Peculiarities of development of children of the second junior group of kindergarten

Many parents often wonder at what age to send their child to kindergarten, what groups are there in public kindergartens and what is the fundamental difference between them.

Depending on the age, the child will fall into one group or another. There are 5 age groups in public kindergartens.

  • A short-term stay group is open for children 1-3 years old;
  • children from 3 to 4 years old fall into the younger age group;
  • The middle group includes children 4-5 years old;
  • the senior group is attended by children aged five and six;
  • and boys and girls aged 6 and 7 years old go to the preparatory group.


The youngest pupils are accepted into the nursery group of the kindergarten. Their age ranges from 1 year to 2-3 years. They are usually located on the ground floor; the furniture in the group corresponds to the height of the children.

Classes are provided on the development of speech, music, and the surrounding world, in accordance with the plan. Classes are conducted by a teacher in a group and last no more than 10 minutes.

Toys are also selected according to age: large cubes and pyramids, rubber animals and baby dolls, balls, cars, children's sets for playing with sand, dolls, doll dishes, baby books - all without small and dangerous parts.

The daily routine in the nursery group differs from that of older children: early breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Going to bed early for a quiet hour.

There should be no more than 10-15 children in such a group. The presence of a nanny is required to help dress and undress the children, feed and wash them, and put them to bed.

There is usually only one holiday - New Year, and it is also celebrated in a group.

Child in the junior group of kindergarten

Your beloved child begins a new life in the junior group of kindergarten. Dear parents, can we tell you how to help your child survive the first difficult time in kindergarten? What should a child be able to do before entering kindergarten?

The time spent by a parent with a child in a short-term stay group must definitely bear fruit. Being close to the mother for the number of days, and maybe even months, necessary for adaptation, the baby gradually begins to feel confident among his peers, becomes familiar with the necessary rules of collective ethics and successfully, with pleasure, begins to fulfill them. Gradually, the role of the mother fades into the background, because the parent has made every effort to strengthen the authority of the teacher. Day by day you turn less and less to the child, giving the “reins of power” to the child’s new mentor - his first teacher. At the same time, the baby’s self-confidence grows, he begins to feel more organized, responsible, and independent.

The presence of the mother only supports the child psychologically. But at the same time, depriving the baby of this support, albeit purely symbolic at first

Look, it’s not worth it until the baby himself wants to give it up. The child should not have any traumatic attitudes associated with kindergarten. Keep your child calm at a time when he tends to exaggerate his small difficulties and problems. After all, his nervous system is not yet stable enough and is prone to the appearance of so-called fixations and neuroses. Give your child time to develop his confidence.

Finally, the moment comes when you part with the baby for a while, having previously agreed with the baby about the hours of your arrival. Gradually the number and time of your absences should increase. Ideally, by the end of his time in the half-day group, the baby should learn to cope without the presence of his mother. By this point, his life in the kindergarten group becomes for the child his own little world (interesting and safe), and the activity in the group itself becomes a kind of work that each of us does with pleasure and for our own benefit. Moms and dads should take a direct part in this life, that is, stay informed about the baby’s life (his problems and successes). Therefore, every day, when you meet your child, be sure to share with him information about how you spent time without him, what you managed to do, and how you are in the mood. The baby should “give you a report” in the same form. Let this become a good habit for you.

Worry about the baby on the eve of his performance at the matinee, prepare for the celebrations together, be sure to attend all concerts, open lessons and holidays to which parents are invited. Participate in that part of your child’s life that takes place outside the walls of his home, maintaining an emotional connection with your child. The feeling that the mother is nearby, even when she is physically in another place, will help the child overcome any psychological difficulties.

From the time your baby begins to attend a short-term group on his own, your main concern is not to lose contact with your child. Be sure to ask the teacher how the baby’s day went, what events took place in the group, how your child distinguished himself, etc. Then start a conversation with the child: ask, be interested, show that you are aware of everything that is happening with the baby - don’t Let your child isolate himself from you by immersing himself in his problems.

Junior group of kindergarten. What should a child starting to attend kindergarten be able to do?

By the time he enters the junior group “full-time”, the child must adapt to the new rules of collective education and training, that is:

■ participate in group games offered by the teacher;

■ independently initiate acquaintance and games with children;

■ follow the teacher’s instructions;

■ successfully master new knowledge in a collective learning environment;

■ improve self-care skills;

■ get used to the regime and other regulations in force in the staff of the children's educational institution.

