Card file of physical education minutes for the preparatory group of kindergarten (6–7 years old)


For younger schoolchildren, it is advisable to conduct additional physical exercises in reading, writing, and mathematics lessons, aimed at relaxing the visual organs. When performing such exercises, children perform eye movements.

The exercises are performed to the following poem:

We will conjure with our eyes

Let's draw a huge circle

(children “draw” a circle with their eyes),

Let's draw a window

(“draw” a window),

And a huge log

(“draw” a log).

Let's draw an elevator running:

Eyes down, eyes up!

(look down, look up).

Everyone closed their eyes: one-two!

(close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds),

Head is spinning.

We blinked our eyes

(blink your eyes for 3–5 seconds),

Instantly the garlands sparkled.

We look straight ahead -

It's a plane rushing.

(look straight ahead).

Blink once, blink twice

(blink your eyes for 3-5 seconds) -

Our eyes are rested!

Photo: : UGC

When performing, it is necessary to ensure that students make movements exclusively with their eyes and eyelids. Head turns are not allowed.

Card index of physical education minutes for the preparatory group

Physical education lessons for the preparatory group.

Card index

They are running, running from the yard.

They run, they run from the yard (We walk in place.) Walk, walk in the meadows: (Jumping on the spot.) Trigger-garaburka-whatever, (Clap our hands.) Duck-floater-clack-quack, (Stomp our feet.) Goose-water-gagi-wagi, (We squat.) Turkey-khripindyuk-shulty-buldy, (Clap our hands.) Pig-top hundred-backed-chahi-ryakhi, (Stomp our feet.) Goat-deribosa-mekhe-beke, (Squat .) Ram-krutorog-chiki-kicks, (Clap our hands.) Cow-komol a-tpruki-flour, (Stamp our feet.) Horse-kick-igi-vigi.
(We walk in place.) And the clock goes on and on.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, who in the house can do that?
This is a pendulum in a clock, Beats every beat (Tilts left and right.) And in the clock sits a cuckoo, She has her own hut. (Children sit down in a deep squat.) The bird will spend time, hide behind the door again, (Squats.) The arrows move in a circle. They don't touch each other. (Rotate your body to the right.) You and I will turn counterclockwise. (Rotate your body to the left.) And the clock goes and goes, (Walks in place.) Sometimes it suddenly lags behind. (Slow down the pace of walking.) And sometimes they are in a hurry, As if they want to run away! (Running in place.) If they are not turned on, then they completely stand up. (Children stop.) Butterfly.
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (Torso to the right, to the left.) Didn’t want to sleep anymore, (Torso forward, backward.) He moved, stretched, (Hands up, stretch.) Soared up and flew.
(Hands up, right, left.) The sun just wakes up in the morning, the butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around.) Airplanes.
The planes hummed (rotating in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows), the planes flew (arms to the sides, alternating tilts to the left and right), they sat quietly in the clearing (sit down, hands to the knees), and they flew again.
Squirrels jump on branches.
Jump and jump, jump and jump! They often climb high, high! (jumping in place.) Let's play hopscotch Let's play hopscotch, Jump on one leg. And now let’s jump a little more on the other leg. (jumping on one leg.) Leaves.
We are autumn leaves, we sit on the branches.
(Sit down) The wind blew - we flew, We flew, we flew (easy running in a circle) And sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down) The wind came again and picked up all the leaves, (easy running in a circle) They spun, flew and sat quietly on the ground, (sit down) A puppy was running around the yard.
A puppy was running around the yard, (slowly running in place) Sees a piece of pie, (leaning forward, arms to the sides) crawled under the porch and ate it, (sit down, hands to mouth) Lounged, sniffling.
(arms to the sides, head to the side) Let's jump and gallop!
One two three four five!
Let's jump and jump! (Jumping in place.) The right side bent. (Tilts the body left and right.) One, two, three. Left side bent. One two Three. Now let’s raise our hands (Hands up.) And reach for the cloud. Let's sit on the path, (Sit down on the floor.) We'll stretch our legs. Let's bend our right leg, (Bend our legs at the knee.) One, two, three! Let's bend the left leg, One, two, three. They raised their legs high (Raised their legs up.) And held them for a while. They shook their heads (Move their heads.) And everyone stood up together. (Stand up.) Let's jump like a frog
Let's jump like a frog, Jumping Champion.
After one jump comes another jump, Let's jump higher, my friend! (Jumping.) Up hand and down hand.
Up hand and down hand.
They pulled them lightly. We quickly changed hands! We're not bored today. (One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.) Squat with clap: Down - clap and up - clap. We stretch our legs and arms, We know for sure that it will do good. (Squats, clapping your hands above your head.) Twist and turn your head, Stretch your neck. Stop! (Rotate your head to the right and left.) Pinocchio.
Pinocchio stretched, (raise his arms up to the sides, stretch, rising on his toes) Once - bent over, Two - bent over, (tilts the body forward) spread his arms to the side, (spread his arms to the sides) Apparently he didn’t find the key, (turns to the right and to the left) To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.
