Card file of mathematical problems in verse. Preschool age

problems in verse

How many suns are there behind a cloud, How many refills are there in a fountain pen, How many noses does an elephant have, How many watches are there on his hand? How many legs does a fly agaric have And how many attempts does a sapper have, Knows and is proud of himself, Number-column... (one) How many ears are on the top of the head, How many legs does a half-frog have, How many mustaches does a catfish have The planet has poles, How many halves are there in total, New ones in a pair shoe, And the front paws of a lion Only the number knows... (two) COMPOSITION OF NUMBER 2

A puppy is sitting on the porch, warming his fluffy side. Another one came running and sat down next to him. ( How many puppies are there?)
The duck was carrying carrots in a basket and was pleased with this purchase. If I buy her more carrots, how many will there be?
Can you fold? (1+1=2)
How many bagels did you put in the bag, Cockerel? - Two, but we’ll give it to grandfather, And there will be left... (1) (2-1=1)Masha has one pencil, Grisha has one pencil. How many pencils
do both kids have? (1+1=2)
An old elephant is walking in the jungle, and he is lonely and sad. But his son came up to him, And the elephant is no longer alone. ( How many elephants are there now, guys?)
In the morning, two hares sat near the house and sang a cheerful song together. One ran away, and the second looked after him. How many Zaitsevs are sitting at the house
? (2-1=1)

How many months are there in winter, In summer, in autumn, in spring, How many eyes do traffic lights have, Bases on a baseball field, Edges on a sports sword And stripes on our flag, Whatever anyone tells us, The number knows the truth... (three) COMPOSITION OF THE NUMBER 3

A rooster flew up onto the fence. Met two more there. How many roosters are there?

How many guys are there? (3)


In a clearing near an oak tree, the Mole saw two fungi, and further away, near the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us? How many mushrooms did the mole find?
(2+1=3) Three apples. Just to rip off the little hand it just drags on, But first we need to count,
How long will there be left?(2)(3-1=2)
The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden. He gave the most rosy thing to Belka. Squirrel happily received the gift. Count the apples

The hedgehog has it on his plate!(2)


The cat has three kittens. They meow loudly. We look through the basket - Where did one go? Suddenly we see a cat carrying him out from under the bench. He was the first to stand on his paws and climb out of the basket. Count how many kittens
The cat is sitting in a basket
(2)(3-1=2) In a clearing near an oak tree, Mole saw two fungi. And further away, near the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us?
How many fungi did the mole find?(3)(2+1=3) A hedgehog walked through the forest in the fall, He found mushrooms for lunch: Two - under a birch tree, One - near an aspen tree, How many will there be?
In a wicker basket?(3)(2+1=3)
Two roosters flew up onto a perch, beating their wings and singing:
  • Crow, crow! Then another one took off and also sang joyfully:
  • Crow, crow! Now, my friend, come on, count all the roosters! (3)


The goose lady was driving geese to the market, and some old woman met her: “My eyes are weakened, it’s just a disaster - I can never count the geese.” The first one leads the two, The last one pushes the last two forward, One is in the middle of the whole company. Well, count how many geese there were?
In a clearing near an oak tree, the Mole saw two fungi, and further away, near the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us, How many mushrooms did the mole find?
Three apples. It’s just too long to rip off the handle, But first we need to count,
How much will be left? (2) (3-1=2)
The monkey brought two bananas to the elephant. Here she pleased the Giant with a gift. He had one banana, Look. Now how much is everything? Tell me! (2+1=3)How many times have you told your cat: It’s not nice to eat without a spoon? As soon as I run into the house, I lick the porridge with my tongue. It’s even worse with the pig: He was swimming in a puddle again. And the naughty little goat: He ate four dirty pears. ( How many naughty ones were there?)
Marinka entered the class, followed by Arinka, and then Ignat came. How many guys are there? ( 1+1+1=3) The animals sat down on the swing, on the swing. Two spotted leopards smile at the sun and ride happily with the good old lion. (How many animals are there in total?) (2+1=3)

How many paws does a mongoose have, Petals in a cabbage flower, Fingers on a chicken leg And on a cat’s back paw, Tanya’s hands together with Petya And all the sides in the world And the oceans in the world, The number knows... (four) COMPOSITION OF THE NUMBER 4

It’s my birthday, They gave me a horse, Two balls, one spinner. How many toys do I have?
(4) (1+2+1=4)

It is known that cats

They don't wear boots, but Mom bought cats for Boots. How many boots did mom buy
so that the cat wouldn’t get her paws wet? (4 pieces or 2 pairs)

