How to make a quest for children: a detailed guide for parents

I really want to make my child’s birthday special and memorable. Give not only things, but also bright emotions. Children love excitement and adventure. They love to win!

The game gives them all this! At the same time, the game helps to develop and show ingenuity.

The quest “In Search of Treasures” is a real-time adventure game that can be easily organized in an apartment, country house or school. Preparation will take no more than an hour, because the script is already fully thought out and ready for use.

Have you decided to organize a quest at home for your child’s birthday? You are already two steps away from this.

  1. To whom, where and on what occasion will a quest be appropriate.
  2. Scenario and design of the quest.
  3. How to order and conduct.
  4. Buy a quest.

To whom, where and on what occasion will a quest be appropriate.

The quest tasks are designed for children from 8 to 14 years old. But this is the recommended age. If desired, adults can also participate. Some clues will be even more difficult for them to guess than for children.

Most tasks are designed in two difficulty levels. This way you can select tasks that are optimal in difficulty based on the age of the players.

The quest itself is about finding treasures. This makes it the perfect multi-stage competition for a pirate party.

But you don’t have to get attached to the pirate theme. It is appropriate to conduct a quest at any birthday, party, New Year or other holiday.

The tasks (tips) of the quest are designed so that it can be organized in any apartment, house, school or cafe.

There are 3 methods available:

  • Walking alone. This way you can give a gift to a little birthday boy or a fully grown loved one.
  • Group passage. Participants solve puzzles together, step by step approaching the treasured “treasures”.
  • Team competition. All hints have two options: the tasks are the same, but the key places (hides) are different. Teams solve clues parallel to each other, trying to get ahead of their opponents and be the first to find the “treasure”.

Rules for creating object search quests

To understand how to create quests yourself, you need to look around your apartment and find places where you can hide objects. Of course, everyone’s conditions will be different, so there can be no general rules. But we will help you decide on the procedure for drawing up a real quest that will make your guests or the birthday boy think and work hard before he receives the gift. Agree that this is much more interesting, and besides, it will become part of the holiday program.

The quest can be organized in kindergarten or in a school classroom, on the street or on the playground. It is very interesting to complete the quest while in a children's camp. Look around carefully, outline areas in which it will be interesting to look for objects. This could be an ordinary window sill, a closet, a place under curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths hanging to the floor, places under beds, tables. The more zones, the better.

The gift or prize must be hidden at the very end of all areas. If there are several gifts, for example, you bought many different necessary items, or guests brought gifts, then as you progress through the quest, the prizes can be placed in different zones.

For each zone you can come up with different tasks. They can be very simple, accessible to small children. If the quest is intended for an adult, the tasks may become more complicated.

Description of tasks and quest design

If you wish, you can start the quest by handing over a letter from Captain John Howard (included with the quest).

The letter can be printed, rolled up and placed in a bottle of rum or wine, leaving the edge outside so that you can actually get it out. Then give it to the participants. Or simply give the letter, and after reading, hand over the first task (hint).

The adventure game consists of 10 stages (chapters). They have a strict sequence.

Here's what the printed assignments look like.

Descriptions of tasks and code words that need to be guessed - they indicate the places where the next clues are hidden.

Tasks (tips)Code words (answers)
1We are packing for sailing . Crossword on a pirate theme. The difficult level uses a verbal description of the hidden words, and the easy level uses pictures. Cushion, stool, nightstand
2We are recruiting a team . Based on the description, choose the correct pirates + anagram in the complex version. Album, magazine
3In the sea. Find the differences in the pictures. Option 1: window sill, vase, chair.
Option 2: painting, fruit, flower pot
4Treasure map. Put the puzzle together. Kettle, briefcase
5Enemy ship. Count the enemy forces on the other pirate ship (men, cannons, gunpowder, cannonballs). Bread, watch
6Sea battle. Strike an enemy ship at the given coordinates. Decanter, umbrella
7Repairing the ship. Find all damaged parts of the ship. Dictionary, poster
7On the way to the island. Complete the maze + anagram in the difficult version. Pan, battery
9Gifts to the gods of the island . Find words that combine groups of pictures. Envelope, diary
10Treasures are just a stone's throw away . Puzzle. Box, hanger

Stages of the quest at home

Organizing a quest yourself is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to show imagination and think through the stages. For example, after the “midge” is caught, the participant reads the message on it:

“We don’t need the bag anymore,

Someone is cold, has a cold,

Waiting for help.

Raise your legs higher."

The player must remove the bag, and raising his legs high, look for the source of the cold. In any home this is a refrigerator. You can put a small soft toy in it.

You can wrap a ribbon or scarf around the neck of the toy, under which you can place another note:

"I've been lying here for many days,

Heal me quickly.

I need jam and a poem"

The participant recites the poem and looks for jam in the kitchen. The following clue is placed under the lid of the jar. The note can also be tied on the outside so that it does not get dirty.

“The forest is burning, there is a fire all around,

Get out, my friend!

Don't touch the floor

Save yourself quickly!”

The task is to get out of the kitchen without stepping on the floor. To do this, you can use stools, chairs, tables, bedside tables, or, in extreme cases, overturned pots that you can step on.

