The use of socio-game technology in classes at preschool educational institutions

The use of socio-game technology in classes at preschool educational institutions

  • February 6, 2013

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2012”
Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

“We do not teach, but create situations where their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, as a result of which the effect of voluntary learning, training and teaching occurs” V.M. Bukatov.

The game benefits the overall development of the child: it stimulates his cognitive interests, activates intellectual and creative abilities, gives children the opportunity to assert themselves and realize themselves, and helps to compensate for the lack of communication.

Incorporating a game into a lesson is not easy. There are contradictions between educational and gaming activities, which teachers inevitably encounter when introducing gaming teaching methods into the outline of the lesson.

Social gaming technology helped increase the educational potential of the activity. Socio-game technology directs the teacher to find ways to communicate with children in which coercion gives way to passion.

The meaning of socio-game pedagogy is group-game pedagogy. Any children's game should be carried out in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, an agreement on the “right” to make mistakes and the “responsibilities” of hearing and seeing others. The teacher must remember that adults and children have the same right to make mistakes.

To obtain the expected results, I determined the main goal - organizing the children’s own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Own activity is the activity that the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens and hears, looks and speaks.

To achieve the goal, I identified the following tasks :

1. Develop in children the skills of basic self-control and self-regulation of their actions and relationships with others.

2. Develop the individuality and intelligence of children.

3. Develop in children the skill of coordinated work.

Conditions for using social gaming technology:

1. Study of the works of the creators of socio-game technology V.M. Bukatov and A.P. Ershova.

2. Development of a long-term plan.

3. Compliance with options for dividing into groups.

4. Combination of training with motor activity and change of scenery.

5. Change of tempo and rhythm.

6. Use of games of a varied nature.

In my work I use different methods of activating mental activity:

I. Methods that increase cognitive activity.

II. Methods that cause emotional activity.

III. Methods that promote interconnection between different activities and areas.

IV. Methods of correction and clarification of children's ideas.

Properly selected task games help increase children's motivation to acquire new knowledge.

Sequence of introduction of games:

A game for a working mood - “Shadow - shadow”, “Stand on your fingers”, “I’m standing, looking at someone”, “Flying - not flying”, etc.

Warm-up games – “Clockwork Men”, “Giant Dwarfs”, etc.

Games of a socio-game nature - “Compliment”, “Make a Word”, “Living Alphabet”, etc.

Games of creative self-affirmation - “Bravo”, “Story scenes”, “Animals”, etc.

Free games that require movement - “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did,” etc.

The social gaming technique involves the integration of areas. This gives a positive result in the field of communication, cognition, emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops the intellectual abilities of children compared to traditional education, and promotes speech, artistic, aesthetic, social, and physical development.

As a result of the use of socio-game technology in working with preschoolers, the following results :

  • children listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to agreement;
  • Children have developed speech interaction;
  • a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers has been formed;
  • children know how to defend their position and object to adults reasonably and kindly;
  • they have no sense of fear for making a mistake.

We try to maintain friendly relations between children, do not interfere with the exercise of independence, and create conditions for children to communicate with each other.


Author: Galina Petrovna Duryagina, teacher of the highest qualification category of MBDOU No. 24 of a combined type, the city of Monchegorsk, Murmansk region, 26 years of teaching experience, awarded the badge “For personal contribution to the development of the education system of Monchegorsk.”

Master class “Socio-game technologies in preschool pedagogy”

Master class on the use of socio-game pedagogical technology in organizing the educational process

Author: Silchenko N.V.

Date: 03/20/2018

Technology: master class.

Goal: Using socio-game pedagogical technology in organizing the educational process


1. To form an idea of ​​the possibilities of using socio-game technology in organizing the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

2. Teach the techniques of socio-game technology;

3. Introduce games aimed at developing the socialization of older preschoolers;

4. Develop the creative activity of the teaching staff.



In order for those present at the master class to get to know each other and get ready for work, I conduct the game “Whoever I look at, he calls himself”

Socio-game technology is the development of a child in playful communication with peers. The use of socio-game technology contributes to the realization of children's need for movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills. The socio-game style of teaching or mood pedagogy is based on the development of communication skills in preschoolers. Socio-game pedagogy is based on the principle of organizing classes as a game of life between micro-groups of children (small societies).

