Methodology for morning exercises in different age groups

Constantly keeping your body in good physical shape is much easier than constantly tormenting yourself with weight loss diets. Morning exercises or exercises are just for this purpose.

By doing morning exercises every day, you charge your body with energy and vigor for the whole day.

Morning exercises include a simple set of physical exercises that need to be performed after waking up.

When performing a set of morning exercises with a moderate load, try to use all the muscles of the body. In addition, there are simple exercises for the buttocks and legs that can be performed at home.

By devoting just a few minutes every morning to a set of physical exercises, you will raise your vitality and improve your health.


Morning exercises (exercises) will help: activate metabolism, improve cardiac activity, strengthen and shape muscles, and help maintain correct posture. Thus, after morning exercises, the entire body as a whole and each organ in particular awakens.

If you have insomnia, indigestion, or apathy, then morning exercises can help cope with these problems. Morning exercises are useful for everyone, both preschool children and the elderly; it is especially recommended for office employees who lead a sedentary lifestyle.


Morning exercises help women and men wake up faster and gain strength to confidently face a new day. You can start doing gymnastic exercises for girls without getting out of bed.

1. First, stretch, bending your whole body in different directions so that all the muscles tense. Inhale the air deeply and hold it, then exhale. Repeat this 5 times.

2. Now do hand squeezes. Do them vigorously 5 times. This exercise normalizes blood circulation.

3. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Hold them close to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Alternately bend and straighten your legs, bringing them to a straightened position, while creating counteraction with your hands. It will be more effective to breathe correctly. Perform 3 approaches.

4. Lower your legs from the bed while sitting, slowly rotate your head in a circle 5 times to the left, then change direction. Perform rotations with your eyes closed.

A universal set of exercises for morning exercises

Once you have developed the core muscles, you can begin more intense movements:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms and lower them smoothly, accompanying this movement with a long exhalation. As you raise your arms, inhale as much as possible. Repeat 5 times;
  • bend your elbows and grab your shoulders. Make vigorous circular movements forward, then backward 10 times;
  • Bend your elbows and hold them in front of your chest, placing your palms on top of each other. Spread them 2 times to the sides, immediately in a bent state, then in an unbent state;
  • Place your hands on your waist and smoothly rotate your body in a circle. Then bend your body back and forth, left and right. Do each exercise 7–10 times.
  • standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, raise one arm up and rest the other on your side. Bend alternately left and right as much as possible, without bending your body forward. If your right arm is raised, then bend to the left, and vice versa;
  • do squats with your arms raised. When squatting, swing your arms down, and when rising, raise your arms to the starting position. For optimal results, squat 10 times;
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms in front of you, parallel to the floor, touch the toe of your right foot to your left palm and place it in the starting stance. Then touch the toe of your left foot to your right palm. Do these swings 5 ​​times with each leg;
  • Press your feet together and place your hands at a moderate height, palms down. We jog in place, try to touch your knees to your palms alternately.

It is advisable to perform this set of morning exercises for women and men in the given order, from top to bottom, so that the muscles are developed one by one.

If you have free time in the morning, you can supplement the set of morning exercises with strength techniques: pumping up your abs, doing push-ups. You can diversify your exercises by using a hula hoop (hoop), an expander, or dumbbells of various weights.


Doctors' recommendations for choosing a specific set of physical exercises for morning exercises for men, women, children and the elderly usually depend on age and gender.

For men, they advise including strength exercises, actively using dumbbells, expanders, rubber bandages, but not getting carried away with static tension.

Women are advised to focus on developing flexibility, strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.

For older people, it is better to avoid strength exercises, as well as fast pace. It is better to give preference to breathing exercises and self-massage of the neck and head.

For children, doctors recommend general strengthening physical exercises that develop correct posture, as well as flexibility and coordination, and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, neck, back, and arch of the foot.

Morning exercises for women and men should bring pleasure and a surge of vital energy. If you feel tired after doing morning exercises, you feel depressed and begin to feel short of breath, then it is better to simplify your morning exercise routine or take a break for a few days. Perhaps there is a reason to go to a training session at a sports and recreation center.


