Poems about traffic lights - a selection of poems about traffic rules

Short poems and quatrains about traffic lights for children

Our friend, the traffic light, has been helping children for a long time. He will explain the traffic rules to children without stress.


Color green - Come in! Yellow - Wait a little. Well, if it’s red – Stop, my friend! Dangerous!


The traffic light is shining red for us - Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous. Yellow and red are suddenly lit - We are standing, waiting for green. Do not immediately cross the green signal. Turn your head left and right before doing this: Make sure that there are no rushing cars on the left or right, and then walk calmly. Everyone will understand: you have become big.


Three multi-colored circles: RED light - WAIT, and YELLOW light - STOP, my friend, GREEN light - GO! The traffic light gives advice on how to cross the road. A pedestrian in this matter cannot find a better friend!


For order on the road, HE has been installed for a long time: Remarkably tall... What is this? - TRAFFIC LIGHT!

Blinks a RED eye - STOP! FREEZE like a sentry! YELLOW light warns: don’t step on the road! AND GREEN - DIE! The path is clear ahead!


Listen and remember And always follow them. The RED light came on, Stop, baby, there is no way through. Look, the YELLOW light is on. Get ready, he says. And the light turned on GREEN. Come in, my scientist friend. Remember the rules of movement Like the multiplication table!


A traffic light has three eyes. Well, remember them, my friend, Walk the streets so that soon you can do it on your own. That red eye... Be afraid of it! When it burns, there is no way. Flashing yellow - get ready! Green light - go!


He stands at the Striped intersection, like in a sailor suit. The children were surprised at once: “Why does he have three eyes?” Red – stop all movement. Yellow is our respect. And the green light will light up, you can continue on your way. It has been called for a long time. Very simply - traffic light.


Fast cars are rushing. Rotating tires rub the asphalt. We need to go to kindergarten. How to cross the road? It has been helping for a long time, this is to make a traffic light: The yellow eye will light up - The transition is closed for you! The green light turns on - the pedestrian strives forward. Where the red light is on, the path is closed to all cars.


“The most important one on the road,” my friends told me, “he has different eyes, one leg, and you can’t joke with him.” I was a little scared, hearing this conversation, but when I saw it, I guessed, It’s just a traffic light.

Traffic lights

At a specified frequency, the device gives instructions to traffic participants:

  • Move (green signal).
  • Prepare to stop or move (orange).
  • Stop (red).

For drivers, the color of the signal is the opposite of what pedestrians crossing the road receive. A flashing signal means that it will soon change to another.

The duration of the signal change cycle can be from 80 to 160 seconds. A traffic light with a timer is usually vertical; it should provide information about how many seconds are left before the signal changes.

Poems about traffic lights by famous poets

If the light turns red, it means it is dangerous to move. The green light says: “Come on, the way is open!” Yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. S. Mikhalkov


The traffic light has three colors. They are clear to the driver: Red light - no passage, Yellow - be ready to go, And green light - go!

S. Marshak


Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, Driver! The red eye looks point blank - This is a strict traffic light. He looks menacing, lets me go further... The driver waited for a while, looked out the window again. The traffic light this time showed a green eye, winked and said: “You can go, the way is open!”

M. Plyatskovsky


He has three eyes, three on each side, and although he has never looked at them all at once, he needs all the eyes. He's been hanging here for a long time And he's staring at everyone. What is this? (Traffic light)

Z. Mostovoy


Where there is a noisy intersection, Where there are too many cars to count, Crossing is not so easy, If you don’t know the rules.

Let the children firmly remember: The one who walks across the street only when the light is green does the right thing!

N. Sorokin


A rather strange citizen is walking down the street. They give him good advice: “The traffic light is red.” There is no way to go. There's no way to go now!

- I don't care about red lights! The citizen said in response. He walks across the street, not where the sign “Crossing” is, Throwing roughly as he goes: “Where I want, I’ll cross there!”