Five guys played football. One was taken home. He looks out the window, counts how many of them are playing now.
(4) (5-1=4)
On a large sofa, Tanin’s dolls are sitting in a row: 2 nesting dolls, Pinocchio and a cheerful Chippolino. Help Tanya count the toys. (2+1+1=4)
Come on, how many of all the guys ride on the mountain? Three are sitting in a sled, One is waiting. (3+1=4)Once upon a time, a neighbor friend galloped up to the bunny for lunch. The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate two carrots each. Who's counting, guys, is dexterous?
How many carrots did you eat? (2+2=4)
Under the bushes by the river, May beetles lived: Daughter, son, father and mother. Who can count them?
How many horns do two cows have? ( 4)

How many fingers are there on a hand, And how many pennies are in a snout, The rays of a starfish, The beaks of five rooks, The blades of maple leaves And the corners of a bastion, A number will help us tell us about all this... (five) COMPOSITION OF THE NUMBER 5

Three yellow-eyed daisies, two cheerful cornflowers, given to mother by children. How many flowers are in the bouquet ?
(5) (3+2=5)
Five guys played football, one was called home. He looks out the window, thinks, How many of them play football?


Here are the mushrooms on the lawn in yellow caps: Two mushrooms, three mushrooms. How many will be together?


There are tubs against the wall, each tub contains 1 frog. If there were 5 tubs, how many frogs were in them?
There are two shovels near the tub, and three shovels near the bed. Count all the shoulder blades! How much will? Exactly……(five) ( 5)
As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus, two chanterelles, a boletus and a green flywheel. How many mushrooms did I find?


Three chickens are standing, looking at the shells, two eggs are lying in the nest of the hen. Count carefully, answer quickly: How many chickens will
my hen have
Antoshka fell into the snow, followed by Irinka. And behind her is Seryozhka, and behind him is Marinka. And then Ignat fell. How many guys are there in the snow?
A guest came to the rich cat - a well-known goat in the city, with a gray-haired and strict wife, a long-horned goat. The rooster came to fight. Behind the rooster is a hen, And in a soft downy hat, a pig, a neighbor, came. Quickly count all the cat guests! (5) (1+1+1+1+1=5) Three chickens are standing - looking at the shells. There are two eggs in the nest of the hen. Count quickly: How many chickens will my hen have? (5) (3+2=5)

How many letters does a dragon have, And zeros does a million have, Different chess pieces, Wings does three white chickens have, Legs does a cockchafer have, And sides does a chest have. If we can’t count ourselves, the number will tell us... (six) COMPOSITION OF THE NUMBER 6

The hero is rich, treats all the children: Vanya with strawberries, Tanya with bones, Mashenka with nuts, Petya with russula, Katya with raspberries, Vasya with twigs. Which hero are we talking about in this riddle? List what the forest can offer?; How many children did he treat - who with what? (6)
The hostess came from the market one day. The housewife brought home from the market: Potatoes, cabbage, Carrots, peas, Parsley and beets... OH!

How can you describe in one word everything that the hostess brought from the market? (vegetables). How many vegetables did the hostess bring? (6)

How many rains I know - Quickly count them: Rain with wind, Rain with mushrooms, Rain with a rainbow-arc, Rain with sun, Rain with hail, Rain with red leaves falling. (6)
Andryushka arranged the toys in two rows: Next to the monkey is a Teddy bear, Along with the fox is a bunny with a scythe, Following him are a hedgehog and a frog. How many toys
did Andryushka place? (6) (1+1+1+1+1+1=6)
On a large sofa, Tanya's dolls are sitting in a row: Two bears, Pinocchio, And a cheerful Chippolino, And a kitten, and a baby elephant... Help Tanya
count her toys! (2+1+1+1+1=6)
The puppy ran into the chicken coop and scattered all the roosters. Three flew up to perch, and one climbed into the tub. Two through the open window,

