Social pedagogical project on the theme “Do good”

Social project “Kindness around us”

#3rd grade #Teaching and methodological materials #Presentation #Class teacher #School education

Social project “Kindness around us” Project participants: 4th grade B Project leader: Smirnova Yu.P., primary school teacher MBOU “Secondary School No. 56”, Kursk Social project “Kindness around us”

The goal of the project: to create organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation in children of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the people around them, to each other. Type of project: in terms of the number of participants - collective, in terms of content - interdisciplinary. Project duration: open-ended project Form of work: classroom and extracurricular Subject of research: good deeds of surrounding people. Research hypothesis: you can learn to do good deeds and become more attentive to the people around you.

One day the teacher asked us: “Guys, what is kindness?” We thought about it, but never found an exact answer.

We wanted to know: What does the word kindness mean? How do people show kindness? How to become kind? Is kindness important in our lives?

We assumed: And if a person is kind, then he always speaks polite words. Kindness is doing good deeds or wanting to help others.

Searching for interesting and necessary information We read many interesting books about good deeds and deeds, worked with dictionaries, the Internet, and conducted a survey among schoolchildren and staff of our school.

Working with explanatory dictionaries From S. Ozhegov’s dictionary we learned that kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. From the dictionary of D. Ushakov Kindness is dignity, value, goodness. From V. Dahl's dictionary Good is good, what is honest and useful, everything that human duty requires of us.

According to our observations, we learned that there are many kind people in our city.

We analyzed what good deeds do the students in our class do?

Participation in the “Feed the Birds” campaign »

How kind are we? We found this out by participating in extracurricular activities and during excursions.

Our excursions

Class hour “Hurry up to do good”

We created the album “Kindness Around Us”

Creation of a collection of proverbs and sayings about goodness “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone” “A good deed praises itself” “A kind word is pleasant for a cat” “It’s hard for someone who remembers evil” “An evil person will not live in a good age” “Kind glory lies, but evil flees" "The good are honored, but the evil are favored" "Good news will add honor"

We have created a reminder “Rules of Kindness”: Be responsive and attentive to people. Help others yourself, rather than waiting to be asked to do so. Love people you know and strangers. Encourage others to have good relationships. Do good for people. Do not envy. Do not be rude. Do not be mean.

We found out that there is a holiday of Kindness in the world. In 2015, on November 13, many countries celebrated World Kindness Day. This date was not chosen by chance: it was on this day in 1998 that the first conference of the World Kindness Movement opened in Tokyo, in which Australia, Canada, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Great Britain, and the USA took part. Later they were joined by other countries, including Russia

Do good. It will be needed in the future. Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor. L. N. Tolstoy

As a result of the project, we now know that kindness is not just a word. Kindness is very important in life. And only by doing good deeds will the world be kind and bright.

And how we need kind words! We have convinced ourselves of this more than once, Or maybe it’s not words—deeds that are important? Deeds are deeds, and words are words. They live in each of us, At the bottom of our souls they are kept until the right time, To be pronounced at that very hour, When others need them. And how we need kind words! We have convinced ourselves of this more than once, Or maybe it’s not words—deeds that are important? Deeds are deeds, and words are words. They live in each of us, At the bottom of our souls they are kept until the right time, To be pronounced at that very hour, When others need them. M. Lisyansky

Pedagogical project at the preschool educational institution “Let kindness into your heart”

Nomination “Pedagogical project in a preschool institution”

Objective of the project:

1. Form an emotional attitude to reality.

2. Achieve positive results in working with children and parents to cultivate an important quality in a person - kindness.

3. To cultivate positive character traits in children, to promote team unity, to motivate children to do good deeds, good deeds for the benefit of other people.

Project objectives:

1. Bring to the awareness of children the need to navigate social roles and interpersonal relationships.

2. To develop cognitive, regulatory and communicative communication skills, as well as a positive attitude towards all people.

3. Promote emotional, spiritual, moral and intellectual development.

4. Strengthen knowledge of the rules of polite communication.

5. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, and show kindness to the opinions of other children).

6. Expand children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person.

7. Develop confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

8. Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.

9. Encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds.

Project participants: teacher, children of senior group No. 10 of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 10, a structural unit implementing general educational programs of preschool education - “Kindergarten”, parents (legal representatives).

The implementation of the project is aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the areas: “Cognitive and speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”, “Social and personal development”, contributing to the formation of the child’s culture, the comprehensive development of the pupil’s free creative personality, his communicative skills skills. This will allow him to successfully adapt to life.

Project implementation period: 01/21/2014 – 01/26/2014.

Project passport (short-term, educational, creative)

Project implementation stages:

First stage. Goal setting.

Second phase . Project development (preparatory).

Third stage. Basic.

Fourth stage. Final.

The product of the project is the “Parcel to the Orphanage” campaign, presentation of the project “Let kindness into your heart.”

As a result of the project, the following results were obtained:

1. The group has added a library of books with proverbs and sayings, works by authors V. Mayakovsky, V. Oseeva, G. Oster, E. Blaginina, L. Tolstoy about friendship and goodness.

2. Active participation in the “Parcel to the Orphanage” and “Bird Feeder” campaigns brought the teacher, children and their parents even closer together.

3. Children began to be more careful about the living world of nature.

4. The ability to negotiate and support each other has increased.

Further development of the project:

1. Continue to cultivate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.

2. Continue to work on developing self-confidence and your capabilities.

3. Continue to develop cognitive, regulatory and communicative communication skills.

4. Design of the album together with children and their parents “Our good deeds”.

5. Create a methodological manual “Mirilki”.

Project presentation

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