The principles that underlie socio-game technology:

— this is the development of a child in playful communication with peers;

- this is the teacher’s having a new view of the child as a subject (and not an object) of education, as a partner in joint activities.

Within the framework of this technology, we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • Help children communicate effectively;
  • Make the educational process more fun;
  • To promote the development of their active position, independence, and creativity;
  • Raising preschoolers means learning new things.

Socio-game technology is aimed at developing communicative qualities in children, therefore this technology is based on children’s communication with each other and with adults.

Three stages of communication:

  • at the very first stage, we teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listen and hear their partner, their own speech develops);
  • at the second stage, communication is the goal - the child realizes in practice how he needs to organize his communication in a micro-group in order to complete the learning task;
  • The third stage of communication is

pedagogical means, i.e. through

communication we teach preschoolers.

Principles of guidance in working with children using socio-game technology.

– The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.

– Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of mistakes in children.

– Freedom and independence in children’s choice of knowledge, skills and abilities. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of one's actions to general rules.

— Change of mise-en-scene, that is, stops when children can communicate in different corners of the group.

– Focus on individual discoveries. Children become partners in the game.

– Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple, but what is difficult is interesting.

– Movement and activity.

– The life of children in small groups, mostly sixes, sometimes occurs in fours and threes.

– The principle of polyphony. For 133

You'll chase hares, and you'll catch a dozen.

6 “Golden Rules” of socio-game technology:

(according to V. M. Bukatov)

Rule 1: work in small groups or, as they are also called, “peer groups” is used.

It is optimal for productive communication and development to unite in small groups at a younger age in pairs and triplets, at an older age 5-6 children. Activities of preschoolers in small groups are the most natural way for them to develop cooperation, communicative qualities, and mutual understanding.

You can share:

- by color of hair, eyes, clothes;

- so that at least one letter in the name is the same

- who lives on which floor;

— even-odd, single-digit, double-digit apartment number;

- find something identical on solid and varied postcards and, based on this “identical”, unite into triplets;

- who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

Rule 2: “Change of leadership.”

It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the entire group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children choose the leader themselves and he must constantly change. (Magic Glasses game)

Rule 3: training is combined with physical activity and a change of scenery

, which helps relieve emotional stress. Children not only sit, but also stand up, walk, clap their hands, and play with a ball. They can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, in the reception area, etc.

Rule 4: Change of tempo and rhythm

. Time limits, for example, using hourglasses and regular clocks, help change the pace and rhythm. Children develop an understanding that every task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration.

Rule 5 – social – gaming technology involves the integration of all types of activities,

which meets modern requirements.
Learning takes place in a playful way, for this you can use various games that develop attention, phonemic hearing, thinking, and the ability to interact with each other: “Listeners”, “Relay Race”, “I am not responsible for myself”, “Magic Wand”, “Cities” with the unprecedented”, etc. ( Show the example of the game “Magic Wand”,

Rule 6: orientation to the principle of polyphony: “You chase 133 hares, you look and catch a dozen.”

It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, and he is more motivated.
As a result, all children discover new knowledge, only some more, some less. ( “Word with one letter”)
Using the “golden” rules of socio-game technology, children learn:

  • listen and hear each other, express your opinion, negotiate, come to agreement;
  • children develop speech interaction;
  • a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers is formed;
  • children know how to defend their position and object to adults reasonably and kindly;

there is no feeling of fear for making a mistake.

Revealing the content of socio-game technology, I tried to show its relevance today in working with preschoolers. And for the practical applicability of the “golden rules” of socio-game technology, I invite you to play a little as children and play with me.

"Riddle letters"

1. “Letter by air.” Children choose a leader. He, standing with his back to the players, writes a large letter in the air, and the others guess. Letters can be written with your hand, shoulder, head, leg, knee, etc., in a mirror image.

2. “Letter-round dance.” A group of children, holding hands, follow the leader in a round dance like a snake and write down the letter he has guessed. The rest guess the letter.

