“Excursion to the forest. Autumn” Lesson notes on environmental education methods.

Excursion to the forest “And I’m walking, walking through the forest...” for 7th grade

Excursion to the forest “And I’m walking, walking through the forest...” for 7th grade. Author: Parukova L.I. biology teacher at MAOU "Secondary School No. 9", Nurlat, Republic of Tatarstan

Goal: To bring students to an understanding that humans are part of living nature, that the forest has a beneficial effect on human health, well-being and mood.

Objectives: Educational: To give an idea that a forest is a house (community) in which many plants and animals live on different “floors” (tiers) that need each other; Developmental: develop a sense of “home”: the forest is a home for a person, where he relaxes, admires the beauty of nature, and collects gifts. Develop children's communication abilities. Educational: education of correct behavior in the forest, without disturbing his life; to cultivate interest in nature, the ability to see its beauty, the desire to preserve all living things. Equipment: Camera for photographing nature and children. Magnifiers. Determinants of plants. Atlases.

Preparatory stage. Conversation about the forest. Getting to know the forest with the help of the ESM “Temperate Forests”. PROGRESS OF THE LESSON: I. Organizational moment. The group is accompanied by 2-3 adults (preferably a physical education teacher, an ecologist, a nurse). The route to the forest must be inspected in advance by adults. II. Introductory conversation. 1. Statement of the topic and goals of the excursion. 2. Safety precautions during the excursion. (Appendix 1). Remind about the rules of conduct in the forest (do not make noise to hear forest voices; walk carefully so as not to break anything or crush anyone; do not leave garbage; notice beauty, new, unusual phenomena nature). Teacher. Hello forest! A dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles, what are you rustling about in the leaves on a dark, stormy night? What are you whispering to us at dawn, covered in dew, like silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness? What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it. You see - we are our own! Pogorelovsky Sergey

