Thematic week plan: “We are defenders of the Motherland”

Plan Defenders of the Fatherland

SAMPLE PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for a week - from 19.02 to 22.02.2018..) Group:

II junior group
Topic: “
Defenders of the Fatherland
.” Goal :
To carry out patriotic education, to introduce “military” professions (sailor, pilot, tanker) to cultivate love for the Motherland and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.
Date of the final event :
exhibition of children's works “gift to dad”
Responsible for the final event:

Day of the week Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all premises) National-cultural component


Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “Holiday 23

February" to give an idea of ​​the upcoming holiday.

With Zhenya and Artem, consolidate the techniques of drawing round objects. Formation of CGN, strengthening the ability to eat carefully and chew food thoroughly. Contribute paintings and albums on the topic “Defenders of the Fatherland” Album “Defenders of the Fatherland”
Monday 02/19/2018 GCD: 1 Cognition (FCCM and RK) Topic: “We congratulate our dads” by Kovrigin p. 168 P/S:

introduce the national holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Cultivate a good attitude towards dad, instill a feeling of pride in your father.

2.Phys. culture According to the specialist's plan.
I :
Observing seasonal changes in nature. P/N “Who can run the fastest?” Labor to collect toys. Walking with high knees. With Artem, Lena, Vika, Artem. Develop the ability to dress for a walk and undress by putting things in the closet. Take-out material for children's independent play activities. P/n “Who will run faster”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Walking along the massage paths barefoot. D/I “What is unnecessary” to classify.

D/i “Where does anyone live?” Expand the knowledge of children, with Denis, Roma, Arina, know your address. Reading A. Marunin “What kind of birds are in the blue sky” Enrich the experience of listening to literary works The printed board game “Daily Routine” introduces the rules. A. Marunina “What kind of birds are in the blue sky”
DOD. "Rechtsvetik" "Magic Country" Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Create an emotionally positive attitude towards the game task. Children's educational institution "Rechetsvetik"
II :
Observing the work of a janitor. Goal: To form a positive attitude towards the work of adults. P/i “Whose link will assemble faster” The ability to throw a ball up with two hands with Denis, Masha, Lena. KGN: exercise “I’ll put on my clothes myself”»

, independence

Spatulas, buckets... P/I “Whose link will assemble faster”
Evening: S/R game “We are pilots” to develop gaming skills. teach children to perform play actions. With Misha, Dima, Roma. ability to draw vertical and horizontal lines with paint. Games with a builder, the ability to construct a “Rocket” and play with buildings. Offer children stencils “Military equipment” Develop the ability to trace objects and paint over them.
Working with parents Consultation “Introduce children to the holidays”
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National

cultural component


preschool educational institution



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation: “Our Army is strong, it protects everyone” to consolidate children’s knowledge about military professions. activate speech, develop memory. With Zhenya, Seryozha, Lena, “jumping on two legs with forward movement.” Situational conversation “Why do we need a fork?” know the purpose. Examination of the plot paintings “Soldier on duty.” Develop speech, expand children's knowledge.
Tuesday 02/20/2018

Thursday 06.11.14

Cognition of FEMP (ICD)

Topic: “Once upon a time there was an airplane” (from paper) Notes No. 18


continue to teach children how to make paper crafts and introduce them to its properties. Create joy from reading a poem. Help every child achieve results. Develop fine motor skills, cultivate accuracy.

Physical education on a walk According to the specialist's plan.
I :
Targeted walk around the village site: “Getting to know the street.”

Purpose: To introduce the rules of conduct on the street, road...

P/i “Birds and a car” run without bumping into each other.

The ability to step over objects and walk like a snake. with Ksyusha, Egor, Zhenya. Undress yourself after a walk, fold your things neatly. Remote materials for games (scoops, molds). P/I “Birds and cars”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

D/I “Let’s dress the doll for a walk” consolidate the dressing sequence.

D/game “Wonderful Bag” to teach to distinguish objects by touch with Mira, Masha Reading the poem “Papa” by T. Bokova. ability to perceive text. Puzzles. Strengthen the ability to assemble a whole picture from small parts. Develop attention and visual memory. T. Bokovoy “Papa”.
Musical development«». Puppet theater “Moms and Babies” - the ability to imitate heroes.
II :
Bird watching. Labor: feed the birds P/I: “Airplanes” Pronounce the words of the text “Jump and kick” with Roma, Denis, Nadya. Situational conversation “Why you can’t throw snow in your face” knowledge of life safety. Remote material for games and organization of work in nature. P/I "Airplanes"
Evening: The S/R game “We are pilots” consolidates children’s knowledge about the work of a pilot and the ability to play in a team. We color the picture without going beyond the outline With Mira, Nikita, Savely. Printed board games of children's choice. Cultivate perseverance and the ability to see the game through to the end. Offer children coloring pages “Soldiers” to develop perseverance and fine motor skills.
Working with parents:
  • Consultation “Teach children independence.”
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: The conversation “War Machines” will consolidate children’s knowledge about military equipment. D/I “Professions” intensify speech. With Zhenya, Lera, Masha, D/U “What are the names of your parents?” generate knowledge. Formation of CGN and self-service skills.

