Activities of a preschool teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

  • How does the system of advanced training for educators work according to the law?
  • Why do teachers need to take advanced training courses?
  • How can a teacher improve his category?
  • Types of advanced training for teachers
  • Where can I take advanced training courses?
  • How does an online teacher training course work?

High demands are placed on the professionalism of educators, since they are entrusted with a responsible mission. The teacher not only monitors how the child behaves, he is responsible for the development of children and provides them with psychological support. In order to perform quality work, the teacher must constantly train and improve his skills.

How does the system of advanced training for educators work according to the law?

Advanced training is one of the forms of additional professional education (DPE). The teacher periodically takes specialized courses that give him new knowledge and professional skills in his favorite profession. By law, educators are required to improve their qualifications at least once every 3 years. The duration of such training must exceed 16 academic hours.

Only those educators who have a certain level of education can take advanced training courses:

  1. Higher pedagogical education
  2. Secondary specialized education in the field of pedagogy

If a teacher does not have a specialized education, instead of advanced training courses, he can take professional retraining courses. They belong to a different type of DPO.

A teacher can take advanced training courses at his own request or at the request of the management of preschool institutions. If management assigns training, they must pay for these courses and choose the topic. The teacher himself can suggest a topic that he is interested in understanding. And then the head decides whether to follow his own teaching plans or take into account the wishes of the preschool teacher. If a teacher wants to take a course, but does not have a referral from the employer, he pays for the training himself.

“Conceptual foundations of a modern teacher in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.”

“Conceptual foundations of a modern teacher in the Federal State Educational Standard”

preschool education".

Burtseva Tatyana Viktorovna

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Forest Fairy Tale"

Russia, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Novy Urengoy

[email protected]

“For a modern child - a modern teacher!

This is
the slogan of modern education.”
— And who is a “modern preschool teacher”? “A person who lives by his profession, in which he achieves significant success, receives the predicted result?

— A creative person who strives to find himself?

- Maybe it’s for the nursery teacher

who is endowed with some unique and amazing ability, amazing skill? These are the questions that set the standards of the new generation.

In the context of the new “challenges of the time,” one of the most important areas of modernization of the education system is the development of education, which is fixed in the Strategy for the Development of Russian Education until 2022 and the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. “A developing society needs modernly educated, moral, enterprising people who can make independent decisions, are capable of cooperation, are characterized by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, are ready for intercultural interaction, and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, for its socio-economic prosperity.” Modern processes of modernization of preschool education highlight not the formal affiliation of the teacher to the profession, but the personal position he occupies, which ensures his attitude towards teaching work. It is this position that guides the teacher towards understanding modern realities, motives and ways of interacting with the child. After all, only the maturity of the teacher’s personal and professional position ensures the replacement of traditional teaching values ​​with the values ​​of preschooler’s personality development and, consequently, improving the quality of his education. The modern world is characterized by rapidly changing conditions and constant updating of information, therefore another important component of a teacher’s professional competence is the constant improvement of one’s knowledge, mastery of progressive pedagogical technologies of education and training. The decisive factor in the development of a teacher’s personality at all stages of his professional path is continuous self-education. The teacher must have motivation and a need for self-development. In a modern educational institution, conditions must be created for studying best practices, updating knowledge and creatively applying it in practice. The teacher must be capable of self-analysis and self-assessment, perception of new information and introduction into his work of innovative forms of interaction with all participants in the educational process. The preschool education teacher is a key figure in the modernization of education and the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new demands on teachers. The peculiarities of the development of society at the present stage have affected, first of all, changes in the professional activity of a teacher. This is due to the fact that the educational level of society as a whole and the possibility of creating conditions for its further development depend on a specialist in this field.

As the theory of education developed, many traditional problems of pedagogical science began to take on a different meaning. Among them is the problem of identifying professionally significant qualities of a teacher, such as value and value orientation. Today, in the preschool education system, values ​​are considered at the levels of state policy, value orientations of the child, family values, and cultural values. The interrelation of these levels, overcoming negative trends and the formation of value orientations is the main task of modern pedagogy. Readiness for change, mobility, high professionalism, the ability to perform non-standard work actions, a creative attitude to the activities carried out - all these characteristics of the activities of a successful professional fully apply to the teacher.

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education determines the basic competencies that teachers must have to create a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age: ensuring the emotional well-being of children through direct communication with each child, respectful attitude towards each child, his feelings and needs; supporting children's individuality through creating conditions for children to freely choose activities, for children to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts; non-directive assistance to children, support for children’s initiative and independence in various activities, development of children’s communication abilities; building variable developmental education focused on the zone of proximal development of each child; interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities. Teachers’ mastery of these competencies is currently a priority task in every preschool educational institution.

