Calendar planning (December, January, February). Physical education. Preparatory group for school.

Planning in the preparatory group for physical development

planning preparatory group 1st quarter
outdoor switchgear


Outdoor games


1.With balls

1. Walking and running in a column, one at a time, completing the task 2. Forming in a column, aligned with the leader 3. Throwing: throwing the ball up with both hands 4. Running 20 m along the street

"Horse Fire"

2.With objects

1.Walking and running in a column, one at a time, completing the task. 2. Formation in a column. Turns right, left. 3. Throwing: ball at a target (basket) 4. Jumping: long 5. Balance: crawling under an arc without touching the ground

"Pass the ball"

3-4 Monitoring

According to the methodological recommendations of the Model Educational Program “From Birth to School”. .


No items

1. Walking and running in a column, one at a time, completing the task. 2. Balance: walking, squats. 3. Climbing - on a gymnastic ladder.

"Migration of Birds"

With gymnastic sticks

1.Walking and running while completing the task 2.Jumping: over a gym stick. 3. Balance: bending, squatting, turning in different directions.

“Who will collect the most?” Breathing exercises.

With a rope

1.Walking and running according to instructions. 2.Balance: walking and crawling on a bench. 3. Jumping: over a rope.


With checkboxes

1.Walking and running according to instructions 2.Walking and running in different ways. 3. Balance: tilts in different directions. 4. Rearrangement into a column, links.

"Migration of Birds" "Lame Fox"

With sandbags

1.Walking and running according to instructions. 2.Walking alternating with running. 3. Throwing: at the target. 5. Rearrangement into a column, links

"Don't knock down the pins"

No items

1. Walk in a column one at a time, completing the task. 2. Running in all directions. 3. Jumping: high. 4. Balance: stepping over objects


With cubes

  1. Walking and running according to instructions
  2. Walking and running in a column one at a time in a circle.

3 Jumping: over cubes. 4. Rearrangement: in a column, links.

"Limping Fox"

With checkboxes

  1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, completing the task according to a signal with flags.

2. Jumping: over the ball. . 4. Rearrangement into a column, link.

"Who gets to the flag faster"

Long-term planning preparatory group 2nd quarter

outdoor switchgear


Outdoor games


With objects

  1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, completing the task when given a signal.
  2. Walking and running in all directions.
  3. Climbing: on a gym bench with a bag on your back.
  4. Throwing: a ball to each other.

"Who Jumps Better"

With a ball

1.Walking and running in a column one at a time, completing the task at a signal. 2. Climbing: on a gymnastic ladder. 3. Throwing: ball from behind the head.

"Who is faster to the flag"

No items

  1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal.
  2. Throwing - who will throw further.
  3. Balance: snake walking.


With cubes

  1. Walking and running in circles.
  2. Climbing – on a gymnastic ladder.

3. Jumping through cubes. 4. Throwing: ball up

"Hunters and Hares"


No items

  1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal
  2. Jumping on 2 legs
  3. Climbing: on a gymnastic ladder.
  4. Balance: walking on a ribbed board.

"Find Your Place"

With a ball

  1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal
  2. Throwing: at the ball target
  3. Climbing: on a gymnastic bench.
  4. Balance: Walking with a bag on your head

Relay "Football Freestyle"



With a ball

1. Walking and running in a column, one at a time, completing the task.

  1. Rebuilding in three units. Game "Find your link"
  2. Throwing: throwing the ball with pops, turns and other tasks.
  3. Balance: walking on a gymnastic bench

“Frogs and Herons” (jumping).

With elements of aerobics

1 Walking and running in a column, one at a time, completing task 2.. Changing from one circle to two 3. Walking with rhythmic clapping at the top under the right leg, gymnastic walking. toe step. 4. Running, throwing straight legs forward; running in small and wide steps 5. Walking with rhythmic stomping, moving in a column and in a circle 6. Climbing: crawling under an arc in a group (40-50cm).

