"Excursion to the autumn park." GCD in 1st junior group

Summary of the excursion “Journey through the kindergarten” for children of primary preschool age 3-4 years

Summary of the excursion “A Journey through Kindergarten”
for children of primary preschool age 3-4 years old
Develop interest in the work of adults.


Strengthen children's knowledge about the workplace of preschool employees. Teach children to formulate a question.


: Develop active verbal communication skills, teach children to value the work and care of adults, apply the acquired knowledge in productive and other activities.


: To instill in children a respectful attitude towards kindergarten staff and their work.

Conversation with children “Who takes care of us?”, looking at illustrations of “Professions”, an evening of riddles and guesses.

Plan for employees to talk about their activities.

What kind of work does it do?

What kind of headdress does he wear?

Tools he uses?

Course of the excursion (in a group):


You know that many adults work in kindergarten. They take care of you, try to make you feel good, happy and comfortable. And our first and most important assistant is the junior teacher. What's his name? What is she doing? (Children's answers.) The junior teacher's story about his activities (according to the proposed plan).


What are the names of your teachers? What are they doing? (Children's answers). The teacher's story about his activities.


Do you want to meet and find out who else works in kindergarten? Let's go on a trip. What will we go on? (Children's suggestions).

By train. Take your seats in the carriages. (Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking.....)


The very first office is an office in which adults in white coats work. “Who works here?” (Children's answers).


That's right - a doctor and a nurse. Shall we meet them? And now I’ll ask the adults: “What’s your name?” (Answers from adults)


Ask, Dasha. (What is your name?) (Answers from adults).


Tell us about your profession. Adults talk about their activities. Thank you very much. And the guys and I will move on. Take your seats in the carriages. The journey continues.


What kind of office is this? Look, there are also adults in white coats here. Maybe this is also a medical office? (Children's answers).


Correctly called FOOTER BLOCK. There are many rooms here. Before entering, we need to put on overalls. (We put on aprons, scarves, and caps for children). How many adults work? (A lot of). What is the name of the profession of these adults? (Children's answers). What do you want to know from chefs? (Children's questions)


Thank you very much. And we continue our journey. Zinaida Romanovna meets us. What is she doing? (Children's answers). Name the laundry assistants. (Iron...) The washerwoman’s story about her activities.


Thank you very much. And we need to return to the group. How can you quickly get to the group? (By plane). Take your seats. We start the engine. Let's fly.


Did you enjoy traveling? Do you want to know who works in kindergarten? Next time we will find out who is the most important person in our kindergarten and what he does.

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