Project on sensory development in the first junior group

Project in the first junior group on the topic: “The world of sensory”


1 STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY SCHOOL village. CLEARANCE OF THE VOLZHSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE SAMARA REGION STRUCTURAL DIVISION "KINDERGARTEN "MISHUTKA" Project in the first junior group on the topic: "The World of Sensory" Prepared by: teacher Podolyanko Svetlana Nikolaevna Town Roshchinsky 2016

2 PROJECT TOPIC: “The world of sensory”. PARTICIPANTS: children 2-3 years old, educators, parents Relevance of the project: The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception of his formation of ideas about the properties of objects: their shape, color, and size. Sensory education, aimed at developing a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for knowledge of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The relevance of any issues related to the sensory education of children is due to the fact that preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of abilities. Losses incurred during this period cannot be fully recovered in later life. Professor N.M. Shchelovanov called preschool age the “golden time” of sensory education. And it is important to provide children with every opportunity during this period to enrich their sensory experience. Understanding the world around us begins with sensations, with perception. The richer the sensations and perceptions, the broader and more multifaceted the information the child receives about the world around him will be. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic, and environmental education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child hears, sees, and touches the environment. Sensory knowledge of the external world is the most important link in the system of cognitive activity of a child, a necessary prerequisite for intellectual development. The importance of sensory education is that it: is the basis for intellectual development, develops observation, has a positive effect on the aesthetic sense, is the basis for the development of imagination, memory, attention, etc. Monitoring of the development of sensory abilities of children in our group showed an insufficient level sensory development in all indicators, mainly low and average levels prevailed. As a result of the research, there was a need to develop and implement a project aimed at improving the sensory culture of young children. The novelty of this material is also the combination of traditional approaches and the use of modern teaching tools: entertainment, logical exercises, practical tasks, memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, solving riddles about geometric shapes. The provision of practical gaming material (homemade didactic games) allows you to purposefully engage in the development of sensory abilities and the general development of the child, not only in special classes, but also in joint activities with teachers and in the family. 2

3 PROJECT GOAL: - development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old through didactic games. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 1. To determine the level of sensory development of children of primary preschool age. 2. Foster curiosity, the desire for knowledge, and independence. 3.Select and systematize material on the development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old through didactic games in accordance with age and individual capabilities. 4. To form sensory representations of 2-3 year old children about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size. 5. Make games and manuals for the development of sensory skills. 6. Interact with parents in the process of developing sensory abilities in children. TYPE OF PROJECT: o educational and gaming o short-term - 2 weeks o group. EXPECTED RESULTS: Children: As a result of systematic, systematic work, the child develops. Sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the child’s overall mental development, on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for successful learning, first in kindergarten, then at school. The development of sensory culture contributes to the development of speech, fine motor skills and all mental processes. The purchase of didactic games and toys, the production of manuals from waste material by parents and educators helps to enrich the subject-specific development environment. Developmental aids make it possible, when children are in kindergarten, to independently implement sensory development tasks with the creative approach of the teacher. Parents: Improving the pedagogical culture of parents. Establishing trust and partnership relationships with them. 3

4 STAGES OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: 1. Diagnostic: literature study; conducting a survey of parents; conducting diagnostics in order to determine the level of sensory development of children 2. Organizational Parent meeting “Participate in the project” Drawing up a plan for working with children and parents Enriching the developmental environment Consultations for parents Individual conversations with parents 3. Practical Selection and production of didactic games Selection and production of visual aids Master -class for parents “Learning to make and play” Visual information: mobile folders: “What is sensory skills and why is it so important to develop?”, “Didactic toy in a child’s life.” Involving parents in the production of games and aids for the sensory development of children Conducting exercises and games on sensory development Conducting individual work with children 4. Generalizing Design of visual and didactic material Creation of a card index of didactic games and exercises on sensory development Creation of a presentation of a project on sensory development Design of a photo exhibition. Project implementation plan: Activities with children GCD: lesson on sensory development of children: “The Bunny Came to Us” (Appendix 6) Activities with parents Visual information: folders: “What is sensory and why is it so important to develop it?”, “Didactic 4 Enrichment subject environment Production of developmental aids: “Find a pair” “Games with traffic jams” “Collect beads”

