Entertainment on traffic rules in the second junior group “Traffic rules are worthy of respect!” Methodological development (junior group) on the topic

Integrated lesson in the second junior group on traffic rules

Summary of an integrated lesson in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old “My friend traffic light”
Author: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This material will be of interest to preschool teachers, teachers of after-school groups, and can be used by primary school teachers to conduct extra-curricular activities on this topic for primary school students. The summary is designed to familiarize children with road signs and their meaning. Purpose: To introduce some traffic signs. Objectives: - consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and their signals; - develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Educator: Guys, today I suggest you go on a trip according to the rules of the road. Do you agree? Answers. Educator: Imagine, you need to go on a visit and you need to cross the road, and there are cars and buses driving there. For this you need to know the rules. Listen to the riddle and tell me the answer. I never sleep, I look at the road. I'll tell you when to stand, when to start moving. Children answer: Traffic light.

Educator: Correct. What colors are shown on the traffic light sign? Answers. Educator: What does each traffic light color mean? Answers. Educator: And now the second riddle is prepared for you: You can’t take this ribbon, And you can’t weave it into a pigtail. She lies on the ground, Transport runs along her. Children answer: Road. Educator: Tell me, can we walk along the road? Answers. Educator: Why can’t we walk on the roadway? Answers. Educator: Tell me the transport that you know? Answers. Educator: Who is driving, what is it called? Answers. Educator: And the people who travel on a bus, tram, minibus, what shall we call them in one word? Answers. Educator: I suggest you take a short break in the form of a physical minute.

The road is not a path, The road is not a ditch, First look to the left, Then look to the right. Turn to the left, smile at the friend next to you. Stomp your right foot, stomp your left foot, and go home boldly. Educator: Well done, they listened to the words carefully, performed all the movements correctly. Let's continue the conversation, listen carefully. Another mystery. A man is walking over me. He calls me a zebra. Children answer: Pedestrian crossing. Educator: What does a pedestrian crossing look like? Answers. Educator: To find out what another name is for a pedestrian crossing, listen to the following riddle. Under Seryozhka's feet there is a striped path. He walks along it boldly, and all the people follow him. Children answer: Zebra.

Educator: They answered well, you know the rules, I suggest you play a little and collect a sign. And we need to assemble a traffic light. Do we remember what colors are on a traffic light sign? Answers. Educator: What shape are they? Answers. Educator: In what order are they located? Answers. Educator: I invite you to the tables, and I suggest you assemble a road sign. Educator: It turned out to be a very beautiful sign. But in order to remember everything better and consolidate the knowledge gained, I also suggest you draw a traffic light sign. But for this, you need to stretch your fingers. Finger exercise: One, two, three, four, five. (Unclench your fingers from your fist one at a time, starting with the thumb.) The fingers went out for a walk. (Rhythmically unclench and squeeze all fingers together.) One, two, three, four, five. (We clench one by one, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.) They hid in the house again. (We rhythmically squeeze all our fingers together.) Educator: Now, I’m absolutely sure that you will do great work. We sit down at our workstations and begin to do the work, or rather, draw a traffic light. Educator: Good work, you worked hard, you can relax.

Follow the road rules strictly, Don’t rush like you’re on fire, And remember: for transport - the road, And for pedestrians - the sidewalk! Yes, and parents are also instructed - After all, your children are looking at you. Always be a worthy example, and no trouble will happen on the road!

We recommend watching:

Integrated lesson in the younger group to familiarize children with the properties of ice. Scenario of entertainment on traffic rules in the younger group together with parents with a presentation. Program of a circle on traffic rules in the younger group of the preschool educational institution. Traffic light Fairy tale for children 3-4 years old according to traffic rules

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Leisure activities according to traffic rules “Visiting the Traffic Light” for children of the second junior group


  1. Continue to develop interest in various forms of studying and consolidating traffic rules;
  2. Promoting the basics of road safety, studying traffic rules;


  • Traffic light layout, where the order of the signals is correct;
  • Three traffic light layouts with the order of the signals out of order;
  • Mugs of three colors on magnets (red, yellow, green) for joint games;
  • Cut pictures + three whole pictures;
  • Three magnetic boards;
  • Musical accompaniment;
  • Parsley costume (for adults);
  • Treat.

Progress of entertainment:

Main part:


Hello kids, girls and boys. They say you know all the rules, you never break them

I want to play with you. I also want to know everything about the rules. Parsley: (Guess the riddle) We are three siblings

And we have been shining for a long time On the road to all the guys. Our house... (children's answers) ...TRAFFIC LIGHT!!! Children recite poems:

* “If the RED light is on, STAY where you are, the path is closed.” I stand quietly and wait. I won't go to "red" .

* “And when a beautiful, bright “YELLOW” light burns. It means “ATTENTION!” Get ready to go, my friend.

* I blink my yellow eye and turn on “GREEN” light. This means “THE WAY IS FREE” , There is no barrier.”


Well done boys!!! Do you know how to play? I suggest you play...

Game: “Red, yellow, green” .

(Children ride like a train along the road, stand is “red” is “green” they drive, when the signal is “yellow” they clap their hands.)

(The game is repeated 2-3 times)


To help you pass the dangerous path We burn day and night Green, yellow, red...

(Guys, what happened to our traffic light... it's broken!)

Game: “Game fix the traffic light”

Children lay out a traffic light on a magnetic board.

(The game is repeated 2-3 times).


A traffic light is a great helper, a best friend for everyone on the road. He always warns with Color whether you can go.

Game: “Collect cut-out pictures” .

Three magnetic boards. On each board there is a sample of a whole picture: (car, bus, truck, motorcycle, traffic light)

There are cut pictures on the carpet. On command, the children begin to collect. The game continues 2-3 times.

Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

Final part:


Oh, how much fun you have. I will come to you more than once. I will treat the traffic rules with respect.

Thank you for the entertainment AND get a treat.

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