The professional value orientations of a preschool teacher, based on the research of Vitaly Aleksandrovich Slastenin and his school, can be considered as a selective, conscious and emotionally charged attitude of the teacher to the profession, to the child’s personality. Vitaly Aleksandrovich considers “pedagogical values ​​as features of professional activity that allow the teacher to satisfy his material and spiritual needs, which serve as a guide for his social and professional activity, performing the function of norms regulating pedagogical activity.” The position of a number of researchers, Vladimir Petrovich Bezdukhov, Oleg Grigorievich Drobnitsky, consider pedagogical values ​​as a systematizing beginning of professional activity, initiating the emergence and development of an individual’s motives, needs, and aspirations.

The problem of a teacher’s professional growth is also considered by scientists “in the context of the development of the “I” - the concept of personality. The mechanisms that ensure the professional and value self-development of a preschool teacher include the following: self-awareness as understanding, recognition, acceptance of the content of the teacher’s “I”; self-determination – designation of the boundaries of the teacher’s “I”; self-actualization – manifestation and liberation of what is embedded and formed in the “I” of a person and a teacher; self-realization - expression of the potential of the “I”; self-regulation – management of various aspects of one’s activities as a teacher and individual and their integration; self-esteem is the correlation between “actual self” and “potential self.”

Components of value orientations:

  • The value-motivational component reflects the value orientations, needs, and interests of the teacher.
  • The cognitive component reflects the quality of professional and pedagogical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology, special disciplines, knowledge of the mechanisms and methods of self-development (self-esteem, self-affirmation, self-determination).
  • The emotional-volitional component is revealed through awareness of the position of one’s own “I”, a positive perception of oneself as a teacher, a positive attitude towards teaching activities, emotional stability, and volitional self-regulation.
  • Constructive and practical includes mastery of methods for designing professional and personal self-development (goal setting, choice of forms and technologies for realizing the goals and objectives of activities).
  • The communicative component is revealed as the need for communication, interaction with other people, as empathy, patience, support.
  • The reflective component reflects the ability for self-study, personal assessment of one’s own life and pedagogical experience, analysis of cause-and-effect relationships, and stimulates the development of one’s ability to work on oneself.

These components develop unevenly, but, nevertheless, a change in one of them is a condition for the development of any other.

The strategy of modern teacher education is the professional value growth and self-development of the teacher. The image of a preschool teacher, presented for the purposes of teacher education, acts as a model of the final result of the activity - a teacher who is able to freely navigate complex sociocultural circumstances, act responsibly and professionally in the context of solving pressing educational problems. After all, pedagogical education depends on the level of professional knowledge and abilities, business and professionally significant personal qualities of a preschool teacher, attitude to work, as well as the conditions, process and results of his work.

The concept of “professionalism” in S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary is interpreted as good mastery of one’s profession. First of all, it means a certain set of specific regulatory requirements for a profession, which a person must master in order to successfully engage in his chosen business. A teacher works well if the choice he makes is conscious and corresponds to his needs, interests and personal characteristics. In addition, good command of the profession implies not only that the teacher has the knowledge, skills, abilities and professional qualities required for a given field of activity, but also fluency in them.

Many experts in the field of pedagogy (Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev, Daniil Borisovich Elkonin) believe that professionalism is based on the unity and integrity of the level of its education and motivation, value orientations and aspirations. The problem of professionalism is considered as a system consisting, in turn, of two interconnected subsystems - personal professionalism and professionalism of activity.

Professionalism of activity is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of labor, reflecting his high professional qualifications and competence; a variety of effective professional skills, including those based on creative solutions; mastery of modern algorithms and methods for solving professional problems with a high and stable level of productivity.

Personal professionalism is a qualitative characteristic of a subject of labor, reflecting a high level of development of professionally important personal and business components (qualities) and creativity; as well as an adequate level of aspirations, motivations and value orientations aimed at the successful development of a specialist. Thus, the professionalism of personality and activity are two sides of the same phenomenon, located in constant dialectical unity.

Achieving professionalism is associated with the acquisition of mastery in the profession, as well as with the development of professional value orientations. Therefore, it is very important at the institution level to create its own system of professional value orientations for preschool teachers, aimed at developing the professionalism of its teaching staff.

After all, any specialist must possess the amount of knowledge and professional values ​​that make him a professional. The teacher is no exception.

Lack of professionalism and personal values ​​make him professionally weak or unsuitable for education. To become a spiritual mentor to children, one must have such spiritual wealth that can be shared without fear of depletion of these reserves; one must constantly replenish, enrich and develop them. After all, the development, transformation, and correction of professional value orientations of preschool teachers occurs throughout his entire professional life, so it seems appropriate to analyze the possibilities of a teacher’s professional sphere in the system of continuous pedagogical education.

