Fair as a form of organizing activities in the formation of initiative in preschool children

Regulations on the fair "Autumn Time"


MBDOU "Obvinsky kindergarten"

about the fair "Autumn Time"

1. General Provisions:

1.1. The fair is held in accordance with the development program and annual plan of the MBDOU "Obvinsky kindergarten" for the 2016-2017 academic year (direction - "Interaction with the family").


2.1. Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process as equal participants in educational relations.


3.1.Acquaintance, clarification and expansion of children’s knowledge about elementary methods of planning and economics.

3.2.Development of children’s skills in the culture of “seller-buyer” interaction.

3.3.Expanding the ideas of children and adults about agricultural activities and home cooking.

3.4.Strengthening cultural ties between students’ families and teachers.

3.5.Creating a favorable environment for creative communication and exchange of experience.

3.6.Creating conditions for interaction between the kindergarten staff and families of pupils in resolving issues of improving the material and technical base of group premises of preschool educational institutions.

4. Fair participants and dates

4.1. Families of kindergarten students (children, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents), families of teachers and preschool employees, as well as social partners of the MBDOU can take part in the fair.

4.2. The fair is held on October 6, 2016. on the territory of MBDOU "Obvinsky kindergarten" Start - 16.00.

5. Composition of the jury.

5.1.The fair jury includes a senior teacher and chairmen of parent committees of all groups.

5.2. In the absence of the chairman of the parent committee, the parents of the group have the right to nominate any parent (legal representative) as a member of the jury.

6. Nominations and conditions

6.1.Competitions and nominations.

  • The “Trading Rows” competition provides for the most original design of your retail space. The results are summed up according to the nominations: Visiting…. , Autumn fantasies, Bread for everything, Fun CAFE.
  • Competition "The Best Barker". The competition for the best barker is held individually. The volume, the poetic form of the barkers, and the barker’s costume are taken into account.
  • Nomination “Best Entrepreneurs” The results are summed up based on the amount of proceeds received from the sale.

5.2. All goods exhibited at the fair are provided by participating families.

5.3. The goods exhibited at the “fair rows” must be of high quality and worthy of sale: not torn or wrinkled, sweet and ruddy, clean and tasty.

5.4. The cost of the goods is determined “by eye” by the buyer himself, but, as at any fair, bargaining with the seller is not forbidden.

5.5. Generosity and unheard of extravagance are welcomed!

6. Summing up the results of the charity fair

6.1. All money raised at the fair is spent according to the decision of the parent committee of the groups.

Entertainment "Fun Fair" in kindergarten in the senior group

Scenario of entertainment in the preschool educational institution “Fun Fair”.
Senior group For children of the senior group Goal: introducing children to the tradition of the Russian people - fair festivities Characters: Adults
- Presenter, Buffoon.
2 children Buffoons
Materials and equipment: Tables-counters, on the tables - an exhibition of handicrafts, models of products - bagels, sweets, cheesecakes, etc., scarves, samovar, pipes, ribbons, wooden spoons, rattles, rockers and buckets, ribbon carousels, lollipops for children by quantity, the hall is decorated as a fair area where fun is taking place, for the game - 2 fur coats, 2 pairs of felt boots, 2 pairs of galoshes, 2 belts.
Progress of the entertainment
Music sounds, Buffoons run into the hall. Adult buffoon: Hello, housewives and young ladies! Hello, guests and guests! Look at us, look, wipe your eyes! We are cheerful amusements, Famous buffoons and scoffers! For a copper nickel, we'll show you this way and that way! Buffoon child: We promise it will be great, Three boxes of pleasure! Buffoon child: The fair is starting, everyone is invited here! Adult buffoon: Stop, passerby, stop! Marvel at our miracle! Musical director: The people celebrate the holiday: They have fun and sing. And we are not lagging behind - we invite everyone to the fair! We open the fair wide, Our fun begins! Music sounds, children enter the hall and are greeted by the Buffoons. Adult buffoon: Taras-bars-rastabars! Look at the products. There are scarves for your mother, Painted samovars! Buffoon child: There are bagels, cheesecakes, and children's toys. There are bows for girls, of unprecedented beauty! Buffoon child: Come, don’t yawn, and sort out the goods! Song "At the Fair". Music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova. Traders come out - sellers (peddlers) with movements. Child: -Who wants pies? Hot cakes? Hot, hot, ten kopecks for a couple! Child: - Come, don’t yawn, buy some bread! The buns and flatbreads were sitting in the oven, they looked at you and wanted to put them in your mouth! Child: - Whom will I sell apples to? I'll give it to anyone cheap! Child: Pins, needles, steel pins. Pay a penny for one bunch! Child: Come here, my friend, Open your wallet! There are rattles and accordions and painted spoons! Music sounds, children go to the tables, look at and buy goods, the girl Dunya comes out into the middle with a rocker and buckets, and the boy Vanya meets her. Vanya: Beautiful maiden Dunyasha, where did you go? Dunya: I went to the fair and bought myself a bucket. Vanya: What did you give? Dunya: I gave a ruble for a bucket, a ruble and a half for a rocker! Vanya: Girl, girl, go get some water! Dunya: I'm afraid of the wolf, I'm afraid of the fox! Vanya: The wolf is at work, the Fox is in the swamp. I washed the dress and wet the hem. She laughs, Khokholok shakes. Children: (All together) Girl, girl, go get some water! Children stand up in a round dance (Dunya and Vanya go out to the middle of the circle, Dunya takes the yoke and buckets, Vanya takes the balalaika.) Staging of the song “The Young One Went for Water” (Russian folk song Arranged by V. Agafonnikov) Adult buffoon: And I know one funny game , I invite all the guys to take part in it. The game is called “Fur coat, felt boots run, but galoshes lag behind.” -Come on, guys, form two columns! I explain the rules of the game: the first pair of participants in each team puts on one fur coat for two: in one sleeve the hand of one player, in the other - of the other, takes the belt and runs to the landmark, runs around it and runs to the place. At this time, the second pair is preparing. They try on felt boots: on the left foot of one participant and the right foot of another. The first pair passes the belt to the second, and she runs the same way. The third pair puts on galoshes and also runs around the landmark, not forgetting to take a belt. So, all participants: the fourth couple in a fur coat, the fifth in felt boots, the sixth in galoshes. The main thing is not to lose the belt, and at the end of the game the first pair lifts it up. Child: Hey, girls are laughing! Hey, boys are daredevils! Have fun dancing! Make everyone around you happy! Dance "Quadrille" Adult buffoon: It's time for the fair to close, And we still have a ride on the carousel. - We continue the fun, Everyone is running on the carousel! Music is playing. Children's carousel ride Child: Every young man should have a cucumber from the garden. Adult buffoon: While you were listening, the cucumbers in the garden and the hares ate. If the cucumbers didn't work out, I'll treat you to some lollipops. Music plays, an adult buffoon treats the children with candy. Adult buffoon: Got a lollipop? That's the end of the fair! Buffoon child: The sun has set - Our fair has closed! Buffoon child: Go home, honest people! The fair has opened its doors to you! All the buffoons together: And now, friends, goodbye! Musical director: Come to us again, we are always glad to have guests! Music sounds, the children leave the hall. Literature used - "Preschool Education" monthly scientific and methodological magazine LLC publishing house "Education of a Preschooler" 10.2018 - "Musical Director" illustrated methodological magazine for music directors founder and publisher: LLC publishing house "Education of a Preschooler"

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