topics for preschoolers
Card index of finger games on lexical topics for preschoolers New Year New Year toys The holiday is approaching,
Card index of winter walks in the senior group of kindergarten (December)
Card index of walks "Winter" For older ages No. 27 Comparative observation of the bullfinch and waxwing
theater in kindergarten
The main tasks of theatrical activities in different age groups of preschool educational institutions
The main tasks of theatrical activities in different age groups of preschool educational institutions The main tasks of theatrical activities in
Choosing the right paper for watercolor
Summary of an open lesson on art “Drawing using the wet-on-wet technique (with reflection) “Reflection of trees in water”
Choose the right paper. As mentioned above, paper texture plays an important role when you
work of preschool teachers and educators
Report on the topic: “Content, types and main areas of activity of preschool educational institutions. "
The work of a kindergarten teacher is extremely important for the future of the entire country, because he is entrusted with
Subject-developmental environment in the middle group of kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard
Subject-based development environment in the middle group of kindergarten within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard Slide 1 Subject-based development environment
TECHNIQUES OF ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN IN PRESCHOOL AGE There are many techniques of non-traditional drawing, their unusualness
“The Red Book” - a project on the surrounding world for 2nd grade
Reports and messages Animals About the red book Red is the color of anxiety and at the same time aspiration
outdoor games for preschoolers
Classification of outdoor games. Plot and non-plot outdoor games for preschoolers
Preschool children are able to perceive information better than others, and parents should not waste this time
Beetle finger exercise
A selection of didactic games for speech development on the topic “Insects”
Finger games There are many options for activities of varying complexity. Finger games in nursery groups are different
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