Relay race "Running with a skipping rope"

With hoops

1.Walking and running in a column, one at a time, completing the task. 2. Balance: walking along a gymnastic bench towards another friend, parting in the middle, giving way. 3. Light running on toes in two circles towards each other. 4. Throwing: a small ball at a vertical target (hoop) with the right and left hands (at a distance of 3 m) 5. Climbing: crawling under an arc (50 cm)

“Whoever is named, he catches” (attention)

4. . An activity based on relay races, competitions and outdoor games

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time while completing the task 2. Changing from one line to two; 3.Walking on toes, at a signal on low all fours, walking backwards 4. Running in a long “snake”, at a signal - sit down, quickly stand up and continue running. 5. Relay race: running on the gymnastics bench on your toes, dismounting to the designated place. 6. “Be able to jump” - run to the landmark, jumping over a short rope 7. Game-exercise “Get the flag”, climbing the gymnastic wall to the flag and going down the inclined ladder.


Long-term plan for physical development in the preparatory group

Long-term planning in the preparatory group for physical development.
Contents of educational activities
“Physical development”

Objectives /
Program content

1 Week


Program content.

Exercise children in running in a column one at a time, in the ability to switch from running to walking;
in maintaining balance and correct posture when walking on elevated support. Develop precision movements when throwing the ball. Outdoor game "Traps".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking sideways on a bench, stepping over balls.
Learn to jump on two legs over medicine balls, throw the ball with both hands from behind your head, while standing in ranks. Develop precision movements when throwing the ball. Outdoor game "Traps".
3. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in uniform running and running with acceleration; introduce rolling hoops, develop dexterity and eye, precision of movements; repeat jumping on two legs moving forward.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in uniform running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping while reaching an object; repeat the exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it.

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."


Program content.

Exercise children in jumping on two legs between objects, in throwing a ball while standing in ranks (from below, at the teacher’s signal, 10-12 times). Practice crawling - “crocodile” (distance no more than 3 m).

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."

6. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects, in rolling hoops to each other; develop attention and speed of movements.

Outdoor game "Owl".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (a cube or pin as a guide); develop dexterity in exercises with the ball, coordination of movements in balance tasks; repeat the exercise of crawling on a gymnastic bench.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".


Program content.

Exercise children in throwing the ball with their right and left hands alternately, catching it with both hands; crawl on a gymnastic bench on your palms and soles. Learn to walk on a gymnastic bench, perform a turn in the middle at an average pace, then walk further.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".

9. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Practice alternating walking and running; develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball, dexterity in walking between objects.

Outdoor game "Owl".

4 week


Program content.

Practice alternating walking and running at the teacher’s signal;
crawling on a gymnastic bench on your hands and knees; in balance when walking on a gymnastic bench while performing tasks. Repeat jumping over the cords. Outdoor game "Don't get caught."

Program content.

Exercise children: climb into a hoop held by a partner, with the right and left sides, trying not to touch the upper edge of the rim. Walk sideways with an extended step, stepping over medicine balls: keep your distance, keep your back and head straight. Jump on your right and left leg over the cords.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught."

12. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking and running in alternation at the teacher’s signal, exercises in jumping with a ball;
learn the game “Circular rounders”.

1 Week


Program content.

Strengthen walking and running skills between objects;
practice maintaining balance on an elevated support and jumping; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Program content.

Practice maintaining balance on an elevated support (walking sideways on a bench with a bag on your head), jumping on two legs along a cord.
Develop dexterity in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.
15. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in running and overcoming obstacles; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball; repeat the task while jumping.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking by changing the direction of movement at a signal;
practice the skill of landing on bent legs when jumping from a bench; develop coordination of movements in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."

Program content.

Practice the skill of landing on bent legs when jumping from a bench;
develop dexterity in exercises with the ball; in climbing into a hoop held by a partner, right and left, in the ability to group. Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."
18. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat running at an average pace; develop throwing accuracy; practice jumping.

Outdoor game "Owl".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with high knees; repeat exercises in dribbling the ball; crawling; practice maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".


Program content.