5 NGO “Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling": "Grains for a cockerel" NGO "Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing": "Rays for the Sun" NGO "Acquaintance with Fiction": Nursery rhyme "Cockerel, Cockerel", poem by A. Barto "The sun is looking through the window" Didactic games: "Geometric shapes" "Multi-colored balls" "What Mishutka brought us" “Big and small” “Guess what’s in the bag” “Find a pair” “Colored lanterns” “What rolls” “Balls large and small” “Sort by color” “Arrange by shape” “Arrange by size” “Find your house” “Name it correctly” “Games with traffic jams” “Collect beads” “Open the box” “Decorate the Christmas tree - a toy in a child’s life.” (Appendix 2) Conducting a parent meeting “We are participating in the project Conducting a survey of parents. (Appendix 3) Consultations for parents: “Didactic games as a means of sensory development of children of the first junior group” (Appendix 4) “Formation and development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old” (Appendix 5) Involving parents in the production of games and aids for the sensory child development 5 “Open the box” “Decorate the Christmas tree with balls” “Fold a pyramid” “Collect pencils into glasses” “What does the figure look like?” “Multi-colored noisemakers” “Who will hear what?” “Guess the taste” “What does it smell like?” “Surprise” “Sprinkles” “Mischievous palms” “Sinks or doesn’t sink” “Tactile box” “Warm cold” “Little secret” “Fasps” “Twist the ribbon” “Let’s play with clothespins” “Soft construction set” “Place the cups on colored plates » “Sensory constructor” “Sensory panel with buttons” “Lace” Creation of a card index “Didactic games for sensory education of children of the first junior group” (Appendix 1) Design of a photo exhibition

6 balls" "Collect pencils into glasses" "What does the figure look like?" “Multi-colored noisemakers” “Who will hear what?” “Guess the taste” “What does it smell like?” “Surprise” “Sprinkles” “Mischievous palms” “Sinks or doesn’t sink” “Tactile box” “Warm cold” “Little secret” “Fasps” “Twist the ribbon” “Let’s play with clothespins” “Soft construction set” “Place the cups on colored plates » “Sensory construction set” “Sensory panel with buttons” “Lacing” Exercises: Stringing beads of different colors Stringing large and small beads Folding a pyramid Folding a four-seater nesting doll 6

7 APPENDIX 1 Card index of DIDACTIC GAMES on sensory education of children of the first junior group 7

8 1 block -Games for the development of visual perception: Find a pair Material: multi-colored fabric mittens. Goal: to exercise the ability to find mittens of the same color, develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements; create a joyful mood from the result of your activities. Games with corks Material:: corks of different colors and sizes. Goal: to practice distinguishing two (four) primary colors, developing logical thinking. Consciousness of an emotionally positive mood. Development of perception: visual, tactile. Development of visual, effective, imaginative thinking, attention, memory, imagination. Collect beads Material: wooden beads of different colors. Goals: strengthening and development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination; developing the ability to combine colors; development of concentration; development of perseverance, accuracy, children's creativity, a sense of beauty in one's own work and the work of other children; learning how to work from a sample and create your own product. Open the box Material: multi-colored boxes, inside there is a picture of the corresponding color. Purpose: to practice the ability to open and close a box; develop fine motor skills and hand coordination; create a joyful mood from the result of your activities. Complications: exercise in distinguishing shapes (round box, colors (red, yellow, blue, green, black), sizes (large, small); in the ability to correlate colors: “The pictures are mixed up, put them in your box!”, introduce the concepts of “one "(one) "many". An adult creates interest in the game: "What's rattling in the box? Let's see!". Introduces shape, color, size, concepts: one, many. 8

