Entertainment for the senior group of kindergarten “Birthday Day”

Birthday Day in Kindergarten

  • October 24, 2010

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative” – Stage 2
Holiday “Not at the behest of a pike, but according to one’s own skill”

For children of the middle group 4 - 5 years old, born in spring and summer.

Children and parents enter the hall and take their seats. There is a makeshift stove in the hall, and Emelya is lying on the lei.


Spring has knocked on our door, and summer follows. The holiday brought joy and happiness.


What is this noise, what is this commotion? You don't let me sleep. I'll throw a holiday for you, you won't come again.

Presenter: Oh, Emelya, today we congratulate children who have a birthday in the spring and summer. Let's get off the stove, we'll drive the Loaf.

Emelya: I don’t want to.

The children persuade Emelya to come down from the stove and read him poems:

1. The sky has become bluer, the grass in the forest has become greener. A flock of domestic pigeons knits lace in the sky.

2. Admire, spring is coming. Cranes fly in a caravan. The day is drowning in bright gold and the streams are noisy through the ravines.

3. Spring is coming all over the earth, giving us miracles. Just open the windows and you will see it yourself.

Children sing the song “Drops - Icicles”.

Emelya gets off the stove.

Emelya: So be it, we will congratulate the birthday people. Where are they?


We have many, many of them! Come on, count it. Birthday boys, quickly get up in the circle here.

The presenter names the birthday people. Parents and children stand in a circle and sing the song “Loaf”..

Presenter: Oh, I completely forgot. Today we will drink tea, but we didn’t bring water. Emelya, maybe you and the children can go get some water?

Emelya : I don’t want to.

Competition “Bring water on a rocker”

Two teams are selected, each of which consists of a mother, father and child. Each team is offered two buckets filled to the middle with water. On command, the father places the child on his shoulders, who acts as a “yoke.” The mother, the “well,” hands buckets into the child’s hands. A father with a child on his shoulders moves to a certain place, trying not to spill a drop of water.

Emelya: I didn’t know that water could be brought without the help of magic words. When my daughters-in-law asked me to chop wood, I said the words “At the behest of the pike, at my request,” and the wood chopped itself.

Competition “Gather firewood”

Two teams are selected, each with a father, mother and child. Each team inflates 5 balloons (this is firewood). You need to carry these balloons without using your hands, forming a sleigh - the child sits on the crossed arms of his parents and holds the balloons in his hands. Whose team will do it faster?

Presenter: Emelya, dance with us.

Emelya: I don’t want to.

Presenter: Well, we’ll have to appease Emel with gifts so that he can have fun with us.

Competition "Gifts"

All parents and children are given parts of the cut pictures. From the parts you need to assemble a whole picture and depict what is drawn on it (doll, bear, car, pipe, drum, monkey, etc.). While the team members are depicting the image, the others guess what kind of gift is depicted.

Emelya: Thank you for the gifts. I will be very happy to dance with you.

Everyone performs the “Piglets” dance.

Presenter: Emelya, a pike helped you in the fairy tale. And now look how our children and parents cope with a difficult task without the help of magical power.

Pass the orange game

All children and parents are divided into two equal teams, each of which includes children and adults. Parents, in order to be on an equal footing with their children, kneel. The task is to pass an orange held under the chin to each other in the team. Whose team will do it faster?

Emelya: But still, I want to surprise you with magic. Here I have a box in which I have prepared gifts for you. At the behest of the pike, at my will, the gifts will appear!

Emelya opens the box - it’s empty.

Emelya: I forgot to cover the box with a magic blanket.

At this time, the presenter, unnoticed by others, puts gifts in the box. Emelya and the children say magic words, Emelya opens the box - and there are gifts there. Emelya hands them over to the birthday people.

Presenter: Everyone is invited to the group for tea.

Author: Ekaterina Leonidovna Tumanova, senior teacher of the highest qualification category of the MDOU D/S “Forest Fairy Tale” in the village of Bezbozhnik, Murashinsky district, Kirov region, work experience - 24 years.

About myself: I write scripts for events, compose poems, bake and share ingredients, deputy of the district Duma of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. In 2008, the winner of the regional competitive selection of the best teaching staff of regional state and municipal educational institutions (in the category “Best Educator”), in 2009, the winner of the regional competition “My Innovations”.

Photo by the author


entertainment summary “Birthday Day”


Klyopa, how great it is that you came to our party today, help us bake a cake for
the birthday people .
Clown Klepa

: With joy, guys, get up in a circle quickly!


(All children join hands and line up in one long chain. Klyopa is in front of everyone, leading behind. On command, the children begin to “bake a cake”: Klyopa turns around herself, winding the entire chain. The leader spins until a large “Cake” is obtained "The condition is that you do not unhook your hands. As soon as the entire chain is wound around Klepa, you should stop)


: This is how the cake turned out! What is our cake with?

Children's answers : With pineapple, with jam, with cream, with berries and bananas...)

Clown Klepa

: What's missing from
the birthday cake
Of course, candles. All hands raised up. That's a lot of candles! And now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake. (Children scatter in different directions)
Clown Klepa

: This is the kind of cake we made: delicious, sweet, with pineapples, ice cream, jam and candles!