Repeat exercises in dribbling the ball between objects.
Practice maintaining balance while crawling on all fours in a straight line, pushing a medicine ball forward with your head; while walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench, hands behind your head. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".
21. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Strengthen the skill of walking with changing direction of movement, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher;
develop accuracy in exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Don't get caught." Program content.
Strengthen the skill of walking by changing the pace of movement. Practice running in all directions, crawling on all fours with an additional task; repeat the balance exercise when walking on increased support.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".


Program content.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".

24. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking, stopping at the teacher’s signal, running at a moderate pace; practice jumping and throwing the ball.

Outdoor game “Traps with ribbons”.


1 Week


Program content.

Strengthen the skill of walking and running in a circle; practice walking on a rope (or thick cord); practice energetic push-off while jumping over the cord; repeat the relay with the ball.

Outdoor game "Catch up with your partner."


Program content.

Practice walking along a rope sideways with an extended step, hands behind your head. Practice maintaining balance by jumping on your right and left legs. Strengthen the ability to throw a ball into a basket with both hands - a basketball version.

27. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Strengthen walking skills by stepping over objects;
repeat game exercises with a ball and jumping. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".
2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking while changing the direction of movement; jumping over a short rope; throwing the ball to each other; crawling on a gymnastics bench on all fours with a bag on your back.

Outdoor game "Shapes".


Program content.

Learn to jump rope by rotating it forward.
Practice maintaining balance while crawling on all fours in a straight line, pushing a medicine ball forward with your head; pass the ball in ranks (carried out in the form of a relay race). Outdoor game "Shapes".
30. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Strengthen the skills of running while overcoming obstacles, walking and stopping at a signal; repeat game exercises in jumping and with the ball.

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor."

3 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running “snake” between objects;
repeat dribbling the ball forward; practice climbing in an arc, in balance. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Program content.

Develop your eye when throwing bags at a target.
Practice maintaining balance while walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with an extended step, with a bag on your head. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.
33. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking with changes in the pace of movement, with high knees; repeat game exercises with a ball and running.

Outdoor game "In places".

4 week


Program content.

Strengthen the skill of walking and running between objects, develop coordination and dexterity;
learn the transition from one flight to another in lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat jumping and balance exercises. Outdoor game "Shapes".

Program content.

Practice climbing on a gymnastic wall, moving from one flight to another;
in maintaining balance when walking on a reduced support area. Strengthen the ability to throw a ball into a basket with both hands - a basketball version. Outdoor game "Shapes".
36. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice turning while jumping in place; repeat jumping on the right and left leg, bending around objects; practice performing tasks with a ball.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


1 Week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions; in maintaining balance when walking in a difficult situation (sideways with an extended step, with stepping over). Develop dexterity in ball exercises.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with different positions of the hands, in running in all directions; in maintaining balance when walking in a difficult situation (sideways with an extended step, with stepping over). Develop dexterity in ball exercises.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

3. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking in a column one at a time, stopping at the teacher’s signal; exercise children in long running (duration up to 1.5 minutes); repeat exercises in balance, jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Owl".

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking with changes in the pace of movement, with acceleration and deceleration, in jumping on the right and left legs alternately;
repeat the crawling exercises and the relay race with the ball. Outdoor game “Tag with a Ribbon”.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking with changes in the pace of movement, with acceleration and deceleration, in jumping on the right and left legs alternately;
repeat the crawling exercises and the relay race with the ball. Outdoor game “Tag with a Ribbon”.
6. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, completing tasks at the teacher’s signal; repeat game exercises for balance, jumping, and attention.

Game exercise “Stop!”

3 week


Program content.

Repeat the walk, changing the pace of movement by accelerating and decelerating; practice tossing a small ball, developing dexterity and eye; practice crawling on your stomach, in balance.

Outdoor game “Jumping Sparrows”.


Program content.

Repeat the walk, changing the pace of movement by accelerating and decelerating; practice tossing a small ball, developing dexterity and eye; practice crawling on your stomach, in balance.

Outdoor game “Jumping Sparrows”.

9. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal; repeat tasks with the ball, practice jumping and balance.

Outdoor game "Frogs and Heron".