Problems in verses for preschoolers

Problems in verses Fun interesting problems will help your child prepare for school. They are written in poetic form and your child will surely like them. If your child finds it difficult to answer, help him understand the problem using counting sticks or buttons. 1. The mouse has two ears. How many ears do two mice have? 2. A puppy is sitting on the porch, warming his fluffy side. Another one came running and sat down next to him. (How many puppies are there?) 3. A rooster flew up onto the fence and met two more there. How many roosters are there? Who has the answer? 4. Five puppies played football, one was called home. He looks out the window, counts, How many of them are playing now? 5. Four ripe pears swayed on a branch. Pavlusha picked two pears, and how many pears are left? 6. The mother goose brought six children to the meadow for a walk. All the goslings are like balls. Three sons, how many daughters? 7. Yesterday, my kind grandfather gave his grandson Shura seven pieces of sweets. The grandson ate one candy. How many pieces are left? 8. The hedgehog gave eight leather boots to the hedgehogs. Which of the guys will answer, How long does a hedgehog have? 9. The seagull heated the kettle and invited nine seagulls. Everyone came for tea. How many seagulls, answer! 10. I have three girlfriends, each with a mug. How many mugs do my girlfriends have? Seven geese set off on their journey. The two decided to rest. How many are there under the clouds? Count it yourself, children. 11. The kitten sews slippers for himself, So that his paws don’t freeze in winter, But he can’t count: One, two, three, four, five... 12. The chicken began to count the little chickens: Five yellow and five black, And in total... (ten). 13. Three fluffy cats sat on the window. Then one came running to them. How many cats are there together? 14. Come on, how many of all the guys ride on the mountain? Three are sitting in a sled, One is waiting.

15. Seven magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson. And of these, only three magpies Prepared lessons. How many lazy forty people flew to the lesson? 16. Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest for raspberries. But one kid was tired - he fell behind his comrades. Now find the answer, How many bears are there ahead? 17. Misha has one pencil, Grisha has one pencil. How many pencils do both kids have? 18. In a clearing near an oak tree, the Hedgehog saw two fungi. And further away, among the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us, How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? 19. I draw a cat’s house: Three windows, a house with a porch. There's another window upstairs so it's not dark. Count the windows in the cat's house. 20. Under the bushes by the river May beetles lived: Daughter, son, father and mother. Who managed to count them? 21. Six crows sat on the roof, and one flew to them. Answer quickly, boldly, How many of them have arrived? 22. The apples in the garden are ripe. We managed to taste them: Five rosy, liquid ones, Three with sourness. How many are there? 23. This flower has four petals. How many petals do two such flowers have? 24. Once a neighbor friend came galloping to the bunny for lunch. The bunnies sat on a tree stump and ate five carrots each. Who's counting, guys, clever? How many carrots were eaten? 25. Grandmother Badger Baked pancakes, Invited three grandchildren, Three pugnacious little badgers. Come on, how many badgers wait for more and remain silent?


Six cheerful cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries. But one kid was tired: He fell behind his comrades. Now find the answer: How many bears are there ahead?(5) Three big ones, three small ones. Little ones - remote ones, A whole family of mushrooms. How many of them are sitting on the stump? ( 6)

Brought by the mother goose

Six children take a walk in the meadow. All the goslings are like balls. Three sons, how many daughters?
( 3) (6= 3+3; 6-3=3)

The old lady decided to bake cheesecakes. I put the dough behind the oven and lit it. The old lady decided to bake cheesecakes, but she completely forgot how many of them she needed. Two things - for the granddaughter, Two things for the grandfather, Two things for Tanya, The neighbor's daughter... I counted and counted and got lost. And the stove was completely heated. Help the old lady -
Count the cheesecakes! (6) (2+2+2=6)
Andryushka arranged the toys in two rows. Next to the monkey is a Teddy bear. Together with the fox - Bunny with a scythe. Following them are the Hedgehog and the Frog. How many toys
did Andryushka place? (1+1+1+1+1+1=6 )
  1. How many ears do three little mice have?
  2. How many ends do two and a half sticks have?
  3. How many minutes does it take to cook 6 sausages if 2 are cooked for 6 minutes?

( 6 )

Natasha has a Masha doll, Pasha has a teddy bear, Tanyusha has a cat. Zhenechka has a matryoshka doll and Pavlusha has a horse. Ilyusha's car

Count them all! (6)


Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda - Volleyball team. Zhenya and Igor are two reserve players for now. And when they learn, How many of us will there be? (1+1+1+1+1+1=6)
The doll has five elegant dresses. What should she wear today? I have wool for a dress, I’ll knit it and make dresses
Glad Alenka - Found two oil dishes! Yes, four in the basket! How many mushrooms are there in the picture! (2+4=6)
The fox grandmother gives mittens to her three grandchildren: “This is for you for the winter, grandchildren, two mittens each.” Take care, don't lose. - Count them all! (2*3=6)Mom embroidered the carpet. Look at the pattern. Two large cells, each with three branches, Masha sat down on the bed, wants to count the branches. No way he can. Who will help her?