9 Decorate the Christmas tree with balls Material: Christmas trees made of cardboard, circles of different colors. Purpose: to practice distinguishing between two (four) primary colors, shapes: circle; develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, create a joyful mood. Option 1: use circles of two primary colors Option 2: use circles of four primary colors Option 3: use circles of additional colors. An adult offers a game situation: “The Christmas tree has gathered for the holiday. Let's help her dress up. Let's decorate it with balloons." Asks questions: “What form is this? What color is this circle? “Fold a pyramid” Purpose: To train children in the ability to compare colors, to help consolidate knowledge and the color system. The child, at the request of the teacher, selects the desired color of the rings. When laying out the pyramid, he tries to independently name the color of the rings. “Collect pencils into glasses” Material: colored pencils, cups of 4 colors. Goal: To train children in the ability to compare colors, to help consolidate their knowledge of colors. Colored pencils are laid out on the table in front of the children. The teacher puts one pencil of a different color into each glass, pronouncing his actions: “I will put a blue pencil in this glass, we will collect many identical pencils.” And this is repeated with pencils of all primary colors. Encouraging children to say the color of the pencils. “What does the figure look like?” Goal: To develop children’s ability to group objects by shape. Game material: Geometric shapes cut out of dense material in 4 primary colors. Progress of the game: Children are offered geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square. The adult names them. Asks children to find objects in the room or on the street that are similar to these figures. If possible, allows children to trace the outline of these objects with their hands (ball, hoop, cube, plate, aquarium, etc.). 9

10 2 block - Games for the development of auditory perception Multi-colored noisemakers Material (waste, natural): plastic bottles filled with colored polyethylene granules, acorns (sand, cereals, peas, beans, pasta can be used for filling). Goal: to develop auditory perception, to exercise the ability to determine the loud and quiet sound of “noisemakers”, to develop a sense of rhythm. Complication: develop color perception. Who will hear what? Material: screen, bell, drum, tambourine, pipe, etc. Goal: to develop auditory perception, the ability to distinguish the sounds of different musical instruments. They put a screen in front of the children and rang a bell, banged a drum, tambourine, played a pipe, etc. The children were asked to guess what object produced the sound. Block 3 - Games for the development of olfactory perception GUESS THE TASTE Material: cut small pieces of vegetables and fruits (apple, pear, plum, orange, cucumber, carrot, radish, turnip, etc.) into a plate. Invite your baby to close his eyes and chew a piece. Goal: To enrich the sensory sensations of children: to determine what kind of taste it was (sweet, sour, bitter, salty) and what the child eats is called. What smells? Material: jars containing a gauze bag with pieces of apple, lemon, garlic, coffee beans and other fillings. Goal: To enrich the sensory sensations of children: to exercise the ability to determine by smell what it smells like (apple, lemon, garlic, coffee, to develop fine motor skills. Complication: to practice naming colors. An adult creates a game situation: “Flowers have grown in the clearing. Let's look at them and let's smell it! What do they smell like? What color are they?" 10

11 4 block - Games for the development of tactile perception Surprise Material: dry pool with cereals, (sand, corks, small toys, geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Purpose: Enrich the sensory sensations of children, create a joyful mood from finding a “surprise”, introduce shapes: circle, square, triangle, develop fine motor skills. Option 1: surprise toys Option 2: surprise geometric shapes. An adult says that there is something hidden in the pool and offers to look. When the child finds a surprise, the adult asks: “ What did you find? What is it? Name it!" Pourers Material: a large container with cereal, a spoon, a jar or saucepan, a doll. Purpose: to enrich the sensory sensations of children, to practice instrumental actions: the ability to pour cereal with a spoon, to create a joyful mood, to develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements. An adult creates a play situation: "The doll came from a walk, she wants to eat! Let's cook porridge for her! Pour the cereal into a saucepan (in a jar!" Mischievous palms Material: cardboard palms with a smooth and rough surface (made of sandpaper ) different color. Purpose: to practice distinguishing the nature of the surface of the “palms” and distinguishing color. An adult offers to stroke their palms and exercises in distinguishing between smooth and rough surfaces. Sinks, does not sink Material: containers with water, glass, plastic, wooden, metal balls. Goal: to enrich children’s sensory sensations, create a joyful mood, develop fine motor skills and hand coordination. An adult and a child throw balls of different materials or other toys into the water. Exercises in understanding the words: “sinks”, “does not sink”, “floats”. Complication: for the game you can take warm and cold water and practice distinguishing between these qualities of water. Tactile box 11

