Summary of a lesson on reading fiction using modeling technology “V. Suteev. “What kind of bird is this?”
Progress of the lesson. 1 Organizational moment “Where can you see miracles? Everywhere! You're in the forest
Consultation “Independent artistic activity of preschool children”
List of used literature Literature 1. Belobrykina O.A Little wizards or on the way to creativity Novosibirsk
GCD in a mixed-age group of pre-school education plan-summary of a lesson on the topic
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of an open lesson in mixed-age group No. 2 on the topic: “Let's help the good wizard”
Summary of a general conversation in the preparatory group on the topic: “Conversation about the forest”
Making notes of generalizing conversations In the last lesson, you and Zoya Ivanovna talked about the conversation
Ecological lesson in the preparatory group “Trees are our friends”
Summary of a conversation with children of the preparatory group on the topic: “Coniferous trees” Municipal autonomous preschool educational
Summary of a lesson with children of senior preschool age on the topic “What is theater?”
What is theater? /A story about theater for children and their parents/ What is theater.
Summary of a lesson on sensory education for young children “Travel with the Sun”
Open lesson on sensory development in the senior group. Notes Notes of an open lesson on sensory
Notes on observations of nature in spring by preschool children
2.1. Characteristics of observation as a method of psychological research 2.2. Organization of psychological observation 2.3. Surveillance program
DRY SWIMMING PLANS FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Objectives: Learning to inhale and exhale through the mouth.
Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Birds of our city
Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Birds of our city Lesson notes for preschoolers. Subject:
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