4 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction; practice crawling on a bench “like a bear”; repeat the jumping and balance exercise.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, turning in the other direction; practice crawling on a bench “like a bear”; repeat the jumping and balance exercise.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

12.Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking between snow buildings; learn the game task “Accurate pass”; develop dexterity and eye when throwing snowballs at a distance.


2 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal; balance exercises when walking on a reduced support area, jumping on two legs over an obstacle.

Outdoor game "Day and Night".


Program content.

Repeat walking and running in a circle, walking and running in all directions, stopping at the teacher’s signal; balance exercises when walking on a reduced support area, jumping on two legs over an obstacle.

Outdoor game "Day and Night".

15. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Practice walking in a column one at a time;
running between objects; walking and running in all directions; repeat game exercises with jumping, sliding along the track; conduct an outdoor game “Two Frosts”
week 3


Program content.

Repeat walking while performing tasks for the arms;
practice standing long jumps; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball and crawling on the bench. Outdoor game "Owl".

Program content.

Repeat walking while performing tasks for the arms;
practice standing long jumps; develop dexterity in exercises with the ball and crawling on the bench. Outdoor game "Owl".
18. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Carry out the game exercise “The Snow Queen”;
exercise with hockey elements; game task in throwing snowballs at a distance; game exercise with jumping “Merry little sparrows”.
4 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running with an additional task (stepping over cords);
develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball; repeat climbing under the cord. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".

Program content.

Practice walking and running with an additional task (stepping over cords);
develop dexterity and eye in exercises with the ball; repeat climbing under the cord. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod".
21. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking between snowballs; learn how to dribble the puck with a stick from one side of the ice to the other; repeat each other's sledding.

Outdoor game "Two Frosts".


1 Week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice crawling on all fours; repeat exercises to maintain balance and jumping.

Outdoor game "Spider and Fly".


Program content.

Repeat walking and running, changing the direction of movement; practice crawling on all fours; repeat exercises to maintain balance and jumping.

Outdoor game "Spider and Fly".

24. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat walking between snow buildings;
practice sliding on an ice path; learn the game “In places!”.
2 week


Program content.

Practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support while performing an additional task, consolidate the skill of vigorously pushing off the floor while jumping; repeat exercises in throwing a ball, develop dexterity and eye.

Outdoor game "Keys".


Program content.

Practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support while performing an additional task, consolidate the skill of vigorously pushing off the floor while jumping; repeat exercises in throwing a ball, develop dexterity and eye.

Outdoor game "Keys".

27. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running and completing tasks at the teacher’s signal; repeat the game task with a stick and puck, the game task with jumping.

3 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running with hand exercises; learn jumping jumps (alternating jumps from foot to foot); practice throwing the ball; repeat climbing into a hoop (or under an arc).

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."


Program content.

Practice walking and running with hand exercises; learn jumping jumps (alternating jumps from foot to foot); practice throwing the ball; repeat climbing into a hoop (or under an arc).

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."

30. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking while completing tasks; repeat the game exercise on a sled, with a stick and a puck.

4 week


Program content.

Repeat the walk with a change in pace; practice alternately jumping on the right and left leg (in a circle), throwing bags, climbing on a gymnastic wall; repeat exercises to maintain balance when walking on increased support with an additional task.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught."


Program content.

Repeat the walk with a change in pace; practice alternately jumping on the right and left leg (in a circle), throwing bags, climbing on a gymnastic wall; repeat exercises to maintain balance when walking on increased support with an additional task.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught."

33. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running while completing tasks; repeat game exercises on a sled, with a stick and a puck.


Program content.

Practice walking in a column one at a time while performing an attention task, crawling on all fours between objects; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

Outdoor game "Blind Man's Bluff".


Program content.

Practice walking in a column one at a time while performing an attention task, crawling on all fours between objects; repeat balance and jumping exercises.

Relay race with the ball “Passed - sit down.”

36. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Practice walking while completing the “Find your color” task; repeat the game task with throwing snowballs and jumping.


