48 short carols for Maslenitsa for children for school

Maslyanitsa songs and chants:

GOODBYE, Maslyanitsa!

(“Izmailovskaya Sloboda”)

Bye Bye! Goodbye, butterfly! You didn’t come on Wednesday, and not on Friday. You came on Sunday, our fun is over. We rode down the mountain From dawn to dusk, And today is Sunday, Our fun is over. Farewell, farewell, And come again next year!


Maslenitsa is a deceiver

(chant while burning the oil effigy)

Oh, you, Maslenitsa, you are a liar! She deceived me, cheated her, and didn’t let her have fun! Go away, Winter, go to bed, Send Spring! Goodbye, Maslenitsa! / 3 times



Maslenitsa, I'm walking! Oh, I'm walking, Lyuli, I'm walking. I'm walking, I don't lose heart, Oh, I don't lose heart, Lyuli, I don't lose heart. Maslenitsa, wry neck! Oh, torticollis, lyuli, torticollis! Let's see you off well! Oh, good, Lyuli, good! Oh, buttery, oh, little fat, oh! Pokurguzka, lyuli, pokurguzka! Let's see you off, oh, it's going to get heavy, oh! It will become heavy, Lyuli, it will become heavy. Oh, oily, oh, Canada, oh! Canada, people, Canada! Stretch yourself, oh, at least to the point of your spirit, oh! At least to the spirit, Lyuli, at least to the spirit. Oh, buttery, oh, deceiver, oh! Deceiver, lyuli, deceiver! We'll give you, oh, for a monk, oh! For the monk, Lyuli, for the monk. Oh, olive, oh, polysukha, oh! Polyzuha, lyuli, polysuha! She licked it, oh, chicken eggs, oh! Chicken eggs, lyuli, chicken eggs. Oh, olive, oh, polysukha, oh! Polyzuha, lyuli, polysuha! I licked the cheese and butter, oh! Cheese and butter, lyuli, cheese and butter. Cheese and butter, oh, chicken eggs, oh! Chicken eggs, lyuli, chicken eggs! Oh, chicken eggs, oh, and loaf, oh! Karavaets, lyuli, karavaets. Record


Aha, it's clear! Yeah, red! Why did you bring it to us? Woohoo! Old grandmothers like a pancake, And girls like a little one... Wow! And the girls don't care about the little ones, the little kids don't care about the testicles... Woo-hoo! Entry 1 | Entry 2 | Entry 3


And we are waiting for Maslenitsa, waiting. We look out the window and take a look. We'll see the cheese and butter in our eyes, we'll see it. Our Maslenitsa is annual, annual. She is a dear guest, dear. She doesn’t come to us on foot, she doesn’t come to us. Everything is driving around in cars, driving around. You, Maslenitsa, torticollis, torticollis, Oh, and we will meet you well, well. We are covering the mountain with pancakes, covering it. Drizzle oil on top and pour. Like the cheese makes the mountain become steeper and steeper, But the butter makes the mountain clearer and clearer. Oh, you, Maslenitsa, reach out, reach out! You grab onto the oak tree, grab onto the deck, grab onto it! Entry 1 | Entry 2 | Entry 3 | Entry 4 | Entry 5


And we waited for Maslyanitsa, We waited, dear soul, we waited! They stacked the mountain with cheese and butter, stacked it, soulfully, stacked it! And we celebrated Maslyanitsa, celebrated, dear souls, celebrated! Oh, Maslanitsa, stretch out, stretch out, soul, stretch out! And we were waiting for Maslyanitsa...


Oh-and, Maslanitsa, show yourself! We've been waiting for you again. Oh, with cheese, with butter, with bread, with honey. Oh-and, Shrovetide is fair! Oh and Maslenitsa, reach out! Oh, and, grab a stump, a birch tree! Oh, they said, Maslyanoy is seven years old. And our Maslyanaya has seven days. Oh-and, Shrovetide, the honorable one! Oh-and, Maslyanitsa, reach out! Oh, and catch on a stump, on a birch tree! Record


And we were waiting for Maslenitsa! They stacked the mountain with cheese and butter! Oh, you, Maslenitsa, stretch out and cling to the white birch tree! And we waited for Maslenitsa...


Dear Maslenitsa is coming, Our annual guest, Yes, on painted sleighs, Yes, on black horses, Maslenitsa lives for seven days, Stays for seven years.


