Job description of a preschool teacher (kindergarten)

A job description for a kindergarten teacher is needed as an addition to the employment contract, which explains its points. Although it is not mentioned in modern legislation, business practice and recommendations of regulatory authorities lead to the fact that most employers include it in standard labor documentation packages. As a legally binding document, this instruction must be correctly written and formatted.

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Is a job description necessary?

A job description is not a mandatory act. Theoretically, a teacher can work quite successfully without this document. However, in practice, most employers still prefer not to abandon job descriptions. And this is a completely understandable trend, because it is easier for any employee to work when he clearly knows:

  • what are the requirements for his position;
  • what specific job responsibilities are assigned to him;
  • what professional rights he is entitled to enjoy.

It is also beneficial for the employer that a job description be developed and approved for each subordinate specialist. With the help of the latter, the employer will be able to prove the legitimacy of:

  • refusal to hire (the applicant does not meet the requirements listed in the instructions);
  • application of disciplinary sanctions for failure to fulfill job duties (the employee does not perform or performs his duties improperly, although he knew about the need to perform them, which is confirmed by the employee’s signature confirming familiarization with the contents of the job description).

Faithful Assistant or Teacher's Diary

Diary of a teacher. What is it for? Giving grades to children like in school? Of course not. It is, rather, an assistant in everyday affairs.

I really regret that I didn’t keep such a diary from the first days of work. Firstly, it is impossible to remember everything about all the children at once - some have allergies, others need to be taken to the doctor, etc. Secondly, during the working day, the teacher solves many problems, receives a large amount of important information, plans work for the next days. In addition, something needs to be transferred to the second teacher or administration, something to the parents.

At first, I wrote down the necessary information on pieces of paper, but they kept getting lost. Therefore, I started a notebook in which I highlighted several sections: 1. Information about the parents: last name, first name, patronymic of both parents (possibly close relatives or a nanny - those who take the child to kindergarten), address, telephone numbers. 2. Information about children: health characteristics, behavioral characteristics, self-care skills. 3. A page for notes for each day: what to give to parents, teachers, to-do list.

It is more convenient to format the first two sections in the form of tables - this will make it easier to find the necessary information.

The data from the first section is necessary for contacting parents. As practice shows, such a connection is very important. It is better to warn parents in advance about any unusual situations, discuss them, and then take action. One day in my group a girl had a slight stomach upset. I had to wash her and change her clothes several times during the day. They got involved and didn’t tell their parents. Before getting ready to go home, it turned out that we had run out of clean laundry. They dressed the girl only in tights - the only thing she had left of clean underwear. When my mother arrived, she was told what had happened. She was extremely unhappy that they did not call her - after all, she could have taken the laundry from home. Then I realized that parents need to report any incidents.

Information from the second section is data about the child himself, his characteristics that need to be taken into account when communicating with the baby. This information helps you feel confident - you know what to expect from your child. All information can be collected from personal conversations with parents or you can ask them to fill out a questionnaire.

The third section is the organizer - the bulk of the notebook. At first, I wrote down everything: what needed to be conveyed to whom, when, from whom, made plans, formed lists of materials for work. These notes have helped me out more than once.

A notebook of 48 sheets is sufficient for the school year. It is convenient to use a notebook on a spring, since you can always leave it open on the desired page, and it is also easy to tear out a piece of paper with a list of any to-dos and take it with you.

I highly recommend having such a notebook organizer. It won’t take much time, but the benefits from it are great. I hope that it will become such a good helper for you too.

Profession "kindergarten teacher"

A kindergarten teacher is a teacher who teaches and educates preschool children (up to 7 years old). The main field of activity of representatives of this profession is related to organizing the stay of children in a preschool educational institution, conducting games and activities with children, monitoring their safety and health.

Teachers are in demand in state, municipal, private and departmental kindergartens, child development centers, as well as at home.

Teachers can work either independently, for example, in a small private kindergarten, or in a team.

The areas of professional activity of a teacher are education and service.

How to write a job description for a teacher?

The job description of a teacher is usually drawn up by an authorized person, for example, a lawyer or an employee of the personnel service of the department or department, the structure of which includes the preschool educational institution. Sometimes the manager of the garden himself is involved in the development of this document.