All this happens to the accompaniment of encouraging applause, shouts from the guests, and you can turn on upbeat music. At the exit, in a suitable place, the participant receives a new note. You can attach it with tape to the door, hang it on a thread, or make a small airplane that will appear at the player’s feet at the right moment.

How to order and conduct.

The quest is a set of pictures with an introductory letter from the captain and 4 PDF files (opened through any Internet browser): easy version tasks on 23 pages, difficult version tasks on 23 pages, answers on 5 pages and instructions on 4 pages.

After payment, the quest materials are sent to your email inbox.

You will have to print the assignments yourself on a color or black and white printer.

Assignment - the puzzle will need to be cut with scissors along the existing lines or into pieces of any shape at your discretion.

Place the printed clues into hiding places and you can begin. More detailed instructions and tips are available in the quest materials.

The final stages of the home quest

The route can be as long and difficult as your imagination allows. But we don’t recommend making it too long, as participants usually get exhausted pretty quickly. You should not come up with overly complex or dangerous tasks that could lead to injury or property damage. At the last stage, the participant receives the most difficult task of the entire quest. For example, having got out of the “burning forest”, he receives a note that says:

“Our table is bursting with dishes,

Be smart here.

Take the first letters

Understand the right word.

Your gift is there

Waiting to see who will run up first"

After this, the participant is blindfolded and offered to try those dishes that begin with the required letters. For example, a gift is hidden in the kitchen. The following products are prepared:

  • potato;
  • dill;
  • halva;
  • Nutella or Napoleon
  • apple.

Each subsequent product is given to try only after the dish is named and the first letter is highlighted. If the gift is hidden in the bedroom, then select:

  • cheese;
  • parsley or pie;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • Nutella or Napoleon
  • apple.

If you don’t have a dish, you can skip the letter, complicating the task. The player will have to guess. Then he goes to the indicated place and looks for his gift there. You can specify the place by selecting products with the first letters that will become a hint. After the word is guessed, everyone who guessed it can run for the gift. Thereby creating a stir and encouraging the birthday person to take action.

There are many options for creating such quests; you can add your own conditions, diversify the tasks and come up with other tips. The main thing is to understand the essence, find an idea. Organizing holidays is a creative and exciting business. Give joy to your loved ones!

Look at an example of a quest created at home?

Walkthrough of the “Pirate Treasure” quest in Genshin Impact

the Ordo Favonius headquarters, a puzzled Kaeya asks to meet with the heroes in a nearby garden so as not to attract too much attention.

During a conversation in the garden, we learn that the cavalry captain is looking for an old family heirloom, a sword that has unprecedented power. It lies somewhere in ancient ruins, near which marauders were recently seen.

Quest “Keya's Problems”

First we need to find out more about the ruins, for this we need to go to the Adventurers Guild . They are nearby and communicate near the entrance to Cyrus .

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to get anything out of Cyrus , but we noticed that he was eavesdropping on our conversation. After the conversation, we need to return to Kayi and tell him about our “successes”. But the cavalry captain did not sit idly by and obtained several clues. Some of them lead to informants on the black market; we will meet one of these in the forest near Mondstadt.

Quest “The Secret of the Ruins of Arcadia”

We go out of town to meet an informant and learn something new about the mysterious pirate treasure. Having reached the place, we see how a handful of monsters attack the informant and protect her. After which she shares with us the first clue about the treasure.

This is one of the mills in Mondstadt that overlooks the statue of the Archon. We use the teleport to the city so as not to waste time.

To easily get to the desired mill, we climb onto the neighboring one and jump from it. If you don’t understand what kind of building it is and how to get there, you can watch the video walkthrough starting at 11 minutes and 30 seconds. Next we find a new clue that leads us outside the city.

Since the area you want is initially hidden (if you play sequentially through quests and don't run all over the map to open it), you will need to first visit the Archon statue to open the area. I demonstrate this in the video.

Having opened the desired territory, go along the indicated arrow, it will be a small ledge with cryo-totems, after activation of which a chest will appear in front of you.

The riddle seems difficult due to the fact that you are initially at the bottom and the entire territory does not open up in front of you, but from above you will immediately understand everything at once.

In the chest there will be a note waiting for you with the entry point to the ruins of Arcadia located on the outskirts of the Valley of the Winds . Again we use the nearest teleport on the Temple of the Lion . The quest will appear on the map, so you don’t need to look for this place.

Upon entering, we can see possible rewards and recommended elements, as well as the recommended level - 10. Everything should match for you and there should be no difficulties during the passage.

Inside, you may encounter a challenge where you need to defeat 6 enemies in 60 seconds , while the braziers work next to you and make the Fire Slimes stronger. Use Kay's and Lisa's to quickly kill enemies and open the passage.

Next we meet the same treasure thieves who had previously eavesdropped on our conversation with Cyrus in Mondstadt . As it turns out later, Kaya set up everything and no family heirloom exists, he simply lured a looter into a trap and wants to arrest him.

At the end we will fight the Ruin Guardian and finish the quest. Kaya, as an apology to Paimon, will give us the sword “Harbinger of the Dawn ,” which at the time of our passage will be a good weapon for the main character.

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