Lyrics of songs about mom. educational and methodological material on music (preparatory group)

There is probably no concept closer, dearer and more intimate for us than mother. Even as adults, we still carefully store memories of her in our memory.

Natalya Faustova’s project “Lullabies for the whole family” has collected for you the lyrics of the best songs about mother, whose words touch something deep and important in the heart of each of us. You can also listen to many of these compositions online on our website.

Song "My Mom"

Performed by Assol.

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"My mom"

Lyrics of the song "My Mother"

You will wake me up at dawn, you will touch my hair tenderly. As always, you will kiss me lovingly. And a smile will warm me. When you are next to me I feel warm. And the soul is calm and light. In the whole world we are just you and me. And I sing about this, my mother.

My mom is the best in the world. She shines like the sun in my life. Mom is the best friend in the world. How I love the warmth of her hands. My mom is the best in the world. She shines like the sun in my life. Mom is the best friend in the world. How I love the warmth of her hands.

Mom, mom, my mom. Mom, mom, my mom. You will always understand and forgive everything. I know you don't sleep at night. Because you love me. Because I am your daughter. When you are next to me I feel warm.

And the soul is calm and light. In the whole world we are just you and me. And I sing about this, my mother.

My mom is the best in the world. She shines like the sun in my life. Mom is the best friend in the world. How I love the warmth of her hands.

My mom is the best in the world. She shines like the sun in my life. Mom is the best friend in the world. How I love the warmth of her hands. Mom, mom, my mom. Mom, mom, my mom.

Song "Mom and Daughter"

Performed by the children's choir "Fidgets".

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"About mother and daughter"

Lyrics of the song "Mom and Daughter"

Where there is spring, there are flowers and gifts, Good songs, familiar lines... On a clear day, mother and daughter are going for a walk in the park. A ray of sun, thin as in spring, Forgot about the frosts and blizzards. The girls in the class admire: “You and your mother are just like friends!”

Chorus: Mother and daughter - they are so similar! Mom and daughter are two drops of sunshine. Childhood goes away, goes away - and yet love remains forever in the heart!

The daughter is sad, the daughter does not know the answer, her soul is heavy and anxious. Mom will say with hope: “Dear! It’s possible to return everything, to fix everything!” Mom's voice, both gentle and stern, rings through us through the winds and losses. Mom and daughter are walking along the road - Along the road of love and trust.

Touching songs to tears for the most beloved mother from her daughter, words and videos

Who else, if not her daughters, understands how difficult and at the same time joyful the daily work of motherhood can be. After all, daughters will one day become mothers themselves and gain the most valuable and expensive experience in this life. Perhaps this is why songs about mothers performed by daughters are the most touching, and their beautiful words often bring everyone present at the holiday to tears. And even if surging emotions often prevent you from finishing a musical gift to the end, any mother still appreciates the attention from her beloved daughter. Next, we tried to collect for you the most touching songs for mother from daughter to tears (words and videos), which are suitable for both adult daughters and young daughters. Be sure to choose the most beautiful and tender composition for your mother, full of words of gratitude and love.

Song “My Dear Mommy”

Listen to the song

"My dear mommy"

Lyrics of the song “My Dear Mommy”

Most of all I love my Mommy, Dad, brother and sisters - my whole family. Every day I get up and sing a song About my best Mommy.

Chorus: My dear Mommy, The most beautiful, Tender, beloved Mommy.

The whole big family, we live together. We draw, we sing, we build a new house. We like to play billiards and volleyball, travel, swim and dive with a dolphin.


We congratulate mom on the spring holiday and give her roses - Delicate flowers, draw the sky, the sun and my family, and I’ll sing a song to my beloved mom.


Song “Mom is the first word”

Performer M. Boyarsky, L. Gurchenko and children's choir. Song from the film "Mama".

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"Mom is the first word"

Lyrics of the song “Mom is the first word”

Mom is the first word, the Main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, she gave peace to me and you.

It happens like this - on a sleepless night, Mom will slowly cry, How is her daughter, how is her son - Only in the morning will Mom fall asleep.

Mom is the first word, the Main word in every destiny. Mom earth and sky, Life gave me and you.

