Entertainment for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions for the International Day of Music “Journey into the world of music”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

It is such entertainment that introduces children to Orthodox culture and helps plant the seeds of universal human values.

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Russian heroes”.

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “AUTUMN KALEIDOSCOPE”.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother’s Day “MY MOTHER”.

Musical entertainment in the senior group “Autumn Kaleidoscope”.

Musical entertainment in the senior group “MY MOTHER”.

The content of the summary assumes, as a final result, the development of musical hearing in children and a sense of rhythm. Children go on a journey, during which they complete interesting tasks for each.

Musical entertainment in the senior group “Visiting Mishenka” material (senior group) on the topic

Musical entertainment in the senior group
“Visiting Mishenka”


1.To promote the development of skills to highlight different parts of music. The works move according to the character of each piece.

2. Rhythmically accurately convey the melody, clearly pronouncing the words.

3. To promote the development of imagery and expressiveness of movements in children, the accumulation of music. impressions.

Equipment: Piano, music center, hero costumes, sweets, ribbons, arcs.

Progress of entertainment:

Ved: Guys, a guest will come to us today. Guess the riddle. Who is this?

He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree, and when spring comes he wakes up from sleep. (bear)

Well done! You guessed correctly. Well, where is he? Let's call him.

(the children call Mishutka).

To the music, Masha runs into the hall with a squeak and shouts:

Masha: Miiiishaaa! Where are you? (notices the children) Oh, hello! Who are you, where is Misha?

Ved: We are also looking for Misha. They wanted to say goodbye to him before he went into hibernation, but he was nowhere to be found.

Masha: Do you even recognize me? I'm Masha. I'm hurrying to my Mishki. Why are you so sad? Let's congratulate Mishka together

Ved : What should we congratulate Misha on?

Masha : Don’t you know, it’s Misha’s birthday today!

Ved: We didn’t even know, we didn’t prepare anything for Misha.

Masha: Oh, you, but I prepared him some treats. Maybe we can go together to congratulate Misha? Then we will go with you on a journey on a train. Do you agree? Now take your seats one after another:

Hurry up and get into the trailers. The time is approaching, the train is leaving.

Children pretend to be a train, walk one after another and say: “chug-chug, chug-chug, tu-tu.”

Walking with obstacles

“The train goes through a tunnel” - climbing under high arches.

“The train accelerates and slows down” - walking with a transition to running.

Masha : Stop, stop!

The train won't go up the hill, we need to get on the plane. The plane flies and flies... A brave pilot sits in it.

(Children stand, legs apart, arms to the sides. Tilts left and right, depicting the movements of an airplane to the sound “U-oo-oo”).

Masha: Finally, we have arrived. I can already see his hut in sight. And while we haven’t gotten to the end yet, I prepared ribbons for us, they are so beautiful, look (shows)

We'll play with ribbons and surprise Mishutka.

"Ribbon Game"

We will play with ribbons, we will wave ribbons (children run around waving ribbons). We played and played - our ribbons were tired (walking, hands with ribbons hidden behind our backs). Ribbon-ribbon, show yourself, spin around with us (spin around, arms raised up). Let's go through the stream, we'll take the ribbon with us (walking, raising our knees high). So the wind blew and scared away our ribbon (children blow on the ribbons, then wave them in front of them).

Dance with ribbons on display.

Masha : Well, let's call Misha.

In chorus : Misha! Misha, Misha!

Misha : Oh, I have guests. Hello guys!

Music-themed music lesson for children of the senior group Topic: “Mom is the main word!”


1 Music-themed music lesson for children of the senior group Topic: “Mom is the main word!” Goal: development of children’s musicality, the ability to emotionally perceive music. Objectives: expand ideas about holidays; develop the ability to characterize music and situations; continue to improve children’s artistic and speech skills when reading poems and performing songs (emotionality, naturalness, the ability to convey their attitude to the content with intonation, gesture, and facial expressions); evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature; cultivate a caring and sensitive attitude towards the person closest to you. Children come to the music, stand in a circle, and say hello. Musical director: Guys, I know that you like to solve riddles, so Kira has prepared a riddle poem for you. (child reads a poem) Kira: Who came to me in the morning? Who said: “It’s time to get up?” Who has already cooked the porridge? Who poured tea into my cup? Who as a child loves laughter? Who is the best in the world? Children: Mom! Musical director: Guys, why did Kira prepare a riddle for you about your mother? Children: Because Mother's Day is coming soon. Musical director: Guys, in Russia Mother’s Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. What do people do on this day? (Congratulations to moms). How can you congratulate? Sing a song, read a poem, make a postcard or craft with your own hands. They also say kind, pleasant words to mothers and give compliments. Let us also praise our mother and play the game “Continue the Sentence” Game “Continue the Sentence”