3. “Building letters.” A group of children “constructs” the intended letter as a frozen living pyramid, the rest guess, write down, sketch. “Riddle letters” can be short riddle words (cat, poison, mustache, catfish, chorus)

“Words starting with one letter (sound)”

The game begins with the words “Here around us...” or “I see...”, “They loaded the ship...”. Children name (write, read) words based on a given sound (letter). The task is performed in small groups. The players count which group has named how many words and determine the winner

"Body in Action"

The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photograph) of some activity (looking at a picture, reading, doing articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photo”, the others guess, comment, show guessing actions, and compare the “photos”.


- supplement the “photo” with your understanding

-show “photos” before and after the plan

Each “business” requires a completely specific “body”. All muscles, from the direction of gaze to the movement of the center of gravity, from the muscles of the face to the position of the legs, are determined in their own way depending on what and how a particular child is doing. The point of the game is to establish

“I love it - I don’t love it”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher (or child leader) passes the ball clockwise and says: “I don’t like it when children quarrel.”

, the next one must offer his own version of
“I don’t like, …”.
Counterclockwise the game continues
“I love, …”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Socio-gaming technologies

Kindergarten is the stage at which a child gets his first experience interacting with other children, tries to find his place among them, learns to live in harmony with himself and others, and learns a lot of new and interesting things with them. At preschool age, a child only gropes for his characteristic ways of relating to others, he develops a stable personal style and develops an idea of ​​himself.

The main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

Therefore, in their pedagogical practice they often use socio-game technologies aimed at maintaining interest, the friendly attitude of children to each other, at activating the child’s independence and initiative, his creative abilities, develops the child in playful communication with peers, implying freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom child's thoughts.

Socio-game technology guides the teacher towards finding ways to communicate with children in which coercion gives way to passion. “It is necessary not to teach, but to establish a situation where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, as a result of which the effect of voluntary learning, training and teaching occurs” (V. M. Bukatov).

The main idea of ​​socio-game technology is the organization of children’s own activities, which the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens, looks and speaks.

No less important in social gaming technology is the agreement, the rule. Disorganization, chaos, disorder should not be unconscious; children argue, discuss animatedly, and communicate in a business setting.

The founders of socio-game technology E. E. Shuleshko, A. P. Ershova, V. M. Bukatov derived the following laws of communication:

  • do not humiliate the child, do not insult him
  • don't grumble, don't whine, don't grumble
  • know how to find a mistake and have the courage to admit it
  • be mutually polite, tolerant and restrained
  • treat failure as just another learning experience
  • support, help rise and win
  • By blowing out someone else's candle, we don't make our own brighter.
  • do not elevate yourself above others, elevate your neighbor
  • Children are dreamers: don’t take their word for it, but don’t ignore their problem.

The purpose of using socio-game technologies in the development of preschool children is to organize children’s own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.

Objectives of using social gaming technologies in the development of preschool children:

  1. Formation of friendly communicative interaction skills in preschoolers using grammatically correct coherent speech.
  2. Developing in children the skills of full interpersonal communication, which helps them understand themselves.
  3. Development of child-child, child-adult, child-parent interaction to ensure mental well-being.
  4. Development in children of the ability to basic self-control of verbal expression and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with others, removing fear and pressure before activity.
  5. Creating conditions for the development of personal qualities and abilities of all subjects of the open educational space.

Principles of organizing social gaming technology:

  • The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.
  • Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of mistakes in children.
  • Freedom and independence in children’s choice of knowledge, skills and abilities. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of one's actions to general rules.
  • Changing the mise-en-scene, that is, the environment when children can communicate in different parts of the group.
  • Focus on individual discovery. Children become partners in the game.
  • Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple, but what is difficult is interesting.
  • Movement and activity.
  • The life of children in small groups, mostly sixes, sometimes includes fours and threes.

There are the following forms of organizing socio-game technology in the development of preschool children, techniques specifically aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort and correction of speech disorders:

  • Games with rules.
  • Competition games.
  • Dramatization games.
  • Director's games.
  • Role-playing games.
  • Fairytale therapy.
  • A method for creating problem situations with elements of self-esteem.
  • Techniques socially aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort.
  • Trainings.
  • Self-presentation.

