Card index of didactic games on traffic rules in the preparatory group card index (preparatory group)

How to make a traffic rules game with your own hands

You can make a game for learning the rules of the road with your own hands, without making any special efforts. An example of self-production can be seen in the tabletop entertainment called “What First, What Then.”

First you need to build playing fields from white A4 cardboard, which should be cut lengthwise into two halves. Each half must be divided into three parts and numbered from 1 to 3 (six playing fields will be enough). Using a computer online, you should find an image of a situation on the road that requires performing certain actions in accordance with the road sign.

At the final stage of production, in the Paint computer program, you need to draw a game character (Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood or any other) on the picture. By placing the character in different parts of the image, an algorithm of action on the road is obtained.

The preschooler's task is to place the pictures in the correct sequence.

Note! During the lesson, the future road user simulates the situation and determines the required algorithm of actions, writing everything down in a notebook.

Game form of lessons on traffic rules in younger groups

It is recommended to start a lesson with the youngest preschool children (1.5-2 years) on the topic of road transport concepts with a walk down the street. The teacher must show the tiny pedestrians the sidewalk, the roadway and must tell them about their purpose (it is not necessary to go beyond the preschool). Children will become familiar with concepts such as passenger, driver and pedestrian, while simultaneously observing how vehicles move on the road. As a visual aid, consider a car that delivers food to the kitchen every day and discuss how this road is constructed.

Learning the rules with children outside

During group lessons, experts recommend resorting to the technique of modeling different road situations as often as possible. The teacher should encourage pupils to play with toy cars, pronounce each action out loud and encourage preschoolers to do this (for example, the vehicle reduced speed, reversed or turned right).

Game form of classes in middle groups

In the middle group of kindergarten, all traffic rules games for preschoolers are aimed at learning and practicing traffic rules. The didactic game method is mainly used here. The mandatory points of this method are:

  • rules;
  • clear and consistent game actions;
  • a precisely defined result.

Important! The educational form of classes is presented in 2 types: focusing on the content of game actions or on the props with the help of which the storyline of the game is built.

Game form of classes in senior groups of preschool educational institutions

As a basis for lessons on traffic rules in older groups of kindergarten, personal social skills of interaction with the outside world are used, and behavior patterns are also copied on toys or peers who also participate in the game. For example, in the game “Bus” in the senior group, students must take turns entering the “transport”, then buy tickets from the conductor and ask the driver to stop at one stop or another.

Mathematical quests for preparatory groups, KVN and puzzles

Game form of classes in preparatory groups

With children 6-7 years old who go to the preparatory group, you can already play theatrical games, implemented in two forms. As a rule, teachers use dramatization, that is, the participants in the game become “artists” who play roles according to the script. You can also resort to director's play, where children direct the movements and actions of characters - dolls.

An example of a doll for traffic rules classes

Types of games based on traffic rules

Since gameplay is the leading activity for preschoolers, with its help children quickly learn what can be done on the road and what actions are prohibited. For this reason, lessons on studying traffic rules are included in programs according to which the educational process is implemented in preschool institutions.

Outdoor games in the senior group according to traffic rules

In the process of active gameplay, children develop skills to act in conditions that are constantly changing, and to instantly respond to unexpected situations. Outdoor lessons develop the following motor skills in toddlers:

  • determination of distance (far - close);
  • speed (fast - slow);
  • dimensions (more - less);
  • visibility (whether the car is obscured).

The child must coordinate his actions with the movements of surrounding people and record the movements of objects.

Didactic games in the senior group on traffic rules

In order to conduct lessons on learning the rules of the road, you must, of course, stock up on visual material in advance. The props can be represented by the main signs with which traffic is regulated, images of a traffic controller, a street map with pedestrian crossings and buildings. In the process, children learn signs and rules of behavior.


With the help of role-playing lessons, the preschooler engages in free improvisation and forms a model of social relationships, acting out various situations. Role-playing entertainment always involves playing “something” or “someone,” and their distinctive characteristic is the presence of a script and roles.

Note! You can play with children on the territory of a children's automobile playground, which must be in a kindergarten, or in a room with special layouts and a magnetic board.


The use of various multimedia tools has become almost the most important innovation in the work of kindergarten teachers. Methodological tools and techniques of educators were diluted with information and communication technologies, which made it possible to make lessons for children more exciting and memorable. Today, the method of interactive games is popular, relevant and effective, and teachers quite often use presentations to study traffic rules.