(hands on your belt, rise on your tiptoes) Stand up quickly.
Get up quickly, smile, pull yourself higher, higher.
Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them, turn left, right, touch your hands with your knees. They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up and ran on the spot. The fungus
Grisha walked, walked, walked, (walking in place) Found a porcini mushroom.
One - fungus, Two - fungus, Three - fungus, (tilt the body forward) Put them in the box Funny geese (Musical physical education)
(Children sing and perform different movements after the teacher.) Lived with a grandmother Two funny geese: One gray, the other white , Two cheerful geese.
They stretched out their necks - Whose ones are longer! One is gray, the other is white, which one is longer! The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch. One is gray, the other is white, Hid in a ditch. Here the granny shouts: Oh, the geese are gone! One is gray, the other is white - My geese, geese! The geese came out, bowed to the granny - One was gray, the other white, bowed to the granny. Fun jumping One, two - there's a rocket. Three, four - an airplane. One, two - clap your hands, (Jumping on one and two legs.) And then on every count. One, two, three, four - Arms higher, shoulders wider. One, two, three, four - And they walked on the spot. (Walking in place.) Airplane
Hands to the sides - in flight We send the airplane, Right wing forward, Left wing forward.
One, two, three, four - Our plane has taken off. (Stand your feet apart, arms to the sides, turn to the right; turn to the left.) We drew today
We drew today, Our fingers are tired.
Let them rest a little and start drawing again. Let's move our elbows away together and start drawing again. (The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.) Today we painted, Our fingers were tired. Let's shake our fingers and start drawing again. Feet together, feet apart, Hammering in a nail. (Children smoothly raise their hands in front of them, shake their hands, stamp their hands.) We tried, drew, And now we all stood up together, Stomped our feet, clapped our hands, Then we squeezed our fingers, We started drawing again. We tried, we drew, Our fingers are tired, And now we will rest - Let's start drawing again. (When reciting a poem, children perform movements, repeating them after the teacher.) Stork.
(Back straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.) - Stork, long-legged stork, Show the way home.
(The stork answers.) - Stomp with your right foot, Stomp with your left foot, Again with your right foot, Again with your left foot. After - with the right foot, After - with the left foot. And then you will come home. We walk through the forest together.
We walk through the forest together, don’t rush, don’t lag behind.
Here we go out into the meadow. (Walking in place.) A thousand flowers around! (Stretching - arms to the sides.) Here is chamomile, cornflower, Lungwort, porridge, clover. The carpet is spread out both to the right and to the left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with your right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with your left hand.) The arms were extended to the sky, The spine was stretched. (Stretching - arms up.) We all had time to rest and sat down again. (Children sit down.) Christmas tree.
Our tree is large (circular movement with hands), Our tree is high (stand on tiptoes), taller than mom, taller than dad (sit down and stand on tiptoes), reaches the ceiling (stretch).
Let's dance merrily. Eh, eh, eh! Let's sing songs. La-la-la! So that the Christmas tree wants to come visit us again! A sunflower grows in the yard.
A sunflower grows in the yard, In the morning it reaches for the sun.
(Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.) Next to him is a second one, similar, He is also reaching for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and raise their arms up again.) Turn the arms in a circle. Don't accidentally hit your friend! A few circles forward, and then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.) We had a wonderful rest, And it’s time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.) A bunny came out
The bunny went out for a walk. The wind began to subside. (Walking in place.) Here he is galloping down the slope, running into the green forest. And rushes between the trunks, Among the grass, flowers, bushes. (Jumping in place.) The little bunny is tired. Wants to hide in the bushes. (Walking in place.) The bunny froze in the middle of the grass And now we will freeze too! (Children sit down.) Smile.
Jerks up and down with our arms, as if we were waving flags. Let's stretch our shoulders. Hands move towards. (One hand up, the other down, change hands with jerks.) Hands on your sides. Smile. Lean left and right. (Bend to the sides.) Start squats. Don't rush, don't lag behind. (Squats.) And at the end - walking in place. Everyone has known this for a long time. (Walk in place.) Repeat the exercise We vigorously wave our arms, Stretch our shoulders. One-two, one-two, one-two-three, repeat the exercise. (One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.) We rotate the body to the left, Three-four, one-two. We repeat the exercise: Shoulders, head to the right. (Rotate the body left and right.) We all had time to warm up, and sat down again. (Children sit down.)


