Summer fun for Children's Day in kindergarten in the senior group

Summer fun for Children's Day in kindergarten in the senior group

Summary of summer entertainment for older preschoolers of preschool educational institutions on Children's Day.

Author: Elena Petrovna Sukhareva, teacher at MBDOU No. 13 “Golden Key” in the city of Salsk, Rostov region. Description: This summary is intended for children 5-6 years old. The material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, as well as for parents. Goal: Creating conditions for a festive mood in children. Objectives: 1. Expand knowledge about the holiday “Children’s Day” . 2. Develop attention, dexterity, speed, and the ability to act on a signal in a team. 3. Foster feelings of mutual assistance, mutual assistance and collectivism during the event. Equipment: sports equipment (balls, hoops, etc.). Progress of the event: Educator.
Hello guys!
Do you know what day it is today? Today is the first day of summer. Summer is a time of relaxation, and you and I will walk more outdoors, play, and have fun. And on the first day of summer they celebrate the holiday of all children. This holiday is celebrated in all countries, which is why it is called “International Children's Day”. Do you know what this expression means? From whom and how should children be protected? And most importantly: who should protect children around the planet? Children's answers Educator:
(summarizes the children's answers) All adults should take care of children, because children, just like adults, have their own rights.
What are your rights? Children's answers Teacher:
(summarizes the children's answers) Well done, you made me happy with your answers. And an adult should be responsible for all this, and first of all your parents, because for every mother and for every father the most important thing is his beloved child. Guys, today is our holiday about him and about summer! Oh, music! What's happening?

Lots of balls! A lot of children! What's happening? Children's answers. Clown:
What a holiday!
What a day! Non-adults day! Children's Day! Children are good, Children are cool! Without children, life is not life, This is immediately clear! So let's play with you and have fun, because today is a holiday for all children. You are ready? Children:
Let's divide you into teams: “Grasshoppers” and “Bees”.

The first “Taxi” relay (participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger; task: run around the pin as quickly as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants) The team that completes the task first wins. You are ready? One, two, three, start the game!

How fast you are!!!
Second relay race “Guess the riddle”. My riddles are not simple, but clown-like. Listen carefully, answer quickly. The team that answers first will receive a chip. Ready? 1. In winter, in a den, a shaggy, club-footed... elephant dreams! (bear) 2. In its warm puddle A sparrow croaked loudly! (little frog) 3. From the palm tree down, onto the palm tree again... a cow deftly jumps! (monkey). 4. You put your ear to a flower, and in it is a! (bee)

Wow! How smart you are! Third relay race “Grasshoppers” (they jump on two legs to the pin, run around it and return to their teams as usual, passing the baton to the next one). Clown:
How bouncy you are!!!
The fourth attention relay is “Listen to the claps.” (one clap - “swallow”, two clap – “frog”). Clown:
How attentive you are!!!
Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” - Tell me, which of you, children, has been dreaming about summer for a whole year? - Who lies in the sun and moves his legs? - Who likes to play in the open air in the forest, on the river, in the field? - In the summer, who surprises everyone and plays in the sandbox? - Who is this trickster among you, who plays the ball better than anyone else? - Who likes to swim in rivers, and lakes, and seas? Clown:
How funny you are!!!
Relay race “Carry the ball”. (you need to carry the ball on the racket without dropping it on the ground).

How clever you are!!! I brought a surprise with me. Listen to the riddle: I have balls with me: Yellow, red, blue. Not on a thread, but in a pocket, In a long glass with a lid. If I just want, I will make the whole sky bloom. Each ball changes color, like a hello rainbow. They fly with the birds and melt in the blue of the sky. Well done!!!! Yes Yes Yes. These are soap bubbles!!! Let's have a soap bubble show with you! Really great, guys!

Children blow bubbles.

Girls and boys, you are so great! They showed how brave, dexterous, and fast you are. Friendly. Of course, friendship won! I advise you all to be friends. Don't you dare quarrel! Because you can’t live in the world without friends! Long live friendship! Hooray! Long live summer! Hooray! Long live the children! Hooray!

Once again, happy holiday to you, kids! Thank you for a wonderful holiday. You are funny and mischievous. Be happy, healthy and may the sky above you always be peaceful. The clown leaves, and the children continue to blow bubbles.