When drawing up a job description, it is necessary to take into account the current labor legislation, in particular the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as:

  • Professional standard “Teacher”, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 544n dated October 18, 2013;
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1155 of October 17, 2013;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations of education and training, recreation and health improvement of children and youth SP 2.4.3648-20.

If we are talking about a specialist in a state, municipal or departmental institution, then the job description must be developed in accordance with the professional standard. For private organizations, the requirements of the professional standard are advisory in nature. But you need to take into account that in any case, the work of a teacher involves contact with children, therefore specialized education and compliance with other legally established requirements (availability of specialized education, absence of medical contraindications, absence of a criminal record) is mandatory.

Little tricks for a young teacher

Every day, every minute, the teacher has to come up with various tricks to keep the children’s attention and direct their activities in a “peaceful direction.” I want to share some techniques that helped me in my work.

Getting kids to sleep at a quiet time can be difficult. Offer an adult to sleep for an hour or two after lunch, I think few will refuse. But children have a lot of important things to do right when it’s time to go to bed. What helped me was a poem that the children loved very much, learned, and then even began to compete for the right to recite it in bed. The poem also became an incentive for children to quickly undress themselves.

Big feet walked along the road, stomping stomping (clap your knees with your palms). Little legs ran along the path, Top-top (two fingers running). They ran and ran and came to a clearing. There is a house in a clearing, but the path to the house is closed (fingers in the lock). There is a lock on the door. Who could open it? They pulled and pulled, twisted and turned, knocked and opened (imitation of movements). We open the gates and invite you to a fairy tale (imitation of opening the gates). The mouth closes, the fairy tale begins. As soon as I started saying these words, the children immediately quieted down and said the saying along with me. This poem was followed by a fairy tale.

The surprises prepared in advance also helped me out. I told the kids that whoever falls asleep first will receive a gift. These could be small stickers, pictures. When everyone fell asleep, I quietly placed a surprise on the high chair of the one who fell asleep first. Everyone tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible in order to get a surprise. After waking up, the children's delight knew no bounds.

We all know how much effort it takes to feed children. Here my pet cat Murka helped me. Of course, not the cat itself, but its photograph. I showed it to the kids and told them that Murka eats in such a way that her plate shines after eating, and she doesn’t even need to wash it. And the children tried to eat everything that was given for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

For the most naughty and capricious children I had a “magic” chair. The one who was guilty was sent to this chair and had to sit there until he calmed down and apologized for his behavior. It is very sad and lonely to sit on a chair when friends are playing and doing interesting things. Of course, no one in the group wanted to be in that chair. Over time, it was enough to simply mention the stool, and the naughty baby would immediately correct himself.

Another secret will allow beginners to relax. It is better to address a child who comes to the group for the first time by name immediately, without asking what his name is. When a child hears his name in an unfamiliar environment, he feels calmer - here he is already known. This seemingly insignificant technique helps to establish trusting relationships from the very first minutes of acquaintance.

I shared with you my little secret helpers that have helped me out more than once. Good luck in finding your secrets!

Job description structure

Since a job description is not a mandatory document, the law does not provide for any universal template. In fact, each employer has the right to independently develop a suitable form of instruction for him.

Very often, the structure of a job description is formed by the following 4 main blocks:

  • general provisions;
  • job responsibilities;
  • rights;
  • responsibility.

If desired or necessary, the contents of the document can be supplemented with other sections, for example, “Qualification requirements”, “Working conditions in the workplace”, “Procedure for making changes to the job description”, “Final provisions”.

Hygiene and medicine

The job responsibilities of the teacher also imply compliance by the employee himself with sanitary standards and hygiene rules. This also applies to children. That is, the teacher is obliged to monitor sanitary standards in the group, as well as the children’s compliance with hygiene rules.

You will have to worry about your health, both your own and your children’s. In other words, the employee is obliged to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. And, in addition, take children for routine examinations. Usually there is a nurse or pediatrician right in the kindergarten building.

In addition, it is the teacher who is obliged to report suspicions of any disease, and also to show the child to the doctor if the baby is already exhibiting certain symptoms of the disease. When a child becomes ill, the teacher must also show him to the nurse in the kindergarten. If necessary, as already mentioned, you will have to call the parents, tell them about what happened, and also ask them to pick up the baby and show him to the doctor.