Puzzles, dominoes, board games

With the help of the unusual “Road” domino, the child will always be able to apply all the knowledge he has acquired about road signs in practice, as well as study traffic lights and road markings. Participants in the entertainment must work together to build their own road, correctly connecting the cards to each other.

Domino "Road"

Note! To study the most common traffic signs, experts recommend using a children's plastic lotto “Traffic Signs”, on the chips of which signs are drawn, and their decoding is written on the cards.

Project in the preparatory group on the topic “Professions”

Card index of traffic rules games for the senior group

Game "Trams"

To play the game, you will need one hoop for each team and one stand. Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The participants’ task is to run around the stand as quickly as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The team that completes the task first wins.

Game "Traffic Lights"

The traffic light is red!

The path is dangerous - there is no passage!

And if the yellow light is on, he says “get ready.”

The green light flashed ahead - the path is clear - cross.

In the game, all children are “pedestrians.” When the traffic controller shows a yellow light at the traffic light, then all the students line up and prepare to move; when the green light turns on, you can walk, run, jump around the entire hall; when the light is red, everyone freezes in place. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

When crossing the street, follow the traffic lights.

Game "Bus"

“Buses” are teams of children “driver” and “passengers”. Flags are placed 6-7 m from each team. On the command “March!” The first players quickly walk (it is forbidden to run) to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where they are joined by the second players, and together they again go the same way, etc. The players hold each other’s elbows. When the bus (front player - “driver”) returns to its place with a full complement of passengers, it must sound a whistle. The team that arrives at the final stop first wins.

Game "Trucks"

To play the game you will need rudders, sandbags for each team and two stands. The first team members hold the steering wheel in their hands, and a bag of sand is placed on their heads - a weight. After the start, participants run around their stand and pass the steering wheel and weight to the next participant. The first team to complete the task without dropping the load wins.

Game "Funny Tram"

We are cheerful trams,

We don't jump like bunnies

We ride on the rails together.

Hey, come sit with us if you want!

Children are divided into two teams. One team - trams. The tram driver holds a hoop in his hands. The second team is passengers, they take their places at the bus stop. Each tram can carry only one passenger, who takes his place in the hoop. The final stop is on the opposite side of the hall.

Game – attraction “Attention, pedestrian”

To play this game you need three wands, painted in three colors of traffic lights. The traffic controller, a senior student, shows the guys lined up in front of him alternately one of three rods. Participants in the game take a step back when they see a red rod, stand when they see a yellow one, and two steps forward when they see a green one. The traffic controller fines the one who makes a mistake and deprives him of the right to participate in the game. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake. The winner is awarded a badge, postcard, book, etc.

Card index of games on traffic rules for preschoolers with goals

The traffic rules card file in the middle group according to Federal State Educational Standards (federal state educational standards) with goals includes such entertainment as “Guess what sign?”, “Drivers” and “On the Road”.

"Guess what sign"

The purpose of the “Guess Which Sign” lesson is for children to consolidate their knowledge of traffic rules and independently use them in everyday life. The gameplay is represented by cubes with directional, warning and prohibition signs stuck on them in a checkerboard pattern.

Traffic rules in the second junior group - a card index with goals

The teacher should take turns inviting the children to the table where the cubes are laid out. The student takes a cube, names the sign and goes to the group of children who already have symbols of this variety.


In the process of educational entertainment "Drivers", the little ones also learn the rules, but in addition to this, they also develop thinking and spatial orientation. To conduct a lesson, you need to stock up on playing fields, toy cars and other toys. The teacher prepares 3-4 options for playing fields in advance, each of which is represented by a picture with signs. This is necessary to change the traffic situation.

For example, a kid becomes a car driver, and he needs to take the fox to the store, get gas and repair the car. The image of the vehicle represents the garage where the little one left and where he must return. The child needs to think and say in what order these points should be visited so that the traffic rules are not violated.

"On the way to"

Thanks to the lesson “On the Road”, students consolidate their knowledge about types of transport, train their memory and attention. To play the game you will need images of cars and trucks, as well as chips. The game is played outdoors, but before starting you need to agree with the children who will collect what type of cars. During the game, the little ones pay attention to the cars, name them and receive chips for each correct answer. Whoever has the most chips at the end is declared the winner.

Note! Based on all of the above, we can conclude that it is easiest for preschoolers to perceive information about traffic rules in a playful way.

Such activities will definitely be effective, because the child will study with great pleasure and interest in the circle of his friends.

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