Lesson summary for the secondary drawing group “Birch”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Birch”

Nadezhda Ogarkova
Notes on drawing in the middle group “Birch”
Notes on drawing in the middle group
Topic: Birch

Program content: Learn to convey in a drawing the characteristic features of the image of a birch; Improve technical techniques for working with a brush; To cultivate aesthetic taste, love and respect for our native nature.

Develop imagination, thinking, imaginative perception.

Illustrations depicting birches , watercolor paints, brushes, drawing , sippy cups.

Winter landscape with birches

Birches are especially beautiful in winter. If you like to paint pictures and create winter landscapes, then this instruction is just for you. We will tell you how to draw a birch tree in winter. To ensure the job is done efficiently, prepare:

As you may have guessed, we will use a similar technique as in the instructions above. Now you can learn how to draw a winter landscape with birches:

The picture is ready. Since it has a winter character, you can depict a bullfinch. Considering the sheet format used, it can be given as a postcard. If you want to draw other similar pictures, we suggest you read the instructions on how to draw a winter landscape.


Progress of the lesson:

Children: Birches .

Children's answers: These trees have white trunks, black spots on the trunks, etc.

Educator: Now I will read you a poem about a birch tree, and you listen carefully.

It will bend and not break.

With leaves in your palms,

Delicious juice, sweet,

A song in the rustle of branches.

And under it what year

Guys, you said everything correctly, birch trees have white trunks, birch trees stand like girls in white sarafans, the leaves are like openwork, silky, and the birch branches are tender . Birch trees are good at any time of the year .

Well, we talked a little about the birch, now I invite you to the tables to draw a birch .

You have everything on your tables to start drawing , but first let's see. how to draw a birch tree .

Finger game "Helpers"

Turn them any way you want.

One two three four five

We took the brushes again.

And they wanted to work.

The children carefully sit down in their seats and get to work.

Educator: You are very good at drawing a trunk , and

The teacher watches the children, if someone is not doing well, he comes over and helps.

Educator: Well done, everyone drew a birch tree , you did a great job, and now we will arrange an exhibition with you.

Guys! How many birch trees did we have, and what is the name of the place where only birch trees grow?

Children's answers: birch grove. Right.

You liked drawing a birch tree . Let's admire and look at our drawings.

Analysis of works: Which works did you like best and why?

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How to draw a birch

How to draw a birch? Even if you are a complete beginner artist, this will not be a problem, because you have a good and simple step-by-step drawing lesson from LessDraw. If you have already prepared everything you need for drawing (in our case, a pencil, an eraser, plain white paper and some materials for coloring the picture, for example, paints or colored pencils), then you can safely begin! You will definitely succeed.

Now we need to add additional branches. The lower the birch branches, the longer. Notice how they curve sharply towards the tip. Add the required number of branches and at the same time make sure that even at this stage the birch tree looks harmonious.

At this stage I make a few strokes, these will be the outlines of the crown. Next, I will erase these lines; I need them to build the shape of the crown and the overall volume.

Throughout this area, from the main branches we draw additional ones. They have the shape of a wave, several come from one branch at once and they are all of different lengths. As a result, you should end up with something like this.

Next, draw leaves on each branch separately. We started drawing birch leaves from below. You can use different shades of green, then the drawing will look very lively and healthy.

Gradually fill the birch branches with leaves. Try to draw leaves of approximately the same size; they may become only a little smaller than the standard ones at the ends of the branches.

Step by step we fill the entire crown. Birch leaves can also be drawn on top of the trunk, if some branches cross it, and behind it.

That’s all, as you can see, it’s very easy to draw a beautiful birch tree without any special skills, even a child can do it! The process is quite fast; you can complete it in 10-30 minutes, depending on your experience and materials used. Be sure to send your birch drawings in the comments!


Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “I love the Russian birch tree”

Natalya Sergeeva
Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “I love the Russian birch tree”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group.

Compiled by: teacher of MADOU D/s No. 58. p. B-Istok.

Sergeeva Natalya Alexandrovna

Lesson topic : I love Russian birch

- teach children to draw a birch , to convey in the drawing the structure of the tree, the ratio of parts in size and their location relative to each other;

— expand children’s understanding of the image of the birch in poetry and works of fine art;

— expand children’s vocabulary, teach how to construct sentences grammatically correctly;

— exercise children in non-traditional techniques of drawing leaves , tree crowns ( drawing with cotton swabs , printing, imprint)


- develop a sense of color and composition;

- develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

— cultivate emotional responsiveness, love for the nature of the native land;

- cultivate curiosity and artistic taste;

looking at a birch tree , memorizing poems by S. Yesenin, E. Trutnev, signs about a birch tree , singing songs, Russian round dance There was a birch tree


Materials for the lesson : - illustrations depicting birch trees by famous artists, samples of drawings, easel, pointer, musical accompaniment.