The driver looks with all his eyes: The gap is ahead! Hurry up and hit the brakes - have mercy on me!..

What if the driver said: “I don’t care about the traffic lights!” - And how did you start driving? Would the guard leave his post? Would the tram run the way you wanted? Would everyone walk as best they could?

Yes... where the street was, Where you were used to walking, Incredible things would happen in an instant!

Signals, screams and you know: The car is heading straight towards the tram, The tram ran into the car, The car crashed into a shop window...

But no: there is a traffic policeman standing on the pavement, There is a three-eyed traffic light, And the driver knows the rules.

O. Bedarev


It’s easy to explain, whether you’re young or old: The pavement is for transport, The sidewalk is for you!

Walk across the street, pedestrian, where the sign shows you the “crossing”!

The traffic light is red! The path is dangerous - there is no passage! And if the yellow light is on, He says “get ready.”

Green flashed ahead - The way is clear, cross.

Where you need to cross the street, remember the simple rule: Look to the left first, look to the right later!

It’s stupid to think: “Somehow I’ll pass the tram track!” Never forget that the tram is faster than you!

V. Timofeev


To help you pass the dangerous path, We burn day and night, Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light - We are three brothers, We have been shining for a long time On the road for all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors, You often see us, But sometimes you don’t listen to our advice.

The strictest is red light. If it's on fire: Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone.

So that you can cross calmly, listen to our advice: Wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle.

And behind him, a green light will flash ahead, He will say: - There are no obstacles, Go boldly on the path.

If you follow the traffic lights without arguing, you will get home and to school, Of course, very soon.

A. Northern


Traffic lights, traffic lights - Red, yellow and green... Three cheerful lights on all the streets are burning Red, yellow and green - Leaves of ash and maple trees, As if to help the traffic lights, Also hanging on the fences. What is there ahead - the path is closed? Or is it on the way - the leaf is burning? Red light or aspen? Yellow light or willow? Autumn has confused all the light signals!

I. Zagraevskaya


HE HAS only three eyes, but not all are open at once. If the red eye is open, it means he is angry - He does not give permission to move forward! Opens a yellow eye - Be careful now - Wait for the green color near the eye. And I saw it - right away you can go and go! And bon voyage!

T. Goette

Traffic light device

A traffic light is a device usually enclosed in a plastic or aluminum housing. It is located at a height where it will be clearly visible to car drivers and pedestrians. Typically, the design of such a traffic light (often called pulsed) involves the use of LED matrices, the service life of which is up to five years. In sparsely populated areas, less durable and outdated incandescent lamps are sometimes used.

According to GOST, the visibility of a traffic light, under most conditions, should be at least 100 meters.

Sometimes the device is equipped with a hand-held control panel to enable pedestrians to cross the road. This is done in those sections of the highway where the flow of pedestrians is not so active as to regularly slow down the flow of cars.

IMPORTANT! Modern traffic lights in large cities are part of a single system that controls their operation, based on a number of conditions: traffic density, time of day and other factors. The complexity of such systems varies depending on the characteristics of the specific transport infrastructure or its sections. Not only traffic lights, but also video cameras or other sources of information (including traffic police posts) can be connected to such systems.

Changes in traffic conditions may cause the information timer at a regular traffic light to change its value. This usually happens in the direction of increasing the duration of the permission signal for transport. According to experts, the future of a comfortable urban environment involves further computerization of city traffic systems.

Types of traffic lights

The classic traffic light is three-color with round lamps: red, orange and green. Usually they are located vertically, but on wide multi-lane highways horizontal ones are used.

Road and pedestrian traffic lights

There are more types of road traffic lights, since transport has a higher variability of movement than pedestrians. Types of transport traffic lights have the following purposes.

