Drawing furry baby animals preparatory group
Preview: Topic: “These funny animals.” To introduce children to the features of the animal genre, to define the concept
Basic Montessori Methods
The Montessori method is the essence and principles of one of the most successful approaches to raising children
The beginning of the twentieth century literally divided the history of mankind into before and after, because life has undergone
Rules for organizing sensory education according to Montessori
Sensory education for preschoolers. Consultation for teachers
Maria Montessori believed that a child's intelligence and his knowledge of the world always originate
Developmental manual “Rings of Lull” educational and methodological manual (senior group) on the topic
"Circles of Llull" are a set of interconnected circles or rings in the shape of a pyramid. The creator of this
PROGRAM for civic-patriotic education “I am a patriot, I am a citizen” 
Objectives: Obtaining and expanding the knowledge of students and pupils about Russia: its history, traditions, culture, law
Girl in folk costume
Summary of the lesson “Russian folk traditions and folklore”.
Methodological development Methodological development “Introducing children of senior preschool age to the origins of Russian folk culture”
Summary of the didactic game in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standards -. , – .
Summary of the didactic game in the senior group "Professions" Summary of the didactic game in the senior group
Fighting Fears
The use of art therapy methods in the educational process of preschool educational institutions
Author: Koryakina Irina Vladimirovna Using art therapy methods in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. Koryakina Irina Vladimirovna
Notes on experiments with sand for younger children
Notes on experiments with sand for younger children Brief summary. For children with low vision
Workshop “Effective communication with parents of preschool children”
Communication style of the teacher with parents consultation (preparatory group) on the topic Communication style of the teacher with parents
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