The forest is called the green ocean of the earth, a priceless gift of nature. The forest is the real lungs of our planet: it helps all living things breathe, releasing oxygen, purifying the air from dirt, dust and substances harmful to human health. Forest trees and shrubs emit special health-improving substances - phytoncides. It is easy to breathe in coniferous forests, but the bitter smell of the white brushes of flowering bird cherry and the resinous smell of bursting aspen buds are all phytoncides that kill microorganisms. Forests feed, heat, and provide material for construction. Fruits, flowers, leaves, branches and roots are a source of food for animals. Powerful trees with a dense crown provide good protection from traffic noise and strong winds. Forests conserve water and soil. In summer they soften the heat, in winter - the cold. The forest has long served people: almost 20,000 types of products and products are made from wood. Combinations of forest plants form landscapes of unique beauty. It is necessary to know, love and protect the forest wealth of Russia. 3. Main part. Conversation. How does nature influence humans? You know that the color green has a calming effect on the nervous system and vision, and that the noise of the forest and the rustling of leaves are beneficial for hearing. What a variety of smells and tactile sensations in the forest. Carefully touch the trees, smell the flowers. What do you think you can eat in the forest and what you can’t eat? Is it possible to taste unfamiliar plants, fruits, berries and seeds? Did you know that the forest can heal? What medicinal plants do you know? Explain proverbs and sayings. • They don’t carry firewood into the forest, they don’t pour water into the well. • Forest and water are brother and sister. • It takes a second to break a tree, but it takes years to grow it. • Whoever plants a tree is a man’s friend. • Forests protect from the wind and help the harvest. • The forest has grown, so will the ax handle. • Under a large tree, the mushroom grows more freely. Practical work. Guys, pay attention to the anthills and a few grasses. What is the role of ants in nature? Stop near the trees. Name them. Come up with and say kind words to the trees, admire them. Look at how the leaves on the trees are arranged. Correctly mosaic. Why? How many tiers are there in our forest? Each tier has its own residents. Squirrels, crossbills, woodpeckers, orioles, and owls nest in tall trees. Nightingales and blackbirds make their nests in the bushes. Hares, foxes, hedgehogs, frogs, moose, mice live on the ground. Do you think there are tiers underground? What soil animals do you know? Correctly moles, worms, soil insects. All these are forest animals. They live together in the same forest, each finds food, places for nests, and burrows. Where are tree roots located? That's right, fierceness is observed there too. Research work. The boys are digging a small pit. The guys examine the soil section and find plant roots. They are called root systems. Find root hairs in grasses and trees. Remember their role for plants. We split into groups of 4 people. Task 1.Name and write down the plants of each tier. If you don’t know the plants, try to identify them using the key. Collect a collection of leaves. Task 2. Collecting natural material for the study group. Games. Find two logs that are about half a meter apart from each other. Walk along the logs with twenty cones in your hands. If the cones fall, you will have to start all over again. Task 3. Examine the fallen trees and determine their age. How can you determine the age of a tree? Correctly counting the growth rings. Didactic games. • Choose the most beautiful corner in the forest and why you liked it. • Draw a verbal portrait of the tree. • Tell us about the most amazing plant. • Who will hear more sounds? Task 4. Guys, look around, find out if there is garbage. The trash needs to be removed. Why? You need to collect it with a stick or with gloved hands. Guys, let's say goodbye to the forest and say words of gratitude. After collecting your things, pay attention to whether there is any garbage. Reflection. Guys, did you like it in the forest? What did you remember on the excursion? What were you happy about? How has the forest affected your mood and well-being? 4. Homework assignment. 1.Write an essay or impression about the excursion. 2. Make rules for behavior in the forest. Appendix 1. Students are prohibited from: • leaving the group location; • walk barefoot; • touch prickly, cutting and unfamiliar plants with your hands; • taste unfamiliar plants, mushrooms, berries, fish and other “gifts of nature”; • touch poisonous, stinging and unfamiliar insects, fish and animals; • drink water from reservoirs without proper treatment; • without the permission of the accompanying persons, move away from the group at a distance exceeding the limits of direct visibility; • without the permission of the accompanying persons, touch or approach any birds and animals; • perform any actions without the permission of the accompanying employee.

Excursion to the forest with children of a preparatory group for school.

Excursion to the forest.


— Introduce children to the forest, to professions related to the forest, and forest inhabitants;

-Deepen and concretize the understanding of the living conditions of plants and

animals in autumn;

-Teach to distinguish between trees and bushes;

-Develop the ability to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between observed objects. -Cultivate a love of nature; -Teach children how to behave in the forest.


drawings depicting leaves, mushrooms, berries.

Preliminary work:

familiarization with forest inhabitants and forest plants; drawing autumn trees, sculpting mushrooms.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory conversation.

  1. The teacher invites the children to look at the observed objects and listen to the autumn forest.

-What is the weather today? What sky? How does the sun shine? Is it warmer or colder today than it was in the summer?

  1. How has the color of leaves on trees and shrubs changed? Have they started to fall off? Find trees and shrubs whose leaves have not changed compared to summer.
  2. What is the name of the area of ​​forest where spruce trees grow? Birches? Oak trees?
  3. How has the grass changed? Notice if any plants are blooming now? Are there as many of them as in summer? What do you think is responsible for such changes in plants in the fall? (Less light, heat.)
  4. Observe whether there are as many insects now as there were in the summer. Where are there more of them: in the sun or in the shade? Why do there become fewer and fewer insects in autumn? Why do they hide under the bark of trees, in the soil, under fallen leaves?

6.What has changed in the behavior of birds compared to summer? What are the names of the birds that fly away from us to warmer climes? (migratory) Why do you think migratory birds do not winter with us? (It’s cold, there’s no food, the insects are disappearing, the fields have been harvested.)

Didactic game “Recognize a tree by its leaf”

The teacher shows the leaves of various trees.