It happens - if suddenly grief or misfortune happens in your house, Mom - the best, most reliable friend - will always be by your side.

Mom is the first word, The main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave peace to me and to you.

It happens - you will become more mature and, like a bird, you will fly high. Whoever you are, know that for your mother you are, as before, dear baby.

Mom is the first word, The main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, gave peace to me and to you.

Song about mom “Baby Mammoth Song”

from the cartoon “Mom for a Baby Mammoth.” Performed by Klara Rumyanova.

Listen to a song about mom

"Song of the Baby Mammoth"

Lyrics of the song “Song of the Baby Mammoth”

Across the blue sea, to the green land I am sailing on my white ship. On your white ship, On your white ship.

Neither the waves nor the wind scare me, - I am sailing to the only mother in the world. I float through the waves and wind To the only mother in the world. I float through the waves and wind To the only mother in the world.

I want to get to the ground as quickly as possible, “I’m here, I’ve arrived!” I’ll shout to her. I'll scream to my mom, I'll scream to my mom...

Let mom hear, Let mom come, Let mom definitely find me! After all, this doesn’t happen in the world, for children to be lost. After all, this doesn’t happen in the world, for children to be lost.

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, naaa... Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, naaa...

Let mom hear, Let mom come, Let mom definitely find me! After all, this doesn’t happen in the world, for children to be lost. After all, this doesn’t happen in the world, for children to be lost.

Learn a good song with your baby

Learning a gentle and melodic song about mom with your child is an incredibly sweet activity! The baby will not only be able to develop memory and ear for music, but also please the closest and dearest person with a soulful song in his own performance.

Songs about mothers for children, learned together with their beloved parents, will help the child express his tender feelings for one of the people dearest to his heart - the person who gave him life. And this precious person for every child is his mother. This word sounds equally tender and loving in almost all languages ​​of the world. From time immemorial, it was mother who was praised by many poets and musicians, artists and sculptors. Only she has the most affectionate and warm hands, the mere touch of which can remove any sorrows and sorrows, relieve any pain - physical and mental.

Kind and heartfelt songs about mothers for children are one of the best gifts. A gentle child’s voice, carefully singing out the notes of such a song, will delight any mother.

Song "Mom"

Performer Stas Mikhailov

Listen to Stas Mikhailov's song


Lyrics of the song "Mom"

How much you experienced with me, mother, before I stood on my feet. How many sleepless nights did you stand, mother, did not sleep at the child’s crib. I didn’t sleep at the baby’s crib...

Chorus: My dear mother, the light of your eyes is everywhere next to me. I will go through life as a tramp, you, my beloved, protect me from trouble.

Don’t grow old, I ask you, dear mother, stay forever young. Even if it’s not with you today, but you hear, mom, I will return to you, my dear one. I will return to you, my dear one...

Chorus: My dear mother, the light of your eyes is everywhere next to me. I will go through life as a tramp, you, my beloved, protect me from trouble.

My dear mother, the light of your eyes is everywhere next to me. I will go through life as a tramp, you, my beloved, protect me from trouble.

My dear mother, the light of your eyes is everywhere next to me. I will go through life as a tramp, you, my beloved, protect me from trouble.

You protect me from trouble, my beloved. With your love, protect me from trouble.

Songs to my beloved mother from my son, words and videos

They say that it is impossible to meet the ideal man, but you can give birth to one. A son is not only a mother’s pride and joy, but also an opportunity to raise a worthy man and a wonderful family man. Needless to say, a son’s boundless love for his mother is also the result of proper upbringing and care. And since it is difficult for men to express their emotions openly, a song about mom remains an excellent congratulatory option. Touching songs for mommy from her son with words and videos that you will find below will help make a birthday, anniversary, wedding or Mother's Day a truly memorable event. Be sure to browse our selection and find your perfect mom-to-son song.

Song "Mom"

Performed by Svetlana Lazareva.