Oh, they said Maslyanoy - Seven weeks, seven weeks. Left Butter - One day, one day. Oily, happy Reach out until the Great Day.


And we saw off Maslyanitsa, we saw off our darling, we lost, we lost And we buried in a hole, we buried And we trampled on the hole, trampled on Lie down, Maslanitsa, all year long, all year long In a year we will dig you up, we will dig you up And we will roll you back, we will roll you out You are Maslanitsa, torticollis, torticollis We will give you a good, good show. Record


(short) And we saw off Maslenitsa. Often, everyone sighed importantly for it: Oh, you, Maslenitsa, come back! You will reach out until the red summer! And we saw off Maslenitsa!


Blaaslavi, mother, call for the sun! Early, early, call for the sun! Call for Viasna to say goodbye to winter! Sooner, sooner, see off the winter! Say goodbye to winter - cut off summer! Sooner, sooner, start the summer! The winter one goes into a cart, the little one goes into a wreath! Sooner, sooner, fly into the wreath! The girls sat and curled their flowers. Sooner or later, they curled their flowers. The Vyankas were curling, calling to the vyasna, Early, early, calling to the vyasna! We bid farewell to winter and said goodbye to summer! Sooner, sooner, summer has begun! The winter one goes into a cart, the little one goes into a shuttle! Sooner, sooner, little flight - into the shuttle! Record


(Each line is repeated twice)

Give me the key, God! Open the veil. Close the winter. Winter on the cart, on the bottom of the shelf. Viasna is in the chalnochka, And summer is in the carriage.


Russian folk songs about Maslenitsa, lyrics

In folk songs on Maslenitsa, they most often sing about abundance, and this is no coincidence. After all, the holiday of farewell to winter in Rus' marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle, on the success of which both the well-being and the very survival of people depended.

Songs about Maslenitsa

Come visit us, Maslenitsa, in the wide yard - ride in the mountains, roll in pancakes, amuse your hearts!

Songs about Maslenitsa

Wide Maslenitsa, We boast about you, We ride in the mountains, We overeat on pancakes! Spring is not spring, But winter is gone. I baked pancakes, But you refused.

My friend and I were walking, we covered a mountain with cheese, we covered it all with pancakes, we poured butter on top!

Like during Shrovetide week, pancakes flew from the table, and cheese, and cottage cheese - Everything flew under the threshold!

Girls, Oiler is coming! Who will take us for a ride? In Petrushka's yard, Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white-legged, stay with us a little, for a week, for a day, for a single hour!

But abundance is not only the fertility of the earth, but also the birth of children. Therefore, Maslenitsa songs talk about love and harmony in the family. In the old days, brides' viewings and engagements were celebrated on this holiday. There are also special children's songs.

Songs of Maslenitsa

Burn and burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out. Here are Susleniki, here are Masleniki! She came out young through the new gates, Here are the Susleniki, here are the Masleniki!

She released the young from the right sleeve, Here are the Susleniki, here are the Masleniki!

From the right sleeve of a rock dove. Here are Susleniki, here are Masleniki!

You fly, fly, my dove, high and far, Here are the gophers, here are the Masleniki!

High and far away, right on a friend’s porch. Here are Susleniki, here are Masleniki!

You tell my friend to go for pancakes, Susleniki are here, Masleniki are here!

So that he goes to pancakes until the evening before dawn. Here are Susleniki, here are Masleniki!

They also sang sad songs on Maslenitsa. Winter has always been a difficult time, and when it ended, our ancestors remembered loved ones who did not have the chance to meet spring. Pancakes are a traditional dish at the Slavic funeral table. But Maslenitsa is a fun holiday, so in revenge on Winter they arrange a mock funeral for her and burn an effigy, rejoicing at the arrival of Spring and the onset of warmth.

Oh, you field duck, Field duck, cherished, field duck, Where did you spend the night, Spent the night, cherished, spent the night? “I spent the night by the forest, By the forest, cherished, by the forest, Under the broom bush, Under the bush, cherished, under the bush. I brought you cheese with butter, Cheese with butter, leli, cheese with butter. Yes, I buried that hole, I buried it, I buried it, I buried it. Lie down, butter, and for the summer, Yes, for the summer, lie down, and for the summer. While there will be a year round, a year round, cherished, a year round.”