  • Look at the leaves. What trees do these leaves grow on? Conversation about the forest.
  • Guys, what grows in the forest? (Trees, shrubs, berries, mushrooms) -The most important inhabitants of the forest are trees, there are many of them, they are tall.
  • How did you recognize birch, oak, rowan, maple, spruce, pine? (By the structure of the leaves, by the trunk, etc.)

-Guess the riddle: “Sits - turns green, lies - turns yellow, falls - turns black” (Leaf) -Forests are different: mixed, when all these trees meet; conifers; birch groves where only birches grow; in the pine forest there are only pine trees, there is a pleasant smell of resin. In a mixed forest, shrubs such as elderberry, hazel, and raspberry grow under the trees. Herbs, berries, and mushrooms also grow on the ground. Animals, birds, and insects live in the forest. They find housing here: they dig holes and build nests. The forest feeds them. The forest is a wonderful natural resource.

Guys, now I want to introduce you to forestry professions - workers, loggers, tractor drivers, crane operators, drivers, foresters. You see how many people work in the forest. But the most important thing is the forester. He supervises the planting of a new forest, designates areas for felling, protects the forest from fires and people who cut down trees and shoot animals without permission. The forest is divided into sections. A forester is responsible for each site.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

The forest is a big house. Who lives in it? Name all the inhabitants of the forest and their homes. What do you call the babies of different animals? The hare has a bunny; From the fox - From the wolf -

At the bear's, etc.

Proverbs about the forest.

And finally, let's get acquainted with proverbs about the forest.

Plant - earth decoration. Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world. Walk through the forest and watch your step. The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone. Forest and water are brother and sister.


Summary of the lesson.

-Did you like it in the forest?

-What can you call this time of autumn? (Early)

-Well, guys, our excursion has come to an end, and it’s time for us to return to our beloved kindergarten. But you and I will definitely come to the forest again

“Excursion to the forest” outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic

Excursion to the forest.


— Introduce children to the forest, to professions related to the forest, and forest inhabitants;

-Deepen and concretize the understanding of the living conditions of plants and

animals in autumn;

-Teach to distinguish between trees and bushes;

-Develop the ability to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between observed objects. -Cultivate a love of nature; -Teach children how to behave in the forest.

Materials: drawings depicting leaves, mushrooms, berries. Preliminary work: familiarization with forest inhabitants and forest plants; drawing autumn trees, sculpting mushrooms.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory conversation.

  1. The teacher invites the children to look at the observed objects and listen to the autumn forest.

-What is the weather today? What sky? How does the sun shine? Is it warmer or colder today than it was in the summer?

  1. How has the color of leaves on trees and shrubs changed? Have they started to fall off? Find trees and shrubs whose leaves have not changed compared to summer.
  2. What is the name of the area of ​​forest where spruce trees grow? Birches? Oak trees?
  3. How has the grass changed? Notice if any plants are blooming now? Are there as many of them as in summer? What do you think is responsible for such changes in plants in the fall? (Less light, heat.)
  4. Observe whether there are as many insects now as there were in the summer. Where are there more of them: in the sun or in the shade? Why do there become fewer and fewer insects in autumn? Why do they hide under the bark of trees, in the soil, under fallen leaves?

6.What has changed in the behavior of birds compared to summer? What are the names of the birds that fly away from us to warmer climes? (migratory) Why do you think migratory birds do not winter with us? (It’s cold, there’s no food, the insects are disappearing, the fields have been harvested.)

Didactic game “Recognize a tree by its leaf” The teacher shows the leaves of various trees.

  • Look at the leaves. What trees do these leaves grow on? Conversation about the forest.
  • Guys, what grows in the forest? (Trees, shrubs, berries, mushrooms) -The most important inhabitants of the forest are trees, there are many of them, they are tall.
  • How did you recognize birch, oak, rowan, maple, spruce, pine? (By the structure of the leaves, by the trunk, etc.)