But children who seem to have settled well in the short-stay group do not always show good results in the younger group. And there are a number of reasons for this. Many parents take a break between attending a short-term group and starting to attend a full-day junior group. During this short period, the baby manages to wean himself from the regime and environment prevailing in the preschool institution. In addition, the child may receive a referral to a new kindergarten, and not to the one he attended before. His teacher, social circle, the group room itself, and the toys in it will probably change. Everything matters to a baby, and even small changes take time to adjust to.

If the parent has a competent attitude to this problem, the child will quickly (much faster than the child for whom the situation in the kindergarten is completely new) get used to the new team.

Imagine that your baby has been re-enrolled in a short-stay group. Again, with a clean slate, start the path that was once traveled - don’t be afraid, now it will take you much less time.

First of all, introduce your baby to two new teachers and a nanny. Now three people will take care of the child, with each child the child must have established contact, so be sure to make sure that the baby says hello, says goodbye, turns to the teachers with requests, and talks about his impressions and problems. All this can be practiced on walks that you will attend together. But you shouldn’t limit your adaptation time to just walks. Some educators insist that adaptation should take place right here - on the kindergarten site, and parents are not allowed into the group. As a rule, other information is written down in the contracts for your child's services; read it when concluding the contract and calmly appeal to a specific clause. At the same time, try not to provoke conflicts, treat the teacher with respect, because he, too, is doing a difficult job, and he probably had reasons to prohibit you from attending classes. However, you also have compelling arguments, and in this case, for the sake of the child’s well-being, you will have to defend them. It is important for your baby to get acquainted with the new walls of his second home in your presence. To get used to a new place, the baby needs to explore it. Help the baby with this.

The child needs individual instruction, preferably carried out by you. Show your baby where his locker is now (and what will be in it), where he can wash his hands (and how many times he should do this), where he will sleep and eat, etc. To feel confident, your baby needs time. And this time should be spent with the greatest comfort. The child must be calm and confident that everything is under his control. Give him this opportunity, do not leave him alone immediately after a walk. Of course, feeding the baby and putting him to bed makes no sense. Your task is only to be responsible for a stable emotional background. Therefore, be present, but give the child the opportunity to show independence: ask to forward your questions to the teacher if the child turns to you out of habit. And discuss your time in the group in advance. If at first the child wants to stay in the group only until lunch (as was the case in the short-stay group), meet the child halfway. The morning of children is usually very dynamic. Before lunch, the children have time to attend all the most interesting classes (physical education, music, walks), so that the child will get a complete understanding of the new environment for him.

At the same time, you should not limit the adaptation time to one walk. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, unlike the short-stay group, the day of the younger group does not begin on the street. And it is extremely important for your baby to immediately get into the routine, to feel how the baby’s day begins in his “new home.” While walking, the child cannot get used to the environment that will surround him in the group. A walk, in fact, does not provide information about the room in which the child will have to live (sleep, eat, change clothes), nor about where he can receive a number of services (personal hygiene, games, development). Therefore, you should not limit your visit to one walk, but shortening it at the child’s request, of course, is not prohibited.

This time you should not attend music and physical education classes with your baby. Agree with your child that you will wait for him in the group and keep your word. The kid will most likely agree with you, because the activities he already loves, conducted in a short-term group, will not be a discovery for him. At the same time, stay informed about events happening without your presence, find out from the teachers the repertoire they are learning with the children and rehearse the exercises at home. Soon your child will understand that his “work” in the group is a continuation of his home life. And mother is an assistant in any endeavor. And even when the mother is busy with her work (which the baby, of course, has an idea about), she is always in the know, will always come to the rescue - she is always there. And even though over time you have more things to do that you do separately, your lives are still connected by care, love and participation.

Try to ensure that the changes that occur in your child’s life from the moment he enters kindergarten do not destroy your warm relationship. Then the formation of independence in the child’s personality will take place under conditions that are comfortable for his psyche.

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The younger group is attended by children aged 3 to 4 years. These are more independent children who know and can do a lot.

Drawing, physical education and music lessons with specialist teachers, drawing and modeling are added to the main classes. The duration of the lesson is 15 minutes.

Children at this age love to play role-playing games, so among the toys there are various, but simple, children's sets of a doctor, a hairdresser, a builder, a cook, as well as all kinds of construction sets with large parts and figures.

Reading books may contain a longer and more detailed plot. There should also be books with riddles and simple coloring books with a simple silhouette or outline.

In the younger group, in addition to the New Year, a holiday dedicated to March 8 is often organized for children, and they are held in a large music hall.

Many children at this age already speak well, so for performances at holidays they can be given poems and small roles to memorize together with their parents.


