Methodology for performing gymnastics after daytime exercise training (middle group)

Kindergarten teachers are amazing people. How many tricks do you need to know in order to take care of and protect, feed and clothe, occupy and develop boys and girls all day long, and even so that they are friendly, cheerful, and healthy! Special sets of gymnastic exercises help each child maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body.

A preschooler's day is divided in half by naps, and waking up becomes a transitional moment on which the child's mood will depend for the rest of the day. That is why gymnastics after sleep is carried out in kindergarten every day. Short in duration, almost imperceptible for the children themselves, it smoothly and carefully helps them fill with vigor and strength.

Types of gymnastics after sleep

In the methodological developments proposed by experts, the following types of gymnastics after sleep can be distinguished:

  • exercises in bed with elements of self-massage;
  • play gymnastics;
  • gymnastics with exercise equipment and sports equipment;
  • walking or jogging on massage mats/paths.

When preparing the exercise, you can use any exercise equipment that is available in the kindergarten
. As can be seen from the list, daytime gymnastics becomes a powerful set of health procedures, competently and concisely structured in time, and most importantly, interesting and enjoyable for the child.

All exercises are carried out in stages, with a gradual increase in load, and are of a playful nature. They are aimed at general strengthening of the body, prevention of disorders of posture, vision and flat feet. Psychologically, gymnastics classes unite children in a group and help them get out of the state of internal stiffness into which, as if in a capsule, the baby is immersed during sleep.

The teacher is free to choose specific exercises. He independently assesses the capabilities and needs of his students, observes which exercises are especially loved by children and, if desired, varies the tasks so as not to turn the magic of the five-minute sports session into a routine.

Gymnastics card index

It is very important to do gymnastics with your child in a playful way. The plots should be familiar and interesting to the child, and the movements should be feasible and understandable. The set of exercises needs to be changed periodically so that the baby does not get bored.

To help educators and parents, card files of exercises are posted on the Internet, for example, “File card of gymnastics after sleep,” “File card of breathing exercises,” etc. Such collections contain many sets of simple exercises with a funny plot, often in verse. The tasks are accompanied by a methodology for performing them, and the age for which the complex is designed is indicated. All exercises are selected so that they are suitable for any more or less healthy child of the appropriate age.

It will also be very useful for parents to read the book “Morning exercises in kindergarten” (author T.E. Kharchenko), which describes many developmental complexes for children two to three years old. There are also developments for gymnastics after sleep, breathing and finger exercises, exercises for developing fine motor skills of the hands. All classes are equipped with an interesting plot and recommendations for implementation. Finding a book on the Internet is not difficult.

Elements of gymnastics after sleep

Gymnastics after sleep is like a multi-colored mosaic that can be reassembled every day, creating a new image from its main elements. Daytime gymnastics, as an option, may include:

  • stretching;
  • breathing exercises;
  • swing your arms;
  • stroking biologically active zones;
  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • simple elements of yoga;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • visual-acoustic exercises.

Despite the fact that gymnastics after sleep is usually short-lived, the teacher can combine individual elements and use the developments he likes in fragments.

Video example of morning exercises:

Exercises for different groups

Gymnastics after sleep in the younger group

Daytime sleep is longest in the younger group of kindergarten. It can be difficult for kids to wake up in a good mood. If they were in a deep sleep, they may not immediately realize where they are. Children cry, are capricious, refuse to get up, wash, or get dressed. Therefore, during the exercises, the emphasis is on the emotional component of gymnastics: the correct selection of music, speech accompaniment, harmonization of the general atmosphere of the lesson. The images that the teacher will create during the exercises should be attractive.

Set of exercises “Sunshine”

A ray of sunshine woke up in the sky, A ray of sunshine reached out to the window.
There, outside the window, twenty children lie together in cozy beds. (Children stretch while lying in bed)
Hey, wake up, girls, boys!
You need to wear a dress and pants! Where are your pens? (Raise their hands and shake them in turn)
Where are your legs?
(Raise their legs, take turns doing swings)
Now we’ll play with you a little!
Come on, imagine that summer has come: The city has woken up, Rubbing their eyes with their fists).
And the sun rose.
(Raise their arms above their heads and stretch).
That is great!
So, let's ride into the distance along the path on a bicycle! (Doing the “Bicycle” exercise)
We drove and drove... - We arrived at the mill!
(Doing the “Mill” exercise)
Then we went. We drove, we drove... - We arrived at the river.
Let's help your feet, Let's touch some water! (They get up from the cribs, lowering their legs one by one to the floor)
Ay, the water is cold!
Here is one leg... (They jump on the right leg)
But here is another leg, what a nimble one!
(They jump on their left leg)
We stood in the water, Swimmed, (I make movements with my hands imitating swimming) We dived... Oh, good!
(They do squats with their arms extended forward)
They stood up from heel to toe and walked out onto the sand together.
(On tiptoes they walk out of the bedroom into the common room, where massage mats have already been prepared)
They walked on sand - They stepped on pebbles.
Oh, it's hot! (They walk in place on rubber mats for 2 minutes)
And now we have risen,
(Converge in the center of the hall)
We hold hands together.
(Form a circle)
(Smile at each other).
Finally we woke up!

Gymnastics after sleep in the middle group

Gymnastics for middle group students should include a larger number of exercises. It is aimed not only at the emotional unity of children, but also at the comprehensive improvement of the child’s body. Elements of breathing exercises are required. It is advisable to combine gaming techniques with a set of exercises to prevent visual impairment and posture.

Constantly keeping your body in good physical shape is much easier than constantly tormenting yourself with weight loss diets. Morning exercises or exercises are just for this purpose.