Round dances:


Bless, mother, cut the veil! And the curly green sycamore! Say goodbye to the weather, see off the winter! And the curly green sycamore! Say goodbye to the winter, call the summer! And the curly green sycamore! Come, it's clear! Come, red one! And the curly green sycamore! Viasna-red, what did you come with? And the curly green sycamore! What did you come with, what did you arrive with? And the curly green sycamore! On the plow, on the harrow. And the curly green sycamore! Ferment, spring, thick life! And the curly green sycamore! The life is thick and spiky! And the curly green sycamore! So that grain is as big as a bucket, straw is as big as a bucket! And the curly green sycamore! To bake pies with FAQ! And the curly green sycamore! Bake pies, brew beer! And the curly green sycamore! Let's brew some beer, we're getting a ripple of sunshine, and the green curly sycamore! They want us to marry, give away the girls! And the curly green sycamore! Water is spilling in the meadow. And the curly green sycamore! The veil is in full bloom outside! And the curly green sycamore! Record


Oh, my pancakes, my pancakes, you, my pancakes. I baked pancakes on four sides. Nobody takes pancakes, Nobody takes them for free. Only the gray pig sniffed and passed. A fire is burning across the river, The pig's stomach hurts. Across the river the fire went out, and the pig's belly was swollen. My heart and liver hurt, A girl lives across the river. If only there was a boat, I would move there. Rita-rita-rita-ta, A cat married a cat. For Kot-Kotovich, For Pyotr Petrovich The cat had a dashing stepmother. She beat the cat and said: On your dad, on your back paw. Eat the cat, don’t drag it, Dad, don’t ask for more! Eat! Record


Like on Mastiff Week, pancakes went to handicrafts. Chorus: My pancakes, pancakes, You are my pancakes. My pancakes, pancakes, butter pancakes. Like on oil days the other day I was visiting my godfather. Chorus. The four of us sat down at the table and gave our darling some space. Chorus. We all sat down together and cracked two hundred pancakes. Chorus. Like my godmother Tatyana, she rushes about from pancakes like she’s drunk. Chorus. We saw Yagor's godfather - He was pooping at the fence. Chorus. We saw godfather Thomas - He is going to yum. Chorus. Riding a pig with a balalaika on his back. Chorus. Balalaika fell and hit the pig on the hump. Chorus. Entry 1 | Entry 2


My sauerkraut went around the hut, Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, it went around the hut! She walked through the hut and reached the door. Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, I’ve reached the door! She reached the door and opened the door. Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, I opened the doors! I opened the doors and let the hut cool down. Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, I’ve chilled the hut! My godfather had a sister who was an expert at baking pancakes. Well, well, well, well, well, well, yes, she’s a master at baking pancakes! She baked pancakes for four pans. Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, for four frying pans! I baked six piles of them, but seven couldn’t eat them. Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, seven can’t eat them! The four of us sat down at the table and gave my darling some space. Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, they gave my darling some space! They looked at each other and all ate pancakes. Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, and everyone ate pancakes! Ting-ting-ting, give me some blink! Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, give me the blink! It’s like pancakes flew straight into your mouth during Maslant Week. Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, pancakes flew straight into your mouth! You are my pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes! Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, you are my pancakes! My sauerkraut has gone all over the hut! Well, yes, well, yes, well, yes, well, she went around the hut! Record


Curl up, fence, braid, Curl up, golden trumpet! Guess what, young godfather! A duck came out with small children... (the chorus is repeated in a circle while the round dance “braids” and “unravels”)