A set of morning exercises should end with stretching. You can learn about what stretching is from the previous publication “Stretching is a set of exercises for the whole body.”

It is worth noting that these morning exercises will not help you do the splits or quickly build muscle. But, doing them regularly will help the body invigorate and recharge itself for the rest of the day for fitness.

The entire stretching program will take you no more than 5 minutes:

  • Relaxation of the posterior surface of the pelvis. Lie on your back and clasp your relaxed leg with both hands. Forcefully pull it towards your chest as much as possible. As soon as you feel a pleasant burning sensation in the pelvic area, immediately stop the force on your lower limb and lock in this position for 30 seconds. The same movement is repeated with the other leg;
  • Relieving neck fatigue after sleep. Without changing your position, bend your knees and clasp the back of your head with both hands. Begin to pull your head towards your chest, remembering to completely relax your neck. When you feel a slight burning sensation in the neck area, stop moving towards your chest and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat at least 5 times;
  • Body stretching. This exercise is perfect for a comprehensive morning stretch. Try to relax as much as possible while lying on your back. Place your hands behind your head and begin to pull your limbs in opposite directions. You need to stretch for 20-30 seconds;
  • Groin stretch. To make the exercise easier, you can take a pillow and place it behind your head. When lying down, you need to sit cross-legged. Try to relax your body and thoughts as much as possible. With the right attitude, your knees should move in different directions under their own weight. Completed within 1 minute;
  • Forward bends are the final stretching exercise. Straighten up and bend down as low as possible, touching your fingers or palms to the floor. Fix yourself in this state for a few seconds. Every day, try to increase the duration of fixation in a bent position.

You can find out how to play sports during self-isolation here.

Rules for doing morning exercises

Rule one

. Do morning exercises in the fresh air, and in winter - in a well-ventilated room with the window open. During physical exercise, a person requires significantly (sometimes even 10 times) more oxygen than at rest. During muscular work, breathing and blood circulation become more intense: the number of heart contractions increases to 150 beats per minute, the respiratory rate increases to 30-40 per minute. Needless to say, how important a constant flow of fresh air is when performing movements.

Rule two

. The suit in which you perform morning exercises should be light and not restrict movement. If it is warm in the room or outside, exercise in a T-shirt, shorts, socks and slippers. In spring or autumn, when it is cool outside, wear a light knitted suit.

To make the meaning of the second rule clearer, we will very briefly talk about the main features of human skin. There are several of them.

The skin perceives irritations coming from the outside world: touch, pressure. Warm, cold. With the help of the skin, the brain regulates the human body temperature. A person loses almost all the heat produced in the body through the skin, mainly through evaporation. The more heat needs to be removed, the more sweat the skin will produce, and its evaporation cools the body.

The skin breathes. If all the skin pores are clogged, the person will die. It is also important to know that clean, healthy, undamaged skin does not allow harmful chemicals into the body and itself participates in the fight against harmful bacteria and microbes.

Tight clothing will make it difficult for sweat to evaporate. As a result, the pores become clogged, which interferes with the normal functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

Rule three

. The difficulty of the exercises of the morning gymnastics complex must be appropriate for age and physical fitness, that is, they must be feasible. Doing exercises with your preschooler? Place a compact sports complex Early Start Olympus in your room to turn your morning exercises into a series of exciting outdoor games! It’s easy to use “Early Start” even outdoors: the coating can withstand any weather changes.

Rule four

. The complex of morning exercises usually includes at least 8 exercises, and each of them must be performed at least 8 times. If at the beginning of gymnastics or after an illness it is difficult to do the exercises 8 times, then for some time you can do them 5-6 times. If the exercise is easy, do 10-12 times.

Should morning exercises affect the entire body? On the heart and lungs, on the brain, on individual muscles and their entire groups, on bones and ligaments.

And if instead of 8-10 exercises you perform only 2-3 or do them only 3 times, there will be little benefit from such gymnastics. But too many exercises or repetitions will be detrimental: after such “charging,” fatigue does not go away for a long time, drowsiness appears, and you can damage your health.