By doing morning exercises every day, you charge your body with energy and vigor for the whole day.

Morning exercises include a simple set of physical exercises that need to be performed after waking up.

When performing a set of morning exercises with a moderate load, try to use all the muscles of the body. In addition, there are simple exercises for the buttocks and legs that can be performed at home.

By devoting just a few minutes every morning to a set of physical exercises, you will raise your vitality and improve your health.


Morning exercises (exercises) will help: activate metabolism, improve cardiac activity, strengthen and shape muscles, and help maintain correct posture. Thus, after morning exercises, the entire body as a whole and each organ in particular awakens.

If you have insomnia, indigestion, or apathy, then morning exercises can help cope with these problems. Morning exercises are useful for everyone, both preschool children and the elderly; it is especially recommended for office employees who lead a sedentary lifestyle.


Morning exercises help women and men wake up faster and gain strength to confidently face a new day. You can start doing gymnastic exercises for girls without getting out of bed.

1. First, stretch, bending your whole body in different directions so that all the muscles tense. Inhale the air deeply and hold it, then exhale. Repeat this 5 times.

2. Now do hand squeezes. Do them vigorously 5 times. This exercise normalizes blood circulation.

3. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Hold them close to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Alternately bend and straighten your legs, bringing them to a straightened position, while creating counteraction with your hands. It will be more effective to breathe correctly. Perform 3 approaches.

4. Lower your legs from the bed while sitting, slowly rotate your head in a circle 5 times to the left, then change direction. Perform rotations with your eyes closed.

A universal set of exercises for morning exercises

Once you have developed the core muscles, you can begin more intense movements:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms and lower them smoothly, accompanying this movement with a long exhalation. As you raise your arms, inhale as much as possible. Repeat 5 times;
  • bend your elbows and grab your shoulders. Make vigorous circular movements forward, then backward 10 times;
  • Bend your elbows and hold them in front of your chest, placing your palms on top of each other. Spread them 2 times to the sides, immediately in a bent state, then in an unbent state;
  • Place your hands on your waist and smoothly rotate your body in a circle. Then bend your body back and forth, left and right. Do each exercise 7–10 times.
  • standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise one arm up and rest the other on your side. Bend alternately left and right as much as possible, without bending your body forward. If your right arm is raised, then bend to the left, and vice versa;
  • do squats with your arms raised. When squatting, swing your arms down, and when rising, raise your arms to the starting position. For optimal results, squat 10 times;
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms in front of you, parallel to the floor, touch the toe of your right foot to your left palm and place it in the starting stance. Then touch the toe of your left foot to your right palm. Do these swings 5 ​​times with each leg;
  • Press your feet together and place your hands at a moderate height, palms down. We jog in place, try to touch your knees to your palms alternately.

It is advisable to perform this set of morning exercises for women and men in the given order, from top to bottom, so that the muscles are developed one by one.

If you have free time in the morning, you can supplement the set of morning exercises with strength techniques: pumping up your abs, doing push-ups. You can diversify your exercises by using a hula hoop (hoop), an expander, or dumbbells of various weights.


Doctors' recommendations for choosing a specific set of physical exercises for morning exercises for men, women, children and the elderly usually depend on age and gender.

For men, they advise including strength exercises, actively using dumbbells, expanders, rubber bandages, but not getting carried away with static tension.

Women are advised to focus on developing flexibility, strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.

For older people, it is better to avoid strength exercises, as well as fast pace. It is better to give preference to breathing exercises and self-massage of the neck and head.

For children, doctors recommend general strengthening physical exercises that develop correct posture, as well as flexibility and coordination, and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, neck, back, and arch of the foot.

Morning exercises for women and men should bring pleasure and a surge of vital energy. If you feel tired after doing morning exercises, you feel depressed and begin to feel short of breath, then it is better to simplify your morning exercise routine or take a break for a few days. Perhaps there is a reason to go to a training session at a sports and recreation center.


A set of morning exercises should end with stretching. You can learn about what stretching is from the previous publication “Stretching is a set of exercises for the whole body.”

It is worth noting that these morning exercises will not help you do the splits or quickly build muscle. But, doing them regularly will help the body invigorate and recharge itself for the rest of the day for fitness.

The entire stretching program will take you no more than 5 minutes:

  • Relaxation of the posterior surface of the pelvis. Lie on your back and clasp your relaxed leg with both hands. Forcefully pull it towards your chest as much as possible. As soon as you feel a pleasant burning sensation in the pelvic area, immediately stop the force on your lower limb and lock in this position for 30 seconds. The same movement is repeated with the other leg;
  • Relieving neck fatigue after sleep. Without changing your position, bend your knees and clasp the back of your head with both hands. Begin to pull your head towards your chest, remembering to completely relax your neck. When you feel a slight burning sensation in the neck area, stop moving towards your chest and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat at least 5 times;
  • Body stretching. This exercise is perfect for a comprehensive morning stretch. Try to relax as much as possible while lying on your back. Place your hands behind your head and begin to pull your limbs in opposite directions. You need to stretch for 20-30 seconds;
  • Groin stretch. To make the exercise easier, you can take a pillow and place it behind your head. When lying down, you need to sit cross-legged. Try to relax your body and thoughts as much as possible. With the right attitude, your knees should move in different directions under their own weight. Completed within 1 minute;
  • Forward bends are the final stretching exercise. Straighten up and bend down as low as possible, touching your fingers or palms to the floor. Fix yourself in this state for a few seconds. Every day, try to increase the duration of fixation in a bent position.

You can find out how to play sports during self-isolation here.
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