-Guess the riddle: “Sits - turns green, lies - turns yellow, falls - turns black” (Leaf) -Forests are different: mixed, when all these trees meet; conifers; birch groves where only birches grow; in the pine forest there are only pine trees, there is a pleasant smell of resin. In a mixed forest, shrubs such as elderberry, hazel, and raspberry grow under the trees. Herbs, berries, and mushrooms also grow on the ground. Animals, birds, and insects live in the forest. They find housing here: they dig holes and build nests. The forest feeds them. The forest is a wonderful natural resource.

Guys, now I want to introduce you to forestry professions - workers, loggers, tractor drivers, crane operators, drivers, foresters. You see how many people work in the forest. But the most important thing is the forester. He supervises the planting of a new forest, designates areas for felling, protects the forest from fires and people who cut down trees and shoot animals without permission. The forest is divided into sections. A forester is responsible for each site.

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

The forest is a big house. Who lives in it? Name all the inhabitants of the forest and their homes. What do you call the babies of different animals? The hare has a bunny; From the fox - From the wolf -

At the bear's, etc.

Proverbs about the forest. And finally, let's get acquainted with proverbs about the forest.

Plant - earth decoration. Groves and forests are the beauty of the whole world. Walk through the forest and watch your step. The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone. Forest and water are brother and sister.


Summary of the lesson.

-Did you like it in the forest?

-What can you call this time of autumn? (Early)

-Well, guys, our excursion has come to an end, and it’s time for us to return to our beloved kindergarten. But you and I will definitely come to the forest again

Summary of an excursion to the autumn forest with children of senior preschool age

Summary of an excursion to the September forest for children 5-7 years old.

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the changes in nature in early autumn. Objectives: 1. Clarify and consolidate the signs of early autumn; 2. Help to remember the signs of early autumn; 3. Develop observation skills; 4. Remember the names of different trees; 5. Consolidate the concepts of “early autumn”, “birch forest” in the children’s dictionary; 6. Establish rules of behavior in the forest; 7. Foster a caring attitude towards nature and the wealth of the native land. Progress: in a group. Educator: Guys, today we will go on an excursion to the forest. Can you tell what kind of forest there is? Children: green, autumn, mushroom, thick, dense, etc. Educator : Well done! How many words have you come up with for the forest? Today we will go to the autumn forest. The forest changes its appearance every month. Name the autumn months. Children : September, October, November. Educator : Today we will visit the September forest. Let's see how nature has changed in September. But first, let's talk about the rules of safe behavior in the forest. 1. Do not break branches; 2. Do not light a fire; 3. Do not trample mushrooms and flowers; 4. Do not destroy anthills and nests; 5. Do not pick mushrooms; 6. Don't throw trash. On the way to.
The chant is in order.
We are going into the forest with the guys, We will see a lot in it: And mushrooms and dew, And a path and a fox. We love the nature of the region. Hello, dear Motherland. The teacher takes the children to the forest. Educator: Guys, look at the forest, what trees do you see? Children : Birches. Educator : So what kind of forest is this? Children : Birch. Educator : Correct, how did you know? How is birch different from other trees? Children : Birch has a white trunk. Educator : Correct. How did forest nature change in September? Children : The leaves on the trees began to turn yellow, the grass began to wilt, and it became cooler. Educator : What leaves do you see on the trees? Children : Yellow, orange, green, brown. Educator : what else has changed with the arrival of September? Children : It rains more often, the nights have become longer, the days are shorter. Educator : All these are signs of early autumn. Repeat “early autumn” Children repeat.
Physical exercise Drop one, drop two (jumping) Very slowly at first, And then, then, then Everyone run, run, run. (run) We opened our umbrellas (arms to the sides) We covered ourselves from the rain (arms above our heads).
Educator: Shall we play? Children : Yes Educator : the game is called “The Sound of the Forest.” Close your eyes. What forest sounds do you hear? Children : Wind, rustling leaves, birds singing, etc. Educator : Nature in September is very beautiful, but it seems very sad and dull. I will read you a poem that N. Nekrasov wrote. A mournful wind drives a flock of clouds to the edge of heaven. The broken spruce groans, the dark forest whispers dully. On a pockmarked and motley stream, a leaf flies behind a leaf, And in a dry and sharp stream, a chill comes. Educator : Nature is sad, we won’t, let’s play the game “Sly Fox.” Children stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, with their hands behind their backs. The teacher walks behind them and inconspicuously touches any child. A child touched by a teacher becomes a “sly fox.” The teacher invites one of the children to look carefully at their comrades and look for the sly fox with their eyes. If the child does not find it right away, then all the children ask: “Sly fox, where are you?” and carefully watch everyone’s face to see if the fox will appear. After three questions, the fox answers: “I’m here!” and starts catching. The children run away in different directions. When the fox catches 2 - 3 children, the game ends. When repeating, choose another fox. Educator : Now let's all take a close look at the September forest, remember it, as if we were taking a photograph, and when we come to kindergarten, we will draw it. On the way back.
Returning from the forest, on the way to kindergarten, children look at the trees.
Educator : Look, what kind of tree is this? Children : Rowan. Educator : How did you know? Children : Rowan has beautiful small leaves and clusters of bright red berries. Educator : What kind of tree is this? Children : Maple. Its leaves are carved and there are fruits that look like propeller blades. Educator : What kind of tree is this? Children : Willow, its leaves are long and narrow. Educator : what is the name of this tree? Children : An apple tree, apples hang on it, and the leaves are large and wide. Educator : Did you like our excursion today? Children's answers. In Group. At the request of the children: independent drawing of the September forest.