The authors of socio-game technology offer different game tasks for children, which can be divided into several groups:

1. Games-tasks for a working mood. The main task of the games is to awaken children’s interest in each other, to place the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, ensuring a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.


The teacher (or child) beats out a simple rhythmic pattern with clapping. “Echo” , upon a signal (by a glance or other), repeats the rhythm by clapping (stomping, beating on the table with palms, etc.). Option: pronouncing syllables, words, phrases. The speaker pronounces, the players “echo” repeat muffledly, but in exactly the same way as was pronounced by the driver.

"Magic wand"

The “magic wand” (pen, pencil, toy, etc.) is transmitted in any order, the transmission is accompanied by speech according to a predetermined order-rule.


  • the transmitter names the object, the receiver names the attribute of this object
  • the transmitter names a fairy tale, the receiver names a character from this fairy tale, etc.

If the receiver does not answer, the “stick” returns to its original position or changes the receiver. Children negotiate the terms of the transfer, e.g.

  • look into each other's eyes
  • stand up if you agree with the recipient’s statement.

The transmitter is chosen alone and the wand is returned to him.

"Undamaged phone"

Children pass the word to each other in a whisper in their ears, the children “catch” the word by ear. The success of the transfer is assessed by the following criteria: was “not caught” , all players participated in the transfer, the last one “received” the word transmitted by the first player.


  • word, difficult word, tongue twister (counting book)
  • two telephone lines (relay race) - a fast, undamaged telephone.

2. Games for social and playful involvement in business, during the implementation of which business relationships between the teacher and children, and children with each other, are built. These games can be used in the process of mastering or consolidating educational material; If children learn to distinguish something, remember, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of completing game tasks.

“A story-drawing about what I see”

The teacher or child leader asks the children to describe in words what is behind him (use epithets, comparisons). The teacher (child) finds an object or setting according to the description (outside the window, in the office, in a group, etc.). Descriptions must be understandable, clear, and coherent.


All participants in the game perform a series of movements synchronously:

  • clap their hands in front of themselves
  • clap the knees with both hands (right hand on the right, left hand on the left)
  • throw their right hand up to the right, while snapping their fingers
  • throw your left hand up to the left, while snapping your fingers.


  • change the pace of movements
  • introduce speech accompaniment
  • pass the baton with your eyes and voice.

3. Game warm-ups - are united by their universal accessibility, quickly arising excitement and funny, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest.


One clap is a command to the hands: they must either be raised or lowered; two claps - a command to the legs: you need to stand up or sit down.

The players sit (on chairs, on the carpet). The teacher or child leader claps 1 time - a command to the hands (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc., claps 2 times - a command to the legs (stand up, sit down, cross, etc.).

The sequence of movements (claps, tempo may vary.

"Clockwork Men"

The teacher offers the children symbol pictures (winding up people doing exercises). Each pose has its own number. Children, looking at the card, perform the exercise, repeating the movements several times (depending on the number).


  • performing counting and clapping exercises – changing movements
  • changing the pace of execution
  • performing in pairs, threes, standing in a line, in a row, in a semicircle, etc.

"Words with one sound"

The game begins with the words “Here around us...” or “I see...” , “They loaded the ship...” . Children name words based on the given sound. The task is performed in small groups. The players count which group has named how many words and determine the winner.

4. Tasks for creative self-affirmation are tasks the implementation of which implies an artistic and performing result of the action.

"Poems by Role"

For the game, the teacher selects dialogues from the poems of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov. The players pronounce the text in different voices, intonations, using different images (costumes, decoration elements. Children discover different interdependencies between the final result, text, concept, and execution techniques.

"Body in Action"

The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photograph) of some activity (looking at a picture, reading, doing articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photo” , the others guess, comment, show guessing actions, and compare the “photos” .

"Phrase with given words"

The teacher names a set of words (stairs, man, clock). Children make up a sentence using intonation (scary sentence, fairy-tale sentence, etc.) It is allowed to change words by case and word order.

