Summary of an open lesson on spiritual and moral education in the middle group “Kindness lives everywhere”
Lesson summary “Travel through fairy tales” outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group)
Explanatory note Humanity has accumulated a huge “fabulous” experience, but in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the material
Card index of fun games in the 2nd junior group card index (junior group)
“Winter Games and Fun” consultation for parents in the second junior group “Winter Games and Fun”
Lesson summary for the 2nd junior group on drawing “Balloon”
Progress of the lesson Teacher-organizer: Look what I brought to class today (Shows air balloons
Summary of a walk in the second junior group on the topic: “Autumn time”
Progress of observation The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder, And only the cry of a bird in the heart
Summary of GCD with children of the preparatory group for FEMP using Cuisenaire sticks
Goal: Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the older group using Cuisenaire rods. Tasks:
Abstract of the GCD on the topic: “Introduction to the theater” for children of the senior group
Conversation on the topic “Getting to know the theater” with children of the senior group DRAMATIC THEATER In the drama theater
Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy “Sound D, letter D” methodological development for speech development (preparatory group)
Pelykh N.I., teacher-speech therapist, preschool educational institution No. 1410, Moscow LESSON GOALS  Comparison, discrimination and correct
Lesson summary on the topic “Professions of people in transport”
Progress of the lesson: Teacher: Good afternoon! Guys, Dunno came to visit us today. He
Applique furniture: creating a home interior from paper
Working using the appliqué technique on the theme “Furniture” is a very interesting option in all respects.
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