Presentation of a portfolio of a kindergarten group in verse

Presentation of a portfolio of a kindergarten group in verse

Scenario for presenting a portfolio of a group in the kindergarten “Bee”

Relevance Currently, portfolio technology is widely used in the field of education, including in the practice of preschool education. The significance of this technology is as follows. Firstly, it is aimed at the interaction of all participants in the educational process. Children, teachers and parents jointly participate in the creation of a single creative product. Secondly, this is one of the ways to improve the quality of the educational process, since the use of this technology contributes to the achievement of positive results for both the individual (child, teacher) and the team as a whole (group, preschool educational institution). Goal: creating an atmosphere of openness and community among all participants in the educational process. Objectives: - create a situation for the group to experience success; — maintain the interest of group teachers in the formation of a group portfolio; — strengthen interaction with the families of the group’s pupils, increase the interest of parents (legal representatives) in the results of the group’s development and joint activities with the preschool institution. Music sounds and children run into the music room, imitating bees. Children in chorus: Hello, dear guests! Educator 1: Today we are pleased to welcome you to our hive! Group commander: Welcome to the group - Children in chorus: “Bee” Teacher 1: In the group called “Bee” Wonderful boys and girls. They sculpt, draw, dance, sing, live happily and happily together. They learn all the poems together, develop their fingers, and develop their naughty tongue, too, so that their speech sounds clear, like a stream. Educator 2: Here they find friends and go for walks with them. Together they argue and dream, growing up imperceptibly. Kindergarten is your second home, How warm and cozy it is. You love it, children, Children: The kindest house in the world! Group commander: Our motto is Children in chorus: Little bees - They don’t sit idle - They receive knowledge and carry it boldly! They use it deftly in games, songs, and sports. Little bees - Learn by playing! Group commander: Our group’s song is 1. Boys and girls, I made up a game. You and I have become Bees, I’m taking you on a flight. We all need to become friends, We have a swarm of bees. Let's spin around and repeat after me! Chorus 1:
We can, we can, we can do amazing miracles, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, They want to and fly into the sky!
2. Boys and girls, I’m taking you on a flight. You and I have become bees, we collect honey. How fun it is to circle and buzz over the meadow. We will never offend each other! Chorus 2:
We took off, we took off, we took off. How fun we are to spin and buzz.
It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, Never offend anyone! Chorus 1:
We can, we can, we can do amazing miracles, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, They want to and fly into the sky!
La-la-la……………………….. Chorus 2:
We took off, we took off, we took off How fun we are to spin and buzz.
It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, Never offend anyone! Chorus 1:
We can, we can, we can do amazing miracles, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, It is only necessary that everyone wants to do it together, They want to and fly into the sky
Child: We can not only spin and buzz, We also love to dance ! Dance of the Bees Presenter 1: Guys, a new bee has flown into our hive. Just like us, she loves to play, sing and dance, but she is very bored alone. Let's invite her to our family and let's all be friends together! Poems “Our Hobbies” Children: We will now tell you all, Not for entertainment, That we each have our own hobby. 1. Our Vika is so diligent, smart and smart. As soon as he finishes all his work, he runs out into the street. 2. And Lily has manners, squinting her eyes from afar. Apparently, she will be the director of a school or kindergarten. 3. And Sasha the Beauty doesn’t have a tight braid at all. She doesn’t need a braid, she’s so passionate about dancing! 4. Nastya likes to play pranks, play and talk. She also loves her name What Anastasia sounds like. 5. And our Artemka has beautiful sneakers. Our Artem plays football, He defends the goal. 6. Our Misha goes to exercise in good spirits, but when it ends, he leaves with regret. 7. Who started up and rushed off like a fast plane? This is Tim in our Marathon running group. 8. Sasha loves Lego very much. He is on friendly terms with the designer. Maybe he will become an engineer, builds buildings and bridges. 9. Our Sasha loves music, He dances and sings, He leads round dances together, In general, he lives happily! 10. Lavrik loves to draw and play ball with his brother. He's a mischievous boy. Just spin like a top. 11. Zhenya loves chocolate, marshmallows, and marmalade. He washes everything down with tea or warm milk. 12. Artyomka has everything laid out on shelves in her head. He will tell you everything with feeling and sense, even about ice cream. 13. Our Arsyusha is great, plays with cubes, and then the whole group takes a long time to assemble them. 14. Ah, our Sasha, Sasha, Two huge eyes. He is his favorite cartoon. He has never missed it. 15. And our Yarik is the most serious of all. He is a good gentleman, both well-mannered and modest. We must follow his example. 16. Don’t look, Mark is fragile, thin and small. It’s not for nothing that he stands at the gate, Agile and attentive. 17. Ah, Maksimka, no matter where, loves exercise. He plays sports, not for fun! 18. Sasha loves to jump, run, and climb everywhere. The teacher says - He is like an energizer. Children in chorus: We told you poems about our hobbies, and now accept some treats from our group! Educator 2: And now, dear guests, we invite you to the group to look at the design of the portfolio.