Every day, a kindergarten teacher is a witness and participant in the process of shaping the people of the future, helping their development. Our life is structured in such a way that children spend most of their daylight hours not with their own parents, but with kindergarten workers and teachers. This fact confirms the high social significance of the teaching


Updating the preschool

education implies the formation of a new model of learning, where the interests of the child will be taken as the basis.
The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool
Education puts forward the development of each child as the main goal of educational work.

What should a modern preschool teacher be like?

First of all, it is focused on personal interaction with each student, excluding the authoritarian model of constructing the educational process. Preschool

education is entirely built on the process of interaction between
the teacher and children
, and since
the teacher
is a fairly significant figure for the child, it is the teacher who bears responsibility for the quality of this process.
should be near the children .

Modern teacher

must be ready for flexible adjustments to the educational process, based on the interests and needs of the students.
The goal should not be the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but the development of the child’s personality. The main task for a modern
kindergarten teacher is to organize such activities, during which there will be a reassessment of one’s own professional actions and one’s attitudes towards the child.
a teacher’s
professional competence is the constant improvement of one’s knowledge and mastery of progressive pedagogical technologies of education and training.
The decisive factor in the development of a teacher’s
is continuous self-education.
Self-organization skills, the ability to analyze and apply the necessary information, and the skills of effective collective activity are modern
requirements for the quality of education.

Thus, modern

a kindergarten needs
a teacher
who will not be
a “teacher
,” but a partner for children who will contribute to the development of the students’ personalities;
a teacher
who is able to competently plan and build the educational process, focusing on the interests of the children themselves, but at the same time not be afraid to deviate from the planned plan and adapt to real situations;
a teacher
who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, a teacher who has psychological and
pedagogical knowledge, modern
information and communication technologies, capable of self-education and self-analysis.

A modern teacher is

, first of all, an independent, creative and self-confident person. You need to prepare for such a role, because performing in it is not easy. When searching for ways to realize the goals of pedagogical activity, the teacher needs to choose his own professional strategy, the content of which is the development of himself and others.

So, a modern educator must have the following list of personal and professional qualities:

— a clear vision of modern educational objectives;

— value attitude towards the child, culture, creativity;

- support the process of personal development of children, their self-development;

- demonstrate a humane pedagogical position;

— preserve the physical and spiritual development of children;

- be able to carry out pedagogical activities to introduce modern technologies for raising and teaching children;

— ability for self-education and personal growth.


, a modern preschool teacher is a teacher who includes a body of knowledge, personal and professional qualities, abilities and skills that meet modern requirements, combined with personal life and professional experience and guaranteeing consistently high quality and effectiveness of teaching activities in the present and future.

And in conclusion, the parable of Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili “Wings”.

An old man sits by the side of the road and looks at the road. He sees a man walking, and a little boy can barely keep up with him. The man stopped and ordered the child to bring water to the old man and give him a piece of bread from the store.

-What are you doing here, old man? - asked a passerby.

- Waiting for you! - answered the old man. - They entrusted you with this child to raise, right?

- Right! – the man was surprised.

- So take wisdom with you:

If you want to plant a tree for a person, plant a fruit tree.

If you want to give a person a horse, give the best horse.

But if they entrusted you with a child to raise, then return him winged.

- How can I do this, old man, if I myself don’t know how to fly? – the man was surprised.

– Then don’t take the boy into your education! - said the old man and directed his gaze to the sky.

Years have passed.

The old man sits in the same place and looks at the sky.

He sees a boy flying, and behind him is his teacher.

They knelt down in front of the old man and bowed to him.

“Old man, remember, you told me to return the boy with wings.” I found a way... See how his wings have grown! - the teacher said proudly and circled his pupil with his wings with affection.

But the old man touched the teacher’s wings, caressed them and whispered:

– I’m more pleased with your feathers...

P. _ S. _
I would like teachers to grow not only wings, but also feathers in their professional activities.

  1. Gorelova V.V. Strategy for the development of preschool education in the context of modern state requirements (2010–2020) [Electronic resource].
  2. Gargai V.G. Teacher development in the West: a reflective model of teaching. // Pedagogy, 2004. - No. 2. p. 72-79
  3. Volobueva L.M., Mirenko I.A. Active teaching methods in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions // Management of a Preschool Educational Institution. – 2006
  4. Koptyaeva, O.N. Motivational readiness of teachers for innovative activities [Text]: dis. Ph.D. psychol. Sciences / O.N. Koptyaeva. – Yaroslavl: [b. i.], 2009
  5. Emelyanova, E. Professional growth training: development of key competencies among employees of educational institutions in the system of continuous education / E. Emelyanova // School psychologist: adj. to the newspaper "First of September". – 2010
  6. Mayer A.A. Model of professional competence of a preschool teacher // Management of a Preschool Educational Institution. – 2007
  7. Khokhlova, O.A. Formation of professional competence of teachers / O.A. Khokhlova // Directory of senior educators - 2010
  8. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155).