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Program objectives: to bring joy to children and guests of the holiday. Develop children's creative activity. Cultivate a polite, friendly attitude towards each other. Expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Materials and equipment: music center; CDs with music; colorful handkerchiefs; ribbon for the game “Liana”; toys “Bunny”, “Fox”, “Bear”; rattles; blanket for the game “Bees and the Breeze”; hat; bubble.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter. Hot summer has come to us, Birds are chirping in the garden. And now the sunlight streams through the open window. We were waiting for you, honey, and calling you with songs. May these summer days come soon. Sun, sun, brighter, we will welcome guests.

The clown Toffee runs in.

Toffee. Hey boys, hey girls, Why are you sitting on the sidelines? Everyone call me Toffee and bring me treats. Presenter. Wow! She came and didn’t say hello, but treat her quickly! No, Irisochka, that’s not good! Toffee. What's not good at all?
OK! We'll have to fix everything! Come on, put your palms up. Now I’ll say hello to everyone in one fell swoop. Children put out 1 palm. Toffee runs and slaps everyone's hand.

Presenter. Well, that's a completely different matter! Toffee, do you know that today is our “Summer Holiday”? Toffee. It doesn't feel like a holiday at all. Presenter. Why so? Toffee. Because on a holiday you’re supposed to be naughty and play, but you don’t have any of that. Presenter. And here it is! And now we invite you to go on an amazing journey to the Colorful Country. And we will fly there on an extraordinary aircraft, a laughter plane!

Let's fly with you today, on a cheerful laughter plane! (Children stand up) Fasten your seat belts! (They fasten them in) Turn on the engines! (Press their noses) Wings to the side! (Hands to the side, flying)

Presenter. Let's fly on a laughter plane! Toffee. Hee ha ha! Hee ha ha! Presenter. Dima, Lera, Sonya, Vanya! Toffee. Hee ha ha! Hee ha ha! Presenter. To the Colorful Country! Toffee. Hee ha ha! Hee ha ha! Presenter. We'll fly. Oh, come on! Toffee. Hee ha ha! Hee haha! Presenter. Guys, we flew to the Land of Colors and immediately found ourselves in the Magic Forest.

It’s not leaves that grow on birch trees, but multi-colored miracle handkerchiefs. All handkerchiefs are good, We will dance with them from the heart.

A round dance is performed with handkerchiefs.

Presenter. Guys, Iriska, look at the thickets we came across on the way. We need to crawl under them.

Game "Liana"

(Two adults hold a stretched tape, children crawl under it, gradually lower the tape lower and lower) Presenter. Well done boys! But what is it? Do I see someone's footprints?! Let's follow the tracks and see whose they are?

They're following in the footsteps

Presenter. Guys, who left traces here? Children: Bunny. Presenter. The Bunny jumped and got tired, and dozed off under a bush. We'll start a round dance and sing a song to the Bunny.

The round dance “GRAY BUNNY” is performed.

Presenter. Guys, I see someone else's tracks. Children: Chanterelles. Presenter. Here the Fox ran through, handing out rattles. I gave it to Dima, I gave it to Nikita, I gave it to Alena, etc. (Hands out) We'll take the rattles and start dancing with them.

"Dance with Rattles" is performed.

Presenter. Well, who was passing here, Who was beckoning the kids with his paw?

Children: Bear.

Host: That's right, Mishka is clubfooted.

Game "Bear the Bear in the Forest."

Baby Bear sits in a den. The children and the leader go to Mishka and sing. The Teddy Bear child catches up with the children, the children run away to their places.

Presenter. How can we go further, Sea, waves on the way.

Game "The sea is agitated once."

Presenter. The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three... 1. Show me how a cat washes itself. (To music) 2. Show me the funny piglets. (Piglets, tails) 3. Show how you drive a car. (To music) Presenter. Guys, in the Land of Colors there are many flowers growing and now we will turn into bees, we will fly, and when the breeze blows, we will hide in flowers.

Game "Bees and the Breeze"

Bees fly as the wind blows, children hide under a blanket held by two adults.

Presenter. The nimble Veterok-prankster brought us a hat for the holiday.

Game "Hat". The children are in a circle, Toffee puts on a hat to everyone in turn, while the music stops, he goes to dance with Toffee, the rest clap their hands. The game repeats itself.

Presenter. To make it more interesting, we will all dance together.

The dance “Colorful Game” is performed.

Presenter. Guys, what is this? It seems we are caught in a soap storm.

Game "Soap Storm". (Children burst soap bubbles that Toffee blows).

Presenter. Well, we’ve dealt with the soap storm and it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. We'll go by train.

Game "Train".

Presenter. Well, Iriska, did you enjoy traveling with us? Toffee. Guys, thank you, I attended a real summer festival. I had a lot of fun and interesting time. And I will certainly come to your kindergarten again someday.

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