Conversation “Why can’t you talk while eating?”

Work in the book corner. Learning poems and songs for the holiday of February.
Wednesday 02/21/2018 GCD 1. Speech development

Topic: “Sound T” “Gramoteyka” No. 10


teach children to distinguish by ear and pronounce sounds correctly.

Additional supplement "Gramoteyka"
2.Music. According to the manager's plan.
I :
Looking at the morning sky. To develop the ability to see the beauty of nature.

PI “In an even circle” - observing the rules of the game.


individual work on movement development with Zhenya, Vika, Mira.

Education of CGN, self-care skills and mutual assistance when dressing and undressing. Remote material for cleaning the area, games, balls. P/I “In an even circle”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Walking barefoot along the massage path. D/game “Say it in one word” to develop speech, attention, logic

Math work: “Where is more? Count and compare” - with Dasha, Artem, Nikita.


CHHL. S. Marshak “The Brave Men” will continue to promote interest in literature. Offer colored pencils, sheets of paper, the ability to hold a pencil correctly and draw. S. Marshak “Brave Men”
II :
Watching the wind. Labor: maintaining order on the site. P!I “Swims, flies, eats” endurance Standing long jumps, squat walking with Seryozha, Misha, Lena. Fostering a culture of behavior during dinner.

Consolidating the skill of neat and silent eating.

Remote material for organizing work in nature and games. P/I “Swims, flies, rides”
Evening: The role-playing game “Sailors” continues to introduce children to military professions. I/U “Get in the circle” to teach throwing at a horizontal target with Masha, Dasha, Dima. Games with musical instruments. Strengthen the ability to play instruments. D/I “Mosaic” color, drawing up a plot, ability to finish a job started.
Working with parents: Conversation with Seryozha’s mother, Artem “Causes of bad child behavior”
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation “My dad, grandfather is a soldier” to develop speech and horizons. D/I “Assemble an object”, work with cut pictures “Geometric figures, mark the features of the figures with Misha, Egor, Denis. Raise KGN. Conversation about bread. “Bread is the head of everything” to form a caring attitude. Review of the album “Our Dear Army”.
Thursday 22.02.2018 NOD1Modeling/applique

Topic: “Planes are at the airfield” Komarov No. 55 p. 64


teach children to sculpt an object consisting of two parts of the same shape, fashioned from elongated pieces of clay. Strengthen the ability to divide a lump of clay by eye into two equal parts, roll them out with longitudinal movements of the palms and flatten them between the palms to obtain the desired shape. Invoke joy from the created image.

Exhibition design.
2.Physical education According to the manager's plan.
I :
Bird watching - note which birds fly to our site. P\I “Hit the target”, agility, accuracy. Labor pouring food Exercises to develop general physical skills: training in running along a narrow path with a subgroup of children. Education of CGN, self-service skills. Strengthening the skill of fastening buttons. Providing outdoor materials for playing with sand and for cleaning the area. P\I “Hit the target”
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Walking along the massage path barefoot. D/I “Make a pattern”: development of motor skills, visual perception, thinking.

D/U “What does it look like?” - development of spatial perception with Roma, Nikita, Savely. Memorizing the poem by O. Bundur “Papa Papa, tell me” Cultivate the ability to memorize poems Printed board games of children's choice. O. Bundur “Dad dad, tell me”
Physical entertainment. According to the manager's plan.
II :
Transport surveillance. P\I: “Cars” Labor to assemble toys. Agility exercises: hitting the ball with a subgroup of girls. Education of CGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance when dressing. D/U “What first, what then?” Times of Day. Remote material for organizing work in nature and games. P/I "Cars"
Evening: The S/R game “Military Hospital” teaches how to play together and helps develop the plot. Didactic game “Compare the object in height and length?” with Arina, Mira, Misha. Games with building material “Aerodrome” Improve children’s constructive skills. Printed board games of children's choice. Strengthen the ability to play together, following the rules.
Working with parents: Involve mothers in making crafts for February 23rd.
Day of the week Main part Variable part
Mode Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms) National-cultural component

DOW component



Individual Educational activities in special moments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Morning: Conversation with children “Who brought you to kindergarten?” deepen children's knowledge. D/I “Name the color and shape” to consolidate knowledge Teach Zhenya, Dima, Artem how to make a pattern from circles and use glue Formation of CGN and self-service skills.

Game exercise “Teach Mishka to use a fork”

Games at will in the play areas, help organize the game.
Friday 02/23/2018 1.

Drawing Topic: “Planes are flying” Komarov No. 56 p.65


consolidate the ability to draw objects consisting of several parts; draw straight lines in different directions. Learn to convey the image of objects in a drawing. Develop aesthetic perception.

2.Music According to the manager's plan
I :
"Observation of the properties of snow." Goal: continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crunchy).

Labor - to collect the branches of the P / and "Hares and Fox" to lure

ATS training exercises:

throwing bags into the distance with Dima, Masha, Seryozha..