Why do teachers need to take advanced training courses?

In addition to the fact that advanced training is provided for by law, it is also useful for the teacher himself. Specialists who regularly take advanced training courses provide more professional services and receive higher pay for their work.

Advanced training allows kindergarten teachers to:

  • Feel more confident at work
  • Expand your work responsibilities. For example, you can organize drawing or English classes for an additional fee
  • Work with children with developmental disabilities. Such teachers receive 15-20% more salary and 14 additional days of vacation. To get started working with special needs children, you can take a program on working with children with disabilities.
  • Get a job in a private kindergarten, where the salary level is higher than in a public institution
  • Get a job in a specialized kindergarten. For example, to a kindergarten that works according to the Montessori system
  • Upgrade your qualification category

View advanced training programs for preschool teachers from ABiUS and select the program that interests you.

How can a teacher improve his category?

Advanced training helps the teacher quickly obtain the first or highest category. The qualification category is a key indicator of a teacher’s professionalism. It shows the teacher’s competence and affects the level of his salary.

A teacher can apply for an upgrade two years after starting work. If the application is approved, it undergoes certification. The certification commission pays attention to what advanced training courses the teacher has completed and awards additional points for them.

Activities of a preschool teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard


Activities of a preschool teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Federal State Educational Standard ( FSES )

— a set of mandatory requirements for education of a certain level and
for a profession, specialty and area of ​​training, approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

TEACHER IN THE CONDITIONS OF INTRODUCTION OF THE FSES DO The system of Russian education at the present stage of development of society is undergoing significant changes associated with a change in the model of cultural and historical development. But no matter what reforms take place in the education system, in the end they, one way or another, are limited to a specific performer - the teacher. It is the teacher who is the main figure in the implementation of major innovations in practice. And for the successful introduction of various innovations into practice, for of the tasks assigned to him in new conditions,

The new federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

, preschool education is separated into an independent level of general education. On this basis, the federal state educational standard for preschool education was adopted.

What changes have occurred in the preschool education system?

Here, for the first time, guidelines are essentially given for what working with a child in preschool is, what requirements are placed on it, what conditions ensure its effectiveness and quality.

One of the unique aspects of the standard is that the educational program is defined here as a program of psychological and pedagogical support, positive socialization, individualization of the child, and not the acquisition of knowledge, as is done in other standards of the education system. Naturally, despite the absence of such forms of control that exist at higher levels of education, both teachers and parents themselves want to understand what the child managed to achieve. According to the standard, the correct assessment will be the vector of development that the child is following, rather than some final result that needs to be achieved. Here, unlike other standards, we are talking only about personal results. In this regard, monitoring the dynamics of a child’s development is allowed, but it is not needed for assessment in itself, but to identify the ways in which a teacher can help a child develop, discover some abilities, and overcome problems.

The standard requirements for the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education, which represent social and normative age characteristics of the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completion of preschool education.

The standard affirms the basic principles of: assistance and cooperation between children and adults in the process of children's development and their interaction with people, culture and the world around them; introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state; formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through his inclusion in various types of activities ; taking into account the ethnocultural and social situation of children’s development

The standard provides variability and diversity in the content of educational programs and organizational forms of the level of preschool education, the possibility of creating educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students ; formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate to the age and individual characteristics of children.

The standard ensures equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological characteristics (including disabilities)

; ensuring continuity of basic educational programs of preschool and primary general education; determining directions for systematic interdepartmental interaction, as well as interaction between pedagogical and public associations.

I believe that one of the important changes in the preschool education system is the development of a basic preschool education program, which consists of a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The mandatory part of the Program requires a comprehensive approach, ensuring development in all educational areas, of which there are five:

social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development;

physical development.

The part formed by the participants in educational relations presents independently developed Programs aimed at the development of children in one or more educational areas, methods, forms of organizing educational work, the volume of the educational part of the Program is determined - at least 60%. For the first time, the requirements for the result of mastering the program have been defined in the form of target guidelines for preschool education. Corrective work and inclusive education are provided.

An important role is played by the creation of the necessary conditions for the implementation of the Program .

All these changes in the preschool education system affect the professional activities of the teacher .