— albums for each child, watercolor paints, brushes, napkins, oilcloths, jars of water, equipment for non-traditional painting ;

Simple drawing of a birch tree

It's not as difficult to draw a tree as it might seem. First of all, you should start with the simplest explanation of how to draw a birch tree with a pencil step by step for children. Starting from these basics, you can help your child create a real landscape. For the first drawing you can use:

In our example, you see that the drawing is immediately drawn with a pen. If you are drawing a birch for the first time, we recommend choosing a pencil to correct the first shortcomings with an eraser. Let's start drawing:

We drew a birch tree. If you completed this instruction without difficulty. If your child liked drawing such a tree, we invite you to learn about a very interesting technique for drawing birches below.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

Stands under the mountain ( birch tree )

Educator: That's right guys, along the white tree trunk. So what kind of birch is it? (white-trunk)

Who can tell what kind of
a birch tree at different times of the year? (Children's answers)
Now Arina, Diana and Vlad will tell us poems, and you guys can guess what birch tree they are talking about.

Children: 1. It suddenly became twice as bright,

The yard is in the sunshine

This dress is golden

At the birch tree on the shoulders (E. Trutneva)
2. White birch tree under my window

She covered herself with snow, like silver (S. Yesenin)
(in winter)
3. The sleepy birch trees ,

Silk braids are disheveled,

Green earrings rustle

And the silver dews burn (S. Yesenin)
(in summer)
Educator: our beautiful birch tree can predict the weather. And what folk signs do you know: (Children’s answers)

a) if a lot of sap flows the birch

b) if in the fall the leaves of birch trees begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early, and if they begin to turn yellow from below, spring will be late.

c) the birch will open its leaves in front of the alder - the summer will be dry, and the alder in front of the birch will be wet

Educator: Guys, many famous artists sang the birch tree in their paintings. Look at these paintings (examining the paintings, the artists depicted a birch tree at different times of the year. Guys, show the paintings that depict an autumn birch tree, a winter one.... Admire the birch tree, how beautiful it is at different times of the year!

How to draw a birch: step-by-step lesson for children

White birch is a symbol of the purity and beauty of nature. If a birch tree has thin and long branches that fall down, then people call it “weeping”. We will learn to draw such a “weeping” birch friend.

Using a soft pencil, we begin to draw from the top of the trunk.

At the base of the trunk we will mark the ground with a wavy line.

Now you need to depict weeping branches. They should be down.

We start drawing from the top of the head with thin ornate lines.

Let's be patient and draw the branches to the end of the tree. Our drawing now looks very much like a birch tree.

Dip the tip of the brush into thick green paint. We outline the leaves with clear strokes in the form of small ovals. As always, we start from the top of the drawing. The leaves should “look” down.

Drawing leaves is not a quick process. But after the drawing is ready, it’s a pleasure to look at our birch tree!


GCD move

The teacher goes out to the playground with the children. Pays attention to the trees growing around and asks for their names. Children call birch and spruce.

What is the difference between birch and spruce? (the trunk is different and the birch has leaves, and the spruce has needles)


Hug a tree, touch its beautiful bark. What is he like? (warm, smooth)


What's on the branches? (children's answers)

Birch has long beautiful earrings. In autumn, these catkins scatter small seeds. Let's imagine that we are small birch seeds. The wind is blowing, seeds are flying in the air. (Children are spinning)

The wind died down and the seeds quietly fell to the ground. (Children squat)

Birch is a beautiful tree. Many poems have been written about her.

Listen to a poem about a birch tree.

Russian birch , sometimes bright, sometimes sad, in a white sundress, with handkerchiefs in pockets, with beautiful clasps, with green earrings. I love her, across the river, With elegant mantles, sometimes clear, ebullient, sometimes sad, weeping. Russian birch , She always dances with her friends in the spring, Kisses, as usual, Walks where there is no fence, Sings where it is not supposed to, Bends down in the wind And bends and does not break! (A. Prokofiev)

— Previously, in Rus', girls and boys loved to dance in circles and sing songs. They also danced around the birch tree. Let's stand around the birch tree, dance in a circle and sing a song for it.

Round dance “A birch tree stood in the field”


Let's draw leaves on the birch tree to make the tree beautiful. This will be a "portrait"

our birch tree, he will stay with us in
the group .
The teacher takes the children to a prepared sheet of paper with drawn on it, invites the children to take turns dipping a cotton swab into a container with green paint and applying it to the trunk, creating a crown. After the child has made his print, he goes to the teacher's assistant and washes his hands.