(While Klyopa is talking to the children, the presenter tries to call him, but he doesn’t hear)


:Klyopa! How long can I call you? Do you have bananas in your ears?

Clown Klepa

: Bananas?
Where are the bananas? Who has bananas? (looks in the children’s hands , under the chairs . The presenter takes out a fake banana)

: Here he is! Guys, quickly stand in a circle.


(Children stand in a circle. The leader throws the banana in a circle. Klyopa tries to catch up with the banana. At the end of the game, the banana ends up in Klyopa’s hands)

Clown Klepa

: Wow, what smart kids! Do you know how to make friends?


: Certainly!
in our group are friendly .

Clown Klepa

: Yes, you live together in your kindergarten. And now it's time to see how smart you are.

Is Cinderella's shoe simple or golden? (crystal)

How many people pulled the turnip? (three)

Did the bun have a bow or tie around its neck? (there was nothing. He has no neck)

How many kids did the wolf eat in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids” (6 - one ran away)


Does the kitten woof bark or yap? (he purrs)



Guys, have you noticed how many balls are in our hall today?

(Whose team will transfer the balls to the hoop faster)


: And now we will throw our balloons up together and arrange a real fireworks display in honor of
the birthday people .


We once again congratulate our
birthday people
on their birthday and give them Crocodile Gena’s song
Song “Let them run clumsily”
Publication address:

Summer birthday party in kindergarten in the preparatory group. Scenario

Celebration script for children of the preparatory group “We congratulate the summer birthday boys!”
Author: Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director of the GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg Description of work: I bring to your attention the scenario of a summer holiday dedicated to birthday people. This development can be used by music directors and preschool teachers. The script is intended for children of senior preschool age. Leading educational areas: physical and artistic-aesthetic development. Goals and objectives: creating a festive, friendly atmosphere in the children's team; — evoke joyful emotions, consolidating children’s knowledge about fairy-tale characters; — to educate children in the ability to correctly evaluate the actions of their comrades and empathize with their friends; Types of activities: communicative, gaming, theatrical and musical. Participants: children of the preparatory group, music director, teachers and parents Preliminary work: - selection of musical repertoire; - learning poetry; songs and dance compositions - conversations about fairy tales Venue: music hall Materials and equipment : flower petals, cards with the names of fairy-tale characters, spoons, sweets and containers for them
Congratulations to the summer birthday people!
Host: Guys, today we have gathered to congratulate the birthday people who will celebrate their birthday in the summer. Let's welcome them.

1. There is no more wonderful day in the world, There is no more fun day - After all, today is a birthday, the guys’ birthday! 2. Why and why did fun come to us? After all, it’s not New Year yet, And not housewarming. 3. Why and why are we very pleased, and today we laugh endlessly and have fun? 4. And it’s not in vain that at this hour it’s fun with friends. We are now celebrating birthdays with you.

Presenter: All friends, stand in a circle, It’s time for us all to sing songs. This is not a secret at all. How old are our children? One, two, three, four, Five, six, seven - we'll clap So many times - we'll stamp our feet We'll walk in an even circle - We'll start the “Loaf”. The round dance song “CARAVAI” is performed. Host: Do you know how to guess riddles? Now let's check...

1. Look - the queen of the garden is blooming by the fence. Not a tulip or a mimosa, But a beauty in thorns... (rose) 2. The one who is already seven years old will say: “School, hello! I have a bouquet in my hands - Festive... (asters) » 3. In May - yellow, and in July - He is a fluffy ball. We blew on it a little - It flew up... (dandelion) And now we will collect flowers for the birthday people GAME “Collect a flower”

Children take one petal of a certain color and place it in a circle near the center of the flower. Presenter: And now riddles about fairy-tale characters 1. Who loved jam more than anything in the world? CARLSON 2. What was the name of Gena’s crocodile friend? CHEBURASHKA 3. What was the name of the cheerful wooden man? BURATINO 4. What is the surname of the postman from the village of Prostokvashino? PECHKIN 5. Who left your grandmother and left your grandfather? KOLOBOK 6. What was the name of Winnie the Pooh's friend? PIGLE 7. What was the name of the girl with blue hair? MALVINA Presenter: And now we will hold the “Most Reader” competition.

Are you ready?...Listen to what you will need to do: cards are laid out on the table on which characters from familiar fairy tales are written. The birthday people take turns drawing out a card, reading what is written there and remembering which fairy tale they are from. Competition “Most Reader” the following is written on the cards:
Koschey. (Immortal) Sister. (Alyonushka) Brother. (Ivanushka) Horse. (Little Humpbacked Man) Baba. (Yaga) Karabas (Barabas)

Presenter: On our birthdays we always treat each other to sweets. Now we are going to play a sweet game. Ready? You need to transfer the candy in a spoon to the candy bowl Competition “The Fastest” Presenter: And now, guys, let's play hide and seek! Game “Look” Presenter: Dear birthday people, I congratulate you on your birthday, which you have been waiting for many days, a whole year. I want to wish you everything, all the best. Well, what would a birthday be without dancing? DANCE

Host: Well done, you dance very well. And now gifts for our birthday boys.

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