1 Week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects;
in maintaining balance when walking on increased support with an additional task; repeat the task in jumping, relay race with the ball. Outdoor game "Keys".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects;
in maintaining balance when walking on increased support with an additional task; repeat the task in jumping, relay race with the ball. Outdoor game "Keys".
3. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat speed running exercises, game tasks with jumping and a ball.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions;
repeat the exercise in jumping, crawling; ball tasks. Outdoor game "Keys".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions;
repeat the exercise in jumping, crawling; ball tasks. Outdoor game "Keys".
6. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in running and jumping; develop dexterity in tasks with the ball.

3 week


Program content.

Repeat walking while completing tasks;
practice throwing bags at a horizontal target; repeat exercises for crawling and maintaining balance when walking on increased support. Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat".

Program content.

Repeat walking while completing tasks;
practice throwing bags at a horizontal target; repeat exercises for crawling and maintaining balance when walking on increased support. Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat".
9. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in running at speed; repeat game exercises with jumping and with a ball.

Outdoor game "Burners".

4 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running to complete the task;
practice lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat balance and jumping exercises. Outdoor game "Owl".

Program content.

Repeat walking and running to complete the task;
practice lasagna on a gymnastic wall; repeat balance and jumping exercises. Outdoor game "Owl".
12. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the exercises with running, jumping and with the ball.


1 Week


Program content.

Repeat the game exercise in walking and running; balance exercises, jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".


Program content.

Repeat the game exercise in walking and running; balance exercises, jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox".

15. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the game exercise with running; game tasks with a ball and jumping.

2 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
train children in running long jumps and throwing the ball to each other. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".

Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
train children in running long jumps and throwing the ball to each other. Outdoor game "Mousetrap".
18. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the game task with walking and running; game exercises with the ball, jumping.

Outdoor game "Burners".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, in formation in pairs (column of two); in throwing bags at a distance, in crawling, in balance.

Outdoor game "Entertainers".


Program content.

Exercise children in walking in a column one at a time, in formation in pairs (column of two); in throwing bags at a distance, in crawling, in balance.

Outdoor game "Entertainers".

21. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat running at speed; Exercise children in tasks with jumping and balance.

4 week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; exercises in balance, jumping and with the ball.

Outdoor game “Tag with a Ribbon”.


Program content.

Repeat walking and running while completing tasks; exercises in balance, jumping and with the ball.

Game exercise with running “Catch up with a couple.”

24. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat the game exercise with walking and running; game tasks in jumping, with a ball.

Outdoor game "Burners".


1 Week


Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
in balance when walking on increased support; in jumping forward on one leg; in throwing a small ball against a wall. Outdoor game "Owl".

Program content.

Repeat walking and running exercises;
in balance when walking on increased support; in jumping forward on one leg; in throwing a small ball against a wall. Outdoor game "Owl".
27. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in long running, developing endurance; develop precision of movements when throwing the ball to each other in motion; practice jumping over a short rope; repeat the balance exercise with an additional task.

2 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running with changing tempo of movement, in standing long jumps;
repeat the exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Burners".

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running with changing tempo of movement, in standing long jumps;
repeat the exercises with the ball. Outdoor game "Burners".
30. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running while completing tasks; repeat the exercises with the ball and jumping.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap".

3 week


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column, one at a time, in a circle; in walking and running in all directions; in throwing bags at a distance, in jumping, in balance.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".


Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column, one at a time, in a circle; in walking and running in all directions; in throwing bags at a distance, in jumping, in balance.

Outdoor game "Sparrows and a cat".

33. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects, in walking and running in all directions4 repeat tasks with a ball and jumping.

4 week


Program content.

Practice walking and running and completing tasks when given a signal; repeat the exercises in lasagna on the gymnastic wall; practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support and jumping.

Outdoor game "Hunters and Ducks".


Program content.

Practice walking and running and completing tasks when given a signal; repeat the exercises in lasagna on the gymnastic wall; practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support and jumping.

Outdoor game "Hunters and Ducks".

36. Physical education on the street.

Program content.

Repeat game exercises with walking and running; practice tasks with a ball.

Outdoor game "Don't stay on the ground."


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