How many colors are there in a rainbow, How many days are there in a week for whales? Snow White's dwarves, Pawn's twin brothers, Music that even children know, And all the wonders in the world, Number will help us figure it all out... (seven) COMPOSITION OF NUMBER 7

Our Masha got up early and counted all the dolls: Two Matryoshkas on the window, Two Arinkas on the feather bed, Two Tanyas on the pillow, And Parsley in a cap on the oak chest. How many of them ?
(7) (2+2+2+1=7)
Alenka is visiting Two chickens in bast shoes, A cockerel in boots, A chicken in earrings, A drake in a caftan, A duck in a sundress, And a cow in a skirt, A warm sheepskin coat. How many guests are there in total?
Count quickly! ( 7) (2+1+1+1+1+1=7)
The wind blew and tore off the leaf. And another one fell. And then there were five of them. Who can count them?
Fishermen are sitting - guarding the floats. Fisherman Korney caught three perches. Fisherman Evsey - Four crucian carp. How many fish did the fishermen
bring from the river? (7) (3+4=7)
Seven magpies flew to the gray heron for a lesson. And of these, only three magpies Prepared their lessons. How many lazy forty people
flew to the lesson?
(7 – 3=4)
Seven geese set off on their journey, Two decided to rest. How many are there under the clouds?

Count it yourself, children.

Five crows landed on the roof, two more flew to them, answer quickly, boldly: How many of them flew in?
Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats. Fisherman Korney caught three perches. Fisherman Evsey - Four crucian carp. How many fish did the fishermen
bring from the river? (3+4=7)
There were two titmice on the birch tree, selling mittens. Five more have arrived, how many will sell?

How many winds are there in the sea, And the hooves of two donkeys, The tentacles of an octopus, And the fangs of a pair of great Danes? How many legs does the spider, the Cross Spider, have? If we ask about this, the number will answer us... (eight) COMPOSITION OF THE NUMBER 8

Arithmetic problems for the preparatory group

  1. Problems to find the sum and remainder
  1. problem to find the sum:

Misha and Vitya went fishing. Misha caught 4 fish, and Vitya – 2. How many fish did the boys catch together?




together the boys caught 6 fish.

  1. task to find the remainder:

There were 5 apples in the vase. Masha ate 2 apples. How many apples are left in the vase?




There are 3 apples left in the vase.

  1. Problems to find unknown components
  1. task to find the first term:

Nina sculpted several berries and 1 bear from plasticine. In total she sculpted 5 figures. How many berries did Nina make?




Nina sculpted 4 berries.

  1. task to find the second term:

Vitya sculpted 4 bears and several bunnies. In total he sculpted 7 figures. How many bunnies did Vitya sculpt?




Vitya sculpted 3 bunnies

  1. task to find the minuend:

The children made several garlands for the Christmas tree. One of them has already been hung on the tree, they have 3 garlands left. How many garlands did the children make?




The children made 4 garlands.

  1. task to find the subtrahend:

The children made 7 garlands for the Christmas tree. When they hung several garlands on the tree, they had 1 garland left. How many garlands did you hang on the Christmas tree?




6 garlands were hung on the Christmas tree.

  1. Problems to find more (less) by several units
  1. task to find more by several units:

There were plums and peaches on the plate. There were 6 plums, and 2 more peaches. How many peaches were on the plate?




There were 8 peaches on the plate.

  1. The task is to find several units less:

Lena was setting the table. There were 3 blue cups and 1 less yellow cup. How many yellow cups were on the table?




there were 2 yellow cups on the table.

  1. Versatile comparison problems
  1. how much more:

For the holiday, Misha cut out 4 flags, and Masha - 6 flags. How many more flags did Masha cut out?




Masha cut out 2 more flags than Misha.

  1. how much less:

Grandmother and mother went to the store. Grandmother bought 5 oranges, and mother bought 4. How many fewer oranges did mother buy?




Mom bought 1 orange less than grandma.

  1. Reciprocal problems
  1. Vova had 6 red stamps and 4 blue ones. How many stamps did Vova have in total?




Vova had 10 marks.

  1. Vova had 10 marks. 6 stamps are red, the rest are blue. How many blue stamps did Vova have?




Vova had 4 blue stamps.

  1. Vova had 10 marks. Several stamps were red and 4 stamps were blue. How many red stamps did Vova have?




Vova had 6 red stamps

  1. Indirect tasks

9 children were placed in two boats: several children sat in a large boat, and 4 children sat in a small one. How many children got into the big boat?




5 children got into a large boat.

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