The sun has come out from behind a cloud, We will stretch out our arms to the sun.
(Stretching - arms up.) Arms to the sides then We will spread them wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) We have finished the warm-up. Rested your legs and backs. Charger.
Every day in the morning we do exercises.
We really like to do it in order: It’s fun to walk, it’s fun to walk. Raise your hands, lower your hands. Raise your hands, lower your hands. Squat and stand up. squat and stand up. Jump and jump, jump and jump. There is a pine tree in the yard.
There is a pine tree in the yard. It reaches towards the sky.
Poplar grew up next to her, he wants to be more authentic. (Standing on one leg, we stretch - arms up, then do the same, standing on the other leg.) A strong wind blew, all the trees swayed. (Tilts the body back and forth.) The branches bend back and forth, The wind shakes them, bends them. (Jerks with arms in front of the chest.) Let's squat together - One, two, three, four, five. (Squats.) We warmed up from the heart and rush to the place again. (Children go to their places.) Autumn leaves.
Leaf fall, leaf fall, Our garden is crumbling, Yellow leaves are flying, They rustle under our feet.
Each line has four steps per beat. We are surprised by nature
We are standing in the garden, we are surprised by nature.
(Stretching arms to the sides.) Here is the salad, and here is the dill. We grow carrots there. (Touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.) We’ll work with you, we’ll declare a fight on the weeds - we’ll pull them out by the roots and squat lower. (Squats.) Nettles grew luxuriantly near the fence to everyone’s surprise. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) We won’t touch her - We’ve already been burned a little. (Stretching - arms forward.) We watered everything from a watering can and sat down on the benches. (Children sit down.) Vegetables
Let's go to the garden,
march in place
and collect the harvest.
walk in a circle, holding hands.
We will drag carrots,
imitate how they are dragged.
And we will dig up potatoes,
. We
will cut off
. Round, juicy, very tasty.
show with your hands