The age of children in the middle group is from 4 to 5 years. They are already more physically developed, love to play outdoor games, and acquire the first skills in using simple sports equipment (balls, hoops, skittles, gymnastic sticks, etc.). Therefore, in the middle group of kindergarten they conduct much more physical education classes and physical education minutes, including outside.

Classes such as mathematics, literacy, application, and logic are being introduced. Class duration is 20 minutes.

In many kindergartens, parents are given the opportunity to enroll their children in additional clubs - dance, English, arts and crafts, etc.

Toys and games include cubes with complex patterns for making pictures, lotto and dominoes, educational board games, as well as glove toys for acting out theatrical scenes and fairy tales. Children can now not only listen to a fairy tale to the end, but also, having memorized the roles, show it to children of younger groups.

“Autumn Festival” and “Spring Festival” are added to the main matinees.

We sculpt, draw and talk

Children under three years old come to the nursery with different levels of training and development. Therefore, before starting classes, an experienced teacher should help lagging children catch up to the general level.

If the child has not held a pencil in his hand, the teacher’s task is to teach him the basic skills of using a felt-tip pen or pen. Only after this can the baby be taught to use gouache. In drawing lessons, children learn to draw vertical and horizontal lines, draw an oval and a circle.

Activities with plasticine have long become a classic in nurseries and kindergartens - almost all children enjoy such entertainment. In modern nurseries we have gone further - our kids boldly handle clay and dough. In this way, children become familiar with the properties of various objects; during modeling, the baby’s observation, attention and fine motor skills develop.

The most time-consuming task is the development of speech in children. Children learn to compose sentences, reproduce sounds and even poetic rhythms. Children's books and illustrations help make exercise fun, interesting and lively. Such activities should not be tiring, so they alternate with outdoor games, physical exercise and dancing.


The senior group of the kindergarten is attended by children aged 5 to 6 years. Classes are already becoming more intense, in-depth and longer – 25 minutes each.

In addition to the basic ones, classes can be held on the history of the native land and basic handicraft skills can be instilled.

Children can already perform simple exercises from sports such as gymnastics, basketball and some others.

The toys in the group should be varied and age-appropriate: mosaics, puzzles, three-dimensional construction sets with many details.

Children are also taught housekeeping skills. Therefore, among the toys there should be miniature doll gas stoves, cutlery, an ironing board with a toy iron, brooms, dustpans and brooms. You can invite children to care for indoor flowers, aquarium fish, and parrots.

“Christmas”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Easter”, “Victory Day” are added to holidays and matinees.

Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old

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The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by children aged 6 to 7 years. For children, this is a very important, last, final stage before entering school.

There are many developmental and educational activities: reading and mathematics, native speech and the world around us, music and physical education, manual labor and origami, modeling and drawing.

The group often sets up easels and hangers with clothes from various professions for children’s story games. At this age, children are actively learning the rules of etiquette, as well as traffic rules.

Matinees and holidays are elaborate and theatrical. Children can even act as presenters. The graduation party at the end of the year is the most important for children and their parents, where graduates show all their abilities and talents.

Speech therapy

Children are recruited into speech therapy groups by a speech therapist based on preliminary testing and after a thorough examination. The ONR group includes children with general speech disorders, the FNR group includes children with problems in pronouncing certain sounds.

Pupils, in addition to the main classes, engage in special exercises with a speech therapist and teacher aimed at improving and improving their speech.

In such groups there are usually not many children - 10-12 people. Classes with a speech therapist can be individual or group, and are conducted according to a schedule. All other classes are conducted according to a simplified and facilitated plan, acceptable for children with such defects.


A summer group is usually a temporary group for the summer period, which is attended by children of different ages. There are usually no classes in the summer, but only outdoor games, reading books, going to puppet theaters or museums.

In any group of a preschool institution there must be two teachers and one nanny.

The day should be organized strictly according to the regime established for each specific age, with games, walks, activities, and entertainment. Each lesson is held no more than 2 times a week.

Meals in the nursery group

Babies in the nursery are fed 4 times - breakfast, lunch, after a nap, an afternoon snack and dinner. Breakfast usually consists of light dishes: casseroles, cottage cheese soufflés, milk porridge, omelet, vegetable salad (necessarily fresh), a warmed drink. Lunch for children consists of vegetarian soups, steamed meat dishes or boiled fish with side dishes of mashed potatoes or cereals. Daily fortified drinks, such as compote or jelly, are required. Since these are very young children, the menu should be as suitable as possible for all children because not all children adapt equally well and quickly to the new conditions of the nursery. For dinner, children are offered vegetable stew, beet and carrot caviar, vegetable casserole, and puddings. In addition to the meal, they provide sour milk products, fresh fruits, and juices.

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