5. Free games (in the wild, the implementation of which requires space and freedom of movement, i.e. they cannot always be performed in a room.


The players are divided into 2 teams, stand opposite each other (team "Sparrows" , team "Crows" ). The team that the teacher or child leader calls catches, the other runs away. They catch and run away to a certain line (2-3 steps behind the standing team). The teacher (child leader) speaks slowly: “Vo-o-o-ro-o-o-o-o...” . At this moment, everyone is ready to run away or catch (this moment of contradictory readiness, the initial mobilization of each player is especially important). After a pause, the teacher (child leader) finishes: “... us! ... hit!” ). The players run away and catch up.


“stop-freeze” complication is introduced : children break into pairs and agree on who is “sparrow” and “crow” . Children on the playground are located chaotically. On command: “Crows!” The “crow” catches up with the “sparrow” until the command “Stop!” or “Freeze!” . Late pairs leave the game (even if one of the pair fulfilled the rule).

“The day comes - everything comes to life, the night comes - everything freezes”

The teacher or child leader says “The day is coming - everything comes to life” , the players move around the playground chaotically (running, dancing, jumping, catching up with each other). When the teacher (child leader) says the second part “Night comes - everything freezes ,” the players stop in bizarre poses. At the choice of the presenter, some players “come to life” with an invented movement (jump, dance, run).


  • use of any movements “The day comes - everything comes to life”
  • use of purposeful movements “The day comes - everything comes to life” (harvesting, anthill, railway, swimming)

“I love it - I don’t love it”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher (or child leader) passes the ball clockwise and says: “I don’t like it when children quarrel,” the next one must offer his own version of “I don’t like, …” . Counterclockwise the game continues “I love, …”

"Stand up on your fingers"

The teacher (child) stands with his back to the children, shows a number on his fingers and slowly counts to 5, after the word “freeze” there should be as many children left as there were fingers shown.


The players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a “mirror” ,

the other is standing in front of him. The “mirror” should repeat the movements.


the teacher (child) plays the role of standing in front of the mirror, the players are “mirror fragments” reflecting it;

  • “reflected” facial expression, mood (gloomy, joyful, offended, etc.)

Results of the implementation of socio-game technologies in the development of children of senior preschool age:

  • Children develop verbal interaction, the preschooler's vocabulary is activated, and dialogical and monologue speech is improved.
  • The child knows how to defend his position and object to adults reasonably and kindly.
  • Preschoolers know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, and come to agreement.
  • A positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers has been formed.
  • Children have no sense of fear for making mistakes.

When using social gaming technologies, you need to remember the 6 most basic rules and conditions relevant for the development of preschool children:

Rule 1: work in small groups or, as they are also called, “peer groups” .

Optimal for productive communication and development are associations in small groups: in older preschool age - 5-6 children. The process of dividing into groups itself is an interesting, exciting game and contributes to the emergence of friendly relations between children and the ability to come to an agreement. You can share:

  • by color of hair, eyes, clothes
  • so that at least one letter in the name is the same
  • who lives on what floor
  • who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

Rule 2: “change of leadership”

It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the entire group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children choose the leader themselves, and he must constantly change.

Rule 3: learning is combined with physical activity and a change of scenery (environment), which helps relieve emotional stress.

Children not only sit in class, but also stand up, walk, clap their hands, and play with a ball. They can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in a favorite corner, etc. For example: “At the bear in the forest” , “Sparrows and crows” , “Day comes - everything comes to life, night comes everything freezes " , "Finger games" .

Rule 4: change tempo and rhythm.

Conducting classes of various kinds should emphasize the rhythm of children’s work and their coherence during classes. This should become a business background for all the guys. Time limits, for example, using hourglasses and regular clocks, help change the pace and rhythm. Children develop an understanding that every task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration. For example: “Sounds of rain” , “Stomp and clap” , “Take your place”, “Robots and snowflakes”, they require attention, quick reaction, precision of movements.

Rule 5: the socio-game methodology involves the integration of all types of activities, which is the most valuable in modern preschool institutions.