Oh, the blue sea shook, the white fish quivered. Oh, the white fish perked up, How the fishermen learned about that little fish, Oh, how the fishermen learned about that little fish, You fishermen, catchers, Moscow merchants. Oh, you catchers, catchers, Moscow merchants! They threw silk nonsense, Oh, they threw silk nonsense, They took the white fish out of the water, Oh, they took the white fish out of the water, They took it out, they began to ask: Oh, they took it out, they began to ask: “Are you okay, fish, without water?” Oh, is it good for you, fish, without water, and for me, butterfly, without my dear friend? Oh, what about me, a butterfly, without a dear friend, without a cute one, without a pretty one? Oh, without cute, without pretty? I walked along the bank, Oh, I walked along the bank, I crushed the Chernobyl grass, Oh, I crushed the Chernobyl grass, I killed the gray geese: Oh, I killed the gray geese: - Tega, geese, tag, gray ones, home! Oh, tega, geese, tega, gray, home! Isn't it time for you to swim, Oh, isn't it time for you to swim, And for me, a butterfly, to cry? Oh, should I, a butterfly, cry? I cried, I cried, Oh, I cried, I cried, I haven’t seen my dear one for a long time. Oh, I haven’t seen my sweetheart for a long time, I saw him and was scared. Oh, I saw it, I was scared, My dear one began to joke, Oh, my dear one began to joke - Pinch his white face. Oh, pinch my white face, Don’t pinch my white face. Oh, don't pinch my white face! My face is flushed, Oh, my face is flushed, My mother is quick-witted. Oh, my quick-witted mother - When I come home, she'll guess, Oh, when I come home, she'll guess, Why does my face flare up: Oh, why does my face flare up - Either from beer, or from green wine, Oh, either from beer, or with green wine, Either she was with a sweetheart in company, Oh, or she was with a sweetheart in company, I drank sweet vodka - a liqueur. Oh, sweet vodka - I drank a liqueur, Sweet aniseed vodka, Oh, sweet aniseed vodka, My painted cow. Oh, my painted cow, Painted, painted, Oh, painted, painted, Painted in a portrait. Oh, drawn on a portrait, And from a portrait onto a piece of paper, Oh, and from a portrait onto a piece of paper, And from a piece of paper onto a cap. Oh, and from the piece of paper onto the cap, Violent winds came from the mountain, Oh, violent winds came from the mountain, They tore the cap from my head. Oh, they tore the cap off my head, the blue sea shook... Oh, the blue sea shook... Recording


Oh, you wide Maslanitsa! Yes, I drank myself away and spluttered! And when will we spin finely, and when will we weave often? Eh, they don’t spin finely anymore! Eh, tapericha is often not woven. And on Saturday they wash in the bathhouse, on Sunday there is a feast in the market. I’ll go to a feast in the market, I’ll buy silk for a ruble, I’ll weave a rope for the bull and throw it around his horns. I’ll lead the bull to the fair, tie him to the apple tree. Eh, the merchants are walking around, they look at the bull, They grab him by the barrel: How young is the bull! Oh, the beef will be delicious! Record


Mother Spring is coming, open the gates! The first March came, saw all the children, And behind him - and April opened the window and the door. And when May came, walk as much as you want! Mother Spring walks alone through the fields and forests. The first time we say goodbye, the second time it is forbidden, and the third time we won’t let you through!


On the street is Yorzhitsa, on the street is Yorzhitsa, On the street is Yorzhitsa, there is a storm in the yard, On the street is Yorzhitsa, in the yard there is a storm, It is not the storm that is sweeping - cold dew is pouring. It’s not the snowstorm that’s sweeping, it’s the cold dew that’s pouring, The cold dew is pouring, it’s walking along the sweet dew. Cold dew pours, walks through sweet dew, walks through sweet dew, caragod leads the girls. He walks through the sweet dew, Karagod leads the girls, And all the girls are good, the little sluts are pretty. And all the girls are good, the sluts are pretty, one girl is talkative, she spoke sweetly. One girl was talkative and spoke sweetly: “Oh, you, my dear darling, don’t go to someone else!” - Oh, you, dear, dear, don’t go to someone else, Don’t go to someone else, come to me alone! Don’t go to another one, come to me alone, Come to me alone, don’t knock. Come to me alone, don’t knock, Don’t knock, just scratch yourself! Don't knock, just scratch yourself! The handy cat scratched through the window. The handy cat scratched through the window, And my dad was old, sleeping on the bed. And my dad was old, sleeping on the bed: - Hey, you, dear daughter! You bridle the fire! Hey, you, dear daughter! You bridle the fire! “Isn’t it the devil, Dad, asking you at night?” “Isn’t it the devil, Dad, asking you at night?” Oh, come on, get lost! Let's get together for a fight! Oh, come on, get lost! Let's get together for a fight! As the light began to dawn, I began to think. It began to dawn towards the light, I began to think, I began to think, where should I put the cat? I began to think about where I should put the cat? I’ll put the cat in the hem and carry him out into the yard. I’ll put the cat in the hem, I’ll carry him into the yard, I’ll carry him into the yard, I’ll put him on the fence. I’ll carry him into the yard and put him on the fence. The cat ran and ran, and the fence shook. The cat ran and ran and the fence shook. The fence crushed both calves and lambs. The fence crushed calves and lambs, and calves and lambs, still little children. And calves, and lambs, even little guys, And we will exchange the old people for bulls. And we will exchange old old men for bulls, And we will exchange old old women for heifers. And we will exchange old ladies for heifers, And we will exchange little guys for lambs.