  • Traffic lights with arrows pointing in one or more directions. They allow movement in the appropriate direction.
  • Traffic lights with arrows pointing in the direction of travel (up). They are used in cases where traffic following their signal is not intersected by other traffic flows (practically not found in the post-Soviet space).
  • There may be smaller versions of road traffic lights that are similar in meaning. They are used as auxiliary ones (duplicate the signal) when the main traffic light is difficult to see.
  • Horizontal traffic light display consisting of several screens. Used to allow or prohibit movement in one or more lanes during reverse traffic. Also installed near tunnels. The designation of a prohibiting signal is usually an oblique cross, and a permitting signal is usually an arrow.
  • Traffic lights for traffic in a dedicated lane.
  • Traffic lights at railway crossings.
  • Special traffic light with one yellow signal. Signals that there is an uncontrolled intersection or pedestrian crossing ahead.
  • Traffic light with two signals. It is installed in places where the road narrows (usually during its repair) and where reverse traffic is introduced.

Traffic lights for pedestrians usually have two signals. Often the signal looks like a stylized picture of a walking or standing person.

Railway traffic lights

Railway traffic light signals are intended for drivers driving trains. The types of traffic lights on the railway have a richer color range. In addition to standard colors, the driver leading the train also receives information from blue and white traffic lights, as well as their various combinations.

For a motorist when crossing railway lines, there is a general principle: green means “you can go” and red means “you can’t go.”

Tram traffic light

Another variety is a white traffic light for trams, and sometimes other vehicles moving along a dedicated lane, has a T-shape and 4 single-color signals.

Movement or rotation is possible only if the bottom one is active, as well as one or more top ones. Accordingly, one of the top ones allows you to move in one of the corresponding directions.

IMPORTANT! That is, the driver must monitor which direction the tram is allowed to move in and plan his movement based on this information. At the same time, such a traffic light gives instructions exclusively to the tram (other passenger transport).

Reversible traffic lights

This type of traffic light is used when driving in one lane. Typically used when repairing roads or other narrowed areas. It can consist of two signals: a red oblique cross - movement is prohibited and a green arrow - allowed. Sometimes a third signal is used - an oblique arrow pointing to the right or left. This way the driver receives information about which lane he will need to change lanes into.

Traffic lights with additional section

Traffic lights with additional sections can have up to five in total. Such additional sections clarify the requirements in a specific direction. They can be L-shaped or T-shaped.

Arrows and arrow sections

Typically, a signal on the center vertical line of the traffic light must allow this to continue. Additional sections (one or more green arrows) clarify the possibility of moving to the side. If they are not active, turning in this direction is prohibited, even if the permissive signal on the vertical row is active.

IMPORTANT! Since turning right or left are different maneuvers according to traffic rules, it is important which of the additional sections allows you to make a turn.

If the right section permits a turn (the main permit signal is active), only pedestrians must give way if they are on the road. Usually at this moment it is forbidden for them to go out on the road.

If the left section allows a turn, usually there is no need to expect any interference, since other road users are prohibited from interfering with such a maneuver. However, if the vehicle moves in the oncoming lane, you will have to give way to it.

If the prohibiting signal of the main section is on, but the turn is allowed by the signal on the additional section, such a maneuver can be performed. The main condition is not to interfere with other road users.

Master class: have fun with markers and pencils

Materials and tools:

  • Drawing paper.
  • Simple pencil (TM).
  • An eraser.
  • Thin black marker, felt-tip pen or liner.


Before drawing, children need to be shown photos of real and drawings of cartoon traffic lights. Find out what the similarities and differences are. Please note that the funny traffic lights have a red signal light instead of a nose.

You can ask the children if they know the difference between a traffic light for pedestrians and cars, what is in the hands of a cheerful traffic light (a striped rod). It will also be interesting to discuss who needs the baton (the traffic controller who finds himself at an intersection when the traffic light breaks down).

The image of a traffic light can be created according to this plan:

  1. At the first stage, the dimensions of the image and the location of the traffic light on the sheet are marked with pencil strokes.