Work on developing a culture of behavior at the table during lunch. Providing outdoor materials for fun games and cleaning. Outdoor game "Hares and Fox"
After sleep: Awakening gymnastics.

Hardening procedures. “Build a Tank”, “Military Equipment” lotto.

D/I “What is for what” learn to classify with Roma, Mira, Dima. Teach the poems “Zarya-zaryanitsa...” with children; “Ship” pronounce the words clearly Carry out experiments with water “Drowning does not drown” to attract children.
II :
“Observation of animals”: ​​appearance, movements, sounds made. P/I “Shaggy Dog” respond to the signal Labor to clear the snow from the bench. Individual work “Climbing stairs” with Lera, Nikita, Lena, Egor. Developing self-care skills. Game exercise “Help a friend.” Remote material for games. P/i "Shaggy Dog"
Evening: S/R game “Family. Preparing for the holiday" to attract children and bring a joyful holiday mood. D/I “Wonderful bag” with Mira, Misha, Zlat. Household work in the play corner, wash the toys. Cultivate hard work. Invite those on duty to water indoor plants and wipe off dust from the leaves. Cultivate hard work.
Working with parents: Learn poetry with your children.

Compiling a story on the theme “Defenders of the Fatherland.”

- Guys, who protects our Motherland? (Soldiers.)

– The armed forces can be divided into three main groups, which ones? These are ground, or ground, troops that operate on land, air forces - they defend the Motherland in the air; and naval - keeping watch in the seas and oceans.

– What can brave warriors do?

– What military professions do you know, name them?

– Every soldier must be not only strong, brave, dexterous, but also smart and savvy. Now I’ll check if there are any of you like that? Guess the riddles:

A turtle crawls - a steel shirt.

Floats boldly into the sky, There are no clouds on the horizon,

Overtaking birds in flight. But an umbrella opened in the sky.

Man controls it. In a few minutes

What's happened? (Airplane.)


I fly up without acceleration,

Takes flight

Our army... (helicopter)


- Let's play the game “One - Many” with the piglets.

For example: gun – border guard guns –

– And you know, in order to win a battle with the enemy, soldiers must be friendly. There is even a proverb: “Alone in the field is no warrior.” How do you understand it?

– Let’s imagine that we are in tank forces. What is the most important vehicle for tank crews? Lay out a tank from counting sticks according to the diagram:

Strong, brave, indestructible.

Dynamic pause.

One, two, in step,

Three, four, step harder.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they take a step together.

Illustration of a fairy tale. Houses for three little pigs.

– Now let’s help the three little pigs build a strong house that will protect them from the wolf.

– What materials did the three little pigs build their houses from? (Made of straw, twigs, stones.)

– Tell us about the characteristic features of a thatched house. (The straw house is not strong. It can be destroyed by weak wind and fire.)

– Tell us about the characteristic features of a house made of twigs. (A house made of twigs is stronger than a straw house, but it can collapse from strong winds.)

– Tell us about the characteristic features of the stone house. (The stone house is the strongest. Here the piglets are not afraid of either the wolf or the strong wind.)

– How to draw houses so that it can be seen that they are made of different materials? (We depict straw with thin strokes. To depict twigs, we draw twigs. The stones are round in shape, so we draw ovals and circles.)

– All houses have walls, roofs, and windows. First you need to draw the houses, and then the forest, grass, flowers. Remind you how to use different materials and character strokes to create an expressive image.


– Look at the drawings at our exhibition and choose the most expressive ones. Explain your choice.

– We helped three little pigs build a strong house. Now they are not afraid of the gray wolf!


A week.


Types of children's activities: gaming, motor, communicative, cognitive-research, musical.

Goals: expand ideas about wood, qualities and properties; develop the ability to determine the essential features and properties of a material (surface structure, hardness, strength, non-sinking, lightweight); learn to compose a story based on a picture, convey its content in a certain sequence, using your observations; develop children's oral speech; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

Targets of preschool education: shows interest in art when looking at a reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “Winter”, expresses positive emotions (interest, joy) when conducting musical exercises “How many sounds do you hear?” (music by N. G. Kononova)

; knows how to maintain a conversation about the properties of wood, express his point of view, and share with the teacher and other children various impressions about the beauty of nature.

Materials and equipment: wood samples, magnifying glasses, metal and wooden objects, matches, containers of water, tinted paper, gouache, sawdust, hammers, saw; reproduction of I. Shishkin’s painting “Winter”.

Contents of organized children's activities

Introduction of the game moment.

When he comes home, he will stretch out.

-Who works with an axe? (Woodcutter.)

– Listen to what the fairy-tale hero The Tin Woodman tells about himself in Tatyana Kersten’s poem:

I'm made of iron but my heart is alive

The blacksmith made it. He didn’t put it in my chest.

He gave me an axe, but what about without a heart?

Taught them how to chop. Should I love and live?

– Let’s go with the Tin Woodman into the winter forest and tell him about the wood that he can cut.


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