Games with descriptions:


Everyone stands in a circle. “Yasha” is blindfolded and spun around in the middle of the circle. “Masha’s” task is to dodge “Yasha”, like in blind man’s buff, but periodically raise his voice. If “Yasha” catches her, he must, blindfolded, determine who is in front of him. Determines - kisses. If he doesn’t determine it, “Masha” returns to the circle, and “Yasha” will never know who played with him.

Circle, moving in a round dance: Yasha, Yasha, Where are you, where are you? Masha, Masha... (stops) “Masha” (in a thin voice): Here... here...


Two people stand facing each other, holding hands (both hands). Hands are raised so that the rest of the game participants can pass under them. The rest of the participants in a line, holding hands, take turns under the double “gates” and sing a song:

The duck walked along the bank, the gray one walked along the steep, led the children behind her, both small and large, middle and small, you, ducks, ducks, ducks, ducks, ducks! Where have you gone, gone, gone, you guys? If only the forest would be overgrown, and if only the light would become brighter!

At the words “if only the light would change,” the gates lower and catch the one who ends up inside the clasped hands. The caught one joins the catchers, becomes the third in the circle and also raises the “collar”. With each round, the number of catchers grows, the circle increases and, accordingly, more people from the string are caught. It is important for the leader of the line - the “duck” - not to run under the gates and lead everyone else behind him as quickly as possible, but, on the contrary, to confuse his “ducklings”, enter one gate, exit another and immediately enter the next. They play until the majority of participants are caught and become “catchers”.



Participants stand in a circle, holding hands. To the song, the “duck” (girl) runs away from the “drake” (guy). They run around and inside the circle. Those standing in the circle “open the gate” for the duck (raise their hands up) and “close” it in front of the drake, not allowing him into or out of the circle. The drake's task is to catch the duck and kiss her. Then a new pair comes into play. Etc. You can have the previous “duck” choose a new game from the circle of the new “drake” for a new game, and the latter is already looking for a partner—the “duck.”

The drake chases the duck, the young one chases the gray duck. Come, gray duck, go home, go, gray duck, go home! You have seven children, the eighth is a drake, the ninth is a duck, the tenth is a goose, you have never been home, you have lost your children!



Participants stand in a circle, holding hands. A “bunny” runs around inside the circle. Trying to break out of the circle while the first four lines of the song are being sung. If you can’t escape, you stay in the circle. At the lines “Come on, little bunny, jump sideways, in front of our round dance,” everyone in the circle claps their hands, and the “bunny” jumps. In the words “Come on, bunny, turn around, bow to whomever you love!” chooses a couple from the circle (boy - girl, girl - guy), and brings him to the center of the circle. In the words “don’t play around anymore, kiss again!” — kisses the cheeks three times. The partner becomes the new “bunny”, the old one takes a place in the circle.

Little gray little bunny, little white little bunny There's nowhere for a little bunny to jump out, No place for a gray one to jump out Here the cities are Turkish, The locks are German Come on, little bunny, sideways before our round dance Come on, little bunny, turn around, Bow to the one you love Don't fool around anymore, kiss again / 2 times


Participants line up in two lines facing each other, tightly locking elbows at a distance of at least 10-12 steps from each other. At the same time they begin to converge and diverge (four steps forward - the first line of the song, four steps back - the second line of the song):

The shuttle runs, the earth trembles, it sews, it sews, it sends

It is important to maintain even lines. At the moment when the ranks disperse, “shuttles” run between them. Or one at a time, in turns, or in pairs, or in groups. Care must be taken to prevent the shuttles from colliding. Gradually, the speed of convergence and divergence of the ranks increases, they sing faster and faster, and, finally, one of the “shuttles” is caught. He takes his place in the line. The song starts again...