Contents of the job description

Next, we’ll look at what specifically to indicate in each section of the job description for a kindergarten teacher.

General provisions

In the first paragraph, indicate that this document was developed in accordance with current labor legislation, professional standards, Federal State Educational Standards and sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Please note that this instruction is approved for the purpose of regulating the main job functions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the teacher, as well as his relationships and connections in his position.

Write down the mechanism according to which a kindergarten teacher is hired and dismissed.

In the next paragraph, list the requirements for a candidate for the position of teacher. Requirements can be taken from the professional standard. In particular, a preschool teacher must meet the following parameters:

  • higher or secondary vocational education in the direction of “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” or higher or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of activity;
  • undergoing preliminary and periodic medical examinations, extraordinary medical examinations, mandatory psychiatric examination (once every 5 years), professional hygienic training and certification (when applying for a job and every 2 years), vaccinations, having a personal medical record with the results of medical examinations, data on vaccinations and results of professional hygienic training and certification.
  • no restrictions on engaging in teaching activities, as specified in Art. 331 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Next, you need to record who the teacher will report to during his work activity. This can be a senior teacher or the head directly.

Indicate that the teacher carries out his work activities in the kindergarten in accordance with this job description.

In the next paragraph, list the laws, regulations, as well as local regulations that guide the teacher in the process of work.

The next two blocks can be devoted to what a teacher should know and be able to do. It is better to write out the lists of necessary knowledge and skills in as much detail as possible. For example, a teacher needs to be well versed in the basic patterns of age-related development, the basics of preschool pedagogy, the theory and methodology of educational work. A preschool teacher in the senior, middle or junior group must also be able to communicate with children, master teaching methods and forms, establish partnerships with parents, and much more.

The holiday comes to us

Organizing a holiday is a troublesome process, but at the same time exciting and interesting. Carrying out a children's party can be divided into several stages.

Preparation. Preparation for the holiday begins long before it takes place. First of all, I tell the children about the holiday itself, for whom it is organized and why they need to prepare for it. Children love to sing and dance, but not everyone can perform in public. To help shy children, I organized small performances and rehearsals in the group, at which the children themselves were spectators. In such a situation, every child could feel like both a spectator and an artist. The next stage is learning poems and skits. It is best to repeat poems and scenes once a day. If you do this more often, children begin to be capricious because they get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. You can also involve parents and ask them to repeat poems at home. I handed out poems to moms and dads so they could practice them with their kids over the weekend.

Holding a holiday. Poems have been learned, skits, dances and songs have been rehearsed. All the guys are in festive clothes, nervous before going on stage. The parents, the most important spectators, are waiting in the hall, spellbound. All children want to show what they have learned. But sometimes, due to an overabundance of feelings and experiences, one of the children may refuse to perform and go to mom or dad. What to do in this situation? At the beginning of work, I was lost and very worried - after all, the whole group had been preparing for so long. Over time, I realized and took for granted that children are spontaneous in expressing their feelings and desires, and you need to be prepared for any situation. And if something didn’t go according to plan at the holiday, that’s okay. Parents will understand that the teachers made every effort to make the performance successful. I had one girl who was very afraid of mummers. When Santa Claus came on New Year's Day, she hid on her mother's lap, closed her eyes, and it was impossible to ask her to recite the poem, as she would become hysterical. Knowing this peculiarity of it, I tried to organize the holiday so that mummers or life-size puppets would appear after the children’s performance.

Summarizing. You can sum up the results either immediately after the holiday or the next day, but not later, so that the impressions are still fresh. I always discuss with the children what they liked at the holiday, what they remember best. Everyone can speak out about whose performance they liked best and why. At the end, I always tried to celebrate the children’s successes, thereby strengthening my desire to perform in the future. Holding a children's party is a responsible and exciting event. But all the efforts more than pay off when you see the achievements and growth of your students, you see smiles and sometimes tears of happiness on the faces of parents.

Final provisions

In the last section, note that the employee must be familiar with the instructions upon hiring.

Indicate the number of copies of the document drawn up, and also establish who is responsible for monitoring the execution of the instructions.

The job description is approved by the head of the preschool educational institution. The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with the document is confirmed by the signature of the person being familiarized, which is affixed both on one of the copies of the instructions and in a special familiarization journal.

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