The standard is aimed at individualizing the development of a child; the processes of learning and upbringing are combined into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family and society. Life in kindergarten for a child should become one big game with its own norms and rules, and the teacher will need great skill in presenting program material so that the child does not notice that he is being taught something, and he himself is the discoverer and researcher. Constantly using the principle of partnership interaction is quite difficult and requires the teacher to have great experience in communicating with children.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard will entail a lot of and very labor-intensive work, namely:

— making changes to the educational program, almost completely changing its structure;

- building new ones (maybe not new, but different)

relationships with parents, because there is
“direct involvement of parents in the educational process
,” but in practice this is a very difficult matter;

— adjustment of documentation, plans, familiarization with updated programs, drawing up work programs.

Drawing up a work program and developing a pedagogical project are the cause of the most significant professional difficulties, since this work requires high professionalism and knowledge.

The world around us is constantly becoming more informationally complex . Today, it is no longer enough to once receive a basic education and work in your specialty. In order to meet modern requirements and maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to constantly study and engage in self-education. Continuing education must become a necessity. The need to improve the level of knowledge, skills and abilities penetrates all spheres of life - professional, family, social, personal and, of course, the sphere of teaching .

Currently, not just a teacher , but a teacher-researcher, educational psychologist, and educational technologist. These qualities of a specialist after graduating from a pedagogical university or pedagogical college can only develop in the conditions of a creatively , problematically and technologically organized educational process in a preschool institution.

The teacher must constantly improve himself and improve his skills.

Types of advanced training for teachers

There are different types of advanced training for kindergarten teachers. They can take place both online and offline. For example:

  • Short lectures and seminars up to 24 hours Typically they cover one or more topics.
  • Short-term courses up to 72 hours These courses cover highly specialized issues. In general, the courses use an integrated approach, in which theoretical lessons alternate with practical exercises.
  • Long courses from 100 hours These are more general programs that cover a large number of issues.
  • Internships and joint scientific activities This format involves a lot of practical part.

At the end of any training, certification is carried out. If the teacher successfully passes it, he receives a document, a certificate of advanced training.

Self-analysis of the job functions of a preschool teacher

It is important for a teacher working with preschoolers to understand the criteria by which he should evaluate and analyze his work activity. At the same time, take into account the number of students in the group. The educator must solve his problems with the help of the institution’s special educational program. It was developed on the basis of the “Childhood”, “Development” or other programs proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

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He can choose several areas of activity:

  • working with different age groups;
  • classes with talented children and features of their upbringing;
  • teaching children Russian if it is a second language for them;
  • use of inclusive education programs;
  • work in groups with different periods of stay for children;
  • work in a group preparing students for school;
  • interaction with socially neglected children or those in difficult life situations.

It is also possible for the teacher to choose other directions. Which allow children to fully realize their capabilities and develop interests. By carrying out self-analysis and self-assessment of the teacher’s professional activity, it is possible to systematize the work he has done and note achievements and shortcomings.

The tasks of the teacher in the group include reaching out to each child and including him in active activities. Development of initiative in children, assistance in finding the right solutions and ways out of various life situations.

One of the important indicators of a teacher’s performance is the health of preschool children. This task is carried out jointly with the medical worker and those responsible for the physical education of children.

Where can I take advanced training courses?

Different types of institutions provide the opportunity to take advanced training courses. The most popular of them:

  • Special centers and institutes of additional education They teach on various topics of a narrow and general focus. Typically, teachers and developers of such institutions are practitioners, that is, they actually know what it is to work with children. Therefore, they convey teaching experience, and not just theoretical knowledge, which is rare in modern education. An example of such an institution is ABiUS, which has been providing educational services for 20 years.
  • On the basis of higher educational institutions. Candidates and doctors of sciences who are engaged in research and development in the field of additional education teach at such institutions. Most programs are only available in offline format.
  • Research institutes, laboratories and research centers They offer a large selection of short-term courses. The emphasis in these courses is on the theoretical part.

When choosing a course, it is important to make sure that the course program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard and professional standards. If it does not meet these standards, then difficulties may arise.

Increasing the professional competence of preschool teachers. material on the topic

Improving the professional competence of preschool teachers.

The Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” classifies preschool education as the first level of general education. Along with such functions as child care and supervision, preschool organizations are assigned the obligation to carry out educational activities, which are allocated as a separate service. In education, the task is to achieve a new, modern quality of preschool education associated with the creation of conditions for the development of the personality of each child, capable of realizing himself as a part of society. In this regard, new content is expected for the professional and pedagogical activities of preschool teachers, their readiness to master and implement innovations that are in demand by the educational situation.

The leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is played by the teacher and his professionalism.

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in clause 3.4.2. it is stated that “teaching staff implementing the Program must have the basic competencies necessary to create conditions for the development of children.” In addition, the Professional Standard of a Teacher, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n, reveals the general requirements for a teacher (education, work experience, special conditions) and labor actions, skills and knowledge necessary for performing the general pedagogical function of teaching, raising and developing children, as well as the requirements specifically for a preschool teacher. In accordance with them, one of the labor actions of a teacher (educator) is the development of professionally significant competencies necessary for him to solve the educational problems of the development of children of early and preschool age, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of their development.