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Simple drawing

In fact, drawing a tree is not difficult. You need to start with the simplest option, intended for children. Also find a master class that shows the whole process step by step. Having mastered the basic skills, you can teach your child how to use a pencil in the same way. To work you will need:

To begin with, it is advisable to use a simple pencil of medium hardness so that you can correct any mistakes. The process itself is as follows:

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “White Birch”

Svetlana Mukhambetyarova
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “White Birch”

Lesson summary for the secondary drawing group

on the topic: White birch

Goal: To conduct educational activities for children in an interesting way. Create conditions for conducting the lesson .

Objectives: Through riddles, music, paintings, to cultivate interest in the figurative perception of the beauty of nature and its transmission in drawing, the ability to purposefully examine, see color and shape in nature.

Winter landscape

Birches sometimes look especially beautiful in winter. Therefore, the lesson on depicting a winter landscape simply cannot be missed. Before starting work you need to prepare:

The technique will be similar to the previous one in execution. To create this beauty, you need:

You can depict a bullfinch sitting on a tree or other elements of nature inherent in the winter period.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of Kaliningrad, kindergarten No. 125

Abstract of OOD on drawing

"White birch tree under my window"

using unconventional drawing techniques

“poke method” in the middle group

Educator: Mironova L.V.

OOD notes on drawing “White birch under my window” using non-traditional drawing techniques

“poke method” in the middle group

summarize children’s knowledge about the Russian birch tree, give the concept of the birch tree as a symbol of Russia;

arouse interest in creating an expressive image based on a lyric poem;

consolidate the ability to draw in an unconventional way using the “poke method”;

strengthen the ability to plan your activities;

develop color perception, improve fine motor skills;

develop aesthetic perception and independence.

to cultivate in children a love of nature through the perception of poetry and painting;

cultivate a sense of beauty, be able to see the beauty of the surrounding nature and reflect it on a sheet of paper;

evoke a positive response to the results of your creativity.

Materials: tinted sheet, sippy cup, thin and thick brushes, gouache paints, birch tree drawing diagrams, stereo system, reproductions of winter landscapes.

Observing trees on a walk, looking at a snow-covered birch tree in the kindergarten area, looking at paintings depicting a birch tree at different times of the year, memorizing poems about winter, reading works of art, talking about winter, about trees in winter.

Children enter the group to the music and stand near the easel.

Several winter landscapes are displayed on the easel.

Educator: Children, tell me, what are the names of the paintings that depict nature? (Scenery). And what tree is found in all these paintings? (Birch). The artists admired the birch and shared their joy with us by painting these slender and majestic trees.

The birch is called the symbol of Russia. The main value of birch for us Russians is its beauty, grandeur, and soulfulness. It is not without reason that poets, composers and artists at all times dedicated their works to her.

Listen to S. Yesenin’s poem “White Birch”:

On fluffy branches

Guys, what words does the poet use to describe the extraordinary beauty of the beautiful Russian birch tree? How is birch different from other trees? Right! These are black stripes on the bark. There is even a poem, listen to it:

Maybe all the leaves will be torn off,

But the birch tree has stripes

Do not wash, do not wash. P. Kudryavtseva.

I bring the children to the idea that artists and poets glorify (convey) the beauty of nature in different ways and means.

Artists paint pictures of nature with paints on paper or canvas. We can see artists' paintings with our eyes. And poets create pictures of nature with words. We do not see the “pictures” of poets, but hear and imagine them. And we can also hear, imagine and draw a poetic picture, as artists do.

Think about how you can depict a white birch tree that is “covered with snow, like silver...”.

Guys, look what the birch has? (trunk, branches and additional branches.)

What kind of branches does a birch have? (thin, thread-like, hanging down.)

Hold the brush vertically when lowering it into the paint.

When drawing, we poke the brush into the sheet, making sure to hold the brush vertically.

There is no need to dip the brush deeply, just lightly touch the paint.

Let's try drawing with a new method on a small sheet of paper. After trying out a brush and gouache with the children, the teacher explains the procedure for drawing a birch.

We planted a birch tree, (Straighten up). We poured water on her (bend arms to shoulders, palms forward). And the birch tree grew, (Stand up). Raised branches towards the sun, (Hands up). And then she tilted them, (Hands down, back straight). And she thanked the guys. (Bows head).

After a minute of physical education, children move on to drawing to the music.

I monitor the children’s posture. I provide individual guidance to independent activities through questions, advice, recommendations, reminders, and reference to children’s experiences. I pay attention to technical skills when working with brushes and gouache.

As they finish drawing, children hang their drawings on the board.

Guys, we have a real birch grove. Each of you drew a birch tree in your own way.

Describe your birch tree. What is she like? (slender, beautiful, with white fringe on the branches).

You made wonderful drawings. Today in class we once again saw how poetry helps to better understand an image and convey it in a drawing.


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