  2. Next, the main details are schematically drawn with a pencil. The body of the traffic light is a rectangle with slightly curved sides, as if the Traffic Light is sticking out its chest. Police cap - oval and rectangle. Lines mark bent arms. Instead of gloved hands there are ovals. A line is drawn down the center of the body to help place signal lights. Circles can be drawn by hand or using a template.
  3. At the next stage, the main lines are outlined with a black felt-tip pen or marker and the details are drawn. The most difficult thing for children is to depict a hand squeezing a rod. To make the process easier, you can consider your own fist with a clamped object. Then the secondary lines are erased. Older children and adults can draw directly with a marker without a pencil sketch; in this case, you need to start with those details that are on top of the rest. You need to draw in the following sequence - a cap with a visor, the front wall of the traffic light housing, signals and parts of the face, hands and gloves, the side wall and the baton. If there are errors, they can be corrected with correction fluid.
  4. Next, the traffic light can be colored with pencils and felt-tip pens. For the traffic light body, a simple pencil is suitable so that the color appears uniform; it can be rubbed with a cotton pad.

The drawing of a traffic light for children, presented in the master class, is suitable for drawing with both children and older children. Younger preschoolers can color an image prepared by adults, and younger schoolchildren can draw such a traffic light from scratch.

Traffic light rules

The first and most important rule is that you should never drive on a red light. As well as red with simultaneously active orange (yellow). You can only move to yellow if stopping requires dangerous emergency braking.

A flashing yellow signal often warns of an uncontrolled intersection or that traffic will soon be prohibited or permitted.

Responsibility for violations of the rules

Driving at a prohibiting traffic light signal, as well as refusing to respond to a gesture shown by a traffic controller, in the Russian Federation is punishable by a fine in the amount of 800 to 1000 rubles or deprivation of rights for up to six months. In the event of a repeated violation, a new fine may be up to 5,000 rubles, and deprivation of rights for the same period.

"Colored Caps": a simple game

Young children usually love to draw with felt-tip pens. After all, they are bright, and they leave strokes on the paper even with light pressure. For this game you will need markers with colored caps rather than white ones.

As soon as the child stops drawing, you can start learning. The child should be asked to put a cap of the corresponding color on each felt-tip pen. Sometimes a mother herself can “make a mistake” in order to give her child the joy of correcting her mistake.

"Passengers and Stops"

For this game, colored “stops” are arranged in the room. They can be marked, for example, with cubes, pyramid rings, sheets of colored paper, etc. The kid in this game plays the role of the driver of a toy car. You need to put toys in the back of the truck. They will act as passengers. In the mother's voice, bears, dolls, and bunnies command which stop the child should take each of them to. For toys, you can also make tickets from paper in the appropriate color. Then the game will become even more interesting.

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Hide and seek with paper figures

For this educational game you will need sheets of colored cardboard and paper. You need to cut out simple figures from paper: bunnies, chickens, fruits, flowers. Then you should lay out the sheets of cardboard on the table. In the game, the child is asked to hide the figures from the evil wolf. To do this, you need to disguise them, that is, put each figure on a piece of cardboard of the corresponding color.

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“I see something red!”

This game is played with a child on the street. Mom says to the baby: “I see something red!” The child, looking around, must find some red object and point to it. If the baby makes a mistake, the mother continues to name the colors. If the child guesses correctly, it’s his turn. Now he must name the colors. In this game, it is recommended not to limit yourself to just the basic palette. You should definitely include shades in the process. It could be, for example, beige, light green, sand, etc.

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One of the easiest ways to teach your baby to distinguish colors is through sorting games. The child can be asked to put some small objects into cups. For example, large buttons are suitable for playing. The child should arrange the items in cups of corresponding colors. You can also use glass jars for this game. To each of them you need to glue a piece of colored paper. You can also play with your child in feeding the animals. For example, a doll loves red candies, and a horse loves green ones.

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