12 Material: Made from an ordinary shoe box, beautifully decorated with self-adhesive paper. The box is filled with pieces of fabric of different textures: wool, fur, silk, guipure, etc. It also contains small objects: pebbles, soft toys, ribbons, zippers, laces, etc. Purpose: children explore all the objects in the box with their hands. This helps children explore the world around them using touch. To ensure that kids don’t lose interest in the box, the contents of the box have to be periodically updated and different fillings invented. The tactile box can be filled with objects that have completely opposite properties, for example: sandpaper, an iron key, pieces of foam rubber, a porcelain figurine, etc. Warm cold Material: two types of toys are needed, 2-3 pieces of each, preferably rubber or plastic (for example: ducklings and fish, hippos and penguins, boats and dolphins, small balls - red and blue, red and yellow, green and white and etc.). Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “warm” and “cold”. The teacher fills one container with warm water and the other with cold water. He says to the child: “Ducklings like to swim in cold water, and fish in warm water. Let's put them down." The kid puts the ducklings in a container with cool water, and the fish in a container with warm water. Block 5 - Games for developing fine motor skills and instrumental actions. Little secret Material: tubes of four primary colors; small toys or geometric shapes, wrapped in a piece of fabric of the appropriate color, placed in a tube; long sticks. Goal: to train children in instrumental actions: the ability to push a package hidden in a tube with a stick; in the ability to distinguish and name the color and shape (toy, develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements. The adult interests the child: “I wonder what secret is hidden in the tube? How to get it out and see what’s there?” If the child finds it difficult, the adult shows the method of action , and then invites the child to get the little secret on his own. Asks: “What is it? What color? What shape is it?” Fasteners Material: fasteners with buttons, snaps, Velcro: in the form of items of clothing. 12

13 Purpose: to practice distinguishing the four primary colors, shapes: square, circle; develop fine motor skills and hand coordination. Twist the ribbon Material: sensory simulator “Ribbons”: ribbons long and short, wide and narrow, in four primary colors. Purpose: to introduce the concepts: “long short”, “wide-narrow” (ribbon, strengthen the ability to distinguish and name the four primary colors, develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements. Complication: you can add colors: white, black, orange, purple and others. An adult shows how to take a stick with your fingers and twist it, introduces the color of the ribbons and other qualities (length, width, when the movements are mastered, you can offer the task: “Let's twirl the ribbons! Who's faster?” Let's play with clothespins Material: multi-colored clothespins , flat geometric shapes. Purpose; To teach children to select the necessary clothespins of the same color, to develop fine motor skills of the hands, tactile sensations. An adult interests the child: let's make a sun, a cloud, a hedgehog, etc. Soft construction set Material: Universal napkins, Scissors, Pencil, Stencil of geometric shapes You can cut out a variety of figures from multi-colored napkins.Purpose: To develop children's thinking, attention, imagination, perception of oral and visual information. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers. Form ideas about geometric shapes and shapes. Game options: “Lay out an object” - the child lays out, for example, a house (the child himself chooses geometric shapes, then the sun, etc. Subsequently, you can lay out a whole “picture” (develops the child’s creativity). “Find a pair”, “Find the same one” "- teach to select geometric figures different in size, shape, color, compare and find similarities and differences. Develop observation skills. “What has changed?” practice the correct naming of geometric figures, develop visual memory. “Pick a figure” - consolidate children’s ideas about geometric forms, practice naming them. 13

14 “Three squares” - teach children to correlate three objects by size and indicate their relationships with the words: “big”, small”, “medium”, largest”, “smallest”. 14

15 STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY SCHOOL village. GLOW OF THE VOLZHSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE SAMARA REGION STRUCTURAL DIVISION "KINDERGARTEN "MISHUTKA" Direct educational activities in the NGO "Cognitive Development" in the first junior group on the topic: "The bunny came to us" Prepared and conducted by: teacher Podolyanko Svetlana Nikolaevna Pt. Roshchinsky 2016 15