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Lyrics of the song "Mom"

There, far, far away in a quiet city In the middle of the earth, alone in a dark room, my Midnight pilgrim prays to God for my salvation. She prays for one thing: “God bless,” And wax candles burn in the window all night, So that my lost soul, having lost faith and love, finds Light. Mom, mom, you alone will not betray and will not stop loving, In this world and friend you will always be with me. I go to you alone in my heart, wounded, Mom, mom, you are my stone wall. The night is black, the path is unknown, the darkness is bottomless, And dark forces prophesy troubles for me, But two insomnia keep me in the darkness: The eyes of my mother, and even the Mother of God. They say that I have never been sad. Only you know, my dear. How many times, beaten by fate without pity, I survived with your prayers. That’s why troubles couldn’t break me, Because far, far away in the middle of the earth, my Midnight pilgrim prays to God for my salvation.

Beautiful songs about mom for adult children, video with music

The years fly by, and with them children grow and parents grow old. It often turns out that adult sons and daughters do not find time to call and talk with their mother once again. Eternal busyness and problems play a cruel joke, taking time away from those who truly deserve it, are truly proud of us and love us infinitely. Touching songs about mothers for adult children are not always the songs that can be given for Mother's Day, anniversary or birthday. Quite a lot of them include musical works addressed to mothers who have already passed away from this life. And even though their words will no longer be heard and touch the mother’s heart, they continue to touch those who will never be able to hug the most dear woman in the world. Therefore, appreciate your mothers while they are still close to you and can share their wise advice, give their warmth and care. Give them tender words and beautiful songs for the holidays and for no reason. After all, a song to mom is such a simple, but at the same time such an important manifestation of attention and love, which is subject to every loving child. And the lyrics of touching songs about mothers for adult children with videos, which you will find just below, will certainly help you with this. Take care and love your mommies!

Song “Oh, Mommy, on a sleigh”

Performed by the ensemble "White Day"

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“Oh, mommy, on a sleigh”

Lyrics of the song “Oh, Mommy, on a sleigh”

Mom told me about deceitful love, but I wasted my words in vain. I covered my ears. I didn’t listen to her. Oh, mom, mom, how right you were!

Chorus: Oh, mommy! I was sledding with the wrong person! Oh, why am I in polelyushka? I met Stickleback. Oh, mommy, why?

I sewed a white dress and did the perm. My head was spinning from love. But my friend Zinochka crossed the path. Oh, mom, mom, how right you were!


There were nights with downpours. There were long nights. And then the leaves fell. And on an autumn evening he met the city girl. Oh, mom, mom, how right you were!


I bought blue in a fashion store? And a handkerchief as green as grass I put up chaneshki and drowned the bathhouse Oh, mom, how right you were!


Mom told me about deceitful love, but I wasted my words in vain. I covered my ears. I didn’t listen to her. Oh, mom, mom, how right you were!


Song "Talk to me, mom"

Performed by Valentina Tolkunova

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"Talk to me, mom"

Lyrics of the song "Talk to me, Mom"

How long has it been since you sang songs to me? Bend over the cradle. But time flew by like a bird, And the thread to childhood was broken.

Talk to me, mom, talk about something, until the starry midnight, give me childhood again.

I am satisfied with my fate, I have come a long way in life. But sometimes I really want to look back into my childhood.

Talk to me, mom, talk about something, until the starry midnight, give me childhood again.

I will forever leave these fabulous minutes in my heart. Your quiet song is dearer to me than all the awards in the world.

Talk to me, mom, talk about something, until the starry midnight, give me childhood again.

Until the starry midnight, give me childhood again.

Song "Mom"

Performed by O. Gazmanov.

Listen to Oleg Gazmanov's song


Lyrics of the song "Mom"

In the midnight silence you sang songs to me And I smiled at you in my dreams Night clouds rocked in my arms And the river of time carried us into the distance Mom I always miss you Mom I walk and meet trains Mom I’m so sad without your warm hands In the shade of big birches naive children’s tears When I scolded both jokingly and seriously I got up and left without asking for forgiveness What a pity that I was once like that Mom I always miss you Mom I walk and meet trains Mom I’m so sad without your warm hands

I’m sometimes afraid that sadness will settle in my heart and I insist I’ll come back In those childhood years I know I’ll give everything To be with you forever forever Mom I always miss you Mom I walk and meet trains Mom I’m so sad without your warm hands Mom I’m without you I always miss Mom, I walk and meet trains. Mom, how sad I am without your warm hands.