“tear” it
a little And we’ll go back along the path.
walk in a circle holding hands Fruits
We will cook compote.
marching in place
You need a lot of fruits.
Here. show with your hands - “a lot”
We will chop the apples,
imitate: how they chop
We will chop and
Squeeze the lemon juice,
squeeze it out,
Put the drain and sand.
They put it in, pour in sand
. We cook, we cook compote,
turn around
and treat the honest people.
clap your hands And blueberries grow in the forest
And blueberries, strawberries, blueberries grow in the forest.
To pick a berry, you have to squat deeper. (Squats.) I took a walk in the forest. I'm carrying a basket of berries. (Walk in place.) Grisha walked
Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.) I found a porcini mushroom.
(Clap your hands.) One - mushroom, (Bends forward.) Two - mushroom, (Bends forward.) Three - mushroom, (Bends forward.) Put them in the box. (We walk in place. Reciting the poem, children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they walk, bend down and put mushrooms in the box. Movements should be leisurely, rhythmic.) Putting on
I know how to put on shoes,
stomp my feet
If I want, I can teach my little brother how to put on shoes.
hands in front of the chest, showing “little brother”
Here they are, boots,
bend forward
This one is from the right leg,
stroke the right leg
This one is from the left leg.
stroke the left leg. A flock of birds.
A flock of birds flies south, the sky is blue all around.
(Children wave their arms like wings.) In order to fly faster, you need to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.) Birds
Birds began to descend, Everyone sat down in the clearing.
They have a long way to go, the birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.) And again it’s time to hit the road. We have a lot of flying to do. (Children stand up and flap their “wings.”) Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to land. ELK The
moose came out into the clearing
to cross their arms and raise them above
the Friendly family:
with their heads (fingers straight, spread apart),
Papa the elk walks with antlers,
they walk in place, raising their knees high,
And the calf has horns;
step from toe to toe in place (lifting only the heels from the floor), pointing the index fingers of both hands to the forehead (horns);
Mom with long legs
move to a high step with “big horns”;
And the elk calf has legs.
repeat the steps of the elk calf. Ducks
Our ducks in the morning -
Waddle in a circle, imitating
Quack - quack, quack!
Quack - quack - quack! the gait of ducks
Our geese by the pond -
They walk in a circle, stretching their necks forward and
Ha - gaga!
Ha-ga-ha! putting their hands - “wings” back
Our chickens out the window -
Stop, stand facing in a circle,
Ko - ko - ko!
Ko-ko-ko! they hit their sides with their hands
And like Petya the cockerel
They stand with their backs in a circle, stretch their necks up,
Early, early in the morning
they rise on tiptoe
They will sing to us: ku-ka-re-ku!
We came to the barnyard,
The children walk at a normal pace.
There is plenty of space for animals.
Nearby there is a meadow with thick grass and a wonderful watering hole. We will turn into horses, walking with their knees raised high
, graceful and slender.
And we walk through the meadows, Bright and free. - Clack-clack-clack. And now the herd is galloping, running with their knees raised high,
galloping quickly across the meadow.
“Igo-go,” we shout loudly to the young shepherdess. The cow drives away the flies. They make turns to the side, “driving away the flies.”
They beat their tail back and forth.
Gadflies bite painfully. There are so many midges that it’s a disaster. On the hills and in the grooves They bend down,
The sheep peacefully nibble the grass, They bend down to the ground, They bleat loudly: “Bee-e-e.”
The goats gallop across the meadow, jumping
and butting their horns.
“Me-e-e,” they shout to each other, and play happily. We twist our necks carefully.
We twist our necks carefully - You may feel dizzy.
We look to the left - one, two, three. So. And look to the right. (Rotate your head to the right and left.) Let's stretch up, walk, (Stretching - arms up, walking in place.) And we'll return to the place again. (Children sit down.) The sun warms the earth weakly
The sun warms the earth weakly, (Hands up and down.) Frost crackles at night, (Hands on the waist, bends to the sides.) In the yard of the Snow Woman (Hands on the waist, turn around. ) The carrot nose turned white.
(Children show their nose.) The water in the river suddenly became motionless and hard, (Jumping in place.) The blizzard is angry, the snow is spinning, (Children are spinning.) Sweeping everything around with snow-white silver. (Imitate movements with their hands.) It’s frosty in our yard.
It’s frosty in our yard.
To keep your nose from freezing, you need to stomp your feet and clap your palms. (Children slap their hands on their shoulders and stomp their feet.) Now let’s imagine summer. The river is warmed by the sun. We swim, swim, swim, reaching the bottom with our feet. (Swimming movements with hands.) We leave the river and head to the edge. (Walking in place.) Bullfinches.
Look at the branches,
clap your hands on the sides.
Bullfinches in red T-shirts.
Tilt your head to the side.
They fluffed up the feathers,
for the first word of each line
shaking your hands, the second - clapping on the sides.
They turn their heads and want to fly away.
Head turns.
Shoo! Let's fly away! Children run around the room, waving their arms,
Behind the blizzard!
Behind the blizzard! like wings. Three nods of the head.
One - rise, stretch, (Stretched.) Two - bend, straighten, (Bent your backs, hands on the belt.) Three - clap your hands, three claps, (Clap your hands.) Three nods with your head.
(Move your head.) At four - arms wider, (Arms to the sides.) Five - wave your arms, (Swing your arms.) Six - sit down again. (Sit down.) I’m not afraid of frost.
I’m not afraid of frost, (We walk in place.) I’ll become strong friends with him.
(We clap our hands.) The frost will come up to me, (Sit down.) It will touch my hand, touch its nose (They showed their hand, nose.) So, we must not yawn, (We clap our hands.) Jump, run and play. (Jumping in place.) We are going skiing into the forest.
We go skiing into the forest, We climb the hill. Sticks will help us walk, The road will be easy for us. (The children wave their arms as if they were using ski poles.) Suddenly a strong wind arose, It twists and turns the trees and makes noise among the branches. The snow flies, flies, flies. (Rotation of the body to the right and left.) The bunny jumps along the edge, Like a white soft ball. One jump and two jumps - So our friend disappeared! (Jumping.) Although it’s nice to ride here, I need to practice again. (Children sit at their desks.) We turn our heads, As if we firmly answer: “No, I won’t, I don’t want to!” Children can handle this. (Rotate your head right and left.)