There must be an even number of game participants in the circle. Everyone is divided into pairs in advance. Another participant is standing in . Participants walk in a circle, one behind the other’s head. As the song progresses, the participants and the “siskin” show what kind of crest the siskin has (palm above his head), how he flies (with his hands they show the fluttering of his wings), how he nodded his leg (we jump on one leg, holding the other in front of us, bent at the knee).

If you knock on an oak tree, a blue-gray siskin flies out. Siskin, siskin. A little red-haired siskin. The siskin flew across the field. He kept nodding with his right leg. Siskin, siskin, don’t yawn, choose a mate for yourself!

At the last words, everyone must exchange pairs, and “siskin” must find a pair. The one who does not find a mate becomes a new siskin.


The participants in the game hold hands, walk in a circle, and sing. At this time, the kite sits in the center of the circle. When the dialogue begins, he answers questions while sitting in a circle.

Round dance: I walk around the kite, lowering the necklace. Three strings, beads. I lowered the collar, short around the neck. Three strings, beads. - Kite, kite, what are you doing? Kite: - I'm digging a hole - What do you need a hole for? - Sew a bag - What do you need a bag for? - Collect pebbles - What do you need pebbles for? - Scare the sparrows!

At the words “scare the sparrows,” Kite jumps up and catches the “sparrows” scattering from the circle. The caught one joins the first kite and also sits in a circle. Now he will also have to catch sparrows. The dialogue with the “kites” is now in the plural: “Kites, kites, what are you doing?..” - “We’re digging a hole!..” With each end, there are more and more “kites”, and fewer and fewer “sparrows”. The game ends when all the sparrows have been caught.



“Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands, and it is desirable that participants with approximately equal physical abilities (guy-guy, girl-girl, child-child) stand next to each other. Inside, “Zarya” walks in a circle with a handkerchief or scarf in her hands.

Participants sing: Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Sister of the Sun walked across the field, dropped the keys, Golden keys, blue ribbons...

At the last words, “dawn” hangs the scarf on the clasped hands of two people standing next to each other (two guys, or two girls, or two children), “separating” them, but without letting go of the scarf. They uncouple and turn around with their backs to each other, slightly going beyond the perimeter of the circle.

The participants command in chorus: One-two, don’t be a crow, run like fire!

Both participants must run in different directions around the outside of the circle. Whoever runs the entire circle faster and returns to his place grabs the handkerchief. After the first participant to arrive has taken the scarf, he enters the circle and thanks “Zarya” with a bow or a kiss. A traditional kiss looks like this: the guy stands opposite the girl at a distance of slightly less than an arm's length. Participants hold their hands, slightly bent at the elbows, spreading them to the sides and raising them to a level just below the shoulders. Then the couple touches each other’s cheeks and kisses on the cheek, then on the other, then again as at the beginning. Only 3 times. Then a new “Zarya” is selected, and the girl chooses from among the boys, and the guy from among the girls.

Zarya Zaryanica


The participants in the game hold hands, walk in a circle, and sing:

Like Uncle Tryphon, He had seven children, There were seven sons. They didn’t drink, didn’t eat, they kept looking at each other. They did this at once...

The presenter (“Tryphon”) at this time stands in Tryphon and shows some figure, pose (“hands up, “bridge”, “squat”, you can take someone standing in the circle by the nose - let your imagination tell you). All participants must repeat the figure shown. It's funny if you need to involve a neighbor in a figure. “Trifon” looks at the participants in the game and chooses the best. Takes his place in the circle. The chosen one becomes the new Tryphon.



Participants walk in a circle, one sits in a circle. Everyone sings:

I sit and sit on a pebble, I sit on fuel, And who really loves me? And who will replace me? Who truly loves me? And who will replace me? Will he change me, change me, will he kiss me again?

After the “kiss,” those who wish run up to the person sitting in the center (guys to the girl, girls to the guy). And the one who kisses first takes a place in the circle. You can play so that several people sit in a circle at once. Then, during the song, those sitting should also form a circle (sitting straight on their haunches) and clap their hands in this way: one - hands brought together, clap, two - hands spread, turn the left palm up, place the left neighbor under the clap, the right hand down, clap in the palm of the right neighbor. Accordingly, boys kiss girls, girls kiss boys.