Exercises are selected so that various muscles of the body are involved in the work. Thanks to intense movements, breathing and blood circulation improve, and nerve centers are stimulated.

In addition, exercises differ in the load on the body. Some exercises are difficult (for example, squats on one leg, push-ups). Others are much easier: moving the farts forward, up, to the sides, down.

Involvement in difficult exercises can slow down a child’s growth, cause fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite, and loss of interest in physical exercise.

Rule five

. It is very important to breathe correctly when doing exercises. In a calm state, we inhale only a small part of the air that our lungs can hold. While walking, running, and performing various physical exercises, the depth and frequency of breathing increase. So, when running, we breathe about 5 times more often than when walking calmly.

When breathing increases, the heart begins to beat faster and blood moves through the blood vessels much faster. You should always try to breathe through your nose. Because the air passing through the nose is warmed and moistened. Dust in the air settles on the villi of the nasal mucosa, and cleaner, warmer, more humidified air enters the lungs. The habit of breathing through your mouth is very harmful. It is better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

During intense physical activity, the body may require so much air that, willy-nilly, you will have to breathe through both your nose and mouth. However, this happens relatively rarely: during intense running, swimming, skiing, and so on.

Breathing does not have to be adjusted to every movement. As a rule, movements have their own rhythm, breathing has its own.

When performing physical exercises, everyone must learn to correctly combine movement and breathing. Frequent, shallow breathing quickly tires, since not enough oxygen enters the body. Holding your breath is even worse: shortness of breath occurs, the breathing rhythm gets lost and fatigue quickly sets in.

When contracting the muscles of the abdomen and the front of the thigh, when narrowing the chest, as a rule, exhale, and when relaxing these muscles and returning to the starting position, inhale. For example, when bending forward - exhale, when straightening - inhale; when squatting, exhale, and when standing up, inhale. When performing gymnastic exercises, try to breathe deeply and freely.

For morning exercises to become a habitual, daily necessity, it is not enough to understand its meaning and know the rules of implementation. It is equally important to perform the movements themselves correctly and gradually learn to form entire complexes from individual exercises.

Do exercises with your baby, teach him to do all the exercises correctly, set an example. You can also purchase a home sports complex, then exercise will become even more fun!

Why do you need to do exercises in the morning?

Morning exercises are a simple set of exercises for the main parts of the body that a person does in the morning after waking up.

After exercise, vitality increases, and the body adjusts to the working day.

Physical exercise not only helps you wake up, but also helps:

  • improving blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • influx of oxygen into tissues;
  • activating brain activity, increasing concentration, improving thought processes;
  • increasing endurance;
  • strengthening posture;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • reducing joint stiffness;
  • strengthening the vestibular apparatus;
  • improving mood and relieving irritability.

Exercises for morning exercises have a positive effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, and help in the fight against premature aging of the body.

Morning exercises: basic rules and recommended exercises

There is another common misconception. Some people are sure that it is not necessary to do exercises in the morning. You can practice physical activity in the afternoon and even in the evening. If we are talking about morning exercises, then all experts agree on one thing: it should be done in the morning, after waking up. After all, the main goal of such gymnastics is to charge a person with vivacity and energy for the whole day.

5 important recommendations

To maximize the benefits of morning exercises, you must follow the following rules.

Duration of gymnastics

For those who are just starting to introduce morning exercises into their lives, it is recommended to plan 10-minute exercise. Over time, you can increase the time to 15 minutes. When the body fully adapts to the stress (after approximately 3-6 months), begin to increase the charging time to half an hour.

Preparing to charge

You should not start gymnastics immediately after getting out of bed. The body still continues to sleep. Such loads will cause discomfort. Initially, you need to cheer up a little. To do this, it is recommended to wash your face and brush your teeth.

Be sure to drink a glass of water. The fluid entering the body will thin the blood. Thanks to this, it will be possible to normalize the load on the heart and blood vessels. But you shouldn’t have a snack before exercise. Perform all exercises on an empty stomach.