2 (music director begins, children continue) - My mother is the best - My mother knows what to do best - My mother is happy when I - My mother is upset when I - I like it when my mother - I affectionately call my mother Children perform a song “The little dawns are more beautiful” Musical director: Well done, let’s sit on the chairs. (Children sit in a semicircle) Musical director: Listen to the story I want to tell you. A long time ago, more than five hundred years ago, in the distant country of Italy, there lived a boy with the beautiful name Raphael. The boy Raphael had real talent as an artist. One day he told his father: “I want to learn how to paint so that in my paintings there will be blue skies and beautiful faces of people. Let people look at my paintings and forget about everything in the world.” Little Raphael's dream came true. He became the greatest artist. Raphael Santion painted beautiful paintings known all over the world. He dedicated many of them to women. And his paintings depicting a woman-mother are especially beautiful. The painting “The Sistine Madonna” is considered one of his best works. (shows a slide) Look, this is a woman with a child. The artist depicted the mother woman as a goddess. Look at the Madonna's face? (beautiful, kind, gentle, calm, thoughtful) What do you think she is thinking about? (About the fate of your child). But the woman-mother was praised not only by artists, but also by composers. How does the composer express his feelings? (With the help of music). Let's listen to the piece, a musical portrait of a woman-mother. This is a song performed by an Italian children's choir. “Ave Maria” by F. Schubert sounds. Musical director: This beautiful music was written by the Austrian composer Franz Schubert. What is the nature of the music? (The music is tender, calm, pure, beautiful) Schubert, just like Raphael, admires the woman-mother. “Ave” means “Glory.” “Mary” is the image of a mother. “Ave Maria” - the singer sings, i.e. "Glory to the Mother!" Glory to her love, her care, her kind heart!

3 Musical director: Now I’ll ask everyone to stand in a circle (children stand in a circle) and let’s play the game “Pass the Heart.” I’ll ask you to tell about your mothers. What are they? What kind words about your mother do you know? Standing in a circle, taking turns, we will pass the heart to the neighbor on the right side, on whom the music stops, he must say an affectionate word about his mother (For example: affectionate, gentle, kind, good, beautiful, loving, cheerful, caring, and so on.) Musical director: Well done! All children completed the task. Today we played well, but we haven’t danced yet. I’ll ask everyone to stand in pairs and let’s dance together! Children perform the dance “Turn Around” by Evtodieva Musical director: Children, I know that you all have kind, beautiful and affectionate mothers, but they are all different. Arisha's mother looks like a sorceress, listen to her poem: Arisha: Mom is like a sorceress if she smiles Every wish I have comes true A kiss from my mother - the bad is forgotten A new day, a cheerful day Begins right away. Musical director: But Lena compares her mother to the warm sun. Lena: How this happens, I myself don’t understand. That the sun is in the sky, then my mother is in the house. The sun will suddenly hide behind a cloud. Everything will become empty and sad around. My mother will leave for a while. I will become so sad. My dear one will return home and I will become cheerful again. I play, I laugh, I tumble, I sing. I love my dear dove!

4 Musical director: Also listen to the poem “The Heart of a Mother” They will tell it.. (children come out and recite the poem) The Heart of a Mother... Olga Grazhdantseva 1st child: The heart of every mother A mesh of scars Every cry of a child is a tiny scar Broken knees, Blood from a finger - wreaths Without such marks, mothers have no hearts. 2nd child: Cough and sore throat, Fever in daughter, son. Chickenpox spots, sleepless nights. Dentist's office. Fear and tears again. Mother holds it in her heart. 3rd child remembers everything in full: First grievances. - Small in appearance Only the mother’s heart feels their pain With each new scar The mother’s heart is hotter - “Don’t be afraid, baby, I’m always with you.” 4th child: The suns grow up, Quarrel, get sick, Understand the turns of adult life But mothers are still the same Collecting scars Imprints of pain Sharp knives 5th child: This connection, like a miracle, Stays everywhere Mom will take away half of the pain If she can do more, If only it lasts longer She had enough strength... I wish I knew in advance