We won't rush

Stretch your lower back, We won't rush.
Turn right, turn left, look at your neighbor. (Turn the torso to the sides.) To become even smarter, We will slightly twist our neck. One and two, one and two, My head started spinning. (Rotate your head to the sides.) One-two-three-four-five, We need to stretch our legs. (Squats.) Finally, everyone knows how to always walk in place. (Walking in place.) Is there any benefit from warming up? Well, it's time to sit down. (Children sit down.) Dishes
Here is a large glass teapot,
“puff up” your stomach, one hand on your belt,
Very important, like a boss.
the other is curved, like a spout.
Here are porcelain cups,
Very fragile, poor things.
hands on the belt
Here are porcelain saucers,
Just knock - they will break.
drawing a circle with your hands.
Here are silver spoons,
stretch, clasp your hands above your head.
Here is a plastic tray - He brought us the dishes.
make a big circle. We stood together to warm up.
We stood up together to warm up. And we bend the back back.
One-two, one-two, one-two-three, Don't fall, watch. (Children lean back, resting their palms on their lower backs for safety.) We lean forward. Who reaches the floor? We also do this difficult work one by one. (Lean forward.) Chauffeur
It’s good to be a chauffeur.
Children run in a circle, turning an “imaginary steering wheel.”
Better to be a pilot.
They run with their arms spread out to the sides like wings.
I would become a pilot, let them teach me.
I pour gasoline into the tank. We stop and tilt the imaginary container.
I'm starting the propeller.
Circular movement with the right hand.
“Take the engine to the heavens,
They run with their arms outstretched.
So that the birds can sing."
Painters carry lime,
walk in a circle, holding imaginary buckets in their hands.
The walls are brushed with vitriol.
Face in a circle, depict movements with a brush.
Slowly spread the chalk.
They bent over and “stirred in the bucket.”
I could do that too,
“They paint.” Airplane
Hands to the sides - take flight We send the airplane, Right wing forward, Left wing forward.
One, two, three, four - Our plane has taken off. (Stand your feet apart, arms to the sides, turn to the right; turn to the left.) The locomotive shouts
The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming.”
And the wheels are knocking, And the wheels are saying: “Well, well, well!” (Walking in place, moving forward. With bent arms, make movements back and forth.) And above the sea - you and I!
Seagulls are circling above the waves, Let's fly after them together.
Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf, And above the sea - you and I! (Children flap their arms like wings.) We are now sailing on the sea And frolicking in the open air. Have fun rowing and catch up with dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.) Fun jumps
One, two - there’s a rocket.
Three, four - an airplane. One, two - clap your hands, (Jumping on one and two legs.) And then on every count. One, two, three, four - Arms higher, shoulders wider. One, two, three, four - And they walked on the spot. (Walk in place.) To the fast river.
We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place.) We bent down and washed ourselves.
(Bend forward, hands on the belt.) One, two, three, four, (Clap our hands.) That's how nicely refreshed we were. (Shake your hands.) You need to do this with your hands: Together - once, this is breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward.) One, the other - this is the crawl. (Circles with arms forward one by one.) All, as one, we swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place.) We went ashore on a steep bank (We walk in place.) But we won’t go home. Let’s help moms
together. Let’s help moms together: We do the laundry ourselves in the basin.
And shirts and socks for my son and daughter. (Bends forward, movements with hands, imitating rinsing.) We will deftly stretch three clothes ropes across the yard. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) The chamomile sun is shining, The shirts will soon dry. (Stretching - arms up.) The sun
The sun has come out from behind a cloud, We will stretch out our arms to the sun.
(Stretching - arms up.) Arms to the sides then We will spread them wider. (Stretching - arms to the sides.) We have finished the warm-up. Rested your legs and backs. A heron walks on water