16 Goal: sensory development of children of the first junior group. Objectives: 1. Cultivate curiosity and responsiveness. 2. To consolidate children’s knowledge of plane geometric shapes (triangle, square, circle); 3. Consolidate knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue, green, white); 4. Consolidate knowledge about size (big, small); 5. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Materials and equipment: toy hare, box, geometric shapes of different sizes and colors, magnetic board. Preliminary work: making geometric figures from cardboard, learning the poem “Bunny”. Children sit in a group in a semicircle. Progress of the lesson: -Children, someone will come to visit us today! But to find out who is coming, you need to guess the riddle: A piece of fluff, a long ear, Jumps deftly, loves carrots. Who is this? (bunny) - That’s right, children, of course, it’s a bunny. The teacher brings a large toy bunny and begins to play with it with words. Bunny: - Hello children! How good and beautiful you all are! I really need your help! I brought this interesting box, I have different figures in it, I need you to help me sort them out, I need to find out where is the square and where is the circle, otherwise I got everything mixed up. - Children, can we help the bunny figure out the figures? (We’ll help!) - Bunny, sit down and watch (he puts the bunny on a chair, takes out geometric figures from the box.) 16

17 - Children, look! What kind of figure is this? (square) - What color is the square? (children's answer) - Is it a big square or a small one. (Children's answers.) Next, the teacher shows the children circles and triangles and asks the same questions. -Well, bunny, we helped you understand the figures. -Bunny, we also want to show you how we can turn into bunnies. Speech with the movement “Bunny”: The bunny walked, walked, walked (walking) And he found cabbage. (show with hands) He sat down, ate and then went on. (sit down) The bunny walked, walked, walked and found a carrot. He sat down, ate and continued on his way. - What great fellows you all are! - Bunny, we can also turn figures into pictures. - show how we can make houses out of triangles (Katya comes out and draws up a picture of a house on a tablet with magnets). - This is the kind of house we have! Children, let's show the bunny how we all know how to make Christmas trees. Sit down at the tables, we'll make a Christmas tree. The teacher shows how to make a Christmas tree correctly. - This is the largest triangle at the bottom, then take a smaller one, and the smallest triangle at the top. Then the children make a snowman, a trailer, a Christmas tree, etc. When the children make the Christmas tree, the bunny walks and looks and praises the children. -Well done boys! -And now it’s time to say goodbye to the bunny. (Goodbye, bunny!) 17

18 STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY SCHOOL village. GLOW OF THE VOLZHSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE SAMARA REGION STRUCTURAL DIVISION "KINDERGARTEN "MISHUTKA" Direct educational activities in the first junior group in the NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development. Drawing" on the topic: "Geometric shapes. Drawing with stamps" Prepared and conducted by: teacher Podolyanko Svetlana Nikolaevna Town Roshchinsky 2016 18

19 Goal: sensory development of children of the first junior group. Objectives: 1. To cultivate interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. 2. Teach children to paint with stamps using wooden figures. 3. Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper. 4. To consolidate children’s knowledge of plane geometric shapes (triangle, square, circle). 5. Consolidate knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue). 6. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Materials and equipment: gouache paints, sheets of paper, wooden figures in the form of a cube, cylinder, pyramid, lids, water in jars, napkins, flat geometric figures of different colors. Technique: drawing with stamps. Progress of the lesson: The teacher prepares paints and pours them onto the lids. Before starting work, he shows geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), the children name them. — Today I brought you wooden figures (cylinder, cube, pyramid). With their help we will draw. See how this can be done quickly and easily. The teacher shows how to take a stamp cube, dip one side of it in paint, apply it to the paper and press down, then carefully lift it, leaving a bright imprint on the paper. - Use a wooden cylinder to make a yellow circle, use a cube to make a red square, and use a pyramid to make a blue triangle. Children take turns making prints on their own piece of paper. The teacher helps to place the prints evenly on the sheet. The semi-moving game “Toys” is held: 19

20 -The ball bounces as if it were alive (jumping on two legs) Red, yellow, blue. We put cube to cube, (fist to fist) We build, we build a new house. We got into the cars (squat down, imitate the actions of the driver) The tires rustled. The teacher organizes an exhibition of children's works. 20

21 Results of the “World of Sensory” project 1. Systematization of material on the development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old, creation of a card index of didactic games. 2. Formed sensory representations in children by highlighting the shape, color, and size of objects. 3. Improving the ability to examine objects and take into account their properties when acting with them. 4. DIY didactic games 5. Formed ideas about the types of didactic games and the basic techniques of playing them. 6. Cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families on the problem of the formation and development of sensory abilities in children 2-3 years old. 21

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