Features of the development of creative abilities of preschool children
What is creativity By definition, this is the process of a person creating new unique material and spiritual
Emotional well-being of a preschool child article on the topic
Consultation for parents. Emotional well-being of a child in the family Rules of emotional education or a few tips
Methodological work in preschool educational institutions - Goals and objectives of methodological work
Goals and objectives of methodological work Methodological work is an important condition for improving the quality of pedagogical
“My Small Motherland” Project on patriotic education in the middle group
I. Goal setting Raising children, shaping a child’s personality from the first years of his life is the main
ecological week in pre-materials (middle group) on the topic
Svetlana Krivego Ecological week in the junior-middle group Project of an environmental week in the junior-middle group
Long-term project “We will save health” for children of the senior group.”
Topic of the week: “Transport” Schedule planning of ATS in the middle group
Topic of the week: “Transport” Calendar planning of ATS in the middle group Authors: Svetlana Ivanovna Artemyeva, teacher
Project for middle group children “Amazing Sand”
project “Game activity with kinetic sand” Currently, kinetic sand, thanks to its wonderful
Project “A fairy tale is in a hurry to visit us” for children of the older group (5-6 years old)
Project “Visiting a Fairy Tale” May 6, 2016 Conference “Project Activities in an Educational Institution”
Colors in our lives (Research project) Author: Sofia Ukhnina, student of 4th “B” grade, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School School 31, Podolsk Project leader: Oksana Koscheeva. - presentation
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