A heron walks on water And dreams of food.
Raise your legs higher You, like a heron, don’t yawn! (With a jerk, raise the leg bent at the knee as high as possible, then the other.) To catch food in the water, the heron must bend down. Come on, bend over too, and reach your toes. (Bend over and touch your left foot with your right hand, then your right foot with your left hand.) “Kolya the slob”
Kolya, Kolya Nikolai, clean up after yourself!
Children walk in a circle one after another.
Your hands are lazy:
They clap their hands,
Belt and trousers are under the table,
They squat.
The shirt is not in the closet,
“They are drawing” the quadrangle
Nikolai the slob.
They wag their fingers and shake their heads. One - a flower, two - a flower
To pick flowers in the forest, bend down to your toes.
One is a flower, two is a flower. And then we will weave a wreath. (Bends forward, first to the right leg, then to the left.) Space.
And now you and I, children, and now you and I, children, are flying away on a rocket.
Rise up on your toes, and then put your hands down. One, two, three, four - Here is a rocket flying up! (1-2 - stand on your toes, arms up, palms forming a “rocket dome”; 3-4 - main stance.) Cosmonaut
The sun is shining in a clear sky, The cosmonaut is flying in a rocket.
(Stretching - arms up.) And below the forests, fields - The earth spreads out. (Low bend forward, arms spread to the sides.) Our Motherland is Russia. The capital of the Motherland is Moscow.
Our rest is a physical education minute, Take your places: One - sit down, two - stand up.
Everyone raised their hands up. They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up as if Vanka stood up. And then they started to gallop, like my elastic ball. Clock
Tick-tock, tick-tock - All the clocks go like this: Tick-tock.
(Tilt your heads first to one shoulder, then to the other.) Look quickly what time it is: Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (Swing to the rhythm of the pendulum.) To the left - once, to the right - once, We can do this too. (Legs together, hands on the waist. On the count of “one,” tilt your head to your right shoulder, then to your left, like a clock.) Tick-tock, tick-tock. My family.
Who lives in our apartment?
One, two, three, four, (Clap our hands.) Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.) One, two, three, four, five (Jumping in place.) I can count them all: (We walk in place.) Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.) Murka the cat, two kittens , (Tilts the body left and right.) My cricket, the goldfinch and I - (Turns the body left and right.) That’s my whole family, (Clap our hands.) Victory Day.
The tin soldier is persistent The tin soldier is persistent, Stand on one leg.
Stand on one leg, (We stand on the right leg.) If you are a persistent soldier. Left foot to the chest, but watch out - don’t fall! (We walk in place.) Now stand on your left, (We stand on your left leg.) If you are a brave soldier. (Jumping in place.) At the parade
Like soldiers at a parade, We walk row by row, Left - once, left - once, Look at us all.
Everyone clapped their hands - Together, have fun! Our feet pounded louder and faster! (Walking in place.) Insects. Spider Spider fell under the bench. Accidentally broke my leg. I went to the city store and bought another paw. (On lines 1-3, everyone randomly jumps on two legs. With the word “broke,” they switch to jumping on one leg. On the last two lines, they perform a jump with alternately placing the foot on the heel.) Jump grasshoppers
Raise your shoulders, Jump grasshoppers, Jump-jump , jumping gallop.
We sit down, eat some grass, and listen to the silence. Hush, hush, high, Jump on your toes easily. (You need to push off with one foot and land softly on the other.) Going to school soon.
Come on, don't be lazy! Hands up and hands down. Come on, don't be lazy! Make your swings clearer, sharper, Train your shoulders better. (Both straight arms are raised up, jerk your arms down and put them behind your back, then jerk them up and back.) Body to the right, body to the left - We need to stretch our back. We will make turns and help with our hands. (Turns the body to the sides.) I stand on one leg and bend the other. And now I will alternately raise my knees. (Take turns raising your legs bent at the knees as high as possible.) Rested, refreshed and sat down again. (Children sit down.)