5 6th child: If necessary, Mom will be there You need to take a deep breath, you need to be silent The heart of every mother A mesh of scars But without these scars the heart does not beat Musical director: Now find out by the melody what kind of song this is? (performs a fragment of the work) That's right. This is the song “Baby Mammoth” by Vladimir Yakovlevich Shainsky. Watching the cartoon “Mom for Baby Mammoth” Musical director: Remember what other songs about mom we know? Standing near the chairs, we will sing the familiar song “Mama is a ray of sunshine.” Children perform a song Musical director: Now come out, all the guys, to dance “Merry Dance” by Evtodieva Musical director: What do you remember most? What did we do? What new did you learn? What songs did you sing, what dance did you perform, what did you listen to, what game did you play? For the fact that you sang, danced, and recited poems well, I will give you hearts as a souvenir as a symbol of love and kindness (the music director gives out hearts to the children)

Summary of musical entertainment for children and parents “Let's play together”



Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children in joint musical activities


1. Expand parents’ understanding of the benefits of outdoor games.

2. introduce fun and useful outdoor games,

not requiring material costs for materials and equipment

3. To develop in children goodwill, communication skills, and the ability to work in a team.

3. Improve musical and rhythmic skills.

4. Strengthen parent-child relationships.

Progress of entertainment:

Music director:

Hello, dear parents!
Hello guys! Today we gathered in this room to play, have fun and maybe learn something new. Guys, do you like to play on a computer, phone or tablet? (Children's response)
But your parents did not have such toys and they had to go outside and play there.
Let's ask your mom and dad what games they loved the most? (Parents' answers).
That's how many different games there were, but that's not all.
Guys, would you like to play with your parents? (Children's answers).
Parents and their children are invited to play active and sedentary musical games , which they can later organize with their child at home .

"Live Piano" (sedentary game)

All participants sit in one row (parent, child) and place their hands on their knees. To the music, each participant takes turns, one after the other, slapping their knee with each hand. At first the game is played at a slow pace, each time the pace accelerates.

Game "Stream"

A driver is selected, the rest are divided into pairs, preferably opposite sexes, and clasp their hands.

Couples stand behind each other, forming a corridor and raising their hands up.

The driver enters the formed corridor from one end and moves to the other end of the corridor, choosing a mate along the way.

He takes the person he likes by the hand, uncoupling the standing couple. The new couple goes together to the end of the “stream” and stands there with their hands raised.

The freed player becomes the driver, goes to the beginning of the “stream” and enters the corridor, choosing a person for a couple and so on until everyone gets tired of playing.

If there are a lot of people playing, there may be several drivers.

"The king walked through the forest"

Children join hands and form a circle. In (boy, dad, grandfather), he holds a homemade crown in his hands. Everyone dances around the “king” and sings: The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest, Found himself a princess, princess, princess. (“the king” chooses the “princess” and puts a crown on her head)

Let's spin around, let's spin around.
let's spin, (everyone is spinning)
And forever be friends, let's be friends, let's be friends
(everyone waves their hand)
Let's clap with our hands, clap, clap,
(clap our hands)
Stomp with our feet, stomp, stomp,
(stomp with our feet)
Shake our heads,
(shake our heads)
Let's start first !
(the girl gives the crown and returns to her place)
The king was walking through the forest, ...
(“the king” chooses a new “princess”)
Game “Silent Singing”

The presenter invites everyone to sing a famous New Year's song. At the first clap, all participants begin to sing loudly in chorus, at the second, the singing aloud stops and everyone sings to themselves. The third clap serves as a signal for everyone to sing out loud again. Can you imagine what a “harmonious” choir you will hear? In general, you won't be bored. The singing is very fun and the playing is fun.

Game "Burners" (Burn, Burn Clear)

Children form a circle. The driver (child) walks inside the circle to the chant. The children all say the chant together: “Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out, look at the sky, the birds are flying, the bells are ringing.” As soon as the chant ends, the driver approaches the children and waves a handkerchief between the two children, as if separating them. These two children run in different directions, running around the circle outside. And they return to their place and leader. The one of the “runners” who reaches the leader first, snatches his handkerchief and becomes the leader himself. Music director:

This was our last game.
Tell me guys, did you like it? (Answers)
I really hope that now outdoor play will not be a rare guest, but will settle in yours forever.
And the booklets will help you master a large number of outdoor games and spend fun and useful time at home and on the street at any time of the year. Participants are given thematic booklets.

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