This gives a positive result in the field of communication, the emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops the intellectual abilities of children compared to traditional education, and promotes speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, social, and physical development. Learning takes place in a playful way. In this case, the use of various plot-role-playing games will be relevant. For example: “Mail” , “Hospital” .

Rule 6: in our work we are guided by the principle of polyphony: “You chase 133 hares, you look and catch a dozen .

It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, and he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge, only some more, some less. One of the authors of this socio-game technology, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bukatov, says: “The authors of socio-game pedagogy have a cunning style. The main thing in it is the resuscitation of one’s own intuition... The socio-game style is to direct the lesson in such a way that the heart rejoices both in yourself and in all participants. Any live work can be called work in the socio-game style... ” For example: “Loto”, “Dominoes”, “Fourth wheel”, “Geometric shapes”, “Numbers”.

We organize communication between children within the framework of this technology in three stages:

  • at the very first stage - to teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listen and hear their partner

own speech develops);

  • at the second stage, communication is the goal - the child practically realizes

how should he organize his communication in a microgroup in order to fulfill

learning task;

  • at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical means, i.e., through communication, preschoolers learn.
Next >


The Federal State General Educational Standard (FSES) instructs Russian educators to approach teaching children from a qualitatively new angle. From now on, the educational process should not treat everyone with the same brush, but take into account both the general age characteristics of children and their individual differences. The main task of kindergarten employees is to release preschoolers from the walls of institutions who want to actively learn, explore the world and improve themselves. Socio-game technology, founded in 1988 by the joint forces of Soviet teachers E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova and V.M. Bukatova and taking as a basis such a form of activity as a game, is able to successfully cope with the goal.

An invariable condition here is the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and freedom of thought, action, and choice. There is a refusal to impose the experience or knowledge of an adult. The artificial planting of various postulates is unacceptable. It is necessary to ensure that participants trust both each other's words and their own feelings, and also do not experience dissonance between personal experience and what others say. This is the only way to turn education and training into a voluntary, pleasant, joyful process and achieve the formation of key competencies: friendly communication skills, interpersonal communication, basic self-control and regulation of one’s own activities. Without long and tedious training, you will develop the ability to speak coherently and correctly.

Classification of games and formation of groups

Work should always be carried out in small groups (“peer groups”). The most optimal number of people is no more than 5. In order not to leave any of the children offended when dividing, you can resort to different methods, for example, setting hair or eye color, floor of residence, the presence of a particular pet, etc. as a dividing characteristic. A leader always acts on behalf of the formed group, who, firstly, is chosen by the children themselves, and, secondly, is regularly replaced.

The teacher involves children in different types of activities (sitting, standing, at tables, on the street, etc.) with a constant change in tempo and rhythm. In this way, preschoolers will be passively trained in the ability to conduct business in a focused and focused manner, because where the beginning and end are known, it is simply impossible to ignore existing restrictions.

The classification of game tasks is as follows:

  1. For a working mood. The main goal is to stimulate interest in interacting with each other, as well as to mobilize the body's resources.
  2. For social and gaming involvement in the matter. Here, direct communication between the teacher and children occurs, during which they learn, remember, distinguish, systematize or master any material.
  3. Warm-ups. Their distinctive feature is the presence of quickly arising excitement, laughter, and frivolity. Children relax psychologically and physically, relax, and rest.
  4. For creative self-affirmation. Here the result should be the achievement of a result related to the artistic sphere - the formation of aesthetic taste, learning the basics of drawing, dancing, musical performance, etc.
  5. Freestyle. Typically, such games involve being outside the room and premises, because... they require more space and freedom of movement.

However, starting to master games right away is both risky and not entirely correct.

In order for social gaming technology to produce the expected results, its implementation must be carried out in 3 stages - these are:

  1. Instilling the rules and culture of tolerant communication. The child learns how to listen, hear and successfully negotiate with a partner.
  2. Practicing acquired skills in mini-groups. In practice, a preschooler learns to organize communication, because this is the only way he will achieve the educational task assigned to him (answer, find, offer, etc.).
  3. Full and fruitful work of the teacher with his students, the use of communication as an effective pedagogical tool.
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