The concepts of “professional competence” and “competence” are currently being considered in the works of various scientists and specialists. There is no consensus on the definition of these concepts and in many studies these concepts are identical. So, let's look at these concepts.

Competence is personal and interpersonal qualities, abilities, skills and knowledge that are expressed in various forms and situations of social life. Competence means a person’s possession of appropriate competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity. Professional competence is understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful teaching activities. The development of professional competence is the development of creative individuality, sensitivity to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment and make decisions in each specific situation when organizing the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. In other words, competencies are goals, and competencies are results. And achieving a goal always contributes to development. Likewise in pedagogy, by updating his competencies, the teacher develops and his professional competence grows. The quality level of upbringing and development of a preschool child depends on how competently the educational process is structured in a preschool institution.

The quality of education is a social category that determines the effectiveness of the educational process in preschool educational institutions, its compliance with the needs and expectations of society in the development of children and the professional competence of teachers. Belaya K.Yu. proposes the following content of this concept: “The quality of preschool education is such an organization of the pedagogical process in a kindergarten in which the level of education and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal age and physical characteristics in the process of upbringing and training.” And, of course, the quality of work of a preschool educational institution depends on:

1. On the quality of teachers’ work.2. The relationships that have developed within the teaching staff.3. Conditions created in the preschool educational institution for the creative search for new methods and forms of working with children.

4. Objective assessment of the performance of each employee.

Thus, quality is the result of the activities of the entire teaching staff. It is also important that each participant in the educational process must be able to interact with other members of the team in order to become like-minded people. Those. the need for priority of the teacher’s subjective position in relation to himself is revealed, which allows him to be personally responsible for the level (quality) of his professionalism. Then he himself determines what, when and in what form he should do in order to change himself and influence the results of his work (and therefore the results of the work of the preschool institution). With this approach, the emphasis is on the professional and personal growth of the teacher, on the process and result of this growth, and the search for effective forms of work and means of ensuring this growth.

K.D. Ushinsky said: “In the matter of teaching and upbringing: nothing can be improved without going past the teacher’s head.” One of the important conditions for the successful work of a teacher in a modern educational institution is the feeling of not only responsibility for one’s work, but also internal freedom in work. The teacher must become an independent, educated professional, taking full responsibility for everything he does, and become the center of the process of improving the quality of preschool education. The implementation of this task can contribute to the formation of professional growth and mobility of teachers to the new or updated content that appears in kindergarten, and also helps in the rapid development of new types of activities.

Professional growth of a teacher is the goal and process of the teacher acquiring knowledge, skills, and methods of activity that allow him to optimally realize his mission, solve the tasks facing him in training, education, development, socialization and preservation of the health of students (M. M. Potashnik, academician Russian Academy).

In pedagogy there are two concepts: “professional” and “personal growth of a teacher.” How do they influence each other? They exist in close interaction. Therefore, it is correct to talk about the professional and personal growth of a teacher as positive changes, the development of professional and personal qualities. The development of professional and personal growth of a teacher is a priority area of ​​methodological work.

Innovative methods of work of a senior educator with preschool teachers

The connection between the content of methodological work and the results of teachers’ work ensures a continuous process of improving the professional skills of each educator. At the same time, methodological work is of a proactive nature and is responsible for the development and improvement of all work with children, in accordance with new achievements in pedagogical and psychological science. Therefore, it is impossible to agree with the understanding of methodological work as only a service for correcting errors in the activities of the educator, although in the course of it these problems also have to be solved. The main thing is to provide real, effective and timely assistance to teachers. However, the problem of improving the professional skills of each preschool teacher is quite complex. Traditional forms of methodological work, in which the main place was given to reports and speeches, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today it is more effective to use active forms of work, which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions.

Innovative methodological work is part of professional, managerial, pedagogical activities, the distinctive features of which are:

1. ensuring the operation of the educational institution in development mode;

2. selection of the content of methodological work that ensures the personal development of a preschool child and his self-development;

3. providing teachers with information about innovative facts and phenomena and organizing expertise;

4. equipping teachers with methods of professional pedagogical activity that create an effective impact on the personal development of the child.

Objectives of methodological work:

— increasing the level of theoretical and psychological training of teachers;

— formation of an innovative orientation in the activities of the teaching staff based on the study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience;

— study of new educational programs, educational state standards;

— study of new regulatory documents, instructional and methodological materials, assistance to teachers in self-education,

— assistance in mastering information and communication technologies.