The rules are practically the same as in the previous game “I’m sitting and sitting on a pebble...”, only those sitting in a circle during the song take hold of their neighbors’ shoulders and squat in a circle.

I'm sitting on a barrel, Tears are rolling down, I don't have a penny, I want to drink. I sit and sit and grieve by the willow bush. If anyone loves me, let him help me out!

At the end, the same thing - the guys run out, kiss the girls sitting in the circle, take their places, the girls kiss the guys, take their places.


Participants stand in a circle, a guy walks inside the circle with a pillow in his hands (if there is no real one, for example, a folded scarf can act as a “pad”). The guy walks sedately, chooses a girl. The circle sings:

My little feather pillow! Oh, loli-lyoli, my downy one! Oh, loli-lyoli, my downy one! For some it’s evening, for others it’s evening, but for me it’s a party! Oh, loli-lyoli, and I’m having a party! Oh, leli-leli, it’s a party for me!

Next, the guy must choose one girl, stand opposite her and bow to her to invite her into the circle. He does this in the words of the song:

For some - a flower, for others - a scarlet one, and for me - a beautiful girl! Oh, loli-lyoli, and to me - a beautiful girl! Oh, loli-lyoli, and to me - a beautiful girl!

A guy and a girl stand in a circle, the guy puts a “pad” on the ground and kneels on its edge. The girl also kneels - on the opposite edge. All this in words:

I'll put you on your knees and make you kiss me! Oh, loli-lyoli, I’ll make you kiss me! Oh, loli-lyoli, I’ll make you kiss me!

Next, the guy kisses the girl, carefully leaning first to her right and then to her left cheek. In words:

Kiss, darling, kiss, darling, kiss, don't graze! Oh, love, love, kiss, don’t graze! Oh, love, love, kiss, don’t graze!

Then the guy and the girl stand up, the guy takes a place in the circle, and the girl takes the “cushion” and gives it to the next guy in the circle with a bow. The next round of the game begins...


For this game you need an accordion player with a harmonica. There must be an even number of participants, plus one “Blubber”. Participants are divided into pairs and stand in a “double circle”: first, one circle, each person facing the center of the circle, and one more person at the back of the head behind each of those standing, forming, as it were, a second, “outer” circle. IN . At the beginning of the game, everyone says in unison, pointing at the “Blubber” with their fingers:

One, two, three, you bungler!

Then the accordion plays and the participants in the “inner circle” begin to dance, moving in a circle, clockwise. "Blubber" dances along with everyone. Participants in the “outer circle” stand still and clap. At the most unexpected moment, the accordion falls silent, and all those dancing must quickly find a partner: stand behind someone standing behind the head. “Blubber” is also looking for a mate. As a result, one person is left without a partner. This is the new "Blubber". He goes to the center of the circle and they shout to him:

One, two, three, you bungler!

The accordion begins to play again, and now those who have moved from the “outer” circle to the “inner” are already dancing and looking for a couple. If a person remains a “Blubber” for the second time, they shout to him:

One, two, three, four, five, bungler - you again!

If you stayed a third time, then this:

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, you are a complete bungler!

Child of Frost

There are many legends about the origin of this extraordinary Maslenitsa holiday. According to one of them, the father of Maslenitsa was Frost. According to this belief, a frozen, tired man who had lost his way in the forest noticed Maslenitsa hidden among the snowdrifts. The traveler asked her for help. He asked only for a little light, warmth and fun for his tired, sad people. And Maslenitsa agreed to help people. However, so that people would believe her, she decided to change her image. From a small, fragile, frightened girl, she turned into a luxurious, beautiful, curvy woman with rosy cheeks. beautiful speech in a bright robe and with red beads. Maslenitsa came to the village on horseback with her head held high. People happily greeted the long-awaited guest and danced around her with joy, singing cheerful songs. She gave the people happiness and fun, made them forget all their worries and misfortunes for at least a week and spin in a festive round dance around the fire.



If I go out to the river, I’ll look at the fast one, Oh, yes, I won’t see Svavo Milov, Serdechnav, the old one. Serdechnava former, Svayavo amiable. Where we come together, we will bow, Where we disperse, we will say goodbye. “Tell me, my dear, Since when did you begin to love?” “From that time on, I loved how we walked in the garden. We walked around the garden and picked two apples. I took two bites of sugar and fell in love with you, my dear!” Just like the evening my darling walked along the street. Walked along the street, Shibko whistled loudly. He whistled loudly and looked at the window. There is a note on the window: A branch is hanging from a grape. My grapes are ripe, ripe, Baby is a white guy.