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Autumn excursion to the forest, 2nd grade. The world. Abstract

Summary of an excursion around the world around us in elementary school.
Topic: In the forest Goals: expand ideas about the forest as a plant community; consolidate the concepts of “plant”, “animal”, “shrub”, “tree”, “grass”, “forest”; learn to find signs of differences between inanimate and living nature in autumn compared to summer; conduct observations of the behavior of forest animals; continue aesthetic and environmental education. Equipment : computer, projector.
Course of the excursion
I. Organizational moment. II. Updating basic knowledge (class work). 1. Observations of plants (trees). Teacher. We found ourselves in an amazing natural world called a forest. What unusual do you see?

Students . There are many trees and shrubs with colorful leaves. Teacher . How many of you have already been to the forest? I see that only a few children visited the forest. He hides so many mysteries, but we will try to solve them. The forest is a home for living beings, a multi-story building. Each floor houses its own plants, insects, birds, and animals; relationships are established between them that help them exist. And so we came to visit the forest. Therefore, we must follow the rules so as not to destroy the connection that has been established in the forest house. Take a close look at the appearance of the forest. Describe it. (Children's answers.) Teacher . Find the main feature of the forest and name it. Students . There are many trees growing in the forest. Their characteristic is one thick stem called a trunk. Teacher. I'll name two trees. Who knows these plants? Oak and aspen.

The first student will tell you about the signs of an oak tree, what color the trunk is, what shape the leaves are, whether there are fruits on the tree and who eats them. The second student will tell about the aspen using this plan. The third student will compare which plant is taller, whose trunk is thicker, whose leaves are longer and wider. To compare sizes, you need to know the thickness of the trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits. This work is best done by recording the results in a small notebook. 2. Observations of plants (shrubs). Teacher. Look at the color of the winged fruits. (Students do.) What plant does this miracle belong to? You saw similar fruits on the tree near the school. Students. This is maple. Teacher. That's right, but it's only called Tatarian maple.

Look closely, the plant has many branches extending from the ground, which means it is a shrub. What bush do you see nearby? Students . This is a rosehip.

Teacher . Its branches have thorns that painfully prick the skin, but the fruits are very useful. They contain a lot of vitamin C. Do you see an interesting shrub? Pay attention to its stems. See what's noticeable? Students . There are white formations on the stems and red fruits hanging on the stalk. Teacher . This plant is called warty euonymus; it was for its outgrowths that it was given such a name.