Songs about mom for schoolchildren

1. “But I don’t notice the toys...” - lyrics. T. Grafchikova, music. Luchnikov. The words of this kind and slightly sad song are full of love and, if necessary, will help the child cope with temporary separation.

Well, how could this happen? Nobody will ask the children anything. And the fast train rushes along the rails, taking my mother somewhere. Well, who allowed children to remain without their mothers for so long? But I’m just a little bored, and soon my mother will come.

But I don’t notice the toys, I stubbornly repeat the same thing: “I’m waiting for you, I miss you, mom!” But I don’t notice the toys, I stubbornly repeat the same thing: “I’m waiting for you, I miss you, mom!”

And in life it often happens like this - Mom’s work is more important, but I miss her here so much, She can’t come again. And without you, so much has changed, And the sun shines so differently, But I just miss you a little, And soon my mother will come.

2. “Mom” - lyrics. Y. Bogacheva, music. S. Vedernikova. The lyrics to this and other songs often read like stories. They talk about what a lot of work it is and what a joy it is to be a mother.

You knit, or maybe you sew, Or maybe you cook your dinner. And there, outside the windows, the rain accidentally splashed out puddles. And there the bad weather and darkness thicken the heavenly colors. And the night puts on its tailcoat. And it's time to tell stories.

Oh, mom, mom, mom, sit down for a while, or something. Listen to what I want to tell you. Oh, mom, mom, mom, Well, do you want to get only A+ at school tomorrow?

The clock slows down, They also have to get up early in the morning. And there, outside the windows, the snow weaves lace from the snowstorm. And there, under the snowdrifts of the blizzard, a melted stream makes its way. And I won’t forget your hands, And your eyes, and your tired smile.

3. “The best” - words. O. Fadeeva, music. V. Ivannikova. This is a lullaby song for a mother from her now grown children. Her gentle, touching words are full of deep meaning and warmth.

Rocking us in the cradle, Mothers sang songs to us, And now it’s time for us to sing a song for our mothers. : Children all over the world Call the Dear, the Good, the Dearest, Mommy!

At night, the stars outside the window crumble like peas, Mom keeps our peace, We will fall asleep - she does not sleep.

We will grow up and we will take care of our mother ourselves, and in the meantime we will bring her Joy with our song.

Song "Mom, dear mother"

Music by A. Averkin, lyrics by I. Lashkov. Performed by Lyudmila Zykina.

Listen to the song

"Mom, dear mother"

Lyrics of the song "Mom, dear mother"

I always remember our house across the river. How are you living, dear? Open your heart to me. I am sending my letter to the tender, affectionate one. Mom, dear mother, how I love you.

I live on the border, where there is polar darkness. The wind is knocking on the windows, the snowstorm has covered the path. I am sending my letter to the tender, affectionate one. Mom, dear mother, how I love you.

You lean over my headboard, And I look with love into your dear features... I am sending my letter to the tender, affectionate one. Mom, dear mother, how I love you.

Mom, dear mother, how I love you.

Touching songs about mother for children, words and music

Little children love their mothers with the purest and most sincere love. But unfortunately, due to their age, they still do not know how to express such strong emotions in ordinary congratulations. It is much easier for children to sing a tender song about their mother, the lyrics of which will convey the entire huge range of feelings instead. Such songs are great for personal congratulations and for performances at themed concerts in kindergartens and schools dedicated, for example, to Mother’s Day. Below you will find a selection of tender songs about mothers for children of different ages with lyrics and videos.

Song "Mom-Mom"

Performed by Taisiya Povaliy.

Listen to the song

"Mom - Mommy"

Lyrics of the song "Mom - Mommy"

What a pity that our days fly, Alas, at an insane speed, It is impossible to turn back the pages of this story. Sometimes, changing cities, stubborn fate carries us, But we again rush to where we will be next to our mother. Mom is a dear, beloved mother, Mom is a mother, a vulnerable heart. Mom - mommy, don’t cry in the dark night, Mom - mommy, your daughter is with you.

What a pity that tender words will again be unsaid, But we are all forever connected with our mother by a thread of magic. We will appreciate every moment and wait for the meeting with excitement. You and I share the same heartbeat.

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