Chizhik-fawn, where have you been? I drank vodka on the Fontanka. I'm not vodka, I'm liqueur. I love Katya, Katerinka. Katya, Katya, Katerina A picture is drawn. Katya was doing satin stitch embroidery and was waiting for the officer. Young officer, take me home. My house on the mountain Three windows in the courtyard. One, two, three, four They taught me to read and write. And read, and write, and embroider patterns. I was embroidering patterns and broke a needle. Siskin, siskin, siskin Village peasant. We fed you, We gave you water, We put you on your feet, We made you dance. Dance as much as you want, Choose whoever you want. Entry 1 | Entry 2


In inclement weather they are forced to work. Let me go for a walk in the woods, mom! Let me go for a walk in the woods, mom! I’ll go for a walk in the woods for an hour and go. I’ll go for a walk in the woods for an hour and go. I’ll take a walk, go and pick some raspberries. I’ll take a walk, go and pick some raspberries. I'll pick raspberries from the green forest. I'll pick raspberries from the green forest. There's a big path there, I'll sell the raspberries. There's a big path there, I'll sell the raspberries. I will sell the raspberries, all to Moscow gentlemen. I will sell the raspberries, all to the Moscow gentlemen. You, Moscow gentlemen, yes, you are welcome here! You, gentlemen of Moscow, yes, you are welcome here! Tell me, tell me, why Moscow is glorious? Tell me, tell me, why Moscow is glorious? Why is Moscow famous? Yes, everything went according to plan? Why is Moscow famous? Yes, everything went according to plan? Everything is according to plan, according to style, and it stands on the shore! Everything is according to plan, according to style, and it stands on the shore! Yes, it stands on the shore, in the green meadow!


A strawberry-berry was born in the forest. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She was born in a forest and basked in the sun. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She was basking in the sun, scratching her hair. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! Rusa was scratching her braid and breaking her comb. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She broke the comb and put her hands in her pockets. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She put her hands in her pockets and called her dear one to her. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She was waiting for her sweetheart, but she was waiting for her rapist. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She waited for the rapist and threw herself on her neck. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! She rushed to the neck: you are my dear! Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! You are so cute, my dear, handsome! Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! Dear little painter, why are you walking around? Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! Why are you walking around, bragging about me? Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! Are you flaunting me, my brown braid? Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! My brown braid is a beauty to the whole city! Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! The whole city is beautiful, but the guys are dry. Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling! And the boys are dry, but to me, the girl, honor, praise! Here, here, here I am; here comes my darling!

And we were waiting for Maslenitsa, lyrics

The most famous folk Maslenitsa song is “And we were waiting for Maslenitsa.” Starting on Thursday, the Maslenitsa effigy was seated in a cart or sleigh decorated with colored ribbons and driven from house to house. The sleigh was accompanied by mummers who sang funny Maslenitsa carols. They were greeted with the song “And we were waiting for Maslenitsa” and, of course, generously treated with pancakes with a variety of fillings, pies, cottage cheese and wine.

And we waited for Maslenitsa, And we waited for Maslenitsa, Ay Lyuli! We went up the hill, We went up the hill. Ay Lyuli!

The cheese and butter were taken out, The cheese and butter were taken out. Ay Lyuli!

They poured a mound of cheese, They poured a mound of cheese. Ay Lyuli!

They poured oil on the hill, They poured oil on the hill. Ay Lyuli!

Oh, Maslenitsa, be rolling, Be rolling, Lyuli, be rolling. Ay Lyuli!

The canaries have flown in, The canaries have flown in. Ay Lyuli!

Our hill was dug up, Our hill was dug up. Ay Lyuli!

Cheese and butter pecked, Cheese and butter pecked. Ay Lyuli!

Oh, you, Maslenitsa, stretch out, and cling to the white birch tree! Ay Lyuli!

Oh, they said, Maslyanoy is seven years old. And our Maslyanaya has seven days. Ay Lyuli!

Happy Maslenitsa holiday, because spring is the best time of the year. Play games, eat pancakes, sing songs for Maslenitsa, happy holiday!

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