3. Observations of insects. Teacher . Voracious predators like to hide among its tender branches. Who are they, guess? Eight legs, like eight arms, embroider a circle with silk. The master knows a lot about silk. Buy flies, silk. Students . This is a spider. Teacher . He has four pairs of legs and he knows how to weave webs into which various insects fall, and the spiders eat them.

Teacher . What insects fly in the forest? Try to note the visible signs. Students. Here is a very beautiful butterfly, it has four wings and six legs. The plump chest, elongated abdomen and head with two antennae are clearly visible. By these characteristics it differs from a spider. The wings have a light stripe along the edges, and the whole body is black. Teacher . They described the differences between insects and spiders very well, now you won’t confuse them. And the butterfly is called a mourner.

She easily endures the winter, plunging into deep sleep, and in the spring she returns to life again. 4. Bird watching. Teacher. What animals were there in abundance in the summer, but now are not only not visible, but also not heard? Students. In summer there are many birds in the forest. They care for the chicks and bring them food. And in the fall the birds gather to fly away, no one sings songs. Teacher. Who's knocking on wood?

Students . This is a woodpecker. Teacher . Why is he knocking on the trunk? Students . The woodpecker breaks through the bark and with its long tongue pulls out insects that are pests of the tree. 5. Observations of animals. Teacher. What animal can we see? Listen to the riddle. An angry impatiens lives in the depths of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. Students. Riddle about a hedgehog.

Teacher. Tell us what the hedgehog eats. Students . The hedgehog feeds mainly on insects and their larvae, slugs, snails, and earthworms. A special delicacy for him are mosquito larvae and centipedes. They can eat frogs, snakes, lizards, chicks, mice, as well as fruits and berries. Teacher. How does a hedgehog protect itself from predators? Students. A large number of spines on the back and the ability to curl up into a prickly ball help the hedgehog defend itself. Teacher . Describe the appearance of the animal. Students. Hedgehogs are small animals. The back and upper part of the sides are covered with short hard spines, the surface of which is smooth, the color is two or three colors, and the ends are strongly pointed. The belly and lower part of the sides are covered with rather long and stiff hair. The hedgehog's muzzle is elongated, with nostrils at its end. The legs and tail are short, the toes have claws. Teacher . Describe the hedgehog's behavior. Students . Hedgehogs are active at dusk and at night. The hedgehog goes out in search of food after sunset and returns to its shelter at dawn. When searching for food, the hedgehog uses hearing and scent. The animal's nest is placed under a bush, in a depression in the soil, under a snag. The nest bed is lined with last year's leaves, moss and grass stems. In this shelter, he spends the winter in hibernation, which continues until the snow melts and severe night frosts stop. The hedgehog's enemies are wolves, foxes, wild cats, and eagle owls. III. Organizing and conducting observations in nature. (Group work.)
Having divided the class into groups, you can offer to do the following work.
Tasks. 1. Compare the color of the leaves of plants growing in the school yard. 2. Determine where there are more yellow, orange or red leaves - at the top, middle or bottom of the tree. 3. Find flowering plants near the school building and in a dark place, determine how many species bloom in different conditions. 4. Determine where there are more fruits in one type of plant growing in different conditions. 5. Collect leaves from different plants and put them in a herbarium folder, making the appropriate signatures. The results of the work are recorded in a notepad. Discussion and conclusions are made in class. IV. Lesson summary. Teacher . Write a story about what you saw on the excursion according to the plan: 1. What signs of autumn can be observed in inanimate nature? 2 What are the characteristics of trees, shrubs and grasses? 3. What types of plants did you meet? 4 What changes occur with the onset of autumn in the birds you met on the excursion? Teacher. So our journey into the magical, amazing natural world, whose name is forest, has ended. Was it interesting to you? Let's say “thank you” to our friend the forest and wish him a peaceful winter. Homework. Write a story about what you were able to see and observe.

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