Consequently, improving professional competence coincides with the objectives of methodological work.

According to Belaya K.Yu., it is important to determine real indicators of work to improve the professional competence of teachers, to formulate evaluation criteria - these are:

1) the skill of teachers, expressed in increasing qualification categories;

2) growth of creative activity of teachers in methodological work at various levels;

3) children's health indicators;

4) level of development of children.

Preschool teachers face a difficult task - to teach and develop students in accordance with standards, without forgetting about the individuality and personal development of each child. It is not without reason that in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education special attention is paid to the development of students through play, free conversation, dialogue, through communication with peers, older children, family, and teachers. The teacher must take a partnership position, comprehend new things together with the child in the form of cognitive, research, project activities, and in the form of creative activity.

Expected results:

— Providing information, methodological, and technological readiness for teachers to work with children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

— Increasing the level of formation of motivational and professional competence of preschool teachers: developing new values, principles of interaction and communication with preschoolers.

— Expanding the opportunities and needs of teachers to improve their professional competence through the use of various forms of advanced training.

— Improving the quality of education in preschool educational institutions.

Based on the above, work with teachers to improve the professional competence of teachers is carried out in the process of:

— self-educational work;

— mastering information and communication technologies;

— improving the teacher’s project culture.

Self-education is an important link in the holistic system of methodological work, a complex and creative process of teachers’ independent comprehension of methods and techniques of working with children.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, within the framework of the professional standard of a teacher, an integral part of teaching activity is the continuous improvement of one’s professional qualifications and continuous self-education.

External events can be used as incentives to support activity: training in courses, attending various seminars, methodological associations, getting to know the experience of other teachers, etc. The opportunity to participate in innovative activities helps stimulate interest in work.

For teachers with an active position on self-development, a great incentive is to work on trust, the opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues, and the offer to work in depth in one or another area of ​​educational work with children. Only a system of activities that involves an active form of learning and interaction between teachers in kindergarten - workshops, trainings, consultations, conversations - can minimize such hindering factors as one’s own inertia and inability to manage one’s time.

Self-development of a teacher is a central link in the successful development of a preschool institution, the preschool education system as a whole and the teacher himself, his level of professional and technological competence because It is the teacher who ensures the effective functioning and development of the educational institution.

Mastery of information and communication technologies

As practice shows, it is no longer possible to imagine a modern kindergarten without new information technologies. Proficiency in ICT allows one to increase the efficiency of the educational process and contributes to improving the professional competence of teachers. To date, teachers have created personal websites in the “Electronic Education in the Republic of Tatarstan” system, are adding to their portfolios, and preparing presentations that help generalize and disseminate their work experience.

Teacher’s project culture as part of professional competence

The project activity of preschool teachers is one of the methods of developmental training and self-education, aimed at developing research skills (posing a problem, collecting and processing information, conducting experiments, analyzing the results obtained), promotes the development of creativity and logical thinking; combines the knowledge gained during the methodological activities of the preschool educational institution and in advanced training courses.

The goal of project activities is to create conditions for innovative activities in preschool educational institutions, the use by teachers of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in professional activities.

Topics for teachers to develop projects and mini-projects are chosen independently depending on the creative direction of activity. At the final stage of the activity, a presentation is made. The purpose of the presentation is:

— providing teachers with the opportunity for public speaking and self-expression;

— increasing motivation and interest in professional activities; prestige of project implementation;

— training teachers in the ability to present their work;

— training of teachers in the technology of project activities.

The development of a project culture in the educational process contributes to the cohesion of the teaching staff and the harmonization of relationships with students and their parents.

A variety of forms and methods for developing the competence of teachers.

Of the many forms and methods used in working with teachers, aimed at developing competence, the following can also be identified:

1. Seminar – creative classes are aimed at developing creative thinking and creating innovative projects.

2.Game modeling. Business and role-playing games involve modeling a real process, during which optimal professional decisions are made based on the analysis of artificially created pedagogical situations. A business game as a teaching method allows you to “live” a particular practical situation.

3. Collective solution of problem situations, group discussion, or brainstorming; trainings in small groups to improve professional skills; methods of self-educational work, scientific and practical conferences on the results of innovative activities of preschool educational institutions.

4. A new form that allows us to comprehensively solve basic practical and research problems and integrate various educational forms of training is the scientific and methodological council. The work of the scientific and methodological council includes a creative group of teachers, the scientific director of the experimental site, the head of the preschool educational institution and a senior teacher.

The competence of his activities includes the creation of a team of like-minded people for the development of the institution, which develops a strategy, constructive and methodological schemes for the implementation of the general concept, a model of the institution and its main structures, methods for studying the cultural, educational and professional needs of all participants in the pedagogical process. An important place in the content of the work of the scientific and methodological council is occupied by the analysis of the activities of the institution, the results of the use of new pedagogical technologies, analysis of the professional activities of team members, consideration of prognostic programs and projects, analysis and approval of didactic and methodological materials, generalization of experience.