See, the butterfly is flying

You see, the butterfly is flying, (We wave our arms like wings.) He is counting flowers in the meadow. (Count with your finger.) - One, two, three, four, five. (Clap your hands.) Oh, I can’t count! (Jumping in place.) In a day, in two and in a month... (We walk in place.) Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (Clap your hands.) Even the wise bee (We wave our winged hands.) I couldn’t count! (Count with your finger.)

Fabulous physical exercises

Physical exercise on the theme of fairy tales is intended for preschool children. Fairy tales of any genre can be used for reading: fairy tales, folk tales, Russian ones.


Kolobok, bun, round and ruddy (Children lean in different directions). He keeps jumping forward, but he doesn’t know where (They jump on the spot). He turned right, and then left (They make turns on the sides). Now he spun in place (They spin on the spot). Then he became friends with the bunny (They squat down). He rolled further (They move forward slowly).


Terem, tower, tower. You are not low, not high (Children first lower, then raise their hands up). There is a frog jumping in it (They jump in place). The chicken cackles (They wave their arms). The mouse dances merrily (They dance). The hedgehog locked the door , guards our little house (Children clap their hands).

Where to begin

Starting from the very first lesson, make sure to perform the exercises at the correct pace.

How to maintain a safe and efficient pace for your child during morning exercise:

  1. Follow the principle of any workout: warm-up - main part - final part (cool-down). Even beginning athletes usually remember to warm up, but the cool down is often neglected. The final stage of physical activity is as important as all the others - let the child finish the exercise with a slow step in place or simple stretching exercises.
  2. Set the correct speed when performing exercises: first slowly and gradually accelerating, move on to the fastest possible version of the movements. You also need to slow down little by little—pediatricians do not recommend that children, especially preschool and primary school age children, suddenly stop fast movements.
  3. Remember that quality is more important than quantity - let the child do deep bends to the sides five times, observing breathing technique, rather than perform twenty quick shallow bends, forgetting about proper breathing.


Warm-up is needed to prepare and “warm up” the muscles and joints. If you skip the warm-up and go straight to the main part of the workout, there is a high risk of injury. Warm-up option for preschoolers, spend about one minute on each exercise:

  • walking in place;
  • running in place at a calm pace;
  • wave your arms.

A warm-up for a preschooler can be accompanied by a story about the exercises that you will do in the main part of the workout, or you can start a fairy tale that leads to the start of the main classes.

Where to start morning exercises for a child - a warm-up option for elementary school students:

  • bends: hands on the belt, bends are performed sequentially - left, right, forward, backward;
  • rise on toes (5-6 repetitions): inhale - spread your arms wide to the sides, exhale - stretch up on your toes as high as possible, stay in this position for a short time and lower;
  • exercise for shoulders and arms: alternately, and then together, raise and lower your shoulders, then alternately perform arm swings;
  • head tilts (4-6 repetitions) - head tilts to the left and right are performed at a leisurely pace, then you can move on to neat circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.

Another option for a short children's warm-up:

Breathing exercises

If it is difficult for a child to catch the required breathing rate, do additional breathing exercises with him to develop the habit of breathing correctly during physical activity. In addition, breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system and even on the formation of the speech apparatus. You can start breathing exercises on your own no earlier than five years old, following the general rules:

  • the child should be in a calm, even mood and should not be upset, excited or tired;
  • tasks are completed at a calm pace under the supervision of an adult;
  • sharp exhalations are prohibited;
  • It is especially important to monitor the position of the child’s shoulders: they should be in a calm state - not rising or falling.

A set of breathing exercises to improve physiological and speech breathing:

When a boy or girl learns to breathe correctly, still periodically include elements of breathing exercises in your daily training: for example, complete the warm-up by breathing together through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

A good way to get a child, whose physical activity has always been minimal, interested in the idea of ​​morning exercise is walking in the warm season. While walking, you can gradually move from slow walking to fast walking, and later to running. When the child gets used to the loads, he will probably want to learn new movements himself, and then you can offer him to include daily morning exercises in his regimen.

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