Add emotions

Exercise should not only invigorate, but also improve your mood. Therefore, turn on your favorite music, saturate the air with aromatic oils (just don’t overdo it) and do gymnastics. After physical education, be sure to praise yourself, celebrate all your achievements and don’t forget about encouragement.

To ensure that charging brings significant benefits to the body, first ventilate the room. This can be done while you wash your face. The influx of fresh air will saturate the body with more oxygen.

Regularity of classes

If you do exercises from time to time, then you should not hope for positive results. Only daily exercise will bring benefits. Moreover, the first results will become noticeable after 5-6 weeks of regular training.

At this time, people usually note a decrease in stress levels, a positive attitude, and a decrease in excitability and irritability. Practitioners of morning exercises claim that by the 5-6th week, performance increases, discipline and perseverance increase. People become stronger and practically do not catch colds.

Methodology for morning exercisesmethodological development on physical education on the topic

Methodology for morning exercises

Morning exercises are one of the main forms of the stay of pupils in a preschool educational institution. It is an important component of the motor regime.

Through morning exercises the following problems are solved:

  • “wake up” the child’s body, set it up for effective


  • stimulate the work of internal organs and sensory organs (all physiological processes are enhanced - breathing, blood circulation, metabolism, which creates conditions for increasing performance.)
  • promote the formation of correct posture, good gait, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

Morning exercises are valuable because children develop the habit and need to do physical exercise every day in the morning. In addition, it provides an organized start to the day in kindergarten and makes it possible to switch the pupils’ attention to joint forms of activity.

Of great importance for solving the problems of physical education is performing morning exercises to music: it helps to create correct ideas about the nature of movements, their tempo and rhythm. Music disciplines students, increases their attention and performance. Positive emotions that arise during exercise to music enhance their physiological effect.

To carry out morning exercises, a number of conditions must be met:

  • clothing for morning exercises should be made from natural, lightweight materials,
  • on your feet - comfortable shoes (shoes) or socks with rubberized soles. You can also practice barefoot.
  • Compliance with hygienic requirements for morning exercises: ventilate and wet clean the room. During the warm season, charging is carried out outdoors. The duration of morning hygienic exercises in different age groups is:
  • in the second younger group - 5-6 minutes;
  • in the middle group - 6-8 minutes;
  • in the older group - 8-10 minutes;
  • in the preparatory group for school - 10-12 minutes.

Morning exercises must be performed in a certain sequence.

Part Subsequence Meaning
introductory Calm walking, turning into a slow run. Walking and running increases the frequency and depth of breathing, improves blood circulation
Combination of walking types:

on the toes, on the heels, on the outer and inner edge of the foot.

Prevention of flat feet and correction of poor posture
Walking with progress

forward (Breathing exercises

of necessity)

Restoring breathing
Main Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms and


Helps expand the chest, straighten the spine and form correct posture
Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs Helps form correct posture and strengthen leg muscles.
Final Breathing exercises Restoring breathing
Walking in place or moving forward Reduced general arousal of the body.

General developmental exercises are performed from different starting body positions: standing, sitting, lying (on your back, on your stomach). Starting positions, lying down, sitting, are beneficial in that they relieve the pressure of body weight on the spine and fragile arch of the foot, and allow you to increase the tension of individual muscles

General methodological requirements;

  • Requirements for the selection of general developmental exercises: exercises must be for all muscle groups, from different starting positions, different intensity, tempo; with various aids, rhythmic and musical accompaniment, in various formations and always interesting for children.
  • One complex is used for 10-14 days, followed by replacement of 2-3 new exercises
  • Once children have mastered the exercise, a good energetic pace is introduced. It is advisable from time to time (after 2-3 months) to return to repeating the complex or take them as a basis for compiling a complex of exercises with objects.
  • Sports equipment is laid out in advance.
  • For children with increased excitability of the central nervous system, use

“Weighting” of running; light jogging on your toes, hands on your waist.