Important in the work of the scientific and methodological council is the analysis of innovative methods and techniques, their implementation in the sociocultural space, and the study of their influence on the degree of development of the child.

5. Pedagogical ring - guides teachers to study the latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodological literature, helps to identify different approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improves the skills of logical thinking and argumentation of their position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness and a sense of humor . This form provides criteria for evaluating responses, speeches and actions of participants:

• general erudition;

• professional knowledge, abilities, skills;

• ability to get out of a difficult situation, impromptu.

6. A business game can be used not only as a test lesson based on the results of a theoretical seminar on a problem relevant to a preschool educational institution, but also when developing solutions to a new problem. For example: “Is it easy to be a preschooler? »

7. A bank of ideas is a rational way of collectively solving problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods at this stage. For example: “Ecology of play: how to bring play back into the life of a kindergarten.” An effective form is to hold an exhibition - a fair of pedagogical ideas, an auction. Properly prepared and carried out, it stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education. Therefore, the main result of the exhibition-fair is a noticeable professional and personal growth of educators. Thanks to this form of work with teachers, conditions are created for the public presentation of the best examples of their professional activities, the emergence of new ideas, and the establishment and expansion of business and creative contacts with colleagues.

8. Master class. Its main goal is to get acquainted with teaching experience, the system of work, the author’s findings and everything that helped the teacher achieve the best results.

9. Another form that can be used before open events for educators and parents is the teacher’s mindset for successful work - “Quick Setup”:

1. If you want people to like you, smile! A smile, a ray of sunshine for the sad, an antidote created by nature from troubles.

2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the fashion models in the world envy you.

3. There are people like a gold coin: the longer they work, the more

are more valuable.

4. There is no better beloved friend than your favorite job: she doesn’t get old, and

does not allow you to grow old.

5. Difficulties strengthen you on the path to happiness.

In addition, forms of methodological work aimed at developing the competence of teachers to implement the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool educational institution are: - organizing individual and group consultations in order to provide methodological assistance to teachers (it is very important to get feedback from teachers, to discuss exactly those issues that cause difficulties );

— organizing the activities of the “creative group”;

— training seminars on the issues of Federal State Educational Standards of Education (a productive form of advanced training for teachers: they focus on improving their theoretical training).

— holding open events to exchange experience in teaching activities with teachers of the region, district, city (studying the best practices of teachers allows us to solve a number of problems, such as the targeted accumulation of pedagogical materials, analysis of activity results, description of interrelated work in a certain area).

Thus, the use of these and other active forms and methods of teaching in the process of improving the professional skills of preschool teachers ensures the practice-oriented nature of the educational process, promotes inclusion in innovative activities, and the formation of the need for continuous professional improvement.

In the course of methodological work to improve the professional competence of teachers, it is possible to determine the direct dependence of the quality of education and upbringing in a preschool institution on the level of professional competence of teaching staff. The higher the level of professional competence of teachers, the higher the level of quality of education in preschool educational institutions.

In modern conditions of education reform, the status of the teacher and his educational functions are radically changing, and the requirements for his professional and pedagogical competence and the level of his professionalism are changing accordingly. Today, a teacher who is creative, competent, and capable of developing the skills to mobilize his personal potential in the modern system of education and development of preschoolers is in demand.

A teacher is:

1. A harmoniously developed, internally rich personality, striving for spiritual, professional, general cultural and physical perfection.

2. Able to select the most effective methods, means and technologies of training and education for the implementation of assigned tasks.

3. Able to organize reflective activity.

4. Possessing a high degree of professional competence, a teacher must constantly improve his knowledge and skills, engage in self-education, and have a variety of interests.

To summarize, we can say that a well-constructed system of innovative forms of work with teaching staff will lead to an increase in the level of educational work in preschool educational institutions and will unite the team of teachers. The main thing is to find the “key” for each teacher.

List of used literature

  1. Arabadzhi V.A. Creative search in working with teachers // Preschool educational institution management. 2010. No. 3
  2. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions: analysis, planning, forms and methods. M.: Creative Center, 2005.
  3. Volobueva L.M., Mirenko I.A. Active teaching methods in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions // Preschool educational institution management. 2006. No. 6.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.”
  5. Pashkevich T.D. Petrusevich V.V. Professional competence of preschool teachers. // Management of preschool educational institutions.2010. No. 3.
  6. Yakovleva G.V. Management assistance to teachers in innovative activities. //Management of preschool educational institution. 2007. No. 6.
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