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Group View

Alexandra Bosenko

Group View

Lately, we often have to represent our group at various MOs . I want to help those who have also encountered this problem and do not know how to do it correctly.

group presentation

Dear colleagues! Welcome to the senior group .

I, Bosenko A. A., teacher of the 1st qualification category, work experience 16 years.

We work on the main general education programs “Childhood”

edited by Gogoberidze and Babaeva and O. L. Knyazeva
“Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”
, we use in our work additional programs by L. N. Voloshina
“Play for your health!”
, O. S. Ushakova
“Development of speech of preschool children”
and “End-to-end program for early teaching of English to children in kindergarten and 1st grade of primary school”, ed. Epanchintseva and Moiseenko.

In the reception room, advisory material for additional education teachers, an information stand, and exhibitions of children’s work on productive activities have been prepared for parents.

The subject-development environment in the senior group provides the opportunity for each child to choose activities based on his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

The fullness of the subject-based developmental environment ensures the diversified development of children, the accumulation of experience in play, productive, cognitive-research, communicative, labor, musical, artistic and motor activities.

Leading tasks of the “Childhood”

in working with children 6 years old:

1. Strengthen health, continue to develop the motor and hygienic culture of children.

This is one of the main tasks of working in our kindergarten - strengthening physical and mental health. To solve problems in the educational field “Physical Education”

a motor activity center has been created
the group Children can use sports equipment and attributes for outdoor games at any time. The following tasks:

2. Foster a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness and goodwill towards people.

3. Develop children’s aesthetic senses, emotional and value orientations, and introduce children to artistic culture.

Develop interest in the life of your country, city, activities and relationships of people in society; to enrich social and gender ideas , social value orientations, humane and patriotic feelings of children, is decided by the educational field “Socialization”


We present in the center for patriotic education of preschoolers. The purpose of which is the education and development of patriotic and civic feelings. For the same purpose, we have organized an exhibition of items made by Russian craftsmen.

The group has created conditions for active, varied creative play activities. Creative games are selected taking into account the gender education of children. For girls – “Polyclinic”

For boys - “Builders”
“Car service”

The Art Activities Center helps develop aesthetic perception and support children’s desire for independent artistic activities.

4. Develop cognitive activity, horizons, cognitive motivation, and intellectual ability of children.

The interests of older preschoolers gradually extend beyond the immediate environment of the kindergarten and family. Mastering the tasks of the educational field “Cognition”

, the mathematical development of children is carried out both in activities organized by the teacher, and in free independent activity in a
subject-spatial environment , in a specially organized toy room, game center, experimentation center.
Elementary children's experimentation is given a leading place. promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands, cognitive activity and speech. Here there is material for experiments and experimental activities, a card index of experiments.

In the environmental center, children care for and observe plants. Here we present a selection of games , literature, cards, where the tasks of the educational field “Cognition”


When organizing various types of activities, we make maximum use of modeling methods, techniques for working with diagrams and algorithms. Children also carry them into independent activities.

The center for didactic games promotes the intellectual development of children, the development of speech and fine motor skills.

5. Develop children's independence and initiative, friendly relationships and cooperation with peers.

6. To cultivate in every child love for his family, self-esteem, self-respect, and the desire for active work and creativity.

An important area of ​​children’s upbringing and development is speech development. To implement this task, the group has a book center , where children get acquainted with various types of literary genre (fairy tale, short story, riddle, poem)

To familiarize children with the expressiveness of performing a literary text and familiarize them with the art of words, the group has a tape recorder and audio recordings that correspond to their age and the “Childhood”
Thematic exhibitions are periodically organized at the book center. Thematic albums created together with children enrich and activate children’s speech, promote the development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination, and expand children’s understanding of the environment .
Often, children, remembering their favorite fairy tale, want to show a dramatization, which is very welcome by us. By playing in the theater, children learn to embody their creative ideas, find and choose expressive means of presenting a performance, and here all the tasks of speech development are actively realized. The theater center is combined with a dressing-up corner, in which children learn to transform themselves into various images, developing the child’s emotional sphere, creativity, imagination, acting skills, and speech.

The educational area “Communication”
is presented in the English language center, the purpose of which is to develop the motivational sphere of learning a foreign language by children, through practical and playful activities.
Using various forms and methods in our work, we help children “Feel, learn, create”


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