  • The teacher performs the movements while standing in front of the group, in a mirror manner, which makes it easier for students to copy the exercises.
  • It is recommended to include general developmental exercises in the count. Most often on 4 and 8 counts.
  • The sequence of exercises is constant: first for

shoulder girdle and arms, then torso and legs

  • Throughout the morning exercises, the teacher repeatedly involves children in their alignment, posture, reminds them of breathing, provides physical assistance to individual children, gives instructions, and encourages them (especially younger children).
  • During morning exercises, the teacher makes sure that each exercise ends with a good straightening of the torso, which helps strengthen the muscles that support the straight position of the body, as well as strengthening the skill of correct posture.

Basic requirements for organizing and conducting morning exercises in the junior and middle groups

2nd youngest Average
first half of the year second half of the year first half of the year second half of the year
20-30 seconds 40 seconds 30-40 seconds 50-60 seconds.
In a circle In a circle In a circle 2 columns
Number of exercises
4 4 4-5 4-5
Repeating exercises
4-5 4-5 5-6 5-6
Exercises included
  • to strengthen the shoulder muscles in walking, running, jumping in place, waist and arms (such as stretching and breathing), to strengthen the shoulder muscles
  • legs, belt and arms,
  • back, neck,
  • abdomen and the entire torso of the legs, abdomen, back.
exercises with flags, rattles, cubes with flags, cubes, ribbons,

small hoops, sticks, circular rope.

Features of the use of terminology
The imitative nature of the exercises is carried out in a playful way.

The teacher accompanies the demonstration of the exercise with explanations, draws the children’s attention to the main link and

direction of movement (stretched arms forward - showed palms) (raised arms up, reached for the sun)

“We walk like horses”, “We jump like bunnies”

“We put our legs apart, our hands on our belts,

like a clock ticking: tick-tock"

I half of the year

Explanation is combined with clarity.

The exercises are imitative in nature

“Hands on the waist, with the hips raised high, like horses walking.”

The technique of the exercise is not explained in advance. The teacher immediately performs the action and pronounces the direction of movement: “Arms forward, to the sides, up, down”

“Legs apart, hands on the waist, like a clock ticking: tick-tock”

“We put our legs wide. They took axes in their hands. And..Ugh!”

“They sat down and put their hands back. Feet together, feet apart. Legs together, legs apart...”

II half of the year: regulations are introduced

Take the starting position”, “Do the exercise as I did”, “Finish the exercise”.

Requirements for performing exercises
The teacher pronouncing the starting position

Make sure that the child takes the required starting position if possible. By ensuring that the movement is similar to the model in general terms, the teacher makes sure that it is performed in the indicated way (lean forward without bending your knees; not only raise the ball above your head, but also look at it).

Gradually teach children to act simultaneously, in general, at everyone’s pace.

During the exercises, the teacher more persistently accustoms the children to the correct position of the body while performing the exercises.

Basic requirements for organizing and conducting morning exercises in senior and preparatory groups

older preparatory
first half of the year second half of the year first half of the year second half of the year
30-40 sec 50-60 sec 50-60 sec 60-90 sec
2 columns 2 columns 2 columns 2 columns
Number of exercises
5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6
Repeating exercises
5-6 5-6 6-8 6-8
with hoops, gymnastic sticks, balls of different sizes, jump ropes, circular rope, ribbons.
Features of the use of terminology
teams teams teams teams
Requirements for performing exercises
The teacher strives for accuracy of body position, strict adherence to movement directions, and the ability to perform exercises in accordance with the count or the tempo of the musical accompaniment.

The quality of the outdoor switchgear is quite high.

An explanation of the exercise is combined with clarity only in the first days of mastering the complex. The teacher widely involves children who are proficient in these movements in the demonstration.

Children are taught to be highly independent in performing exercises. A 7-year-old child should be required to have good quality movements; he should take clear starting and intermediate positions, maintain given poses, and make movements with a certain tension.

Teams are important for organizing children. Since they give a signal for the beginning and end of exercises

  • In senior and preparatory groups, before performing the exercise, the command “Accept starting position!” is given. In the starting position, the command is given: “Start the exercise with me!”
  • The last word of the command is pronounced with a short pause: start-nay (an additional signal to start the exercise)
  • If it is necessary to interrupt execution, the command is given: “STOP!”

Finish the exercises with the command “STOP!” or “Finished.” These commands are given instead of the last count: “and-and one, two, three, finished.” “Stay where you are: one, two.”

In the methodological literature, during morning exercises it is recommended to use exercises previously learned with children in class, or simple exercises that do not require lengthy learning.

In practice, teachers use new complexes that require learning exercises.

There are several ways to teach children to exercise.

  1. The teaching method is by demonstration. The teacher first shows the exercise as a whole. Then he gives the command: “Accept starting position!” A pause is made to correct possible errors.
  2. Story-based learning method. The teacher explains the exercise, indicating the starting position, and tells what movements should be performed on the count of “one”, “two”, etc.

When teaching in this way, basic actions are suggested instead of counting, but in the rhythm and tempo of the exercises. For example, instead of counting

“one-two-three-four” the words are used: “Bend over - straighten up - sit down - stand up.”

  1. The method is combined: the teacher explains the technique and at the same time shows the exercise. The children are watching. At the teacher’s command, perform the exercise together with him.
  2. Method of teaching by divisions. This method is used when teaching more complex coordination devices, as it allows pauses between individual movements to clarify them and correct errors. After the command: “Starting position “ACCEPT!” — the teacher gives commands, separating each count with pauses. For example: “Hands up, right leg back on the toe - DO IT ONCE!”, “Emphasis crouching on the left, right to the side - DO TWO!”, “Change the position of the legs -

DO THREE!”, “Starting position – DO FOUR!”

When conducting morning exercises, it is important to monitor the quality of the children’s movements, the clarity of the recorded poses, ensure high motor density, conduct it practically without pauses, without wasting time on a detailed explanation.

Therefore, the use of terminology is of great importance. It greatly facilitates morning exercises, expands the opportunities for communication between teachers and students, increases the effectiveness of exercises, increases the density of exercises, and facilitates the description and understanding of exercise techniques. For the same purpose, it is necessary that the teacher and instructor use the same terminology.

When performing general developmental exercises, various terms are used:

Stance is a vertical position of the body with different positions of the arms and legs.

Basic stance: feet together, toes slightly turned out, knees straight, shoulders turned, stomach tucked, hands down, fingers bent, touching the hips, keep your head straight. For preschoolers: Basic stance: feet together, toes apart, arms along the body. (There is no need to constantly pronounce the position.)

The position of the hands can be different (main stance, hands on the belt or main stance, hands to shoulders, etc.).

Stand with your feet apart - your feet are shoulder-width apart (at a step), your toes are slightly turned out.

Wide stance with legs apart - legs spread wide apart.

Narrow spread leg stance - the legs are spaced apart at a distance equal to the length of the foot.

Kneeling position - knees, shins and extended toes rest on the floor, torso perpendicular to the floor.

A lunge is performed by extending the leg in any direction while simultaneously bending it, with the torso in a vertical position.

Lunge of the right (left) - putting the leg forward while simultaneously bending it,

Lunge to the right (left) - extending the leg to the side.

Back lunge - putting your leg back.

Tilt - maximum flexion of the body at the hip joints in any direction (forward, backward, to the sides).

Sit - sitting position on the floor or apparatus, legs straight. The main types of sedov: sedov legs apart, sedov on heels.

Possible positions of the arms and their movements are indicated in relation to the body.

Basic hand positions. Arms forward - straight arms raised to shoulder height parallel to each other, palms inward, fingers closed.

Arms to the sides - arms straight, raised to shoulder height, palms down. Arms back - arms straight, pulled back to full, palms inward.

Hands up - arms straight, raised up, parallel to each other, palms inward.

Hands in front of the chest - elbows bent at the elbow joints at shoulder level, palms down.

Hands to shoulders - hands bent at the elbow joints, fingers touching the shoulders, elbows at the body, shoulders pulled back.

Hands behind the head - fingers bent at the elbow joints touch the back of the head, elbows pulled back and raised.


  1. A.T. Brykina, V.M. Smolensky, V.M. Barshai. Gymnastics
  2. V.M. Kachashkin methods of physical education


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